
Scheduled Time: 7:00 PM EST Thursday, March 26th, 2009
Scheduled Location: Wiesner Building, E15
map Streetview 20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Where it is inside the building: cube conference room go into bottom lobby and then into the glass room on the right up the stairs s/b then up the stairs.
Join On Freenode IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-ma


Meeting Chair: Martin Owens (doctormo)
Meeting Minutes by: All

Agenda Items

The following agenda items were proposed for this meeting:


The following team members were present during this meeting:

Physically Present:

Virtually Present:

Action Items

See progress for Action Items here


Group Introduction (Martin)

New Meeting Location

Steve is onto better and bigger researching type things. he is moving across the street and will be unable to host meetings, we are coming up with ideas as far as space a better place to have it. (an aside on that note: I'll be moving to the Media Lab Extension when it opens next year, so I'll actually be coming back to the lab[ish] soon)

To check: Open Times, WiFi Available, Space Size, Transport, Costs.

xxv - computer clubhouse @ MoS probably won't work, as it closes at 17:30 on weekdays. but my contact there is checking if it's possible to do it past those hours.


This is a review of our last months Action Items list.

TSN Meeting Summary

doctormo went to quarterly meeting for ~40 community center managers for Timmothy Smith Network.

SETC Network Setup network

The setup at SETC needs to be finished before we can start advertising and formalising our events there.

Jaunty Release Party

Open Floor (All)


MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2009-03-26 (last edited 2009-04-02 23:53:19 by c-24-63-199-135)