Revision 2 as of 2008-08-06 16:24:08

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(01:07:34 PM) MootBot: Meeting started at 18:07. The chair is heno.
(01:07:34 PM) MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
(01:08:24 PM) heno: agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings
(01:08:56 PM) heno: [TOPIC] QAPoll module status. Names and subdomains to be chosen for the qapoll websites. (nand)
(01:08:56 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  QAPoll module status. Names and subdomains to be chosen for the qapoll websites. (nand)
(01:09:06 PM) nand: Yes. I wanted to give you a small update on the qapoll module.
(01:09:33 PM) heno: ok, I also need to ask about domain names
(01:09:49 PM) nand: Currently all the features discussed on the spec are implemented. There is a few rough edges to fix
(01:09:52 PM) nand: https://wiki.stgraber.org/UbuntuQA/QAPoll/TODO
(01:10:25 PM) nand: I think in around two weeks it will be ready for testing
(01:10:50 PM) nand: Now, as you pointed, we need to choose the name and domains  names
(01:11:35 PM) nand: we have two parts : the part concerning bugs. I propose "Ubuntu most hated bugs" and the domain vote-bugs.ubuntu.com
(01:11:42 PM) nand: What do you think?
(01:11:47 PM) heno: so here is one problem:
(01:12:00 PM) nand: heno: yes?
(01:12:14 PM) nand: domain names?
(01:12:20 PM) heno: the sysadmins don't think we should point qa.ubuntu.com directly at this server
(01:12:50 PM) heno: because it's supposed to be an isolated box for this PHP code
(01:13:22 PM) heno: which makes it more dificult to put things like bug graphs on qa.u.c later
(01:13:31 PM) davmor2: heno why not testing.ubuntu.com?
(01:13:55 PM) heno: davmor2: that sounds good
(01:14:22 PM) heno: testing.* vote-ideas.* and vote-bugs.* ?
(01:14:56 PM) heno: if we point those at that box then apache/drupal will do rh
(01:15:05 PM) davmor2: sounds feasible and easy enough to remember :)
(01:15:06 PM) heno: the right thing?
(01:15:25 PM) nand: it is ok with me
(01:15:44 PM) stgraber: heno: hmm, so qa.ubuntu.com won't point to our server ?
(01:15:49 PM) nand: some htaccess work to do :)
(01:15:51 PM) heno: will it work technically?
(01:16:00 PM) nand: heno: Yes, we can
(01:16:08 PM) stgraber: heno: what happens to our QA websites page summary then (listing all the sub-websites) ?
(01:16:31 PM) heno: stgraber: looks like that, yes
(01:16:56 PM) heno: we'll need to separate out the name space
(01:17:17 PM) stgraber: hmm, IIRC bdmurray bugstats are just python scripts generating static html pages right ?
(01:17:35 PM) stgraber: and we already have python on our box as some of my scripts need it (and a fresh python-launchpad-bugs)
(01:17:57 PM) heno: that's not the point though
(01:18:51 PM) nand: can we go back to titles?
(01:18:53 PM) heno: it was agreed that the custom PHP code (our QA site) would go on a dedicated box with nothing else
(01:19:42 PM) heno: to limit any possible damage from an attack
(01:20:45 PM) heno: with 'testing' we can do iso.testing mozilla.testing, etc I guess
(01:21:11 PM) \sh_away is now known as \sh
(01:23:03 PM) heno: ok, I'll discuss this further with elmo
(01:23:42 PM) heno: nand: did we cover what you wanted on titles?
(01:23:51 PM) stgraber: heno: eventually what we can do is have some sub-domains not pointing to the qawebsite server ?
(01:24:08 PM) nand: heno: not yet.
(01:24:10 PM) stgraber: heno: testing may not be appropriate for all the modules we have on the qawebsite ...
(01:24:36 PM) stgraber: (sorry I'm doing 3-4 things at the same time so can't follow the meeting as well as I would like to)
(01:24:57 PM) heno: stgraber: indeed. can we do those as separate sub-domains, pointing at the server?
(01:25:28 PM) heno: or can we come up with something other than 'qa'?
(01:26:12 PM) stgraber: heno: it's just about the DNS, currently *.qa.ubuntu.com points to kumquat
(01:26:23 PM) stgraber: they can easily make qa.ubuntu.com (main domain) to point to another
(01:26:39 PM) stgraber: or a sub-domain like bugstats.qa.ubuntu.com and make it points to a python powered server
(01:27:11 PM) heno: if we point all of qa.u.c at that server then we have to make an exception for each new project and page under qa right?
(01:27:15 PM) stgraber: I asked that "by default" all sub-domains point to the qawebsite server as it will let us create new team sub-website easily, but there is no problem to make some other custom subdomains
(01:28:04 PM) stgraber: yes, but I think that we are more likely to have new sub-domains to point to the qawebsite than to a python powered box, so the default setting is good in that way
(01:28:22 PM) stgraber: it's just about adding a line to a DNS zone (which would have to be done anyway be it on qa. or testing.)
