03:03 dholbach ok, let's get started - we have a full agenda 03:03 dholbach 03:03 PriceChild Shall I start? 03:04 dholbach PriceChild: shall we finish that discussion by mail or do you have any specific points you want to raise? 03:04 elkbuntu and then there was 4 03:04 dholbach PriceChild: as you asked the CC by mail already 03:04 dholbach hi elmo 03:04 PriceChild Nothing new really. Jono hasn't yet replied :( So there's nothing to discuss really. 03:04 jwendell cypherbios, please call me if you need something from me, i'm busy on my job, ok? 03:04 bryce morning 03:04 jsgotangco \o/ 03:04 dholbach PriceChild: I'll prod him about it 03:04 cypherbios jwendell: that's right. I'll do 03:04 dholbach PriceChild: hope it's ok for you, if we move on and finish it by mail 03:05 PriceChild yup sounds fine, no rush :) 03:05 dholbach ok thanks 03:05 jsgotangco thanks 03:05 Hobbsee dholbach: it'd be good if we could get this going, and not be blocked on jono, if he's not replying, then he probably doesnt have much to say on it 03:05 jsgotangco we'll skip the photo stuff and do it by mail 03:05 cypherbios jwendell: thanks for coming 03:05 dholbach I said to jsgotangco already, that'd we'd do the funky feisty vote by mail also - I think it isn't the best use of our time in the meeting 03:06 dholbach Hobbsee: I agree, that it'd be good to get it going, but let's just move on for now and finish the discussion by mail please 03:06 Hobbsee dholbach: as you wish 03:06 jsgotangco as for the derivatives team amachu is here, but this has been cleared up no? 03:06 dholbach Hobbsee: thanks 03:07 amachu jsgotangco: means? 03:07 jsgotangco amachu: ooppss 03:07 jsgotangco sorry 03:07 dholbach we had the point on the agenda for at least one CC meeting already 03:07 amachu jsgotangco: does it awaiting approval? 03:07 Zic where is our sabdfl ? 03:07 dholbach amachu: I wrote dfarning a mail about the derivative team situation 03:07 amachu dholbach: ok 03:08 amachu dholbach: any update on it? 03:08 dholbach amachu: as you might have gathered from other lists, the team is alive and kicking again, has a mailing list and had its first meeting 03:08 dholbach no, I didn't hear back from him 03:08 amachu dholbach: gr8 03:08 Admiral_Chicago just a point; I haven't heard from david in a long time and he was the start of the Mozilla Team 03:08 amachu it has a mailing list? 03:08 pochu I'm off to have lunch, but I wanted to let you know that I *fully* support j1mc coNP applications to become members. j1mc rocks with Xubuntu testing, and coNP does a lot of bug triage and Desktop Team packaging! 03:08 dholbach 03:08 dholbach let's move on 03:08 Admiral_Chicago we mailed him and are waiting back, dunno if he lost interest or something...last we heard he had a family problem 03:09 amachu Admiral_Chicago: dfarning? 03:09 dholbach Admiral_Chicago: right, I'll try to prod him again 03:09 dholbach Is anybody of the Serbian Team around? 03:09 Admiral_Chicago as will we 03:09 amachu okie.. 03:09 amachu thank u 03:09 Admiral_Chicago amachu: yes 03:09 petrovicivan yes 03:09 petrovicivan Serbian coordinator 03:09 petrovicivan is outway so I will replace him 03:09 pygi petrovicivan, pozdrav :P 03:09 jsgotangco Ivan Jelic 03:10 petrovicivan yes, and I am Ivan Petrovic 03:10 petrovicivan pygi: pozdrav 03:10 petrovicivan our Allication approuval is here 03:10 dholbach your web page looks nice - is there any information in english about your team available somewhere? 03:10 dholbach ah good :) 03:10 petrovicivan no, we don't have english version 03:10 myriam_rs hi dinda! 03:11 dholbach I meant the application 03:11 petrovicivan thx for look 03:11 jsgotangco 03:11 petrovicivan aplication is in english 03:12 jsgotangco petrovicivan: how many members does the team have? anyone here as well? 03:12 petrovicivan rainmaker is with us 03:13 rainmaker hello 03:13 petrovicivan our team have 8 members 03:14 dholbach your application says you have 37 cities covered 03:14 jsgotangco in the page it says that Ubuntu doesn't have serbian localization files, is there a team initiative for this to happen? 03:14 petrovicivan yes, we covered whole Serbia, because problems with post mail service 03:15 dholbach petrovicivan: I don't quite understand, how do you cover whole Serbia? 03:15 petrovicivan jsgotangco: is a mistake look here 03:16 petrovicivan when new release comes 03:16 petrovicivan our members with broadbend download the ISO and then spread to 37 cities 03:16 dholbach given that danilo is from serbia, no serbian translations would have struck me somewhat :) 03:17 dholbach petrovicivan: ah ok, now I understand 03:17 petrovicivan then people can contact by telephone or .. 03:17 dholbach are most of you in belgrad? 03:18 petrovicivan not realy 03:18 petrovicivan look at 03:18 elmo 'Membership - 999 as of 8th June 2007' - how are you counting that, JOOI? 03:18 petrovicivan that's the forum members 03:18 petrovicivan we have a very good forum population 03:19 petrovicivan it's the numer since May 2005 03:19 elmo ok 03:19 petrovicivan when we start. forum was the firts step 03:20 petrovicivan in creating our community 03:20 jsgotangco forum activity is nice 03:20 rainmaker forum is very nice place alsoo 03:21 petrovicivan yes, we have 23 messages per day 03:21 petrovicivan (average) since 2005 03:22 petrovicivan and hottest forum is Absoluty Beginners 03:22 jsgotangco i think this the forums is a good start 03:22 dholbach what are your plans for the next months? are there any events planned? 