Meeting information
#ubuntu-meeting Meeting, 27 Jan at 16:03 — 16:24 UTC
Full logs at
Meeting summary
Review ACTION points from previous meeting
The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:03.
ACTION: gaughen to establish new qa-team point of contact for server team
Vivid Development
The discussion about "Vivid Development" started at 16:06.
Release Bugs (16:08)
Blueprints (16:12)
Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:16.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)" started at 16:16.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:18.
Ubuntu Server Team Events
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:21.
Open Discussion
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:22.
Announce next meeting date and time
The discussion about "Announce next meeting date and time" started at 16:23.
Vote results
Action items, by person
- gaughen
- gaughen to establish new qa-team point of contact for server team
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- jamespage (71)
- gaughen (8)
- smoser (5)
- rbasak (4)
- arges (4)
- meetingology (4)
- ubottu (3)
- beisner (3)
- coreycb (2)
- caribou (2)
- smb (1)
Full Log
16:03 <jamespage> #startmeeting 16:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 27 16:03:07 2015 UTC. The chair is jamespage. Information about MeetBot at 16:03 <meetingology> 16:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:03 <arges> smoser: what do i need to do? 16:03 <gaughen> smoser I don't see arges on the list, I see arosales next 16:03 <smoser> tab complete failure 16:03 <jamespage> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 16:03 <smoser> sorry arges 16:03 <jamespage> gaughen to establish new qa-team point of contact for server team -- gaughen and beisner discussing - keeping as ACTION point 16:04 <jamespage> gaughen, hows that coming on? 16:04 <gaughen> it's not really moving. I need to ping Evan again. beisner provided additional on what we are looking for from his team. 16:04 <jamespage> ok carry that forward for now then 16:04 <jamespage> #action gaughen to establish new qa-team point of contact for server team 16:04 * meetingology gaughen to establish new qa-team point of contact for server team 16:05 <jamespage> and then I had to 16:05 <beisner> o/ hi all 16:05 <jamespage> jamespage to answer question in bug 1410363 in response to smb 16:05 <ubottu> bug 1410363 in linux (Ubuntu) "partition table updates require a reboot" [High,Incomplete] 16:05 <jamespage> that mysteriously disappeared again - I can't repro atm - if it appears back we'll get smb access 16:06 <jamespage> #topic Vivid Development 16:06 <jamespage> OK so lets take a look 16:06 <jamespage> #link 16:06 <jamespage> we just past alpha2; next milestone is feature freeze on the 19th feb so make sure any major version bumps get in before them 16:06 <jamespage> I think we have at least: 16:07 <jamespage> mysql 5.6 (rbasak) 16:07 <jamespage> and I know I keep harping on about tomcat8 as well 16:07 <jamespage> hey rbasak - we where just talking about you :-) 16:07 <jamespage> we just past alpha2; next milestone is feature freeze on the 19th feb so make sure any major version bumps get in before them 16:07 <jamespage> mysql 5.6 (rbasak) 16:07 <gaughen> jamespage, was talking to rbasak this morning an d he's a bit worried about making tomcat8 happen 16:07 <gaughen> mysql5.6 is well on it's way. 16:07 <jamespage> gaughen, sounds like I might have a bit of plane work todo 16:08 <jamespage> #subtopic Release Bugs 16:08 <jamespage> #link 16:08 <jamespage> a couple of cloud init bugs (both confirmed and high) 16:08 <jamespage> a juju bug for systemd support which I know upstream are working on 16:09 <jamespage> a committed heat fix and.... 16:09 <jamespage> 16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1385851 in openvpn (Ubuntu Vivid) "OpenVPN only supports TLS v1.0" [Medium,Confirmed] 16:09 <gaughen> smoser, you have a handle on the cloud-init ones? 16:09 <smoser> yeah. i'm aware. 16:09 <jamespage> anyone have a handle on the openvpn issue? 