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Knurow, Poland

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IconsPage/query.png Mateusz Drożdżyński (AKA matid or Matt) is a 17-year-old high school student from Poland. He's keen on Open Source and tries to help his favourite distribution with all he's got. Around 2000, out of curiosity, he started using Linux, willing to improve his overall knowledge about computers in order to become a programmer in the future.

Ever since then, he's been in love in Linux, but year 2004 changed his life upside down. He discovered it - the best Linux distro around, with all the community love, frequent releases and great support. He hasn't parted his ways with Ubuntu since then and he will never ever do so.

Right now, as a high school student and a part-time freelancer, he promotes Ubuntu among his friends and colleagues, sharing with them the love has experienced.


Matt started being actively involved within Ubuntu Community sometime about October 2005, starting off with translating his favourite distro into Polish, his mother tongue. He joined Ubuntu Polish Translators team back then and is a member till today.

Bug Triage

IconsPage/IconBug.png During the summer 2006, he started feeling more interest in squashing bugs rather than translating. Without hesitating, he decided to attend a MOTU School session on Bug Triage, and ta-da - he's an active member of the Bug Squad and Ubuntu Desktop Bugs teams from that point on. It has also become his primary way of contributing to Ubuntu.

Matt is also a proud member of Ubuntu Quality Assurance Team, working hard to triage and squash all the bugs around!

If you would like to see some statistics about his bug triage, feel free to have a look at his Launchpad profile.

Some of the bugs he triaged

Long-term goals regarding bug triage

Matt would like to help creating local QA teams, working as a bridge between the developers and non-English Ubuntu users willing to report bugs. There are some specifications around defining a similar working scheme for Malone, yet none of them got through the planning stage.


Even though he focuses on bug triage right now, his open mind encouraged him to try packaging too! After attending a MOTU School session on packaging basics, he locked himself up in his room for several hours and kept learning how to packaged till he fell asleep and left lots of drool over his keyboard.

He's also fixed some bugs related to packaging (wrong package description or dependencies in most cases). With his strong will to learn, he wishes to become a more active packager and a MOTU in near future.

Matt is also a member of Telepathy team and together with other members he would love to see Telepathy ROCK in Edgy+1. To fulfil this dream, he has recently started packaging daily snapshots of Gossip with enabled Telepathy support. You can install them by adding the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb edgy main universe
deb-src edgy main universe

Being able to package software efficiently is one of his milestones before eventually becoming a MOTU.

IRC and Forums

Matt likes to lurk on #ubuntu, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-motu, #telepathy, #ubuntu-marketing and #ubuntu-translators, helping others and enjoying working with the Bug Squad, Ubuntu Desktop Bugs and Ubuntu MOTU members.

He also likes plodding through numerous threads on Ubuntu Forums, although he's not a super-active visitor. He greatly prefers solving the problems on-the-spot on IRC over the forums.

Spread Ubuntu!

IconsPage/IconFavourites.png Matt saved plenty of lost souls, helping them to switch from Windows to Ubuntu, he recommends everywhere he has a chance to. He's also that kind of a man, that gives his friends free, life-time, almost* round-a-clock support. He has also established some funds to send Ubuntu CD-s to people around the Poland, so that they don't have to wait for the package to arrive from Ubuntu headquarters. You should keep in mind that if you need some and you happen to live nearby, he still has some!

* If you though I don't get any sleep, you're unfortunately wrong. Remember how I drooled my keyboard? ;)

His home is also full of Ubuntu. He has 3 workstations, and ALL of them are running Ubuntu. He even convinced his younger brother, who's only into games, to use Ubuntu and turned out that some Windows-native games work better on Ubuntu than on Windows itself! Another soul saved from rotting in hell Wink ;)

Matt is also a member of Polish Linux Users Group, he helped organising Poznaj Linuksa, an event to promote Linux amongst Windows users and cooperates with Silesian Linux Users Group (a part of PLUG).

To manifest his willingness to promote Ubuntu and to help newbies get started he joined Ubuntu Help Team and Ubuntu Marketing Team.

Matt is planning to give a talk on Ubuntu on the next SLUG event as well as to create a tighter relationship between local PLUG teams and Ubuntu LoCo Team.

My future plans

He's the type that likes to plan ahead. He always carries his Hipster PDA around and notes various stuff there. Here are some of his top to-do items:

  • Contribute to Ubuntu more
  • Become an Ubuntu Member (done!)
  • Make Telepathy ROCK in Edgy+1
  • Create local QA teams to ensure proper non-English bug handling
  • Coordinate the work between local PLUG team and Ubuntu LoCo Team.

  • Work more on packaging
  • Pass the Certificate of Proficiency in English examination
  • Work for Ubuntu as a developer (long term goal)
  • Become a MOTU


MateuszDrożdżyński (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:45 by localhost)