03:22 jsgotangco but i am quite intrigued by the ShareIT initiative 03:22 rainmaker a loot of peaple was start with ubuntu thanks to forum 03:23 jsgotangco with 8 members i am wondering how to cover 32 cities 03:23 jsgotangco 37 even 03:23 jsgotangco don't get me wrong, I think it is a fabulous initiative 03:24 petrovicivan sorry, when I say members I was thinking about coordinator team 03:24 petrovicivan not the whole LoCo 03:24 dholbach so how many members does your LoCo have? 03:25 petrovicivan over 1000 03:25 jsgotangco (nice keychains btw) 03:25 petrovicivan in Share it we have about active 50 members 03:26 pygi petrovicivan, uh, uh :) You don't count every forum member as a LoCo membership, right? :) 03:26 petrovicivan this is the list 03:26 petrovicivan I little confised about the terminology 03:26 jsgotangco ok 03:26 pygi Got it. jsgotangco lemme try to get something :) 03:26 petrovicivan As you can see top team count 8 members 03:26 pygi petrovicivan, koliko clanova imate u Launchpad loco timu? Prijavljenih & prihvacenih? 03:27 jsgotangco yeah that would be great 03:27 petrovicivan but Share It action have about 50 03:27 petrovicivan pydi: sec 03:28 pygi petrovicivan, i da li imate neke uvjete kada osoba moze biti primljena u Launchapd serbia loco team? 03:28 pygi petrovicivan, k, nema problema 03:28 pygi (sorry about this folks, trying to help ya a bit ^_^) 03:29 cypherbios of course :) 03:29 petrovicivan Launchpad uglavnom vode clanovi GNOME 03:29 petrovicivan tima za prevodjenje, a ja sam tu aktivan samo kao prevodioc 03:29 pygi petrovicivan, moze link do launchpad loco tima? 03:30 petrovicivan pokusavam... 03:30 dholbach rosetta counts 85 serbian contributors 03:30 pygi dholbach, Launchpad loco team is being led mostly by the members of the Serbian GNOME translation team 03:30 pygi trying to fetch more info ^_^ 03:30 dholbach I think it'd be nice to have that kind of number on the application 03:31 dholbach also plans for the next months or problems the team is working on 03:31 pygi petrovicivan, dodaj molim te u prijavu da je 85 ljudi aktivno na prevodjenju (da radi na njemu) i na prijavu bi jos trebali problemi na kojima radite i planovi mozda za iduci mjesec 03:31 dholbach I think that the Serbian LoCo is on the right track, but I feel it would be worth to share all that information on the approval page 03:31 pygi dholbach, translated :) 03:32 petrovicivan our plans are to make another Install Show 03:32 petrovicivan pygi: thx 03:33 pygi petrovicivan, nista, napisi to na prijavu ^_^ 03:33 pygi dholbach, Installfest 03:33 petrovicivan were we organize presentation of Ubuntu installation for new users 03:33 petrovicivan and give then some talk about free software 03:33 rainmaker also we work in ubutnu popularization in serbia 03:34 pygi s/were/where 03:34 jsgotangco what are the current issues surrounding the loco team on effectively managing and implementing its goals to the community? 03:34 jsgotangco and how does the current membership address it? 03:34 petrovicivan because most of us are the part of FSN Srbija 03:35 pygi petrovicivan, razumijes sto su te sada pitali, jel ? :) 03:35 petrovicivan uglavnom, hajde pomozi da ne lupim 03:35 petrovicivan pitaju kako resavamo probleme u zajdnici? 03:36 pygi petrovicivan, pita koji su problemi trenutno oko loko tima oko rada u zajednici? 03:36 pygi i kako to pokusavate rijesiti 03:37 petrovicivan the current issue is building our wiki with all solved problems from the forum 03:38 petrovicivan we have a little help from Wikipedia Serbia, and that will be fine in the future 03:38 rainmaker we try to educate our members as much as we can === elkbuntu notes the time 03:38 petrovicivan second, is advotacy in computer magazines 03:38 jsgotangco ok 03:39 Zic elkbuntu: huhu ;) 03:39 petrovicivan to spread a word of Ubuntu OS 03:39 jsgotangco from what I see there is great work being done here for the serbian team 03:39 dholbach MikeB-, jsgotangco, elmo: any more questions? 03:39 petrovicivan because few of our members are working part time job at this magazines 03:40 MikeB- none here 03:40 petrovicivan not to forget our GNUzilla 03:40 petrovicivan free software magazine 03:40 pygi dholbach, o did you see GNUzilla work? 03:40 petrovicivan that 3 of our members are editing 03:41 pygi it's pretty nice. Sometimes articles are not top quality, but ... they're working hard on that ^_^ 03:41 petrovicivan 03:41 pygi petrovicivan, don't think they'll be able to read that :p 03:41 elmo not from me 03:41 petrovicivan ok, sorry 03:41 dholbach Ok. I'm happy with the efforts of the Serbian team and give a +1. 03:41 petrovicivan but it's the only magazine of that kind in local languange 03:41 jsgotangco i'm ok to give my approval as well 03:41 MikeB- +1 here 03:42 pygi petrovicivan, istina :) 03:42 elmo yeah, +1 03:42 pygi petrovicivan, cestitam 03:42 jsgotangco congrats serbian team! 03:42 rainmaker thanks 03:42 dholbach congratulations Serbia! === ogra applauds 03:42 lamalex congrats! 03:42 petrovicivan that you guys 03:42 jsgotangco ok 03:42 effraie \o/ 03:42 coNP congrat Serbian neighbours :) 03:42 myriam_rs congratulations from SwissTeam also :-) 03:42 bashelier effraie: :) === jsgotangco wonders why brazilian team is here? 03:42 AndreNoel congrats 03:42 Ubuntuser Congrats petrovicivan .. ;) 03:42 bashelier congrats all ;) 03:42 petrovicivan :):) === AndreNoel brazilian === dholbach wonders too 03:42 Vorian Congrats!!!!11 03:42 Ubuntuser Ubuntuser.. from Brazil! 03:42 cypherbios Hi all, i't Brazil time now > 03:43 jsgotangco anyone from brazil explain why is there an application? 03:43 jwendell :) 03:43 cypherbios jsgotangco: I'll do 03:43 jsgotangco go for it 03:43 AndreNoel 03:44 cypherbios please take a look at the approvalapplication page 03:44 dholbach according to the Brazilian team is not approved yet - I was sure it was approved already :) 03:44 cypherbios dholbach: Not yet :) === OgMaciel not yet 03:44 Fujitsu It has been around for eeeever. It must be! 03:44 OgMaciel :) 03:44 jwendell merely formality... 