

Meeting Actions

There were no actions identified during the meeting.

Oneiric Development

Ubuntu Server Team Events

Just wrapped up UDS Oneiric, No other events on the immediate horizon.

QA Team

Kernel Team

Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 24th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[17:03] <SpamapS> #startmeeting
[17:03] <Daviey> which looks like smoser is next, or am i mistaken?
[17:03] <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:03. The chair is SpamapS.
[17:03] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[17:03] <Daviey> SpamapS, good stuff.
[17:03] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[17:03] <SpamapS> there were none, moving on
[17:04] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Oneiric Development
[17:04] <MootBot> New Topic:  Oneiric Development
[17:04] <Daviey> Hello!
[17:04] <Daviey> No doubt everyone is still recovering from the rather successful week at UDS in Budapest last week.
[17:04] <Daviey> Whilst the sessions are still fresh in our mind, we need to turn to adding work items to the blueprints.  We should strive to have a first draft of blueprints done by the end of the week.  Some blueprints do not yet have a drafter assigned.  Between myself and Robbie, these will be allocated amongst the team with a a best effort of fair and logical choice.
[17:04] <smoser> (note, i did not send out meeting minutes after 2011-04-19, or add a meeitn page. i will do that now)
[17:04] <SpamapS>
[17:04] <MootBot> LINK received:
[17:04] <Daviey> I will send a mail outlining the hows and whys following the meeting.
[17:04] <SpamapS> Totally worthless right now, but thought I'd share.
[17:04] <Daviey> i know smoser will cry if i paste it here.
[17:05] <Daviey> and when not spec'ing... merge, merge, merge!
[17:06] <smoser> if only we had services that could take a paste and turn it into a link.
[17:06] <Daviey> But blueprints our the priority right now :)
[17:06] <smoser> or a tool that could do that from stdin
[17:06] <SpamapS> and when not merging, triage! We're ridiculously behind
[17:06] <Daviey> smoser, is that possible?
[17:06] <Daviey> SpamapS, yes - well caught.
[17:06] <SpamapS> Anything else?
[17:06] <Daviey> That is all for now.  Thanks.
[17:07] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events
[17:07] <MootBot> New Topic:  Ubuntu Server Team Events
[17:07] <zul> SpamapS: it was more ridiculous yesterday morning
[17:07] <SpamapS> zul: yes nice job hammering it down :)
[17:07] <zul> and hallyn as well
[17:08] <SpamapS> Since we were all at UDS .. anybody else going to be somewhere or think we should be somewhere in the next month or so?
[17:09] <Daviey> not here, thank you :)
[17:09] <zul> at home resting our livers
[17:09] <SpamapS> Alright then
[17:09] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[17:09] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[17:09] <SpamapS> hggdh: good morning!
[17:09] <hggdh> good morning
[17:10] <hggdh> we are still working on the changes for this cycle, so input on what we should test for is welcome
[17:10] <SpamapS> hggdh: I'd be curious to hear how the build-time testing PPA that you had worked out last cycle.
[17:10] <SpamapS> Meant to ask at UDS
[17:11] <hggdh> it is there ;-) but we are not running a lot of builds
[17:11] <Daviey> hggdh, Is it documented anywhere?
[17:11] <hggdh> what we are looking for is to add in more packages with build-time checks (like, say, coreutils)
[17:11] <hggdh> just a sec and I will get the current list
[17:12] <SpamapS> I get a failure for pkgbinarymangler in my email quite often
[17:12] <hggdh> yes -- have to talk with pitti about that, been in the backburner
[17:12] <SpamapS> hggdh: shouldn't we be opening bugs for any failures we see?
[17:13] <hggdh> we can -- perhaps we should, actually
[17:13] <hggdh> so I will start doing it
[17:13] <Daviey> hggdh, \o/
[17:13] <SpamapS> I would almost think we could automate it, except we're limited in what recipes can do.
[17:13] <hggdh> I also have to update it for building on oneiric
[17:14] <SpamapS> Cool, well anyway, anything else to report? Otherwise I think we'll move on.
[17:14]  * Daviey ^5's hggdh 
[17:15] <hggdh> move on, dear sir, move on. Just please note that we need more packages on the daily build
[17:15] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
[17:15] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
[17:15] <smb> good tod
[17:15] <smb> I would have two questions
[17:16] <smb> One, to smoser, I was digging for the srpm for a amazon ami kernel. Does the get_reference_source command ring a bell to you?
[17:16] <smoser> smb, yeah, i gave you that in the etherpad
[17:16] <smoser> thats what you need to use
[17:16] <smoser> that will get you an SRPM
[17:17] <smb> smoser, damn missed that there somehow
[17:17] <smb> Ok thanks
[17:17] <smb> The other thing is iscsitarget
[17:17] <Daviey> erk.
[17:18] <smb> Currently there is two versions one ubuntu specific driver in the kernel and a dkms package. The kernel version currently does not compile (maybe got a fix there) and the dkms likely will fail on install
