
   11:07 Riddell     hi all
   11:07 Riddell     sorry I'm late
   11:07 highvoltage seaLne: hehe. i would say something about # and kde devels, but that would not be CoC appropriate ;)
   11:07 nixternal   hi Riddell
   11:07 Riddell     what did I miss?
   === toma is toma
   11:08 imbrandon   nothign waiting on you Riddell
   11:08 allee       toma: one more try
   11:08 Riddell     so, agenda at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
   === toma is toma
   11:09 allee       nahh
   11:09 imbrandon   Riddell, did you skype hobbsee ?
   11:09 Riddell     imbrandon: she's sleeping
   11:09 Lure        toma: we know ;-)
   11:09 imbrandon   ok
   11:09 Riddell     raphink-work can't make it
   11:10 imbrandon   maybe next one we can make a few hours later like 2400 or soemthing ( will wait till end of meeting for that )
   === apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-48-98.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:10 Riddell     but allee, toma and me makes quota
   11:10 imbrandon   aye ;)
   11:10 Riddell     so first item on agenda is from hobbsee, discussing https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/50387
   11:10 Ubugtu      Malone bug 50387 in kdenetwork "Default "privacy" settings don't respect privacy" [Untriaged,Confirmed]
   11:10 seaLne      i think it is normal behaviour
   === allee disagrees
   11:11 Riddell     I don't really use instant messenging enough to know what the norms are
   11:11 imbrandon   my .02 cents is lock it down by default ( ie turn privacy settings on ) and if users want it on they can easly cahnge the settings
   11:11 seaLne      sending away etc is normal
   === mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FE247.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:12 Riddell     so it's a complaining that "Become available when detecting activity again" is against privacy
   11:12 uniq        i don't like sharing 'hidden' information. atleast kopete should tell you it does this.
   11:12 Riddell     I can understand the worry there
   11:12 imbrandon   Riddell, yea
   11:12 seaLne      changing the OS info stuff i think is probably fine
   11:12 toma        it is the first thing i disable after installing im-software
   11:12 Riddell     "Always send notifications" sounds like we need more info on what those notifications are but I guess they're similar
   11:13 imbrandon   IE msn / icq on windows makes you turn that stuff ON if you want it
   11:13 toma        allee: why dont you agree?
   11:13 Riddell     "Hide system and client info" that doesn't sound like anything you couldn't get with web browser ident
   11:13 seaLne      interesting
   11:13 Riddell     imbrandon: that's interesting
   === seaLne has only ever used IM on linux
   11:14 Riddell     well if kopete is giving out more information than MSN we should change that
   11:14 DaSkreech   Riddell: Wouldn't Spim be a problem then?
   === Lure is not overly concerned...
   11:14 Riddell     DaSkreech: what's that?
   11:14 allee       toma: be conservative.  Only give away info that are strictly necessary.
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   11:14 DaSkreech   Spam through Instant Messenger
   11:14 allee       (by default)
   11:14 imbrandon   yea i agree with allee
   11:14 toma        allee: ah right, i misunderstood. I agree
   11:14 imbrandon   still an option but OFF by default
   === teckfatt [n=teckfatt@ACD7A7E1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:14 uniq        i agree with allee too.
   11:14 DaSkreech   If someone can just send you an off message and gain a lot of information on your computer and you that might be cause for concern
   === ruggy [n=someone@] has joined #Ubuntu-Meeting
   11:15 imbrandon   DaSkreech, exactly what we are addressing ;)
   11:15 DaSkreech   Plus I think that Ubuntu has prided itself and marketed it self as being secure by default
   11:15 Riddell     I don't see an issue with "Hide system and client info" but everything else I'm happy to have changed
   11:15 imbrandon   Riddell, spim == spam for IM's
   11:15 Riddell     I'll assign the bug to tonio, he's the default-settings hero
   11:15 toma        Riddell: i agree
   11:15 toma        i have another question about kopete
   11:15 Riddell     toma: go for it
   11:15 DaSkreech   imbrandon: RIght I'm saying that the fact that unknown people can message you and get info as soon as you start up Kopete (and some account) is serious issue
   11:16 toma        today i've learned that 0.12 sdoes not contain translations, is that handled by the lang packs?
   === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:16 Riddell     toma: no, although some people might be able to translate it with rosetta if they want
   11:16 Riddell     but the correct solution is to get the kopete developers to fix their svn branch
   11:17 Riddell     KDE is perfectly able to do translations for a branch
   11:17 toma        absolutly, i'll have a look at that.
   11:17 Riddell     "What's that -- DanielRobitaille [[DateTime(2006-07-09T07:00:24Z)]] thing, and how do we use it?" anyone here put that on the agenda?
   11:17 toma        it just means we ship a nontranslated app, not sure if it should replace a translated one.
   11:18 [Nirvana]   prolly someone who didn't read the NOTE:
   11:18 imbrandon   not I but it seems like its explained below the agenda
   11:18 Riddell     toma: if translations appear later it's not a problem to add them
   11:18 nixternal   look at the line i added under imbrandon's last agenda item...see my name and the info after it..that is what -- DanielRobitaille [[DateTime(2006-07-09T07:00:24Z)]] does in the wiki
   11:19 imbrandon   nixternal, yes and that is explained in the "NOTE:" below, someone just dident read
   11:19 Riddell     "When will we get the wiki.kubuntu.org certificate fixed?" when the sysadmins get around to it
   11:19 Riddell     I'll politely poke them this week
   11:19 DaSkreech   Whats wrong with you?
   11:19 imbrandon   thanks Riddell ;) hehe
   11:19 DaSkreech   I mean with it
   11:19 Riddell     allee: your item
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   11:20 [Nirvana]   speaking of certificates, when is https://xubuntu.com gonna get fixed?
   11:20 allee       Fonts of wiki.kubuntu are way to small here.
   11:20 imbrandon   [Nirvana] , best to ask the xubuntu team / meeting
   11:20 Riddell     [Nirvana] : get whoever runs that site to file a request in rt
   11:20 allee       We had a similar discussion about defaut font size in kubuntu.  I argue that same applies to wiki ;)
   11:20 [Nirvana]   ahh, because I filed a bug a while back
   11:20 Riddell     allee: heno was incharge of the wiki, I think canonical has a new webmaster about to start so it's probably in flux
   11:21 allee       Someone should fix the css
   11:21 Lure        allee: really? they are quite big here (147DPI), both konqueror and firefox
   11:21 Riddell     allee: however best thing would be if you or someone could make a patch and I'll find the right person to send it to
   11:21 allee       Lure: when I press once ctrl-+.  font size rougly matches here.
   11:21 [Nirvana]   xubuntu.com went to edubuntu, and it seems that edubuntu still owns the certificate for https://xubuntu.com...but now it points to the fridge
   11:21 imbrandon   and / or attach it to website-bugs in LP
   11:21 Riddell     allee: although you shouldn't use fixed point sizes in webpages
   11:21 ogra        [Nirvana] , ``
   11:21 Riddell     [Nirvana] : wrong meeting
   11:21 ogra        ??
   11:21 imbrandon   [Nirvana] , this isnt the place for that
   11:22 seaLne      btw pretty please can we do new members in the next 30min so i can catch the last bus?
   11:22 Riddell     seaLne: sure, do we have any member candidates here?
   11:22 Riddell     preseumably seaLne is one :)
   11:22 Lure        allee: I need to do Ctrl+ - twice to have the same size as wiki.k.org
   === DaSkreech remembers something to put into OTB
   11:22 imbrandon   seaLne, looks to be the only one on the agenda
   11:23 Riddell     I changed the font size on kubuntu.org recently to make it normal size not smaller than normal
   11:23 Riddell     ok seaLne, could you introduce yourself
   === seaLne is Kenny Duffus
   11:23 Riddell     got a wiki page
   11:23 Riddell     anything about what you're been doing?
