This is summary of the UMC team weekly meeting, that took place on Wed. August 1st, 2007 on Freenode in #elisa.
Status: The Elisa team is stress-testing Elisa and fixing the last bugs before the release on August, 3rd.
No news.
mailing list
Still no news from Jono Bacon and the Ubuntu guys
Marketing Strike Force
From ArnaudQuette, some new members have been welcomed, but no news from Jeremy on the other (and more important subjects)
From ArnaudQuette, pylirc has entered Debian Sid but not yet Gutsy. He will ask for the sync soon.
Coherence 0.4 was released this week. Packages will be updated soon too.
ArnaudQuette made a status report, see dloic and wattazoum started to implement a daemon to update the lircd.conf file on-demand.
An Elisa plugin has been started to select the remote. A gtk view is available so far, the Pigment one should come later on, when all necessary widgets will be ok. The Elisa team will provide support to dloic and wattazoum to achieve this goal.
other things
Nothing, move along!
Derivative distribution
ArnaudQuette has been quite busy these days and didn't have time to do more work since last meeting. He's alone on this task and would appreciate to have some buddies here
Raw Log
21:00 < Uzuul> well, after the excellent meeting last week, let's start a new one. 21:00 < dloic> let's go!!!!!!!!!!! 21:00 < Uzuul> 1) elisa 21:00 < Uzuul> philn and Kaleo... 21:00 < Uzuul> any news on 0.3.x and so on? 21:00 < philn> we are heavily testing elisa and stress testing it 21:01 < philn> still have some pigment related crashes.. but it's been worked on ;) 21:01 < philn> we should be in time for the release, friday 21:02 < yyoyo> hi. 21:02 < Uzuul> yes, and then, deserved holidays for the braves ;-) 21:02 < Uzuul> hi yyoyo 21:02 < philn> yep ;) 21:03 < Uzuul> you should maybe call to test on the MLs... 21:03 < dev> hi folks 21:03 < Uzuul> hi dev 21:04 < Uzuul> philn: anything to add? 21:05 < philn> hmm no 21:05 < Uzuul> argh, f***ing firefox. just crashed when I most need it!!! 21:06 < Uzuul> so point 2) artwork 21:06 < Uzuul> nothing new this week 21:06 < dloic> no usplash 21:06 < dloic> and no new wfrom conversion to green 21:06 < dloic> ? 21:07 < Uzuul> well, now that you're talking about that: Marco isn't there, and I've not seen any update from him (though I've again been a bit away...) 21:07 < Uzuul> so jump to 4) MSF 21:08 < Uzuul> some new members welcomed 21:08 < Uzuul> but no news from Jeremy on the other (and more important subjects) :-( 21:08 < dloic> (no news from the mailing...?) 21:08 < dloic> maybe in holidays ? 21:08 < Uzuul> the jump should be explicit enough ;-) 21:09 -!- yyoyo [i=yoyo@nat/fluendo/x-6090ed3575094885] has left #elisa ["Ex-Chat"] 21:09 < Uzuul> 5) packages 21:09 < Uzuul> pylirc has entered Debian Sid but not yet Gutsy 21:09 -!- yyoyo [i=yoyo@nat/fluendo/x-6090ed3575094885] has joined #elisa 21:09 < philn> cool! 21:09 < dloic> but very soon no ? 21:10 < dloic> there is a synchronisation right ? 21:10 < Uzuul> it should! 21:10 < Uzuul> let me check a thing 21:10 -!- hbons [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:11 < Uzuul> well, I'll find the bug asking for the sync later on, and will update it... 21:12 < Uzuul> coherence is still not sync too 21:13 < dloic> right 21:13 * Uzuul is now wondering if he has bugged for pylirc 21:13 < dloic> we have time 21:13 < dloic> no ? 21:13 < Uzuul> yes, we have (and are in) time, as told last week 21:14 < dloic> very good 21:14 < Uzuul> I don't want (nor can't assume personally) any pressure on an official release. Simply on an UMC release 21:15 < dloic> yes totally 21:15 -!- lightyear [n=lightyea@] has joined #elisa 21:15 < philn> btw Coherence 0.4 was released yesterday 21:16 < Uzuul> philn: thanks for this info. I'll check for the Debian update 21:17 < Uzuul> so point 6) LIRC 21:17 < Uzuul> I've made a status report on LIRC (sf is still outdated): 21:17 < Uzuul> 21:17 < dev> Uzuul: thx, I wanted to ask what I need to do :-) 21:17 < dloic> some good new here 21:18 < dloic> if wattazoum wants to present the work done 21:18 < _wattazoum_> please do 21:18 < _wattazoum_> ^^ 21:19 < dloic> lol 21:19 < dloic> so 21:19 < dloic> We've implemented the solution to change "on the demand" the lircd.conf file 21:19 < dloic> But there are some problems 21:19 < dloic> We've also started the elisa plugins 21:20 < dloic> first step in gtk, to have an alpha version, and after we nedd some help to do the same with pigment 21:20 < philn> ah, nice 21:20 < dloic> also push glirc (applet for irexec) on launchpad 21:20 < Uzuul> dev: the official process is to fill a bug such as that one: otherwise, simply announce it on the MLs or ping us (lool or /me) 21:20 < dev> Uzuul: ok 21:21 < Uzuul> dloic: about the daemon 21:21 < dloic> philn: for example can we do a tree with pigment ? 