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Matthias Urlichs

I'm a Debian and Ubuntu maintainer.

In Debian, I am responsible for

  • gnutls, gcrypt, gnupg2, and some related packages
  • festival (speech synthesizer)
  • NTP (co-maintainer, though I do most of the work)
  • Python docutils
  • some other assorted packages

I'm able to debug Linux kernel drivers, network stuff, telephony / GSM / ISDSN stuff, and whatever else people throw at me. Within limits.

I'm a system/Linux/networking/security consultant. People generally like the way I work. Please ask privately for details.

What I'm doing for Ubuntu:

  • I manage the LoCoTeamList.

  • I'm enhancing the KeyboardLayoutSelector I wrote for Hoary.

  • I'm (still Wink ;-) responsible for "my" Debian packages.

  • I like to work on accessibility. There's this neat program, [ Dasher], which allows people to basically surf through a list of letters towards whatever they want to write. This is an order of magnitude faster than any other text input method (except for keyboards of course) I've seen, and it wants better integration with Gnome. Among other things.

  • I can do whatever else is necessary, assuming I either have free time, or get paid for it. (hint Wink ;-)

  • I also do a bit of translating to German, and help organize and structure the German translation effort. See, for instance, the GermanWebsiteUbuntu page.

How to reach me