03:44 OgMaciel hehe 03:45 OgMaciel exactly === pygi gives +3 03:45 rpereira :-) 03:45 AndreNoel :) 03:45 cypherbios but please, take a look at the approvalapplication page before (at least) hehehe 03:45 Ubuntuser :] 03:46 cypherbios Don't miss our website 03:46 jsgotangco ubuntu-br open week, similar to ubuntu's? 03:46 Ubuntuser yeah 03:46 cypherbios yes 03:46 dholbach do you plan to run any events in the next time as a loco? where does your action concentrate? 03:47 jsgotangco seems every region is well covered, nice! 03:47 cypherbios dholbach: We already does. We always represent Ubuntu in the principal FLOSS events in brazil 03:47 jsgotangco (familiar names even) 03:47 jwendell s/principal/main 03:47 OgMaciel dholbach: we have already participated in several large sized events as a LoCo 03:47 rpereira And we always has a national meeting at International Forum of Free Software. 03:47 cypherbios jsgotangco: yes, 16 of 26 states are officially covered === elkbuntu wonders why this actually needs discussion... : 03:48 pygi cyphase, what? You're not covering 27 states? o.O 03:48 jwendell :) 03:48 OgMaciel elkbuntu: hehehe 03:48 pygi elkbuntu, ++ 03:48 pygi let's just give +3 and be done with it :) 03:48 rpereira elkbuntu: :-) 03:48 OgMaciel HAHAHAHA 03:48 jsgotangco elkbuntu: because 03:48 jsgotangco anyways 03:48 cypherbios heheh, thanks 03:48 AndreNoel :) 03:49 jsgotangco i'm more than happy to give my vote, but this is a very good example of a big country diversified in the efforts of building a country-covered loco 03:49 jsgotangco each state has clear goals and reps 03:49 cypherbios someone has mentioned we have 17 ubuntumembers? 03:49 Whopper Ok 03:49 AndreNoel cypherbios: 16 === myriam_rs gets herself some icecream 03:49 Ubuntuser thanks jsgotangco .. 03:49 cypherbios that's what I said :) 03:50 Whopper Did coreymon77 come on? 03:50 jsgotangco dholbach elmo MikeB- votes? 03:51 elmo +1 03:51 rpereira Guys, I'll have to take my fiancee to the doctor. I hope our community got +inf points. :-) 03:51 elmo (trivial) 03:51 dholbach yes, I agree with jsgotangco - everywhere I looked seemed to be healthy brazilian ubuntu action going on - the forums, the wiki, the planet, etc: +1 from me 03:51 AndreNoel :D 03:51 jsgotangco \o/ === dshufelt closes his laptop and heads to work. (Please contact via if needed) 03:51 pygi dholbach, they are even getting own planetoid!!! :) === pygi hides 03:51 pygi o well :p 03:51 rpereira Thanks elmo and dholbach. 03:51 Zic does somebody know if sabdfl will come ? 03:51 MikeB- +1 03:51 jsgotangco ok let's move to pennsylvania 03:52 jsgotangco yay 03:52 Ubuntuser :D 03:52 jsgotangco Zic: i doubt he'll come today 03:52 cypherbios Sounds really great! Thanks all! 03:52 rpereira :-) 03:52 freelancer317 That's us! I'm the team contact! 03:52 dholbach congratulations :) 03:52 freelancer317 Our application page is 03:52 Zic jsgotangco: ok ... thx 03:52 jsgotangco Bret? 03:52 freelancer317 Congrats to Brazil! 03:52 jsgotangco ahh 03:52 pleia2 I'm here for pennsylvania too :) 03:52 AndreNoel thanks!! 03:52 freelancer317 That's me 03:52 OgMaciel :) 03:52 jedijf pa here 03:52 rpereira Thanks everybody. :) 03:52 Joe_CoT I'm not from Pennsylvania, but i live very close! 03:52 jedijf congrats serbia and brazil!! 03:52 lamalex PA here === etank is cheering for pennsylvania \o/ 03:52 Ubuntuser this is begin... ;) 03:52 teddy-dbear Pa here 03:52 freelancer317 Thank you for the opportunity to review our application to become and approved Local Community Team! First off we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the great people who have joined this team, and although I started it, without them, there would be no application in front of you now, nor would there be for a very long time. === andrew is here for PA 03:53 freelancer317 The US-Pennsylvania LoCo Team was established in March by freelancer317 (Bret Fledderjohn) with the assistance of Vorian (Ohio Team Contact). Since that time, we have grown to 51 direct members on Launchpad. We have also established strong bonds with active LUGs, had four successful events, and are building several ongoing projects and events which will not only spread the word about Ubuntu, but also (in many 03:53 freelancer317 cases) will help make our local communities better places. 03:54 freelancer317 is our website. 03:54 dholbach what has the team been concentrating on in the last time? how did you find new members? 03:54 freelancer317 We've initially been working with LUGs and several Nonprofits 03:55 lamalex We've been working with a lot of non-profits to help under priveleged people benefit from technology and free software 03:55 freelancer317 the forum and Launchpad have also been attracting alot of attention 03:55 jedijf and with local lugs to cross-promote events 03:55 freelancer317 We had a joint installfest with the Central PA LUG and we had our own installfest in Philly 03:55 jsgotangco i see lots of activites with non-profits on the website 03:56 jedijf that is an ongoing thing - now that we've started relationships, the projects flow from one to the next === myriam_rs cheers for US-Pennsilvania LoCo Team too! 03:57 dholbach that sounds good - launchpad says you have 55 members - do you have a chance to meet often as a team? 03:57 pleia2 thanks myriam_rs :) 03:57 freelancer317 We are also putting together a statewide media contact list, and will have a subteam working on distributing press releases and interacting with the media 03:57 lamalex not in person as a whole team 03:57 lamalex pennsylvania is a large state 03:57 freelancer317 dholbach outside of irc meetings, no 03:57 jedijf weekly irc chats 03:57 lamalex wednesday nights, 8:30pm est 03:57 jedijf and active daily irc contact 03:57 jsgotangco yeah i saw the calendar 03:57 freelancer317 we have subteams that cover the different regions 03:58 Vorian Pennsylvania