21:21 < dloic> Uzuul: yes ? 21:21 < dloic> philn: is to documentaion up to date ? 21:21 < Uzuul> I thinkg I've seen a mention to using SIG. isn't there a problem having the elisa user emiting to the lirc daemon? 21:21 < philn> dloic: i guess yes... and not yet 21:22 < dloic> Uzuul: right 21:22 < philn> Uzuul: i don't think so 21:22 < dloic> Uzuul: elisa communicate with a demaon, started a the boot level 21:22 < dloic> the communicate with a socket (define a port, for the moment 2700) 21:22 < Uzuul> which daemon? lircd? 21:23 < dloic> and it's the demaon that send the sighup signal t lircd (after change the lircd,conf file) 21:23 < dloic> no a deamon that we've done with wattazoum (in python) 21:23 < dloic> the test are probant 21:23 < Uzuul> wooch, guys. you've burnt some neurons there ;-) 21:23 < dloic> but i've posted a mail for users test and some feedback 21:23 < dloic> Uzuul: wattazoum is very good worker 21:24 < Uzuul> why not using the sudoers mechanism, already (ab)used on *buntu? 21:24 < dloic> We've a nicxe team 21:24 < dloic> Uzuul: it's not a good way for user, tu use the sudo in elisa 21:24 < _wattazoum_> Uzuul: because UMC isn't meant only for admins ... 21:24 < dloic> Uzuul: and with wattazoum we think that this deamon can be use for some others jobs 21:24 -!- wallan [n=allan@] has left #elisa [] 21:25 < dloic> It's a link to root privileges for elis, that the end users don't see 21:25 < Uzuul> I don't think that having yet another daemon just to handle such a small task, is that good. 21:25 < dloic> Uzuul: but we can use it for some other jobs, don't wich for the moment, but.. 21:26 < Uzuul> there should be a smarter solution, still making the task easy for the user. 21:26 < _wattazoum_> Uzuul: how do you mean to be able to restart the computer from UMC ? 21:26 < dloic> Uzuul: but there user don't see the demaon 21:27 < dloic> _wattazoum_: right 21:27 -!- carlos [n=carlos@canonical/launchpad/carlos] has joined #elisa 21:27 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: that's the kind of point I'm trying to think in // on (not had time to til now) 21:27 < dloic> stop the computer with the remote, nice isnt it ? 21:28 < _wattazoum_> well, if there is another solution apart a daemon, I will take it ^^ 21:28 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: you got a point 21:29 < Uzuul> I was seing something started as root, keeping a root handle to do the job and dropping the rest for an elisa user... 21:29 < dloic> other idea ? 21:29 < dloic> what ? 21:29 < Uzuul> but it still blury, and having the shutdown task is a good enough argument for me ;-) 21:29 < dloic> Uzuul: :) 21:30 < dloic> But 'm sure there are other needs, dont know which :) 21:30 < _wattazoum_> those needs will show up soon :) 21:30 < Uzuul> dloic: for an example, see there: § "Completely unprivileged upsmon" 21:31 < dloic> Uzuul: I will read it after the meeting 21:32 < _wattazoum_> Uzuul: has it been implemented ? 21:32 < Uzuul> well, the point is that the work is well progressing on the clean Remote Control support in UMC / Elisa ^_^ 21:32 -!- Tartopom [] has joined #elisa 21:32 < _wattazoum_> seems to be a nice idea ,, but the time frame is quite short 21:32 < dloic> Uzuul: right, and I've started to separate the KEY and BTN keys in the analisys 21:32 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: never got enough interest (limited to linux / bsd, so implies a fallback for other OSs...) 21:33 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: the present solution suits me fine for a first round. 21:33 < dloic> Uzuul: right 21:33 < _wattazoum_> oki, so that's fine ^^ 21:33 < Uzuul> the FLOSS success is due to extreme iterative developments... 