   11:23 [Nirvana]   he is THE Kenny Duffus... BehindUbuntu.com... duh! :P
   11:23 imbrandon   https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KennyDuffus
   11:23 seaLne      i have done various bug triaging and run behindubuntu.org and have done a few packages
   11:24 imbrandon   [Nirvana] , this si protocal please refrain
   11:24 uniq        10k+ karma :)
   11:24 toma        behindKubuntu.org?
   11:24 DaSkreech   heehee
   11:25 seaLne      pay the money and i'll use it aswell :)
   11:25 Riddell     I should say that I've known Kenny in real life for several years and he's often let me sleep on his floor when I get stuck in Glasgow
   11:25 imbrandon   ;)
   11:25 Riddell     so I might be in trouble if I don't vote him in
   11:25 kwwii       Riddell justs wants him in so that he has someone to talk Scots to
   11:26 kwwii       :p
   11:26 Riddell     toma, allee: any questions from our council members?
   11:26 Lure        seaLne did great work on bug traige for dapper
   11:26 toma        browsing through launchpad for a second
   11:27 toma        it looks good to me
   11:28 toma        seaLne: any kubuntu specific plans?
   11:28 allee       no really.  What I've seen up to now is impressive
   11:29 toma        what is sleuthkit?
   11:29 seaLne      toma: i'd like to see improvements in accessability
   11:29 seaLne      forensic sw
   11:29 Riddell     seaLne: we have just the spec for you http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuAccessibility
   11:29 Riddell     lets vote
   11:29 Riddell     +1 from me
   11:29 seaLne      we have lots of expensive acessability stuf for windows but not in linux
   11:30 allee       seaLne: you have a connection to people working in kde on accessibility?
   11:30 seaLne      nope
   11:30 allee       seaLne: how long are you participating in (k)ubuntu?
   11:31 seaLne      hmm not actually sure, since some point in breezy
   11:31 Riddell     first sighted on #kubuntu-devel 2006-02-18
   11:31 Riddell     oh no, he was on in 2005 too
   11:32 Riddell     2005-09
   11:32 imbrandon   sept 05
   11:32 toma        seaLne: did you sign the code of conduct?
   11:33 allee       yes he did
   11:33 Riddell     "Ubuntero: Yes "
   11:33 toma        ah ok
   11:33 toma        +1 for me
   11:33 allee       Okay +1 from me too.  Riddell trusts him and I see lots of activity traces from him
   === imbrandon notes he is also a member of kubuntu-team and ubuntu-bugsquad
   11:33 Riddell     yay!
   11:33 toma        yes indeed
   11:34 Riddell     welcome to kubuntu membership seaLne
   11:34 seaLne      wooo :)
   11:34 allee       seaLne: congrats
   11:34 imbrandon   seaLne, congrats
   11:34 toma        cool, we tricked another one ;-)
   11:34 Lure        seaLne: congrats
   11:34 seaLne      hehe
   11:34 imbrandon   haha
   11:34 Riddell     any other member candidates now?
   11:34 nixternal   one of these days ...
   11:35 Riddell     Lure: your item
   11:35 Lure        is it clear now what is accepted of edgy in terms of Kubuntu spec?
   11:35 Lure        (and general updated on major conclusion from UDS in paris)
   11:36 Lure        s/updated/update/
   11:36 imbrandon   and if so where is it housed other than Riddell's mind ;)
   11:36 imbrandon   ( the kubuntu specifics )
   === allee is especially curious how interaction/help from KDE devels worked out
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   11:36 toma        yes, the blogs wheren't much helpfull
   11:36 Riddell     the specs are still at https://launchpad.net/people/jr/+specs
   === DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:36 Riddell     I need to target the edgy ones to edgy
   11:37 Riddell     and there's a bunch I need to tidy up and poke through to approval
   11:37 Riddell     toma: I'll do a more complete blog soon
   11:37 Riddell     allee: having the KDE devels was really cool
   11:37 Riddell     at least for me it meant there was more than me at the KDE BoFs
   11:37 Riddell     kwwii: any opinion?