16:10 <jamespage> does everyone know how to get bugs on that report? 16:11 <coreycb> no 16:11 <jamespage> Hint: raise a vivid task for a bug that the server team has on its list of bugs 16:11 <jamespage> you may only be able to nominate depending on permissions - pester a core-dev to get it accepted. 16:12 <gaughen> I know a core-dev! 16:12 <jamespage> ok - moving on 16:12 <coreycb> thanks 16:12 <jamespage> #subtopic Blueprints 16:12 <jamespage> #link 16:12 <jamespage> wow alot of todo still 16:13 <jamespage> gnuoy`, pls can you re-check your work items - 0% is a little worrying. 16:13 <jamespage> gnuoy`, maybe the 15.01 release this week is a good checkpoint 16:14 <jamespage> rbasak, hows things looking on the general server bluepint? 16:14 <jamespage> we talked mysql and tomcat already 16:14 <jamespage> - looks like there are some corosync pacemaker updates we need todo 16:15 <rbasak> Yeah. 16:15 <gaughen> jamespage, when I talked with rbasak earlier he was worried about the ntp by default item and the dpdk one 16:15 <jamespage> rbasak, I have a technical interest in dpdk so would be happy to look at that if that helps 16:15 <rbasak> I realised php5 needed a transition to 5.6 so have thrown it all at vivid-proposed just now to see what sticks. 16:15 <jamespage> rbasak, my feel is that its not quite ready for packaging yet 16:15 <rbasak> Apart from the concerns gaughen mentioned I think we're in good shape. 16:16 <jamespage> rbasak, ack 16:16 <jamespage> ok moving on 16:16 <jamespage> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) 16:16 <rbasak> jamespage: if you could look at dpdk, that'd be great. I was going to ask kickinz1|afk to take a look but he's unexpectedly away now. 16:16 <jamespage> caribou, anything from you this week 16:16 <jamespage> ? 16:16 <caribou> jamespage: nothing CTS wise but I have just synced makedumpfile with networked kernel dumps 16:16 <jamespage> caribou, +1 awesome 16:16 <jamespage> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa) 16:17 <caribou> I should make a note to have this added to the Release Notes 16:17 <jamespage> I guess we can skip this for now - unless beisner want to raise anything? 16:17 <beisner> pretty much focused on 15.01 openstack charm release this week 16:18 <beisner> will review qa/ci team isotracker results and raise any issues found 16:18 <jamespage> beisner, great 16:18 <jamespage> thanks 16:18 <jamespage> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) 16:18 <smb> Nothing specific I know of. I saw smoser mention some resizefs issues on our channel which should get followed up on. Anything else? 16:18 <arges> smb: i'm looking at that now. its a userspace issue 16:19 <smoser> smb, they're not kernel related. arges i copied ted tso on the bug . :) 16:19 <arges> smoser: oh 16:19 <arges> cool, even better 16:19 <smoser> if we reproduce on debian and forward the bug there, he probably will respond quickly. 16:20 <jamespage> I know the kernel team has a 3.13 ovs fix for us to test - we'll plug that into serverstack just as soon as 15.01 charm release is out of the way this week 16:20 <jamespage> anything else kernel related 16:20 <jamespage> ? 16:20 <jamespage> 16:20 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1408972 in linux (Ubuntu) "openvswitch: failed to flow_del (No such file or directory)" [High,Confirmed] 16:21 <jamespage> ... 16:21 <jamespage> ok 16:21 <jamespage> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events 16:21 <jamespage> any events planned that folks are attending? 16:22 <jamespage> nope - OK - I suspect gaughen and I won't be here next tuesday so sending apologies in advance 16:22 <jamespage> #topic Open Discussion 16:22 <jamespage> open floor... 16:23 <jamespage> ok 16:23 <jamespage> moving on 16:23 <jamespage> #topic Announce next meeting date and time 16:23 <jamespage> next tuesday 16:23 <jamespage> so that will be... 16:23 <jamespage> 3rd February 2015 at 1600 UTC 16:23 <gaughen> I don't think arosales will be here next week 16:23 <jamespage> see you all then... 16:24 <jamespage> #endmeeting
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