- Edgy Eft Access status - Quick roundup of new features, testing and bug squashing!
- Brief introductions - We have many new team members since our last meeting so we should all get properly introduced!
Helping the community: Since Ubuntu's increased accessibility, there are now many more questions, on many of the linux accessibility related lists for blind/vision impaired users of various programs. I feel we need to see how we can properly help people to get the right answers, and prevent misconceptions from spreading etc, in regards to things such as the installer, using administration tools, etc. I think this is where access.ubuntu.com could come more fully into play. (LukeYelavich)
- Next meeting - set a time for the next meeting, at which we will discuss cool new access features
MeetingLogs/Accessibility/20061006 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:45 by localhost)