Comments and suggestions on the survey questions can be added here.

Question Ideas

Before this process can continue any further, there needs to be decision on what questions to include in each targetted survey.

As you think of suggestions for questions, please add them to the following tables. Please try to give a reason why each question is relevant. Questions must be things that can be realistically acted upon. Add comments or new questions by editing this page:

Common Questions

Questions that are relevant to both Potential and Current user groups.


Response Type



posted from:

new question

your response type

your reason

your comment

your name/nick

Most preferred colour

free text

Can help in decisions re: colour schemes - useful for art team

my favourite color is red, but I'd never wanted my GUI in this color Wink ;-)


Most preferred colour for OS theme

free text

Can help in decisions re: colour schemes - useful for art team

would be my suggestion


What other software do you use daily?

Free text

Helps determine most common software needs amongst all users

What other software do you use weekly?

Free text

What is your primary software category?

Multiple Choice

Helps determine the different software needs between groups (if there's any)

What kind of computer you use

Multiple Choice

PC or Lap-top, it would help to determine if Ubuntu needs more polishing in laptop or pc mode

From which manufacturer you bought you computer?

Multiple Choice

Ubuntu developers might improve out-of-the-box compatibillity

Age Range

Multiple Choice

Usefull to determine software needs, preferences and other things by age

Level of Education

Multiple Choice

Preferences and needs changes between education levels

How is your using time of the computer distributed?

Work % Websurf % Gaming %

Would help determine which erea is the more demanded, also wothing for software cross-reference

Have you heard about DRM?

Yes, No

Do you agree with DRM systems?

Multiple Choice

Potential Users of *Ubuntu

Questions that are relevant to only Potential users


Response Type



posted from:

new question

your response type

your reason

your comment

your name/nick

What operating system(s) do you currently mostly use?

Multiple Choice

It has to include a "What an OS is?" answer

Computer literacy - do you consider yourself to be experienced user?

Multiple Choice

What annoys you about your current operating system?

Multiple Choice + Free Text

These are the points against which Ubuntu can be differentiated

Have you heard about Linux/*Ubuntu?


How you heard about Linux/*Ubuntu?

Multiple Choice

friend, family, club, (media?), (Internet?) article, advertising, group, business organisation...

Use/Awareness of Open Source: Do you use any Open Source programs already?

Multiple Choice

OS, Apps

What concerns you about running Linux or other Free Software?

Multiple Choice + Free Text

Identify the (mis)conceptions so they can be addressed

Would you use free software?

Help to ascertain current perceptions of FOSS

What are your priorities when choosing software?

Multiple Choice or Ranking

Helps direct marketing focus - should we discuss ethics, cost, usability, etc.

Have you ever installed an operating system before?


What is your current web browser?

Multiple Choice

Helps determine whether prospective users are already using F/OSS programs on a regular basis

What is your current email program?

Multiple Choice

What is your current word processing program?

Multiple Choice

Are you satisfied (happy) with your current system?

Multiple Choice

What major problems have presented in your system in the last year?

Multiple Choice

Would help to determine which points Ubuntu have to solve before becoming an option

Which type of peripherial you use the most

Multiple Choise (Rank)

Will help to focus on peripherials compatibility

Do you have a Network?

Yes, No, I don't know

Current Users of *Ubuntu

Questions that are relevant only to Current users.


Response Type



posted from:

new question

your response type

your reason

your comment

your name/nick

How you heard about *Ubuntu?

Multiple Choice

friend, family, club, (media?), (Internet?) article, advertising, group, business organisation...

What prompted you to begin using *Ubuntu?

Multiple Choice

curiosity ethical financial convenience security

Favourite web browser

May help decide if Firefox is still best browser to have as default

Favourite mail (also News?) client

I think most users prefer Mozilla Thunerbird over Evolution, which is the default now

who installed or set up *Ubuntu on your PC/s?

Multiple Choice

OEM, friend, LUG

If you installed it, comments please?

free text

What are the first three things you change with a new Ubuntu install?

Free Text

Ascertain where the needs of the community do not fit in with our preset install

What software do you need in Ubuntu?