[17:18] <smb> Probably first thing to ask, do we have hardware to test this thing?
[17:18] <adam_g> which driver are we talkin about? ietd or the newer upstream generic target framework?
[17:19] <smb> Second would be whether it being a dkms module would be sufficient, so we could drop the kernel one
[17:19] <smb> iscsi_trgt.ko
[17:19] <SpamapS> can't it be tested using tgt ?
[17:20] <hggdh> (for the record: daily build for Natty: libvirt postgresql-8.4 mysql-5.1 openldap php5 python2.7 coreutils clamav cups gcc gdb pkgbinarymangler pkg-create-dbgsym)
[17:20]  * smb was hoping the server team knew how to test. :-P
[17:20] <SpamapS> hggdh: ty
[17:20] <adam_g> you can test using any block device/LV or raw file within a virtual machine
[17:21] <smoser> smb, just forwarded you mention of this:
[17:21] <smb> adam_g, Hm, ok. Maybe there is some simple howto for the setup...?
[17:21]  * Daviey fears adam_g just signed up to help test it :)
[17:21] <smb> smoser, ookay...
[17:21] <adam_g> smb: ive worked with it a bunch in the past, its very easy to setup (assuming we're talking about the same iscsi target)
[17:21] <adam_g> sure, i can help
[17:22] <zul> wait i thought tgt got promoted to main or something
[17:22] <SpamapS> Filename: pool/main/t/tgt/tgt_1.0.13-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb
[17:22] <smb> That would be cool
[17:22]  * zul shuts up
[17:22] <Daviey> adam_g / smb  (
[17:23] <SpamapS> smb: I had a general question about bugs that we think might be kernel related..
[17:23] <smb> zul, package seems in universe for oneiric still
[17:23] <smb> SpamapS, Ok
[17:23] <smb> Daviey, Thanks
[17:23]  * RoAkSoAx thinkgs that adam_g just signed up to write documentation and test it :)
[17:23] <SpamapS> smb: thus far I've just added a task against the 'linux' source package and left it as New. Does that work within the kernel triaging framework? Like, will it ever be seen that way?
[17:24] <smb> SpamapS, I started to use a tag to make them searchable for me and give JFo some hints. Reminds me that I need to tell him (and you now) which exactöly
[17:25] <adam_g> yes, i can help with iscsi testing/docs. im still a bit unclear as to which target we're using (im the new guy), since there a few
[17:25] <SpamapS> smb: if you don't have the tag list handy, you can send it to me offline later and I'll include it in the minutes.
[17:26] <smb> SpamapS, Here it is, I user kernel-server
[17:26] <smb> used even
[17:26] <SpamapS> adam_g: you can always assert which one you think we *should* be using.
[17:26] <SpamapS> smb: ty
[17:26] <SpamapS> ok, moving on?
[17:26] <adam_g> SpamapS: certainly
[17:26] <smb> Ok, I think I got a lot to work on
[17:27] <smb> adam_g, Will come back to you in case I need more info. :)
[17:27] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
[17:27] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
[17:27] <adam_g> smb: yeah, id like to find out which the kernel team prefers, as theres been a lot of work in this area upstream the last couple of kernels
[17:28] <Daviey> For community...
[17:28] <Daviey> Just a note that peer reviews of blueprints will be appreciated.
[17:29] <hggdh> and test proposals ;-)
[17:29] <Daviey> Yes!
[17:29] <zul> and SRUs
[17:29] <Daviey> and ensemble recipies :)
[17:29] <SpamapS> Pretty much anything short of insults to our mothers will be appreciated. :)
[17:29] <Daviey> This cycle we should see more interaction, and areas of oppertunity.
[17:29] <zul> we are that easy :)
[17:30] <SpamapS> I think we should also start thinking about acknowledging just how much of the Debian Development effort is centered around servers, and therefore, part of our community.
[17:31] <SpamapS> Anything else?
[17:31] <Daviey> not here.
[17:31] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[17:31] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[17:32]  * Daviey waves to adam_g 
[17:32] <SpamapS> Great UDS everybody!
[17:32] <SpamapS> hallyn_: you were missed.
[17:32] <zul> next time ill tape the demo
[17:32] <Daviey> adam_g is the newest member of the team, and is shortly going to show us how awesome he is.
[17:32]  * SpamapS covers his eyes
[17:32] <Daviey> zul, it was recorded.
[17:32] <adam_g> hi
[17:32] <adam_g> :)
[17:32] <zul> Daviey: seriously?
[17:33] <Daviey> zul, yeah, i thought they all were.
[17:33] <SpamapS> All plenaries are taped
[17:33] <Daviey> look out on youtube.
[17:33] <zul> oh...shoot :)
[17:33] <Daviey> <-- keep and eye out for our own zul
[17:33] <SpamapS> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time
[17:33] <MootBot> New Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time
[17:34] <SpamapS> Tuesday, May 24th 2011 16:00 UTC
[17:34] <SpamapS> See you all there!
[17:34] <smoser> just an fyi, was reported to have been on my flight home.
[17:34] <smoser> err... "JAMES PAGE" was reported to have beeen on that flight.
[17:34] <SpamapS> smoser: REALLY
[17:34] <adam_g> confirmed
[17:34] <SpamapS> OMG
[17:34] <SpamapS> Thanks everybody
[17:34] <SpamapS> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20110517 (last edited 2011-05-24 15:41:10 by cpe-76-94-215-209)