
Revision 8 as of 2006-05-29 13:42:16

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These are my notes about possible projects for EdgyEft and beyond.


  • Fix MOM
  • Localized CD images
  • Delta updates for CD images via bsdiff or similar
  • Fix cdimage build to not overflow onto a second CD
  • Soyuz build-from-accepted (don't wait for source to be published before building)
  • Better facility for recording release validation test progress and results


  • Bug reporting tools which talk to Malone
  • Software installation via web browser
    • Metafile allows for locating the appropriate package for the user's system, preferring an official package over an unofficial one
  • Logging of startup/shutdown messages (bootlogd?)
  • Larger livefs for DVD
    • All langpacks
  • Usability review of non-desktop stuff (e.g., CD boot text, boot messages, etc.)
  • Silence grub
  • Make automatix/EasyUbuntu/etc. obsolete
    • Enable universe,multiverse by default
    • Suggest packages to support unknown file types
    • Extend Firefox plugin locator to find official packages of plugins
  • [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/automated-problem-reports Automated problem reports]

  • CD/DVD-based upgrades
  • automount windows partitions on the live CD (http://launchpad.net/bugs/16356)

  • GCC and kernel headers in default install
  • NetworkManager (again)

  • Avahi/ZeroConf out of the box
  • Hibernation resume message: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/41137

  • Xen
  • Review results of NCC desktop study and see what can be improved
  • GCC SSP stack protection
  • Mine hwdb data
  • Eliminate distinction between language-pack and language-support
  • Enable totem firefox plugin by default
  • Ubuntu counter - allow Ubuntu users to be voluntarily counted/surveyed
  • Totally rad X configuration
    • Enable a wide range of modes by default, allow the user to drive their display at any mode via XRANDR
    • Use X driver modules to probe hardware
  • smart-notifier

  • ubuntu-server metapackage
    • powernowd, for reduced power consumption, heat
    • What else?
  • GRUB v2
  • GRUB as CD boot loader (maybe unnecessary/undesirable now with gfxboot?)
  • multiarch
    • Tracking and auto-removal of packages installed only indirectly (to satisfy dependencies)
    • Use in g-a-i to enable Add/Remove to clean up after itself, and allow for interesting metapackage bundles
    • translated package descriptions
  • 7zip compression for dpkg
  • i686 optimization experiment
  • Desktop search (beagle)
  • Revisit Epiphany as default browser?
  • NX
  • X server eye candy (Xgl/AIGLX/Composite/etc.)
  • Install to LVM by default and allow new storage to be easily merged into the root filesystem
  • Usplash
    • Smooth scrolling
    • Better font
    • Just eliminate text entirely? (if we log output somewhere)
  • Unified keymap handling (console and X)
  • Consider new apps for desktop
    • Tomboy
    • F-spot
  • Fast/minimal shutdown (eliminate stop actions where they aren't needed)
  • udev activation of lvm, evms, mdadm, bluez...
  • Merge -security and -updates?
  • kexec
    • crash analysis
    • swap new kernel onto live CD for updated hardware support?
  • Review James' "fix my computer" launchers around the office and make them obsolete
  • -686 kernel on live CD?

Release Process

  • Deadline for spec approvals


  • Forums
    • Involve more in formal testing efforts
    • QA of FAQ answers, etc.