21:33 < dloic> Uzuul: right, so it's a first version 21:34 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_, dloic: keep us tuned on these points 21:34 < dloic> we need a fisrt version to do the iterative dev ;) 21:34 < dloic> Uzuul: no problem 21:34 < Uzuul> anything to add on point 6? 21:34 < dloic> euh 21:34 < dloic> not for me 21:34 < _wattazoum_> some point about the hwdb file 21:35 < dloic> oups 21:35 < _wattazoum_> some controllers don't have the conf file inside 21:35 < dloic> it's why I've the idea to do a second file 21:35 < _wattazoum_> but we need this conf file path 21:35 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: can you elaborate? 21:35 < dloic> second file : name in the hwdb name - file lircd.conf 21:36 < _wattazoum_> the format of the hwdb file is (description;driver;lirc driver;HW_DEFAULT;lircd_conf) 21:36 < _wattazoum_> but some times there is no lircd_conf specified 21:37 < _wattazoum_> so for those remote, we can't know where to look for the conf file 21:37 < dloic> for homebrews for example 21:37 < Uzuul> _wattazoum_: that's a bug. every remote *must* have its file. it's otherwise to be considered as unsupported 21:37 < _wattazoum_> clearly 21:37 < Uzuul> while waiting to integrate the proper file 21:37 < dloic> but i think i's because there is no specified remote no ? 21:38 < _wattazoum_> so this need to be fixed 21:38 < dloic> it's just for the controller 21:38 < dloic> not for the remote supported 21:38 < dloic> no ? 21:38 < _wattazoum_> ('Home-brew (16x50 UART compatible serial port)', 'serial', 'lirc_dev lirc_serial', 'hw_default', '') 21:38 < dloic> so you can have the remote that you want with homebrew 21:38 < dloic> you see what I mean ? 21:38 < _wattazoum_> this is an example 21:39 < _wattazoum_> yep but where is the conf file then ? 21:39 < _wattazoum_> ('Creative iNFRA CDROM', 'creative_infracd', 'none', 'hw_creative_infracd', 'creative/lircd.conf.infracd') 21:39 < dloic> it depends on the remote no ? 21:39 < dloic> Arnaud ? 21:39 < _wattazoum_> this other example show where to find it 21:40 < _wattazoum_> "creative/lircd.conf.infracd" 21:40 < Uzuul> I must admit that I've not tried such a setup, and I can't argue on it. 21:40 < Uzuul> but imo, _wattazoum_ is right 21:40 < dloic> So we will see this point with Christoph 21:40 < _wattazoum_> oki 21:40 < dloic> maybe, I'm not sure 21:41 < Uzuul> a 2 step selection (the first, standard, for selection home brew, and then require a 2 step for the remote) 21:41 < Uzuul> would so do the job. 21:41 < dloic> yes it's what I mean 21:41 < Uzuul> as you told, mail on the ML, and Chris or other will light us 21:42 < Uzuul> so point 7) other things 21:42 < Uzuul> nothing new?! 21:42 < dloic> I've tested th live cd 21:42 < Uzuul> point 8) distro ;-) 21:42 < Kaleo> *the* point :) 21:42 < Uzuul> no news from me :-( 21:42 < dloic> right ;) "error on device hdb, read aerro on...." 21:43 < dloic> don't work, 21:43 < Uzuul> as told, busy with the house 21:43 < _wattazoum_> Uzuul: i'll be impossible to do the config plugin using Pigment (the widget there aren't meant for that 21:43 < dloic> block after the usplash 21:43 < dloic> _wattazoum_: mybe philn wan help us fo this point, after the gtk step 21:43 < philn> me, or other elisa team members ;) 21:43 < Uzuul> dloic: some help would be needed there, since I don't think I'll have time before... well some time 21:44 < dloic> philn: right 21:44 < _wattazoum_> yep , it's just to warn people that the config plugin will be using GTK 21:44 < dloic> Uzuul: for the cd ? see with mario no ? 21:45 < philn> _wattazoum_: hmm you mean it will work only with the gtk frontend for now? 21:45 < dloic> philn: right 21:45 < Uzuul> dloic: Mario is leading the Mythbuntu effort, and has kindly bootstrapped me on the live cd he has done, while we were talking about lirc (kernel integration) and some other points... 21:45 < philn> dloic: where's the code? 21:45 < _wattazou> philn: it might even be a quite separated application 21:45 < Uzuul> I'm currently alone to work on the distro :-( 21:45 < dloic> Uzuul: ok, maybe if I've time, but for the moment lirc is my priority 21:46 < philn> _wattazoum_: hmm i don't really like that idea 21:46 < _wattazou> philn: me neither 21:46 < dloic> philn: but can we port gtk to pigment ? 