- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- None
- Precise Development
- Ubuntu Server Team Events
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date and time
Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- None
Precise Development
Discussion of team Work Items. Any feature which will not be uploaded by this Thursday, needs to be marked defered or discuss a FinalFreeze Exception
Discussion of relevant bugs
Ubuntu Server Team Events
- None
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
- None
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
- None
Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)
- None
Open Discussion
- Nothing interesting.
Announce next meeting date and time
- Tuesday 2012-02-28 at 1600 UTC
Meeting Actions
- None
[09:02] <utlemming> #startmeeting [09:02] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Feb 21 16:02:16 2012 UTC. The chair is utlemming. Information about MeetBot at [09:02] <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [09:02] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [09:02] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Review ACTION points from previous meeting". [09:02] <zul> oh good not me [09:02] <utlemming> It doesn't look like there is anything to cover from the last meeting [09:03] <utlemming> so we'll move on then [09:03] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Precise Development [09:03] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Precise Development". [09:03] <utlemming> Fearless Leader Daviey, what do you have for us? [09:03] <Daviey> oh, hello [09:03] <Daviey> Firstly, FF was last Thursday. [09:04] <Daviey> Is there any undeclared features people need to land before release? [09:04] <hallyn> define declared? [09:04] <ScottK> There will be a postfix FFe for 2.9. [09:04] <arosales> jamespage: and rbasak are working on openmpi 1.5 [09:04] <ScottK> lamont and I have already discussed it. [09:04] <utlemming> I'm working on a cloud-image mirroring script [09:04] <Daviey> ScottK: Oh, great. Anything exciting? [09:05] <adam_g> Daviey: opnenstack introduced a new python dependency over the weekend that is not in main, python-iso8601 [09:05] <roaksoax> I'll have to file FFe for cobbler MIR and probably some other packages new upstream's [09:05] <adam_g> (for nova + glance) [09:05] <Daviey> arosales: is openmpi still ging to ship 1.4 and 1.5, or still investigating just switching? [09:05] <Daviey> adam_g: *sigh* [09:05] <jamespage> Daviey: decision on that in the next hour [09:06] <arosales> Daviey: I think jamespage and rbasak were working on updating to 1.5 [09:06] <arosales> include the dependencies, [09:06] <Daviey> adam_g: at least it is packaged! [09:06] <Daviey> jamespage: cool [09:06] <Daviey> shall we go through the bug states? [09:06] <Daviey> arosales: cool [09:06] <Daviey> [09:06] <adam_g> Daviey: its very small, too. <150 LOC [09:07] <Daviey> adam_g: should be simples.. :) [09:07] <Daviey> bug 924739 [09:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 924739 in squid3 (Ubuntu Precise) "after upgrade from oneiric to precise, previous squid config unused, cannot be used when relocated" [Critical,Triaged] [09:07] <Daviey> adam_g: were you looking at that? [09:07] <ScottK> Daviey: usual new release of postfix. The biggest change is a memcache client. [09:08] <adam_g> Daviey: a bit, but haven't made any progres sinthe last week [09:08] <Daviey> ScottK: well between you, lamont and a reliable upstream.. doesn;t concern too much :) [09:08] * ScottK nods [09:08] <Daviey> adam_g: Are you able to investigate further before next tues? [09:09] <roaksoax> adam_g: do you think a newer upstream of squid with improve things? [09:09] <adam_g> Daviey: i can, but not certain how much progress i can make alone. would love to have help of anyone else interested [09:09] <adam_g> roaksoax: not AFAIK. there are features not-yet ported to squid3 that cause config parsing to fail [09:09] <Daviey> adam_g: Okay, if you drive it - we'll see who else can help. [09:10] <adam_g> Daviey: k [09:10] <Daviey> roaksoax is kinda snowed under right now. [09:10] <roaksoax> adam_g: I can also help with that as I have a bug with the buckets which is supposedly fixed in a new upstream that is in debian unstable atm mand we might have to file FFe [09:10] <SpamapS> o/ [09:10] <Daviey> bug 883988 [09:10] <Daviey> another for adam_g ? :) [09:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 883988 in glance (Ubuntu Precise) "db migration failing when upgrading glance - trying to create existing tables" [High,Confirmed] [09:10] <adam_g> Daviey: unfortunately i missed the openstack project meeting where i'd like to bring that up, will do this week [09:11] <Daviey> adam_g: tonight? [09:11] <adam_g> Daviey: ah, yea [09:11] <Daviey> bug 893926, assignee unassigned themselves.. It's an open bug for anyone to grab.. [09:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 893926 