   11:38 Riddell     the teamspeak stuff didn't relly work, it's just too difficult to have a conversation in two places like that at once
   11:38 imbrandon   what were some of the major things that you think will affect kubuntu as a whole decided ?
   11:38 kwwii       well, we are starting a totally new way of working on the artwork
   11:38 kwwii       Mark announced today that I will be "artist in chief" for kubuntu for the edgy cycle
   11:38 Riddell     kwwii: announced where?
   11:38 toma        kwwii: cool!
   11:38 kwwii       on the ubuntu-artwork list
   11:39 imbrandon   congrats kwwii
   11:39 profoX`     @schedule Brussels
   11:39 Riddell     great
   11:39 Ubugtu      Schedule for Europe/Brussels: Current meeting: Kubuntu | 28 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 29 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team
   11:39 allee       kwwii: cool
   11:39 kwwii       well, I am my own boss, that is what is means
   11:39 kwwii       but this time I want to get more people involved
   11:39 imbrandon   kwwii, where did he announce it ?
   11:39 kwwii       I have already talked to a few guys about helping out
   11:39 [Nirvana]   ubuntu-art he announced it
   11:39 [Nirvana]   on June 18
   11:39 Riddell     imbrandon: my main focus will be laptop support, although I've no idea how I'll do the laptop buttons since my laptop buttons don't seem to work at all
   11:39 kwwii       no, he only announced it today
   11:40 kwwii       that myself and frank schoep will be the AICs
   11:40 kwwii       that adds a lot of coordination work which I did not have during dapper
   11:40 Riddell     kubuntu-accessibility will be cool to have
   11:40 Riddell     and well overdue
   11:40 Lure        Riddell: I can help on buttons (not sure for PM GUI as I am not GUI developer ;-))
   11:40 kwwii       definitly
   11:40 imbrandon   https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2006-June/002250.html  <-- the announcement
   11:40 seaLne      something laptop related that would be nice to fix is on this hp if you turn off wireless in windows you can't turn it on in linux afaik
   11:40 Riddell     kubuntu-easy-zeroconf also nice
   11:41 Lure        seaLne: easy fix - do not use windows ;-)
   11:41 Riddell     and I need to talk to mornfall about how we'll manage adept, but he seems to be cracking on with development at the moment
   11:41 allee       Riddell: did any of the KDE devels show interest to help on some specs?
   11:41 seaLne      tonight i had to to login to the fscking wireless :(
   11:41 Riddell     allee: I know el will help with the usability stuff we started with her
   === allee will at least monitor comment on latopbuttons. More if time permits ...
   11:42 Riddell     allee: and ervin will be interested in the laptop stuff from a Solid viewpoint
   === abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:42 Riddell     but I'm not interested in turning KDE developers into kubuntu developers, we need an upstream too!
   11:43 imbrandon   ;)
   11:43 Lure        Riddell: will sebas work on PM GUI?
   11:43 Riddell     Lure: oh yes, he started that already
   11:43 Lure        (or should we hack kpowersave wityh hal
   11:43 Lure        Riddell: great!
   11:43 toma        yes, saw some commits already
   11:43 Lure        toma: kde svn?
   11:43 toma        yes
   11:43 imbrandon   Riddell, is the solid stuff going to be making its way into edgy ?
   11:43 Riddell     Lure: the powersave stuff is interesting since shortly after we wrote the spec saying "we'll just make our own simple powersave frontend that uses HAL"...
   11:44 uniq        riddell: any more thoughts on dropping gamin or not?
   11:44 Riddell     they wrote an e-mail saying they'd turn kpowersave into a simple HAL frontend
   11:44 Riddell     uniq: I'm packaging kdelibs just now and have dropped gamin, I'll see how it works
   11:44 Lure        Riddell: true, I think they have seen that big splash inclusion into kde is less likely
   11:44 Riddell     imbrandon: no, solid is kde 4
   11:45 uniq        riddell: with --enable-fast-malloc (would make adept faster don't know anything about side effects) and +inotify?
   11:45 DaSkreech   Riddell: There will be KDE4 Debs for Edgy?