has been doing wonderful things in the name of Ubuntu. I strongly recommend them for a +1 03:58 freelancer317 Thanks Vorian 03:58 jsgotangco how is the team preparing for SFD? === etank agrees with Vorian 03:58 jedijf we are promoting a major event with PACS - phila area computer society - 03:58 lamalex philly team is working with the philly area computer society for a large bbq/speech/party 03:59 freelancer317 Well, there is an event being planned up in the northeastern part of the state. Philly is planning a big thing with PACS, and Harrisburg is working with CPULG 03:59 jedijf providing a speaker and demonstrations from 8 am to 3 pm 03:59 freelancer317 oops cplug 03:59 lamalex :P 03:59 freelancer317 we hope to have an event in most major cities and towns in PA 03:59 freelancer317 Pittsburgh is in the infancy of developing the event 04:00 dholbach nice - the team looks well organized to me 04:00 lamalex they are beginning to form in pittsburg 04:00 lamalex there is interest, but it hasn't fully come together. Progress is being made and other regions are encouraging them 04:00 freelancer317 dholbach thanks! We've got a real good core group of people working to get this going 04:00 jsgotangco a lot of stuff looks solid to me as well, but i advice taking advantage of SFD to have a big get-together, should be fun, the bbq party is a nice touch, i give my +1 04:01 dholbach I'm happy to give a +1 for Pennsylvania as well 04:01 MikeB- +1 for me 04:01 freelancer317 thanks dholbach and jsgotangco and MikeB! 04:01 dholbach elmo? 04:02 elmo +1 04:02 dholbach congratulations! :) === lamalex throws his cap 04:02 dholbach ok, let's move on to member applications 04:02 myriam_rs Congratulations from the SwissTeam to Pennsylvania LoCO Team! 04:02 pleia2 thanks everyone! 04:02 dholbach bashelier: it's your stage 04:02 Vorian Yay Pennsylvania!!!!!! 04:02 freelancer317 thanks myriam_rs! 04:02 Vorian Congrats!1 04:02 bashelier :) 04:02 bashelier Hello, my name is Arthur, I'm a "long" date (almost 4 years iirc) Debian user and began using Ubuntu on Hoary release. After a few years of using then, I've tried to get a bit involved in development, and started with packaging. Since I've packed a couple of softs and quickly decided to upload them in Debian rather than in Ubuntu, first because I'd rather see my packages in all Debian-based distributions and not just in Ubuntu, second becau 04:02 freelancer317 Thanks to everyone! 04:02 bashelier here is my wikipage: 04:03 dholbach bashelier: your first paste was truncated === pygi vouches for bashelier, as he doesn't mind working at 4AM :P 04:03 dholbach bashelier: "... just in Ubuntu, second beca" 04:04 bashelier dholbach: here it is... 04:04 dholbach "...second because I was also very interested in contributing to Debian. Today, I'm trying to do my best to make clean packages, sync, merges, bug fixes, patches, and began to set up a few Debian/Ubuntu related projects." 04:04 bashelier second because I was also very interested in contributing to Debian. Today, I'm trying to do my best to make clean packages, sync, merges, bug fixes, patches, and began to set up a few Debian/Ubuntu related projects. 04:04 bashelier yup :) 04:04 Sp4rKy ^^ 04:05 dholbach bashelier: what are you further plans in the MOTU world? 04:06 bashelier dholbach: I'd like to be able to offer mentoring to new packagers on french irc classroom chans in a first time 04:06 jsgotangco anyone here advocating for bashelier? === Adri2000 +1's bashelier for his great involvement in many part of Ubuntu, especially in packaging :) 04:06 jsgotangco Burgundavia: ! 04:06 dholbach there seems to be a lot of good stuff going on in the french motu community - do you think the MOTU community at large could learn from them? 04:06 pygi jsgotangco, I am 04:06 Adri2000 parts* :) 04:06 effraie +1 here too :) 04:06 pygi jsgotangco, +1 for him 04:07 Burgundavia ugh. 7am. Morning everybody 04:07 jsgotangco =) 04:07 pygi morning Burgundavia 04:07 Hobbsee morning Burgundavia 04:07 dholbach hi Burgundavia 04:07 bashelier dholbach: could... the french community is iirc the oly one whose has a classroom chan, to help 04:07 Sp4rKy if it's really needed, +1 for bashelier and all the great work he has already done 04:07 bashelier :) 04:08 gsuveg re 04:08 dholbach great - it'd be nice to hear more about that, but maybe not in this meeting 04:08 bashelier dholbach: packages from french new packagers are reviewed almost every days on #ubuntu-fr-classroom, for example 04:08 dholbach that's amazing - it'd be nice if we could adapt that 04:09 effraie but packaging is one one of the many goals for *classroom ^^ 04:09 dholbach right 04:09 gpocentek french people are very bad english speaker, we needed to do something ;) 04:09 effraie ^^ 04:09 Sp4rKy gpocentek: +1 04:09 bashelier ^^' 04:09 dholbach as I've worked together with bashelier before, I don't have any more questions - MikeB-, jsgotangco, elmo? 04:09 jsgotangco i'm good +1 04:09 MikeB- none here, looks like a very well done app 04:09 MikeB- +1 04:10 Zic bashelier is involved on other projects in ubuntu-fr-classroom (see his wiki page) 04:10 elmo +1 04:10 dholbach +1 - bashelier did excellent work in the MOTU team already, so hope to see him as a MOTU soon :) 04:10 dholbach thanks bashelier 04:10 gpocentek congrats bashelier :) 04:10 jsgotangco congrats! 04:10 bashelier thanks :) 04:10 dholbach viperio does not seem to be around 04:10 Sp4rKy congrats !!! === myriam_rs flicite bashelier :-) 04:10 effraie \o/ bashelier 04:10 bashelier myriam_rs: :] 04:10 dholbach effraie: your stage 04:10 jsgotangco ok effraie nxt 04:11 effraie so, hello all 04:11 effraie i'm the perrfect example of french bad english spoker 04:11 bashelier +1! === bashelier runs 04:11 effraie I'm 25 year old educator: i work in french public hospital, with psychotic teenagers. I know, it's really not related to ubuntu ^^ (but very close related to me) 04:11 effraie Ubuntu related pages: | 04:11 effraie I'm linux user since mandrake 9.2 (2001 if i correctly remember) and ubuntu user since warty stable release. 