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu) "Contains traces of UEC" [High,Confirmed] [09:11] <Daviey> (I'll take it if someone else doesn't) [09:12] <Daviey> roaksoax: bug 911812 ? [09:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 911812 in facter (Ubuntu Precise) "processor fact does not handle arm, others" [High,Triaged] [09:12] <Daviey> SpamapS: bug 914392 ? [09:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 914392 in juju (Ubuntu) "LXC local provider does not respect 'series' (only installs oneiric)" [High,Triaged] [09:13] <SpamapS> Daviey: fix released! (marking as such) [09:13] <Daviey> SpamapS: \o/ [09:13] <Daviey> zul: bug 923681 [09:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 923681 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Server install fails when selecting everything but 'VM host' & 'Manual selection' from tasksel" [High,New] [09:13] <zul> should be fixed now...ill have to download an iso to test [09:14] <Daviey> neat [09:14] <roaksoax> Daviey: sorry, hanlde it now as I have pandbaboards to test with [09:14] <Daviey> cool [09:14] <Daviey> bug 925024 , hallyn ? [09:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 925024 in lxc (Ubuntu) "apparmor makes it impossible to install postgresql-common on Precise" [High,Confirmed] [09:15] <Daviey> bug 850443 , /me , not much progress. Checking with an upstream depends if it has been fixed, awaiting feedback [09:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 850443 in python-eventlet (Ubuntu) "Nova API does not listen on IPv6" [High,Triaged] [09:16] <hallyn> <shrug> jjohansen ahs a fix [09:16] <hallyn> He was waiting on other apparmor changes, but at this poitn I"m not sure that's appropriate any more [09:16] <hallyn> Need to talk to him about it. [09:16] <Daviey> hallyn: okay, can you check in with him if it is fixed in Precise? [09:16] <Daviey> bug 928383 , adam_g / zul ? [09:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 928383 in glance (Ubuntu) "python-glance package contains stuff about API and registry" [High,New] [09:17] <hallyn> Daviey: it's not fixed in precise, pretty sure. Just need to ask him to push separately [09:17] <hallyn> (will do) [09:17] <Daviey> hallyn: thanks! [09:17] <Daviey> bug 928990 : smoser ? [09:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 928990 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "fsck / dirty filesystem on instance is death" [High,Triaged] [09:17] <zul> Daviey: "I've used 2012.1~e3-0ubuntu0~ppa1~oneiric1 version." [09:18] <zul> but ill have a look [09:18] <Daviey> thanks zul, what about bug 929780 ? [09:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 929780 in nova (Ubuntu) "console.ring files should not be world readable" [High,New] [09:18] <smb> Daviey, not sure but I think smoser is supposed to be on vacation or so. At least probably not working [09:18] <Daviey> smb: right! [09:19] <Daviey> adam_g: bug 932466 ? [09:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 932466 in Glance "glance db migrations deadlock against precise mysql server" [Low,Fix committed] [09:19] <adam_g> Daviey: ah, just marked fixed released for ubuntu [09:20] <Daviey> bug 932468 , /me , fix released - updated [09:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 932468 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "python-novaclient hardcodes UUID_CACHE_DIR, this should respect some env variable" [Undecided,Fix committed] [09:20] <Daviey> bug 875262 , SpamapS ? [09:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 875262 in php5 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/'" [High,Confirmed] [09:20] <Daviey> (Did php get updated?) [09:21] <Daviey> bug 880339: roaksoax ? [09:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 880339 in mysql-5.1 (Ubuntu Precise) "AppArmor profile needs update" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:21] <zul> lookes like it [09:21] <roaksoax> Daviey: have tried couple times cound't reproduce it [09:21] <Daviey> zul: right, but is it still a bug? :) (PHP) [09:21] <roaksoax> Daviey: but I have a new lead. will look further also this week too [09:22] <SpamapS> Daviey: PHP did get updated [09:22] <Daviey> roaksoax: Can you update the bug, and mark it incomplete pending more data? [09:22] <SpamapS> Daviey: and the mysql apparmor profile was fixed, I think [09:22] <Daviey> SpamapS: sweet [09:22] <Daviey> bug 907197: zul ? [09:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 907197 in nova (Ubuntu) "ip address can't be injected into the instance when using lxc " [Medium,New] [09:22] <SpamapS> the PHP sqlite bug has a comment from me asking for those affected to test again [09:23] <SpamapS> it got fixed in Debian actually [09:23] <Daviey> zul: bug 879666 ( rbasak ?) [09:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 879666 in nova (Ubuntu Precise) "chown error for console.fifo when launching vm" [Medium,New] [09:24] <Daviey> SpamapS: good job! [09:24] <rbasak> zul? [09:24] <zul> Daviey: starting again on it this week [09:24] <Daviey> is zul still alive? [09:25] <zul> Daviey: barely [09:25] <Daviey> zul: both of them? ^^ [09:25] <zul> i cant seem to reproduce the lxc one yet still [09:25] <Daviey> ? [09:25] <Daviey> zul: i don't follow. [09:25] <Daviey> zul: ah! [09:26] <Daviey> zul: Can you give it another crack this week? [09:26] <Daviey> bug 918791: hallyn [09:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 918791 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Precise) "qemu-kvm dies when using vmvga driver and unity in the guest" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:26] <hallyn> jwerner was looking at that? [09:27] <Daviey> ah.. and he's not here :( [09:27] <hallyn> if he wont 'have time i can take a day this week to dedicate to figuring it out. [09:27] <Daviey> hallyn: Can you check in with him after this? [09:27] <hallyn> ok [09:28] <Daviey> bug 924375, smoser - wil check in with him when he is around [09:28] <Daviey> bug 925024 [09:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 924375 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init should allow pre-seeding of ec2 datasource:Ec2:metadata_urls" [Medium,New] [09:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 925024 in lxc (Ubuntu) "apparmor makes it impossible to install postgresql-common on Precise" [High,Confirmed] [09:28] <hallyn> didn't we already talk about that? [09:29] <Daviey> dupe, yeah [09:29] <Daviey> utlemming: bug 926160 ? [09:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 926160 in Ubuntu "precise cloud-images significantly larger than oneiric" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:29] <SpamapS> Daviey: shouldn't we also check in on blueprints/topic-blueprints? [09:29] <Daviey> SpamapS: Yes. [09:30] <utlemming> Daveiy: no update, looks like we won't be fixing it as it is related to disk creation and not the images themselves. [09:30] <Daviey> bug 928378: adam_g zul ? [09:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 928378 in glance (Ubuntu) "glance client should be separate from server" [Medium,New] [09:30] <zul> Daviey: ill take it [09:30] <Daviey> utlemming: ah, can you mark it as such. :) [09:31] <utlemming> yes sir [09:31] <Daviey> zul: bug 931236 ? [09:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 931236 in keystone (Ubuntu) "keystone install is unnecessarily interactive" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:31] <zul> looked at solution for it though [09:31] <Daviey> bug 932800: adam_g ? [09:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 932800 in glance (Ubuntu) "New glance dependency: ca-certificates" [Medium,New] [09:31] <Daviey> zul: Hmm, really? [09:31] <zul> Daviey: really [09:31] <adam_g> Daviey: we can get the ca-certificates added this week for sure, befor next snapshot [09:31] <Daviey> ok. [09:32] <Daviey> rocking. [09:32] <Daviey> bug 901881, seems an easy catch for this week aswell [09:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 901881 in glance (Ubuntu) "nova and glance should depend on python-keystone" [Low,New] [09:32] <Daviey> Any other busg that should be targeted ? [09:32] <adam_g> Daviey: still blocked on the keystone MIR, but needed more now than before [09:33] <Daviey> right [09:33] <Daviey> Blueprints. [09:33] <Daviey> SpamapS: , everything TODO to be postponed? [09:34] <Daviey> jamespage: same? [09:34] <Daviey> (freecloud item to be postponed for sure, i guess) [09:34] <SpamapS> Daviey: not at all. Its just been slow getting integrated into the test suite because they don't want more development done on it. [09:35] <SpamapS> Daviey: I need to get w/ jamespage and get the changes I already developed added into the testing framework and then those will fall rapidly [09:35] <Daviey> SpamapS: how is juju charm testing doing? [09:35] <jamespage> Daviey: yep - I'll postpone that ietm [09:36] <Daviey> [09:36] <SpamapS> Daviey: spec seems stalled.. will have to revive it (set it aside for Feature Freeze) [09:36] <Daviey> adam_g: is accurate ? [09:36] <Daviey> SpamapS: cool [09:37] <Daviey> , just postponed puppet items on behalf of lynxman [09:37] <adam_g> Daviey: yes, tho i think POSTPONED'ing 'melange - charm needed if quantum is supported (tech preview)' [09:38] <Daviey> SpamapS: Can you report how juju is shaping up? [09:38] <Daviey> adam_g: make it so :) [09:38] <SpamapS> Lots of bugs fixed. Subordinates are starting to land. [09:38] <SpamapS> Still a giant pile of production limiting bugs. [09:39] <SpamapS> But we will be working on some "real world" testing of juju+precise in the next few weeks. [09:39] <Daviey> great! [09:39] <Daviey> Hopefully they'll be some bitesize bugs everyone can work on :) [09:39] <Daviey> [09:40] <Daviey> (being driven by kernel, smb?) [09:40] <Daviey> or SpamapS ? [09:40] <smb> huh? [09:40] <Daviey> hallyn: ? [09:41] <Daviey> smb: there seems to be some ceph todo's assigned to the kernel team, are you/they