   11:45 Lure        Riddell: we need to discuss with sebas interaction between kmilo & new-pm-gui regarding suspend/hibernate keys...
   11:45 Riddell     kde-kiosk-profiles is a fun task for anyone with a few evenings to spare
   11:45 Lure        (or is this already clear?)
   11:45 imbrandon   DaSkreech, no
   11:46 Riddell     DaSkreech: only very early ones for developers
   11:46 imbrandon   DaSkreech, preview only in late october
   11:46 Riddell     uniq: I'll look into using those too, thanks for reminding me
   11:46 Lure        Riddell: isn't Tonio_ expert in profiles?
   11:46 Riddell     uniq: inotify is in there of course
   11:46 DaSkreech   imbrandon: Wel Riddell is slated for KDE4 on edgy
   11:46 imbrandon   DaSkreech, preview only in late october
   11:46 Riddell     Lure: that's not difficult, we just use standard X keys and bindings
   11:47 Riddell     DaSkreech: I'm not slated for anything, I don't want to be slated thanks
   11:47 imbrandon   lol
   11:47 Lure        Riddell: ok, so pm-gui will have proper xkeysym binding for X86Sleep?
   11:47 Riddell     Lure: that's the idea
   11:47 DaSkreech   Ah ok so don't expect a KDE4 Repo till Fuzzy Ferret?
   11:47 uniq        riddell: great, if you build ppc debs i can test, :)
   11:47 Riddell     DaSkreech: correct
   11:47 DaSkreech   ok cool :)
   11:48 Riddell     DaSkreech: although we might have early kdelibs packages
   11:48 [Nirvana]   Fuzzy Ferret is next?
   11:48 DaSkreech   [Nirvana] : No
   11:48 Lure        Riddell: any idea how to make kmilo bindings configurable (g-s-d has some xml config file)
   11:48 DaSkreech   Flirty Flamingo :)
   11:48 imbrandon   [Nirvana] , no name for it yet other than it will PROBBABLY start with an F
   11:48 Riddell     Lure: we make kmilo create standard X keys then let the suitable application pick them up and make them configurable
   11:49 allee       Next agenda item?
   11:49 [Nirvana]   that's funny because someone at neowin.net was said he was waiting for the Farty Ferret release, so they weren't too far off
   11:49 toma        would be nice to package kde4 next to kde3
   11:49 toma        so people can test
   11:49 Riddell     so in conclusion edgy looks cool and if anyone wants to pick up a spec and run with it please feel free to do so (but let me know)
   11:49 uniq        toma: something for kubuntu.org maybe?
   11:49 toma        ?
   11:50 Riddell     imbrandon: your item
   11:50 imbrandon   that would be mine, was wondring about the kde edgy timetable and when its going to tentively be uploaded
   11:50 toma        uniq: yes
   11:50 seaLne      ok got to go see yas later
   11:50 apokryphos  adieu
   11:50 toma        bye
   11:50 imbrandon   as gnome is already in the edgy repos
   11:50 Lure        seaLne: bye
   11:50 imbrandon   Timetable for KDE 3.5.3 ( or what ever version we're starting with ) getting uploaded to Edgy ( Gnome uploaded already ) -- imbrandon
   11:51 Riddell     imbrandon: well I've done qt 3 and 4 today, kdelibs is currently compiling away
   11:51 imbrandon   but i also seen kdelibs just come accross edgy-changes a few moments ago
   11:51 Riddell     and I'll do the rest tomorrow and wednesday
   11:51 Riddell     you have?
   11:51 DaSkreech   how many Apps have jumped to KDE4?
   11:51 imbrandon   err qt4-x11
   11:51 imbrandon   ^^ my mistake
   11:51 Riddell     imbrandon: phew :)
   11:51 Riddell     DaSkreech: none
   11:51 DaSkreech   Amarok, Kopete.. Kouple others
   11:51 Riddell     DaSkreech: a couple on qt 4 though
   11:52 DaSkreech   Sorry that's what I meant
   11:52 imbrandon   DaSkreech, none for kde4 , some qt4
   11:52 apokryphos  DaSkreech: they *can* be compiled, but none are fully ported
   11:52 Riddell     neither amarok nor kopete use qt 4
   11:52 Riddell     imbrandon: does that answer your question?