(01:29:36 PM) stgraber: so as it's setup currently (btw, it now works !!!), blahblah.qa.ubuntu.com will point to the qawebsite, but you can ask a sysadmin to make it point to another server
(01:29:49 PM) stgraber: I don't think we absolutely need two different domains
(01:30:29 PM) heno: ok, let's discuss it further with the sysadmins after the meeting
(01:30:42 PM) nand: OK, quickly then to go on : I propose "Ubuntu most hated ideas" for the bug voting part, and "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" for the idea voting part. These names will be their public names and are to be easily identifiable. What do you think of the names?
(01:30:53 PM) nand: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/
(01:30:54 PM) MootBot: LINK received:  http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/
(01:30:57 PM) nand: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/
(01:30:58 PM) MootBot: LINK received:  http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/
(01:31:16 PM) heno: 'hated' is a strong word
(01:31:20 PM) nand: great icon artwork work by thorwil :)
(01:31:27 PM) nand: heno: what do you suggest?
(01:31:33 PM) bdmurray: annoying?
(01:31:40 PM) heno: most prominent, annoying, painful
(01:31:48 PM) davmor2: bloody?
(01:31:56 PM) liw: popular?
(01:32:05 PM) liw: notorious?
(01:32:06 PM) pedro_: something which don't include violence ?
(01:32:09 PM) heno: most loved :)
(01:32:15 PM) nand: I don't think popular can stand for a bug :)
(01:32:16 PM) pedro_: i like popular :-)
(01:32:17 PM) heno: pedro_: +1
(01:32:19 PM) liw: celebrious?
(01:32:24 PM) nand: really?
(01:32:28 PM) heno: favourite
(01:32:30 PM) nand: (English is not my mother tongue btw)
(01:32:48 PM) heno: it isn't for most of us
(01:33:06 PM) davmor2: bin-the-
(01:33:16 PM) nand: "most annoying bugs"?
(01:33:17 PM) heno: top 100 ubuntu bugs
(01:33:28 PM) bdmurray: Ubuntu Cockroaches
(01:33:54 PM) ***nand look at the dictionary...
(01:33:57 PM) heno: that's quite good :)
(01:34:06 PM) pedro_: that's bigger than a "bug" i like that
(01:34:20 PM) nand: but is it a common word?
(01:34:22 PM) ***pedro_ singing la cucaracha
(01:34:33 PM) nand: easily understandable by the average person?
(01:34:49 PM) davmor2: biggest-bug
(01:35:01 PM) liw: slugs?
(01:35:02 PM) heno: ubuntu bug vote, bug ranking
(01:35:05 PM) bdmurray: Isn't a cockroach a bug that is hard to kill?
(01:35:31 PM) liw: bdmurray, on the one hand, nuclear weapons won't kill it; but on the other, a shoe will
(01:35:32 PM) heno: it's a certain genus or some such
(01:36:09 PM) bdmurray: right so I thought it fitted with the bug theme well
(01:36:15 PM) nand: I like "most annoying bug", it is quite neutral, and IMO bug is a word any non-first-english-tongue will know
(01:37:17 PM) liw: (for the record, I'm pretty happy with any name; I don't care about the color of this particular bikeshed)
(01:37:20 PM) davmor2: worst-bug
(01:37:32 PM) heno: I think we can go with that; this can be changed later
(01:38:08 PM) nand: yes.
(01:38:16 PM) nand: for the idea counterpart, is it ok?
(01:38:22 PM) nand: "Ubuntu idea brainstorming"?
(01:38:26 PM) heno: i agree with liw though I would like to avoid hatred
(01:38:39 PM) heno: nand: looks good
(01:39:17 PM) liw: heno, that would probably have been pedro, I guess (but no matter, I'm happy to avoid the hating)
(01:39:26 PM) heno: [AGREED] "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" and "Annoying Ubuntu bugs"
(01:39:27 PM) MootBot: AGREED received:  "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" and "Annoying Ubuntu bugs"
(01:39:30 PM) nand: Ok. Then I'm done for today :)
(01:39:57 PM) heno: [TOPIC] QA server status - feasible to use this for Alpha 3 testing?
(01:39:58 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  QA server status - feasible to use this for Alpha 3 testing?
(01:40:20 PM) heno: some naming issues to be resolved ...
(01:40:56 PM) heno: so we'll see. next
(01:41:02 PM) heno: [TOPIC] Wiki page restructuring update
(01:41:03 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  Wiki page restructuring update
(01:41:04 PM) stgraber: the website as it is work
(01:41:18 PM) stgraber: I'm currently giving you some rights on it to access the current version of qapoll
(01:41:26 PM) stgraber: but it's running : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
(01:41:36 PM) heno: oh, it's up now :)
(01:41:42 PM) stgraber: yes
(01:41:44 PM) heno: woo!
