Revision 102 as of 2018-06-12 23:21:46

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  • Who: SecurityTeam

  • When: Mon Jun 4 16:31:59 2018 UTC

  • End: 16:46:03

  • Where: #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net

  • Chaired By: Emily Ratliff (ratliff)


  • jdstrand
  • mdeslaur
  • sbeattie
  • jjohansen
  • sarnold
  • chrisccoulson
  • leosilva
  • ratliff

Not present

  • None


  • Announcements
    • Generalist role rotation
      • CVE Triage: leosilva, Bug Triage: sarnold, Community: ratliff, Happy Place: sbeattie, mdeslaur
    • Contributions
      • None this week
  • Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week)
    • jdstrand
      • turn on resquashfs tests. review-tools work to add an override mechanism
      • iterate on various PRs submitted last week related to udev
      • adjust snap-confine to always use a device cgroup
      • work through design considerations with Gustavo Niemeyer with respect to update-alternatives (or something similar) snapd interface
      • go through the anbox design and think through what proper confinement might look like
      • pick up review-tools snap USNs phase1/part ii work as have time
    • mdeslaur
      • published exempi updates this morning
      • in the process of publishing an apport update for 14.04
      • security updates
    • sbeattie
      • git update
      • kernel CVE triage
      • embargoed issue
      • updates
    • jjohansen
      • apparmor pull request for 4.18.
      • kernel compatibility networking patches for the apparmor 2.x series
      • review mjg's networking patches
      • work on apparmor 3.0 release
      • caching bugs
    • sarnold
      • MIRs
        • gce-compute-image-packages should finish this week
        • fprintd next
      • profiling some pcp daemons
    • ChrisCoulson

      • chromium-browser updates
      • thunderbird updates
    • ratliff
      • embargoed and internal work
    • leosilva
      • procps update publication for Precise ESM
      • liblouis updates
      • security updates
  • Highlighted packages

    The Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See the available merges and SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.

  • Miscellaneous and Questions
    • None