21:46 < Uzuul> dloic: sure, I'll also rely upon you for the nns (ping me btw) 21:46 < _wattazou> philn: but pygment can't do the job as for now 21:46 < philn> dloic: you can make a pigment view for your plugin, for sure 21:46 < dloic> Uzuul: ok, but I know for the moment you're busy 21:47 < philn> have you guys understood the MVC pattern we use in Elisa ? ;) 21:47 < _wattazou> philn: but we need ComboBoxes, CheckBoxes ... and so on 21:47 < dloic> philn: I hope ;) 21:47 < _wattazou> philn: we did understand 21:47 < philn> yes, that's the matter of the view.. widgets are needed in pigment for that 21:48 < dloic> philn: so is there a solution ? 21:48 < philn> and there are already some, AFAIK.. but not much tested/used 21:48 < philn> look at pypgmtools.widgets 21:48 < Uzuul> well, guys, if you have nothing to add for the meeting, I'll close it there and get back on my house things... 21:48 < Kaleo> they need some love indeed 21:48 < dloic> we will look for pyg.. tools 21:48 < _wattazoum_> lol, Uzuul 21:49 < Kaleo> Uzuul: have a good night, and thank you 21:49 < _wattazoum_> I won't be here for 2 weeks 21:49 < dloic> Uzuul: bye and good luck for the real life :) 21:49 < Uzuul> thanks guys. a last point to Kaleo: can you handle the meeting minutes this week plz 21:49 < _wattazoum_> so we'll do the best to deliver LIRC plugin 21:49 < philn> yes good luck with the house, and stuff ;) 21:50 < dloic> _wattazoum_: right, if we learn to use pigment, i think the rest will be ok 21:50 < Uzuul> in fact, Kaleo or any other for the minutes? 21:50 < dloic> Uzuul: bad english for me :) 21:51 < philn> i can do it if noone volunteers ;) 21:51 < _wattazou> so philn : I'll also need the detail documentation about the elisa.conf file, I didn't find the right one on the TRAC ... do you have one ? 21:52 < Uzuul> philn (or others): ok, thx 21:52 < Uzuul> see you and thanks to all ^_^ 21:52 < _wattazoum_> see you 21:52 < _wattazoum_> Uzuul: 21:52 < philn> _wattazoum_: have you seen the online API doc? 21:52 < _wattazoum_> ^^ 21:52 -!- Uzuul [] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 21:52 < _wattazoum_> nope , an URL ? 21:53 < philn> 21:53 < dloic> philn: have you an other link like this for pigment ? 21:54 < philn> there's a ref doc.. but not yet for the python bindings part 21:54 < dloic> so just to ask people ? 21:54 < philn> yes, sum up your questions in a mail to elisa@ mailing list 21:55 < philn> me or someone else will reply, hopefully ;) 21:55 < dloic> philn: right, do yu think to dev a gtk step is a good idea if we know what we want ? 21:55 < philn> 21:56 < philn> dloic: yes, it's a good start.. but long term we need everything integrated in elisa with pigment support 21:56 < dloic> philn: totally agree with you 21:56 < dloic> but i've an idea, maybe we can use same things as the menu in elisa for the treeview 21:57 < dloic> at bottom categorie of remote, if you coose one, you can see the remote in this cat 21:57 < _wattazou> philn: nice doc (API) 21:57 < philn> dloic: yes that's what we started to configure the theme and screen aspect ratio within the services menu 21:57 < philn> _wattazoum_: thank loicm actually 21:57 < _wattazou> philn: do you have something else on elisa.conf ? 21:57 < dloic> _wattazoum_: what do you think for my proposition wattazoum ? 21:58 < dloic> philn: yeah, it can be a good idea, and it's the same ui for elisa and plugins 21:58 < philn> well config options read/write is really easy.. print component.config 21:58 < dloic> well well well 21:58 < philn> component.config[option] = value 21:58 < dloic> _wattazoum_: ? 21:58 < _wattazoum_> dloic: well, I have thought about it too , but we'll very soon be stopped (or obliged to developpe the widget ourselves 21:59 < philn> i really need to go now.. send me a link to your code repository, i'll review the code 21:59 < _wattazou> philn: wich one ? 21:59 < dloic> _wattazoum_: Idon't think. maybe my explanations are a bit "mal formulées" 21:59 < philn> the code of the elisa plugin you started 21:59 < _wattazoum_> oki dloic , we'll speak about it 21:59 < dloic> philn: when we have something a bit more beautiful 21:59 < philn> dloic: ok, no problem 22:00 < philn> see you guys.. :) 22:00 < _wattazoum_> see you :) 22:00 < dloic> philn: see you ! 22:01 < _wattazoum_> leaving too ^ 22:01 < _wattazoum_> ^_^