This is basically premised on the idea that books are great to read while sitting on the toilet, or to get a general overview of Ubuntu, but they are not good for help systems, because when a user opens the help system, he/she/it/they is looking for the answer to a SPECIFIC QUESTION.


The solid base of documentation that has been established for the Dapper release means that the documentation team, like the distro team, could do something adventurous for the next release. Together with the possibility of directly exporting wiki pages to docbook articles, a possible way to go might be to bin the upstream categorisation that currently forms the front page of the help system, which everybody knows is horribly confusing, and write our own, aimed at giving the users an all round better help experience by making things easier to find.


This would involve:

In the top level index, I would envisage something like the following sections (section titles in bold, my explanation of what they are in italics)

Obviously, these are totally work in progress and for brainstorming purposes only. We'd need to carefully lay out the structure

Pros and Cons

This approach would have the following advantages:

There are the following potential disadvantages:

MatthewEast/HelpfulHelpVersionMinusOne (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:33 by localhost)