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Who am I

  • Name: Mattia

  • Surname: Rizzolo

  • Born in: Cittadella (Padua)

  • Living in: Campo San Martino (Padua/Italy)

  • Age: 16 years old

  • Job: Student


Choise, obviously! When I'm present in one, I'm also present in the other, although it is rare to find me! although it is rare to find...

Do not be fooled! Will not find many channel update

My relationship with GNU / Linux and Ubuntu

Since 2009 I am aware of this world and tried different distributions in the vm. An year later, exasperated by some problems Windows (R) XP has given me and after an attack of madness to the immaculate partition table, I created a dual boot windows / ubuntu. Almost single operating system (small partition for windows to use ownern programs) from December 2010.

My contribution to the community

Ubuntu Support to the ubuntu-it forum and mailing list.
Ubuntu Italian translator and impaginator of the Community magazine FCM