04:11 effraie As powerpc user, my first involvment in ubuntu was contributing in ppc section on french ubuntu forums. 04:12 effraie I setted up a third-part repository ( ) with a friend, in order to provide some missing and/or buggy packages for ppc arch ( i think i was the first to release beryl & e17 packages for ppc, and i provide an xkb-data including a correct french apple keymap (2 examples the kind of packages we can provide).Now, i'm building medibuntu-ppc packages. 04:12 effraie I did learn to package on #ubuntu-fr-classroom (with gpocentek, mr_pouit...) and that classroom was my second most important involvment in ubuntu: i think that kind of project is a *very* powerfull way to involved new people in free software, and to make their skills growing up. 04:12 effraie That project is still growing up, and is certainly now the main place for "power-user" involvement in french ubuntu community. 04:12 effraie I did wrote many pieces of french "ubuntu on powerpc" documentation (see ). I did really recently crashed my ibook, but it was the beginning for a new project i launched with bashelier: MefaB, wich stand for "mental farm buildd", wich main goal is to provide an easy way for repository admins and users to set up or contribute for decentralized build-farm. 04:12 effraie After have maintaining ubuntu-fr website for some time, i'm now one of the 2 "new" fr locoteam administrator. (cause the 3 currents admins are slowly switching to new/others projects/stuffs ) 04:12 effraie well... 04:13 effraie done :| 04:13 bashelier I *fully* support effraie's application, he has shown he was involved in many parts of Ubuntu tasks, in the french community 04:13 fernando bashelier, congrats 04:13 bashelier thanks fernando 04:13 gpocentek effraie is very very active in the french community since a while 04:13 skateinmars As a french ubuntu user (planet member, irc channels moderator), I'd like to advocate for effraie as he is really active in the french community. 04:13 dholbach effraie: it seems that none of your packages made it into Ubuntu yet - do you have plans for your packages to go into Ubuntu proper? 04:14 Adri2000 all the french community supports effraie's application! :) I do as well :) 04:14 effraie well, most of the package i did build was still in ubuntu, but not suitable on powerpc 04:14 effraie they are, now 04:14 dholbach ah ok, what about e17? 04:15 effraie well, i think rasterman has some reason for not including e17 in ubuntu, that's not *really* my business. but 04:15 effraie i'm building packages for the 04:15 Sp4rKy effraie help me and lutin on E17 repository 04:15 effraie ubuntu related edevelop repo 04:15 Sp4rKy helps* 04:16 effraie so, if the get into ubuntu.. 04:16 seb128 why not sending patches for buggy packages and contributing to MOTU rather than distributing there elsewhere? 04:16 dholbach I just know that there have been many people who asked for e17 packages already - it'd be great to have them 04:16 bashelier here is a sample of one of effraie's projects, take a look :) 04:16 Sp4rKy dholbach: indeed, we're agree with you 04:16 effraie seb128: cause i was really not enough involved in community when i begin to do this 04:17 Sp4rKy anyway, rasterman, the main dev of E17, doesn't want we include this wm in official repos === myriam_rs would love to see e17 in Ubuntu too, one of the best looking shell-managers ever 04:17 Zic because E17 is still in development 04:17 effraie s/dev/huge dev 04:17 Zic :) 04:17 Sp4rKy so we built a third party repository, and effraie manages the ppc builds 04:17 Sp4rKy myriam_rs: there is a 3rd party repo :) 04:18 dholbach ok, let's move the e17 discussion to some other place - I didn't want to stir that up 04:18 dholbach effraie: do you plan to become a MOTU? 04:18 myriam_rs Sp4rKy: I know, I already use e17 in Ubuntu :-) 04:18 effraie but, the main moint of this application is ubuntu-fr locoteam, not my packaging stuff, i think 04:18 effraie so, dholbach why not, but it's not my main goal 04:18 effraie s/moint/point 04:18 dholbach I'd encourage you :) 04:19 effraie thanks ^^ 04:19 jsgotangco effraie: right, thanks for pointing that out, i was about to ask about your plans for the loco 04:19 effraie ubuntu fr locoteam is a huge community, and there a lot of work 04:19 dholbach for how long have you been involved in the loco? 04:20 effraie well, the fr loco is an asociation, covered by french law 04:20 effraie the, the "offficial" membership is a bit complex 04:20 dholbach I need to step out for just a few minutes - we should still have quorum with Burgundavia around though. brb. 04:20 Burgundavia ok 04:20 effraie i'm acting in it from 1 or 2 years 04:21 effraie but i''m an "official" member still 3 or 4 month 04:21 Burgundavia what are the requirements to get in? 04:21 effraie be involved 04:21 effraie but the main point is not to be "official" membeer 04:22 effraie there is only 9 official member 04:22 effraie cause of law related complexity 04:22 effraie but 04:22 Burgundavia aside from being a member and the website stuff, what else have you been doing with the -fr locoteam? 04:22 effraie the main core for ubuntu-fr community is about 20/30 people 04:23 effraie well, i'm working on french planet, forums, parties, -classroom... 