
Revision 10 as of 2006-12-03 15:16:15

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What is the DIY Website?

Well, it isn't this page: ["DIYMarketing"]

Current Dev version is viewable here:


  1. Get the site to a stage of completeness where it can be used as a platform for the project. By implementing marketing concepts to the website, we can reach something similar to what MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu was originally meant to be.

  2. Document current DIY Material projects on the site, including Stickers #1 (Jenda), Stickers #2 (MenZa-Jenda), Posters #1 (HanZo-Jenda), T-shirts (Madpilot-Jenda)... For my projects, I will include financial data on the projects, to inform possible participants of the procedure. Could include a step-by-step howto, as well (Research the market - Research suppliers and shipping options - Get the artwork - contact suppliers, ask for quote - check with market - market). It would be great if people who bought the material could review it here.

  3. Collect DIY resources from around the web, sort, describe, attribute, host, link.
  4. Conceive a way how to lay this on the community: we want you to make DIY material for the community. It will involve a lot of work and some financial risk, but is fun and can generate a profit you can decide what to do with.
  5. This is where _your_ ideas come in. My next point: wishlist. People can request artwork, and the artworkers can see what people are looking for. It should be possible for artworkers to submit artwork. To consider: cooperation with the artwork subsection, on-site submitting, on-site feedback
  6. And my last point for this stage of the project: A database of Marketing HOWTOs - a list of things you can do to spread ubuntu.
  7. Growth. Probably some elements from MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu as well.

  8. Please submit your ideas to the mailing list ツ

Site Content


Marketing HOWTOs

  • Here, we will try to gather recipes on how to spread Ubuntu effectively. I think we should rate them in terms of:
  • time required - both free time to organise and time it takes to arm, fire & forget (ie. an Ubuntu Day can take hours to prepare and is over once it's over as opposed to a [ freedomtoaster] type project, which can take less time to prepare but lasts almost permanently - requires maintenance too).

  • cost to organiser, other expenses
  • ingredients (40 pcs Ubuntu CDs, 2 pcs T-shirts needed, 1 pcs metropolis, etc. - doesn't need to take this form either)

DIY Marketing Material

  • Downloadables, printables, shipabbles. This site should offer material in a more accessible way than the DIYMaterial page, in both digital and printed form.

Producer section
  • A section for people who would think of creating and distributing material themselves.


Emergency Window Removal Toolkit

...this idea currently marked for inclusion in another part of the Ubuntu web universe - the forum? community docs?

  • A list of tested (and untested) methods and materials for rescuing a user from a faulty OS once the viruses/malware take hold. Given how the average Windrowse user is hesitant to be rid of their safety net, we should be prepared to make the current system dual-boot.
  • software, including Live CD's and partitioning apps
  • hardware, including external HD for instant backup
  • facial tissue, for tears of joy

Your Idea