   11:52 imbrandon   it would be silly to post major apps this early
   11:52 imbrandon   and yes Riddell thanks
   11:53 toma        one of my coworkers mentioned that a new gnome was added recently
   11:53 Riddell     still plenty of gaps in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates if anyone wants to take some
   11:53 Riddell     toma: yes, the new gnome is being uploaded, although not very fast since they're at guadec
   11:53 imbrandon   Riddell, been working on some , also what do we do with those for us MOTU hopefulls? upload to revu ?
   11:53 Riddell     imbrandon: your item again
   11:53 [Nirvana]   if KDE 3.5.4 is slated for the end of July, we'll see it in edgy right?
   11:54 [Nirvana]   sorry for hijacking^
   11:54 Riddell     imbrandon: upload to revu and find someone to take a look at it, I'm happy to
   11:54 toma        nm
   11:54 Riddell     [Nirvana] : yes, I expect it will be
   11:54 imbrandon   Riddell, ok , and my next item ....
   11:54 imbrandon   Sugest Getting a KDE theme and redirects for doc.kubuntu.org and help.kubuntu.org just as *.ubuntu.com -- imbrandon
   11:54 Riddell     nixternal has info on this?
   11:54 nixternal   KDE theme is being worked on as we speak...redirects are all still in the process as the transfer to h.u.c isnt' complete 100%...we (DocTeam & WikiTeam) are currently working on getting this all organized...mdke is the man in charge
   11:54 imbrandon   kinda like the wiki.k.org
   11:54 apokryphos  cool
   11:54 nixternal   ;)
   11:55 Riddell     nixternal: who's working on redirects?
   11:55 nixternal   only CatDocs is being transferred from current wiki to new wiki...Matthew East
   === jjesse [i=user@69-87-143-45.async.iserv.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:55 Riddell     hi jjesse
   11:55 nixternal   and that guy there
   11:55 jjesse      hello
   11:55 nixternal   ;)
   11:55 apokryphos  so all things on w.k.o will take you to h.u.c as it is
   11:55 nixternal   rain delay?
   11:56 Riddell     nixternal: has he requested the domains be set up?
   11:56 nixternal   jjesse:  you couldn't be any more perfect on time
   11:56 jjesse      gotta leave soon to softball game
   11:56 jjesse      real quick :)
   11:56 nixternal   domains and all that should be completed already...
   11:56 imbrandon   apokryphos, as is right now yes
   11:56 nixternal   everything is being ported if it belongs to Category Documentation to help.ubuntu.com
   11:56 Riddell     dig help.kubuntu.org
   11:56 Riddell     doesn't seem to return anythin
   11:57 imbrandon   right but what about help.kubuntu.org ;)
   11:57 jjesse      correct
   11:57 nixternal   the wiki.ubuntu.com is staying, just all of the CatDoc is being redirected
   11:57 nixternal   there is no subdomain for h.k.o
   11:57 imbrandon   nixternal, we are talking about resirects for the DNS and Kubuntu themes
   11:57 jjesse      i don't think anything has been setup yet for help.kubuntu.com to redirect to anything, it was just a minor suggestion at the time to mdke
   11:57 nixternal   that i can dig at least
   11:58 imbrandon   jjesse, major sugestion to us kubuntu peeps ;)
   11:58 nixternal   Kubuntu themes are being recreated due to the moinmoin upgrade...old theme doesn't work with new server
   11:58 apokryphos  would be a good idea to get done; would be nice to have cleaner kubuntu theme when viewing docs
   11:58 jjesse      i just asked mdke if we could setup the kubuntu template from the wiki on help.ubuntu.com and also see if we could get a redirect
   11:58 jjesse      the last i knew he was working on getting it taken care of
   11:58 jjesse      reason i suggested to him was because he manages help.ubuntu.com
   11:58 imbrandon   ok jjesse thanks
   11:58 Riddell     ok, I'll talk to mdke and see if he needs anything out of me for it
   11:58 Riddell     I'd love to see it happen of course
   === nixternal too
   11:59 jjesse      sure, i think we have two people imbrandon and me trying to get teh same thing done w/o talking to each other :)
   11:59 imbrandon   hahah ;) probbly
   11:59 imbrandon   jjesse,  i'll ping ya after, also is kwwii working ont he theme artwork ?