04:23 jsgotangco french parties? =) 04:23 effraie representaion, contact with other french free software organisations 04:23 effraie jsgotangco: yep 04:23 bashelier jsgotangco: we got 1300 people on last french install party 04:24 jsgotangco 0_0 04:24 Zic jsgotangco: and a second edition is planned 04:24 effraie and for the next one, we did invitte sam hocevar, new DPL 04:24 Zic about Ubuntu Studio version 04:24 bashelier :) 04:24 effraie for a talk 04:24 jsgotangco nice 04:24 jsgotangco based on activities, I'm happy to give +1 04:25 effraie one of my prefered project is the classroom channel 04:25 effraie wich is a very powerfull medium to involved 04:25 effraie -d people 04:25 jsgotangco ok 04:25 jsgotangco any more questions for effraie? 04:25 MikeB- none here +1 04:26 effraie :) 04:26 Burgundavia +1 for me 04:26 johnc4510 :) i'm here 04:26 dholbach +1 from me too 04:26 jsgotangco great! 04:26 dholbach congratulations effraie 04:26 Sp4rKy congrats effraie :) 04:26 gpocentek congrats effraie ! :) 04:26 lamalex congrats! 04:26 Adri2000 congrats effraie! 04:26 effraie thanks :) 04:27 bashelier congrats effraie! 04:27 jsgotangco johnc4510: go for it 04:27 Zic congrats effraie \o/ 04:27 johnc4510 Hi, I'm John Crawford (Ubuntero) A founding member and team leader of the Ubuntu-Arizona Loco Team. Here is my wiki page: and our team page: and my Launchpad page: Thank you for your consideration. :-> === myriam_rs flicitations effraie! 04:27 effraie thank you, myriam_rs 04:27 jsgotangco "The hottest loco on earth" === br24 from AZ team is here for johnc4510 04:27 Vorian I'm here to cheer for johnc4510!!! 04:27 johnc4510 ty br24 04:27 Vorian johnc4510 has been the driving force behind the Arizona LoCo team. He lives the values of Ubuntu, and is open to accepting all who wish to participate on the Arizona team. John thoughtfully sends out weekly newsletters to all in the team. I strongly recommend a +1 for johnc4510 04:27 johnc4510 ty Vorian 04:27 johnc4510 :) 04:27 br24 johnc4510 has provided good direction for all members of the AZ team in reaching our goals 04:28 jsonder John4510 _is_ organized 04:28 etank I would like to cheer for johnc4510. He and his team have been doing some great stuff. Our team (Kentucky) has benefited from some of the ideas that he has started. 04:28 johnc4510 jsonder: ty 04:28 johnc4510 etank: ty 04:28 MikeB- atoponce asked me to send this endorsement of johnc4510 04:28 etank +1 for johnc4510 from me 04:28 MikeB- johnc4510 has been a great asset to the az team. they have flourished under his leadership and are easily heading for team approval. it would be a great asset to the ubuntu membership to add him as member === johnc4510 thanks atoponce 04:29 jsgotangco its also listed in his wiki page 04:29 dholbach johnc4510: you say you want to structure the goals for the az team - do you have any plans already? 04:30 johnc4510 our plans are to advocate ubuntu and open source 04:30 johnc4510 we want to pull in the lugs in state to begin with 04:30 johnc4510 also to use libraries to distribute cd's 04:31 johnc4510 also use colleges for demos 04:31 johnc4510 we are a new team just since april 12 of 05 04:32 johnc4510 organizing has been our first goal 04:32 johnc4510 now on to spreading ubuntu 04:32 johnc4510 :P\ 04:32 dholbach did you have any problems/challenges with the organisation? 04:32 johnc4510 not really, things kind of feel into place 04:33 johnc4510 over 40 members in launchpad in 2 months 04:33 johnc4510 :) 04:33 Vorian WOW! 04:33 Vorian :) === johnc4510 says Vorian has been a great help === johnc4510 says atoponce also 04:34 jsgotangco looks good to me 04:34 johnc4510 team members have been exceptional === br24 says AZ team would not be here without johnc4510 04:34 johnc4510 br24: ty 04:34 dholbach any more questions? 04:34 jsgotangco i give my +1 04:35 etank woot johnc4510 04:35 johnc4510 My thanks to all, especially Vorian, atoponce, etank , br24 and jsonder for coming. 04:35 dholbach +1 from me too - lots of good contributions and good coordination with other teams === johnc4510 thanks all 04:35 MikeB- +1 for me, fantastic work 04:35 johnc4510 MikeB-: ty 04:35 dholbach Burgundavia, elmo? 04:35 Burgundavia +1 from me 04:35 dholbach congratulations johnc4510 :) 04:35 effraie congrats johnc4510 :) 04:36 Vorian CONGRATS JOHNC4510!!!!!! 04:36 johnc4510 dholbach: ty 04:36 Vorian \o/ 04:36 br24 congrats johnc4510!!! 04:36 dholbach Jacob: your stage 04:36 jsgotangco johnc4510: keep it up! may the AZ team be hotter by august === johnc4510 smiles 04:36 Jacob Hi! I'm Jacob Peddicord, otherwise known as jacobmp92 or just Jacob. I've been using Ubuntu for a little more than a year now, and I'm currently running Gutsy regardless of all warnings ;). My wiki page is & LP: 04:36 johnc4510 jsgotangco: hope so === myriam_rs congrats johnc4510 :-) 04:36 johnc4510 myriam_rs: ty 04:36 Jacob I've been a member of the Ohio LoCo Team since back when it started in late November. I help run our IRC channel and website. I also wrote the support system used on the site, currently available to LoCo teams on Launchpad as "loco-drupal-support". 04:36 Jacob I also am currently the leader for the Unanswered Posts Team on the forums. While this team is relatively new, we currently have some interesting methods for dealing with topics, one of them including an off-site tracker used internally by the team. 04:36 Jacob My future plans include releasing some tools to help new LoCo teams to get a website up and running with Drupal quickly, going to Ohio Linux Fest, and continuing to use and support Ubuntu. </Jacob> 04:37 Vorian :) 04:37 Vorian I'm here to cheer for Jacob! 04:37 Vorian Jacob is one of the strongest members on the Ohio LoCo team. He is the Moderator of the Ohio LoCo Forum. He it the Team Leader of the Unanswered Posts team on Ubuntu Forums. He is the webmaster for the Ohio LoCo team. 04:37 jsgotangco nice team 04:37 jsgotangco =) 04:37 Vorian He developed the F2F (Face To Face Support) Feature for the Ohio Website Which is described here Jacob cleaned up the code so that all loco teams could have it (even Canonical was asking for it) If it weren't't for Jacob, our LoCo team would be half of what it is today. 