aware? [09:41] <smb> Daviey, no [09:41] <Daviey> smb: rocking :) [09:42] <Daviey> SpamapS: Is it something that can be postponed ? [09:42] <Daviey> likely to be postponed? [09:42] <Daviey> SpamapS: and/or [09:42] <SpamapS> Daviey: some of the ceph stuff will be postponed yes [09:43] <roaksoax> Daviey: I;m postponing it and propiosing it to GSoC [09:43] <Daviey> roaksoax: cool [09:43] <SpamapS> Daviey: Not sure about glusterfs. [09:43] <Daviey> SpamapS: can you update, and speak to smb about what needs to be done? [09:43] <SpamapS> Daviey: with a LOW priority, its been pushed down a lot. [09:43] <Daviey> SpamapS: lets table glusterfs for the meeting and work otu for next week. [09:43] <Daviey> DONE [09:43] <Daviey> sorry for overunnning.. [09:43] <Daviey> utlemming: ? [09:43] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events [09:43] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Ubuntu Server Team Events". [09:44] <SpamapS> Daviey: I don't think there's anything for the kernel team to do for CEPH .. its more about QA and testing. [09:44] <utlemming> Do we have any team events this week? [09:44] <utlemming> I'll take that as a no... [09:44] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [09:44] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)". [09:44] <hggdh> hi [09:45] <utlemming> hggdh, rbasak: do either of you have an arm server updates? [09:45] <rbasak> No updates [09:45] <hggdh> nope [09:45] <hallyn> Daviey: (sorry; except for netcf everything on my blueprints is handle-able) [09:45] <utlemming> Great...thank you gentlemen [09:45] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [09:45] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)". [09:45] <utlemming> smb: hows the kernel? [09:45] <Daviey> (hallyn: great) [09:45] <smb> utlemming, Not too bad, thanks :) [09:46] <smb> Well right now persuing some issue back in lucid with spinloack [09:46] <hggdh> I am setting up persistent VMs for all supported Ubuntu releases in the QA lab. This could be used, later on, to test server SRUs [09:46] <smb> trying to look into an issue smoser has brought up [09:46] <hggdh> .. [09:47] <smb> and something else I cannot remember right now [09:47] <smb> (failing a bit on the mutlitasking part :-P) [09:47] <smb> .. [09:47] <smoser> smoser's interupts are high priority! [09:47] <smoser> :) [09:48] * smoser thanks smb for his help [09:48] <Daviey> smb: the kernel has been rock solid for me so far :) [09:48] <Daviey> (best. kernel. ever) [09:48] <utlemming> [TOPIC] Open Discussion [09:48] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Open Discussion". [09:49] <utlemming> Any other topics, questions, concerns or general mockings? [09:50] * Daviey mocks soren [09:50] <utlemming> +1 [09:50] <SpamapS> huats: care to update us on zentyal briefly? [09:50] * lynxman points to Sorens target audience [09:50] <huats> SpamapS: sure [09:50] <huats> so [09:51] <huats> zentyal packages have been out for a while [09:51] <SpamapS> In a PPA [09:51] <huats> and they ask to be include in universe [09:52] <huats> so there is a massive review of their work [09:52] <huats> since they have change many things [09:52] <huats> and the name of the package [09:52] <huats> which means a NEW process inclusion [09:52] <huats> so [09:53] <huats> I am doing a review on that aspect to help the archive admin that will review the packages [09:53] <SpamapS> Baically, bug 928501 needs to be fixed.. but that involves *19* NEW packages [09:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 928501 in ebox (Ubuntu) "Precise will ship totally broken ebox packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] [09:53] <huats> (this is what we have defined with SpamapS) [09:53] <huats> the thing is that the upstream is also doing the packaging [09:53] <huats> and they are really eager to help [09:53] <SpamapS> so huats is going to do a preliminary review looking at what the AA's will look at .. so that there isn't a cycle of review and rejection [09:54] <SpamapS> I'll upload the packages (and review as well) once huats has taken a look and gotten some feedback to the Zentyal devs [09:54] <huats> I should be able to give a first review by tomorrow [09:54] <SpamapS> Anyway, thats all [09:54] <huats> :) [09:54] <SpamapS> huats: right? [09:55] <SpamapS> huats: THANK YOU! [09:55] <huats> thanks for the clarification :) [09:55] <huats> that is it :) [09:55] <utlemming> And with that, we'll yield back the balance of the time. [09:55] <utlemming> #endmeeting [09:55] *** meetingology sets the channel topic to "Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation:". [09:55] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Feb 21 16:55:51 2012 UTC. [09:55] <meetingology> Minutes (wiki): [09:55] <meetingology> Minutes (html): [09:55] <hallyn> \o/ [09:56] <arosales> Thanks for moderating utlemming [09:57] <SpamapS> utlemming: FYI, you missed "announce the next meeting time" [09:57] <SpamapS> which would be, next Tuesday