   11:59 jjesse      in fact i wasn't even aware it was on the agenda until nixternal brought it up to me before the meeting started
   11:59 jjesse      sorry i can't stay longer gotta go play softball :)
   11:59 nixternal   doin' what i can boss ;)
   11:59 jjesse      imbrandon: i'll be out for a couple of hours
   12:00 imbrandon   ok np
   12:00 nixternal   gl jjesse ;)
   12:00 Riddell     jjesse: any suggestions from you about meeting time?
   12:00 imbrandon   NEW meeting time ;)
   12:00 jjesse      2100 utc is 5 o'clock my time
   12:00 jjesse      when i leave for work
   12:00 jjesse      leave work
   12:00 jjesse      for home, so even an hour earlier would be perfect
   12:00 kwwii       imbrandon: yes, as "artist in chief" for the edgy cycle, I will be working on the theme artwork
   12:00 imbrandon   and hobbsee wants later
   12:01 Riddell     hobssee suggested 13:00utc for her
   12:01 imbrandon   kwwii, cool just makin sure ;)
   12:01 kwwii       :)
   12:01 Riddell     any other agenda items before we do next meeting time?
   12:02 Riddell     I have one
   12:02 Riddell     could someone post a story to dot.kde.org about the ubuntuos podcast?
   12:02 toma        the what?
   12:02 Riddell     toma: see kubuntu.org
   === nixternal just finished listening to that
   12:02 imbrandon   Riddell, heheh i'll try , also have you listend to the sound quality on that ewwww
   12:02 apokryphos  toma: podcast with our very own Riddell 8)
   12:02 Riddell     imbrandon: I know.  they're recording it over transatlantic skype
   12:03 imbrandon   Riddell, we did one with ummm ( not realeased yet ) on buntudot.org transalatic and its VERY clear ;)
   12:03 kwwii       skype! OMG, non-free software
   12:03 nixternal   hahah kwwii
   12:03 imbrandon   kwwii, better than skype for windows though ;)
   12:04 imbrandon   one step closer to FOSS ;)
   12:04 kwwii       hehe
   12:04 imbrandon   ok new meeting time ? 1300 utc ? thats ummm *calculates local time*
   12:05 toma        imbrandon: did anyone step up?
   12:05 imbrandon   toma, to what ?
   12:05 toma        for the dot story?
   12:05 imbrandon   ahh i said i would try , i have never posted to dot.kde but i'll give it a shot
   12:05 toma        ah cool
   12:05 Riddell     it's the Contribute link on the left
   12:05 imbrandon   kk
   12:05 apokryphos  thing is, it's not that much about kde really eh?
   12:06 imbrandon   kde developer ;)
   12:06 toma        riddell = kde
   12:06 apokryphos  kubuntu plans for edgy
   12:06 Riddell     it's all related, dot takes any story with a KDE angle
   12:06 Riddell     so next meeting, how does 13:00UTC suit people?
   12:06 kwwii       sounds perfect to me
   12:07 [Nirvana]   Prolly not good for West Coast North America
   12:07 Riddell     or we could try it at that time as a one off to see if anyone still turns up
   12:07 toma        in the weekend you mean ? ;-)
   12:07 imbrandon   hmm thats like early AM in the US
   12:08 [Nirvana]   in New York/Toronto/Basically along the East Coast it's 9:00 AM, which isn't bad
   12:08 nixternal   8am
   12:08 toma        what do you think it is here right now?
   12:08 kwwii       nope, 9am
   12:08 Riddell     imbrandon: what time is it for you?