04:37 Admiral_Chicago which rocks btw, I came to give him a big up just for that system. 04:37 Jacob thanks Vorian :) 04:37 meatballhat I'm also here to cheer for Jacob! Jacob has been a great asset to our LoCo Team, and I strongly believe that he will be an even greater asset to the Ubuntu Community as a whole. He has the technical background to grow into a strong member of the developement community, and also has interpersonal communication skills that are hard to come by. for member in OhioLoCoTeam: meatballhat.cheers(Jacob) 04:37 Vorian Besides all that, Jacob is a stand up gentleman and a scholar, well deserving of Ubuntu Membership. 04:37 Jacob thanks also meatballhat :) 04:38 jsgotangco Jacob: what would you like to focus in the coming days/months? 04:39 phanatic dholbach: i'm here to cheer for coNP, but have to run now, so here is my testimonial: as the loco leader for the hungarian ubuntu team, i can tell that he's been a great help with administering our virtual machine, and also helped to organize super cool ubuntu t-shirts for the masses in hungary. i hope he'll become an ubuntu member, he deserves it (i've also seen several uploads by him recently :)) 04:39 Jacob jsgotangco: I'd like to focus my work probably around the LoCo tool systems i've been developing 04:39 dholbach thanks phanatic 04:39 etank I would like to cheer for Jacob as well. Our team has started using the F2F module that he wrote. He is always willing to help and seems to be a great guy. 04:39 Jacob :) 04:40 jsgotangco ok 04:41 jsgotangco there are lots of testimonials happening 04:41 gsuveg dholbach: i need run out within 20min too. im work with coNP on website and t-shirt project. i hope to he'll become an umbuntu member. 04:41 Vorian jsgotangco, that's because jacob is so awesome :) 04:41 Jacob hehe 04:41 etank amen 04:42 jsgotangco judging from LP activity, its all good 04:42 jsgotangco happy to give +1 04:42 Burgundavia if people need to give a testimonial, PM any of teh CC members and we can paste it when it is time 04:42 MikeB- +1 here 04:42 dholbach how many members does the unansweredposts team have? 04:43 jsgotangco oh yeah 04:43 Jacob dholbach: somewhere around 25 currently I think 04:43 Jacob at the bottom 04:43 dholbach nice - keep up the good work on that - I think it's a fabulous idea 04:43 dholbach +1 from me too 04:43 jsgotangco answering the unanswered posts in a sensible way? 04:43 jsgotangco =) 04:43 Jacob yep:) 04:44 jsgotangco rock, just like blatant erros and awkward grammar ;-) 04:44 Vorian His team does an awesome job with that jsgotangco 04:44 Jacob heh 04:44 Burgundavia +1 from me 04:44 jsgotangco great, Burgundavia, elmo? 04:44 jsgotangco nice! 04:44 jsgotangco congrats Jacob! 04:44 Jacob :-D 04:44 jsgotangco Joe_CoT: next 04:44 Joe_CoT :) 04:45 etank congrats Jacob 04:45 Vorian \o/ Jacob !!!!!!! 04:45 Joe_CoT Hello. I'm Joe Terranova, and I'm the team leader for the New Jersey Local Community Team. Since I took over the team in November, I've been working to get our team active and approved, and I've been organizing events and recruiting in the New Jersey Area. As well, I've been working with the Pennsylvania team to help them with their events in the Philly area as they got started as a team. === myriam_rs sends congratulations to Jacob:-) 04:45 Joe_CoT I'm happy to see the Pennsylvania Team get approved today, and hopefully I'll be back here with my team in the following months. My approval application is here: === christinaeater cheers for Joe_CoT 04:45 Jacob thanks etank, Vorian, meatballhat, and anyone else i missed :) === jedijf cheers from pa for Joe_CoT 04:45 johnc4510 Jacob: congrats 04:45 pleia2 I'm here to support Joe_CoT, I've worked with him on a couple projects with the PA LoCo team, he did a whole presentation about Ubuntu at one of our events that had a pretty outstanding audience and reception === etank cheers for Joe_CoT too :) 04:46 lamalex yay joe_cot +1!! === Vorian cheers for Joe_CoT as well :) 04:46 Joe_CoT lamalex, you're not on the CC, but thanks ;D 04:46 lamalex hah not yet 04:46 MikeB- he is a thumbs up from atoponce for joe_CoT: <atoponce> Joe_CoT has been very active in the US Teams project, willing to help where he can. he's been a great asset to both the NJ team (his home team) and the PA team, and very active in the community. he would make a great addition as well 04:46 etank i second what atoponce had to say. 04:47 Burgundavia let me say again how pleased I am that the US teams are helping each other out this way 04:47 jsgotangco i agree 04:47 Joe_CoT hey, PA's only a bridge away :) 04:47 jsgotangco and the NJ team photo looksl ike that of a rock band 04:47 dholbach Joe_CoT: what have you been focusing on in getting the loco team started? 04:47 Joe_CoT jedijf has been flyering for my NJ event for weeks === jedijf likes joisey and Joe_CoT 04:48 jsgotangco how did the june installfest go 04:48 Joe_CoT We had 2 regional meetings to get people interested; one in South Jersey, one in Central. I've been recruiting at the local LUGs, and working with them for events -- we're having an installfest with CHLUG this saturday. 04:48 Joe_CoT Hopefully another with Princeton LUG in August. 