(01:41:56 PM) heno: I missed it
(01:41:56 PM) nand: stgraber: yes please :)
(01:42:37 PM) stgraber: if you guys can just go to : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/user and give me your idea
(01:42:41 PM) stgraber: s/idea/id/ :)
(01:42:53 PM) heno: stgraber and davmor2 thanks for the great work on wiki pages
(01:42:53 PM) stgraber: the id will appear in the URL just after /user
(01:43:25 PM) heno: it's gradually taking shape
(01:43:25 PM) nand: stgraber: 352
(01:43:51 PM) davmor2: heno: np will actually do some work on them over the weekend :)
(01:43:59 PM) heno: liw: note the landing page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation
(01:44:15 PM) liw: heno, yep
(01:44:42 PM) heno: I think we can jump to:
(01:44:49 PM) heno: [TOPIC] Kernel bug day - Shall we reschedule it?
(01:44:50 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  Kernel bug day - Shall we reschedule it?
(01:45:01 PM) bdmurray: stgraber: 89
(01:45:07 PM) heno: bdmurray, ogasawara ^
(01:45:10 PM) ogasawara: I'd be interested in rescheduling the kernel bug day
(01:45:25 PM) bdmurray: yes for Wednesday, I'll rerun the queries on that page today
(01:45:37 PM) heno: ok cool
(01:45:37 PM) ogasawara: just note Alpha3 is set to release next Thursday
(01:45:40 PM) bdmurray: it'll be a good test of the the p-l-b text interface
(01:45:59 PM) heno: [AGREED] kernel bug day on Wednesday
(01:46:00 PM) MootBot: AGREED received:  kernel bug day on Wednesday
(01:46:31 PM) heno: and speaking of LP:
(01:46:42 PM) heno: [TOPIC] LP bug reporting guidelines
(01:46:42 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  LP bug reporting guidelines
(01:46:56 PM) heno: how do we take advantage of this feature? [WWW] https://help.launchpad.net/BugReportingGuidelines What additional features would be useful? (more granularity)
(01:47:11 PM) bdmurray: I wanted to see an example of it in action so e-mailed launchpad-users
(01:47:25 PM) heno: I need to find out who the 'owner' of ubuntu is
(01:47:38 PM) heno: Matt or Mark I guess
(01:48:43 PM) heno: I guess we should link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
(01:49:13 PM) bdmurray: Most probably but the wiki page makes it sound like multiple dialogs are presented
(01:49:43 PM) bdmurray: If that is the case it might be useful to have a guideline about good summaries, descriptions etc
(01:50:09 PM) bdmurray: It'd be helpful if there was a place to test it also
(01:50:31 PM) heno: indeed. let's ping mrevell if nothing else turns up
(01:50:49 PM) stgraber: bdmurray: I only see one "Bug reporting guidelines:" box on LP ...
(01:50:56 PM) heno: any other business?
(01:51:11 PM) bdmurray: stgraber: where is that?
(01:51:30 PM) nand: yes : which one do you prefer : http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/ ?
(01:51:34 PM) stgraber: bdmurray: Edit details when you are a project owner
(01:51:37 PM) heno: on the qa website proj?
(01:52:32 PM) heno: I like 3 and 4, nand
(01:53:12 PM) nand: heno: Don't you think it is over-stylized?
(01:53:24 PM) bdmurray: stgraber: found it thanks
(01:53:36 PM) nand: I like it much, but I don't know if it will make a good logo
(01:53:54 PM) pedro_: nand: i like the 4, it look more tangoish
(01:53:56 PM) heno: yes, I like some on http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-4/ better
(01:54:16 PM) heno: 2b for example
(01:54:33 PM) heno: or 3b
(01:54:34 PM) nand: heno: I required the ubuntu branding as the logo would be shown on the "image links" displayed on non-ubuntu contexts
(01:55:06 PM) nand: the image links feature : example at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qapoll/ideas/item/2/promote
(01:55:12 PM) heno: then how about "Ubuntu bug focus"?
(01:55:32 PM) bdmurray: stgraber: could we add some bug guidelines to the ubuntu-qa-website for testing?
(01:55:35 PM) heno: (as much as I hate to return to the bikeshed :)
(01:55:41 PM) stgraber: bdmurray: sure
(01:55:50 PM) nand: heno: the one at the total right?
(01:56:13 PM) bdmurray: stgraber: the home page for the project should change too right?
(01:56:17 PM) nand: (no problem, I wanted some feedback on it :) )
(01:56:20 PM) stgraber: bdmurray: yes
(01:56:50 PM) heno: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ is lovely too :)
(01:56:50 PM) MootBot: LINK received:  http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ is lovely too :)
(01:57:07 PM) nand: heno: Yes, thorwil was awesome on this one!
(01:57:23 PM) nand: It will be the one used on the idea part
(01:57:43 PM) heno: cool
(01:58:07 PM) ***stgraber likes this one (for a QA-Poll announcement) : http://bp3.blogger.com/_95-BHeta7y8/R3toSwX_kJI/AAAAAAAAASg/bT1v2EaGe2Q/s1600-h/bug.png
(01:58:16 PM) nand: stgraber: Yeah!!
(01:58:55 PM) nand: (context: http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/ )
(01:59:02 PM) heno: :)
(01:59:59 PM) nand: ok so I will see with thorwil on the bug icon
(02:00:40 PM) heno: thanks
(02:00:59 PM) heno: I think we're done
(02:01:09 PM) heno: #endmeeting
(02:01:09 PM) MootBot: Meeting finished at 19:01.