   12:08 imbrandon   yea 1300 is ok for me personaly but i was thinking about day job people
   12:08 allee       Riddell: 13.00 is during work time.  So I can promise to be available
   12:08 Riddell     it's 9am for jjesse wherever he is

   12:08 Riddell        allee: can?
   12:08 allee          s/can/can't/
   12:08 Riddell        yeah
   === [Nirvana] admires the day job people
   12:09 nixternal      jjesse is across the pond from me...about 80 miles due east
   12:09 imbrandon      yea 1300 is ok for me personaly but i was thinking about day job people
   12:09 imbrandon      err sorry
   12:09 imbrandon      for the repost
   12:09 Riddell        well lets try 1300 and see who makes it
   === toma too. if there is time, i can make it, but i will be distracted a lot
   12:09 [Nirvana]      there is a meeting planner online from timeanddate.com
   12:09 Riddell        July 17th?
   12:09 allee          k
   12:10 Riddell        anyone able to e-mail that to the frige?
   12:10 imbrandon      ok 17th at 1300 utc , i'll send an email to fridge-devel for the events
   12:10 Riddell        thanks imbrandon
   12:10 Riddell        any volunteers to tidy up the Meetings wiki page and move it to minutes?
   12:10 toma           allee: jabber me, i might forget
   12:11 imbrandon      nixternal, wanna do that since your the wiki man ?
   12:11 nixternal      huh
   12:11 nixternal      sorry..gettin' ice cream ;)
   12:11 imbrandon      nixternal, [17:10]  <Riddell> any volunteers to tidy up the Meetings wiki page and move it to minutes?
   12:11 nixternal      sure...i got can do that
   12:11 nixternal      whoa..i can do that ;)
   12:11 allee          toma: kontact -> calendar ;)
   12:11 nixternal      done deal
   12:12 Riddell        thanks nixternal, you rule
   12:12 Riddell        thanks everyone
   12:12 [Nirvana]      be speedy, I have some stuff to add :P
   12:12 toma           allee: i use a paper agenda
   12:12 jenda          yeah, nixternal does kinda rule ;)
   12:12 toma           sucks in alerts, but fine otherwise
   12:12 imbrandon      [Nirvana] , you can add it to agenda +1 now
   12:12 nixternal      ahhh the love ;)
   === DaSkreech waits for AOB
   === mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FE247.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
   12:13 [Nirvana]      imbrandon: I'll spare nix* the hardship of having to move it and just waita bit
   12:13 imbrandon      ;)
   === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ooh,]
   12:13 nixternal      thx ;)
   12:13 nixternal      haha..toma's quit msg is so homer simpson
   12:14 nixternal      do what is needed to the wiki...i have already created my copy local to work on
   === ogra_ [n=ogra@p548ACFA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   12:14 [Nirvana]      imbrandon: would you want such a face to do such hard work on the wiki: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;id=644;type=avatar
   12:15 nixternal      ouch
   12:15 nixternal      that guy is ugly ;)
   12:15 imbrandon      [Nirvana] , i work with nixternal every day most every day so i know what you mean ;)
   12:15 [Nirvana]      hehe
   12:16 imbrandon      ok bbiab
   12:16 nixternal      the love has left the building
   12:16 jenda          !lart nixternal
   12:16 nixternal      ;)
   12:17 DaSkreech      does Kubuntu have any plans for Firefox?
   12:17 Riddell        DaSkreech: no, it's not a KDE programme
   12:17 DaSkreech      Riddell: It gets a Kubuntu Home page though
   12:17 DaSkreech      Which breaks
   12:18 Lure           DaSkreech: I would love to have some kde-polish for firefox...
   12:18 Lure           there is even a spec for it...
   12:18 Riddell        DaSkreech: that's a bug then, we'll fix it (hopefully)
   12:18 Riddell        -> #kubuntu-devel
   12:18 imbrandon      yea i keep forgetting to file that one, its been a bug since breezy
   12:18 DaSkreech      ok

MeetingLogs/Kubuntu_2006_06_26 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:34 by localhost)