04:49 jsgotangco oopss it hasnt happened yet 04:49 Joe_CoT I did a presentation at Cherry Hill LUG which picked up 3 members, we've gathered a few for Lug/IP, and I'll be in princeton in August for a stump speech there 04:49 jsgotangco nice preparation though 04:49 Joe_CoT thanks 04:50 jsgotangco "he is always just a bridge toll away" 04:51 jsgotangco :D 04:51 Joe_CoT We have 48 members on Launchpad -- in reality, around 4 or 5 active. Hopefully I'll get that number a bit higher soon, and I'll be back here for my team ;) 04:51 jedijf and on most days he can scrape up the toll :) 04:51 jsgotangco i think that's a very good start 04:51 jsgotangco hmm hold on someone's screaming outside and its past 10pm here 04:51 jsgotangco brb 04:52 dholbach MikeB-, Burgundavia, elmo: any more questions for Joe_CoT? 04:52 Burgundavia nope 04:52 dholbach Joe_CoT has my thumbs up too: +1 - good work on leading the team 04:52 Burgundavia +1 for another excellent US team 04:52 MikeB- nope +1 04:53 Joe_CoT elmo? :) 04:53 dholbach ok, shall we move on? elmo and jsgotangco (hope everything's alright at his end) will cast their votes in a bit 04:54 elmo +1 04:54 dholbach great 04:54 dholbach welcome Joe_CoT === jedijf congratulates Joe_CoT - next toll is on me :) 04:54 Joe_CoT :) thanks guys, and thanks to everyone who came to support me 04:54 etank congrats Joe_CoT 04:54 dholbach coreymoon77 does not seem to be around 04:54 Jacob congrats Joe_CoT! 04:54 dholbach calc: your stage === myriam_rs congrats Joe_CoT 04:54 jsgotangco doh 04:54 calc Hello, my name is Chris. I've been a Linux user since Slackware 2.1 (03/1995). I have been involved with Debian for 9 years, and a Debian Developer for 7 of those. I have maintained various packages for Debian including KDE and packages. I also wrote for cdbs and menu-xdg. I have used Ubuntu since the 4.10 preview (Sept 2004), and am the new Ubuntu maintainer. 04:54 lamalex yay joe!! 04:54 ogra yay calc ! 04:54 Vorian congats Joe_CoT :) 04:54 jsgotangco a neighbor had his tv really loud and was watching big brother sheeshh === ogra cheers 04:54 keescook \o/ calc 04:55 jsgotangco i'm +1 for Joe_CoT 04:56 bryce yay calc! 04:56 asac hey calc! === pochu cheers calc. He's been doing a great job with all kind of bugs, and helping out! 04:56 calc hello everyone :) 04:56 Riddell I support calc, Kubuntu uses much of his KDE work 04:57 dholbach calc: I've seen you quite often around in ubuntu channels, even before you become OO.o maintainer - when did you join the ubuntu community? 04:58 calc dholbach: i started using ubuntu and joined the irc channels around Sept 2004 04:58 jsgotangco right 04:58 ogra dholbach, he was around in #ubuntu when both of us were no motus yet :) 04:58 jsgotangco lots of history 04:59 dholbach on your way with the community, did you see things you'd like to see improved in Ubuntu and the community as a whole? 04:59 calc i remember using ubuntu on my amd64 laptop at Gnome Summit 2004 which was early oct 2004 05:01 calc one place i saw that could use some improvement is that Texas doesn't have loco yet, there is a Dallas loco and Houston has a few people that have started one, but needs more coordination 05:01 calc i have been thinking about trying to help out with the Houston one or trying to form a state loco 05:02 dholbach nice 05:02 calc Houston's meetings seem to occur mostly on the south side which is ~ 70mi away 05:02 jsgotangco yeah i noticed that on the wiki page 05:03 dinda calc: there are several folks from the Woodlands who want meetings up there 05:03 calc dinda: that sounds good then, i know several people in Huntsville that also want to have a group, so that could work out nicely 05:04 dholbach Burgundavia, jsgotangco, elmo, MikeB-: questions? 05:04 calc dinda: Conroe is around 20-30m away from both locations 05:04 jsgotangco i'm pretty happy +1 05:04 Burgundavia seems good to me 05:04 Burgundavia +! 05:04 jsgotangco i'm surprised though that its only now 05:04 elmo presumptive +1 05:04 Burgundavia +1, rather === ScottK says +1 for calc 05:04 dinda I'm down in Galveston so I end up driving into Houston for meetings and I help organize them 05:05 MikeB- +1 here 05:05 calc dinda: ah, yea houston metro is a very large area 05:05 dholbach +1 from me too, welcome calc === elkbuntu ushers the LoCo talk into #ubuntu-locoteams 05:05 calc thanks all for supporting my application for member :) 05:05 dholbach I think we've run out of time - is the kernel team around already? 05:05 jsgotangco yeah 05:05 BenC yeah :) 05:05 ogra welcome calc 05:06 dholbach so sorry everybody for not getting around to your application, we'll announce a new meeting time shortly 05:06 BenC dholbach: we wait patiently, take your time 05:06 hjmf oops :( 05:06 hjmf I was the next one 05:06 bryce heh, I just missed it 05:06 jsgotangco let's get to it then 05:06 BenC dholbach: we have a short kernel meeting, so if you need more time... 05:07 dholbach elmo, MikeB-, jsgotangco, Burgundavia: do you know who will do the approvals in launchpad? 05:07 jsgotangco anyone of us can actually do that 05:07 myriam_rs sad, I was waiting too and don't know if I can make it next time :-( 05:07 jsgotangco i'll start approving === coNP as well / neither 05:07 dholbach we have 8 more members on the list 05:07 jsgotangco i don't think we can cover all 8 05:07 coNP in fact only 7 05:07 MikeB- I just got a helpdesk call, and have to head out 05:07 WaVeR :o 05:08 dholbach ok, better adjourn then. 05:08 MikeB- sorry all 05:08 dholbach sorry everybody 05:08 hjmf :( OK 05:08 peanutb whens the next one? 05:08 jsgotangco well just prioritise starting from hjmf 05:09 jsgotangco in 2 weeks 05:09 jsgotangco but we'll have to adjust the sched 05:09 peanutb grr I'll be in europe 05:09 jsgotangco perhaps 21UTC and up 05:09 hjmf not sure If I'll be available then, I'm pretty busy 05:09 myriam_rs could we have a timeslot ASAP? I can't attend during daytime on other days than Mondays and Tuesdays :-( 05:09 dholbach we'll find a time for everybody 05:10 elkbuntu dholbach, famous last words 05:10 jsgotangco we'll make sure to have a sched by next week 05:10 WaVeR Or check the wiki page for everybody and approve them :D 05:10 dholbach have a nice day everybody - BenC the channel is all yours 05:10 BenC dholbach: thanks