Free Text

Ascertain where the gaps are

The name of the first five programs you install in a clean install

Free Text

Would help to determine if the CD has all the usefull programs

The name of five programs you don't use (or remove) in a clean install

Free Text

Would help to determine if the CD has all the usefull programs complements the previous question

In what area you think Ubuntu is more user friendly?

Multiple Choice

It will help determine the strong points in Ubuntu (maybe for mrketing porpouses)

In what area you think Ubuntu is less userfriendly?

Multiple Choice

It will help determine weak points in Ubuntu for the newcomers

Is your Ubuntu Machine in a mix Network (Mac OSX, Windows, Linux, etc)?

Multiple Choice (Yes, No, I don't know)

What type of problems you have with your Ubuntu box in the mix Network?

Multiple Choice

This would help determine network compatibility with different OS's

How usefull you find the wiki page for finding answers?

Multiple Choice

How usefull you find the forums for finding answers?

Multiple Choice

How usefull you find the Ubuntu guide page for finding answers?

Multiple Choice

Are you interested in how-to's integration?

Multiple Choice

Putting a bunch of How-To's into the help program?

How have you collaborated with Ubuntu?

Multiple Choice

I haven't, Bug track, etc

Which desktop enviroment you use?

Multiple choice

KDE, GDM, etc

Previous Users of *Ubuntu

Questions that are relevant only to Previous users.


Response Type



posted from:

new question

your response type

your reason

your comment

your name/nick

Why did you stop using Ubuntu?

Free Text

Determine what we can do better

What software do you need in Ubuntu?

Free Text

Ascertain where the gaps are

What pice of hardware wasn't detected i the installation?

Multiple Choice

Did you encounter office apps compatibility problems?

Yes, completly incompatible. Yes, a bit incompatible. etc

Was gaming a big issue for you to quit using Ubuntu?

Multiple choice

Who installed Ubuntu in you machine?

Multiple Choice

Did you use any of the following guides to help you getting to know how Ubuntu works?

Multiple choice

wiki, forums,, etc

Have you used any other Linux distribution before?

Multiple choice

No, Mandriva, SuSe, Knoppix, etc

Would you use Ubuntu if it suits all your needs?

Multiple choice

In what area you think Ubuntu is more user friendly?

Multiple Choice

In what area you think Ubuntu is less userfriendly?

Multiple Choice

What did you like most about Ubuntu?

Multiple Choice

What did you (dis)like least about Ubuntu?

Multiple choice (same choices as above)

Why did you try Ubuntu?

Multple choice with text field for other responses


In order to better define user's needs could be interesting deploy a part of the survey with question in Likert scale (or something similar) asking questions concerned with the ubuntu experience. The idea is write a sentence and ask to the user how agree with the sentence (totally - partly - non so much - completely disagree)

example: questions are not divided into the previous categories and are unordered (as they come out of my mind)

I had many trouble during the installation

I found quite awful default ubuntu look & feel

I need a much better way to change my desktop wallpaper

I havent understand how to modify the splash screen

I wonder why by default there are three menu instead of one (programs, places, system)

I found too much differencies between ubuntu and my old windows envirnoment

I havent understand how to add programs

I havent understand why some programs cannot be installed

I havent understand what dependencies means

I consider system, preferences and places menus quite useless

system, preferences and places menus are not well defined

I tried to install xgl but there are too much ways to install it which is the best?

There are too many wikies that talk about the same argument

No-one in the forums answered to my question

I consider the search button quite useless

It takes too much time to boot the system

I don't care about stealing software

I found many difficulties in network setup

I would like to found a more detailed "supported hardware" section

I used many GNU/Linux distros better than ubuntu

The O.S must protect me from the dangers of the net

It's not important my direct involvement in the security issues, everything must be done by OS

I need the total control of the system

It's important that my OS is totally free

let the user vote

Another IMHO part is the following:

It could be interesting give users (whatever they are) a chance to vote somewhat


In order to define your ideal Operating system, which of theese sentences are more accurated? give a vote from 1 to 10 where 1 = completely indifferent 10 = definitely important

security multimedia internet office server development graphic

MarketingTeam/Projects/SurveyQuestionIdeas/QuestionDiscussion (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:26 by localhost)