Differences between revisions 3 and 9 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2016-07-05 16:27:56
Size: 8289
Editor: paelzer
Revision 9 as of 2016-07-19 17:01:56
Size: 19728
Editor: corey.bryant
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Minutes == == Meeting summary ==
Line 4: Line 4:
The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:03. The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:02.
Line 7: Line 8:
The discussion about "Yakkety Development" started at 16:03. The discussion about "Yakkety Development" started at 16:05.
Line 10: Line 11:
  * ''LINK:'' http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/
 * '''Release Bugs''' (16:05)
 * '''Release Bugs''' (16:09)
  * ''LINK:'' http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server
Line 13: Line 14:
  * ''LINK:'' http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server
Line 16: Line 16:
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:08.

caribou was not able attend this week.

=== Weekly Updates & Questions FROM the QA Team ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions FROM the QA Team" started at 16:10.

We welcomed powersj, but obviously no updates on his first day.
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:15.

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team" started at 16:15.
Line 26: Line 24:
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:12.

Nothing to report.
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:18.
Line 31: Line 28:
The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:14.

Packaging of DPDK hopefully to go to a DPDK conference in October.
The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:20.
Line 36: Line 32:
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:15.

Nothing raised.
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:22.

  * ''LINK:'' http://containersummit.io/city-series/2016/austin
Line 41: Line 37:
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:15.

A bit of a discussion where to find information and where in IRC to ask for powersj, but surely worth for all.

=== Announce next meeting 12th of July,  same time chaired by nacc then ===
The discussion about "Announce next meeting 12th of July,  same time chaired by nacc then" started at 16:18.

nacc will be next chair, for real :-)
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:26.

=== Announce next meeting date, time and chair ===
The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair" started at 16:30.
Line 51: Line 45:
The discussion about "Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)" started at 16:19.

Rbasak was busy in remote participating at debconf.
Therefore he will ping and collect status one by one on #ubuntu-server over the week.
The discussion about "Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)" started at 16:32.

  * ''LINK:'' https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logwatch is the list - I mean the "unmatched" and "not being reported" type bugs.

== Vote results ==

== Done items ==

 * (none)

Line 58: Line 64:
 * cpaelzer (56)
 * powersj (9)
 * rharper (6)
 * rbasak (5)
 * coreycb (58)
 * rbasak (56)
 * magicalChicken (24)
 * nacc (22)
 * jgrimm (20)
 * rharper (9)
 * ubottu (7)
 * smb (6)
 * teward (5)
 * powersj (3)
 * arosales (3)
Line 63: Line 76:
 * smb (1)  * arges (1)
 * gaughen (1)
Line 69: Line 84:
 16:03 <cpaelzer> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team

 16:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 5 16:03:00 2016 UTC. The chair is cpaelzer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

 16:03 <meetingology>

 16:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

 16:03 <cpaelzer> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting

 16:03 <cpaelzer> checkign the log ...

 16:03 <cpaelzer> no old actions

 16:03 <cpaelzer> #topic Yakkety Development

 16:03 <cpaelzer> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule

 16:03 <cpaelzer> has anyone recent updates on Y development?

 16:04 <rharper> the alphas were posted

 16:04 <cpaelzer> thanks rharper I didn't realizie that yet

 16:04 <cpaelzer> rharper: is there any useful link for the log to refer to?

 16:05 <rharper> #link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/

 16:05 <cpaelzer> ah so just the usual place, thanks a lot rharper

 16:05 <rharper> yeah

 16:05 <cpaelzer> #subtopic Release Bugs

 16:05 <cpaelzer> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-y-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

 16:05 <cpaelzer> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

 16:05 <cpaelzer> lets take a look together if anything important popped up whcih isn't taken care of yet

 16:07 <cpaelzer> most look like in progress

 16:07 <cpaelzer> and for some of the new ones I know that rbasak distributed them to us already

 16:07 <cpaelzer> so I think we are good here for the week

 16:07 <cpaelzer> any bug someone wants to highlight before we continue?

 16:08 <rharper> they all look covered to me too

 16:08 <cpaelzer> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

 16:08 <cpaelzer> caribou: up to you for updates

 16:09 <cpaelzer> I didn't see a o/ from him either so far, maybe he is unavailable

 16:09 <cpaelzer> anybody else a general Server & Cloud bug topic to throw in?

 16:10 <cpaelzer> the week around 4th of july is impressively silent :-)

 16:10 <cpaelzer> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions FROM the QA Team

 16:10 <cpaelzer> you might have realized I changed the usual topic slightly as we now have powersj with us

 16:10 <powersj> :) hey folks

 16:10 <rharper> cpaelzer: =)

 16:11 <powersj> first day, got email going finally, so I will be in contact shortly. Would like to get input from rharper or others around the CI system.

 16:11 <rharper> indeed

 16:11 <powersj> Access, what's there, etc.

 16:11 <powersj> If there are other documents or pointers please send away or let me know!

 16:11 <cpaelzer> reasonable - the overall QA Team will likely also share more of the overall QA strategy things

 16:12 <cpaelzer> powersj: so we should throw CI/QA stuff at you and you sort out what you jump on ?

 16:12 <cpaelzer> good

 16:12 <powersj> cpaelzer, sure. Jon left me with some guidance as well

 16:12 <cpaelzer> good

 16:12 <cpaelzer> in any case (throwing info or not) a big welcome to powersj

 16:12 <cpaelzer> ^^WELCOME^^

 16:12 <cpaelzer> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)

 16:12 <powersj> thanks! glad to be here

 16:12 <smb> Nothing really as in updates. Are there questions?

 16:13 <cpaelzer> no updates means good news in that case

 16:14 <cpaelzer> semms like no questions, thanks smb!

 16:14 <cpaelzer> #topic Upcoming Call For Papers

 16:14 <cpaelzer> I was asked to talk about dpdk packaging on a dpdk conf, but that is already kind of assigned

 16:14 <cpaelzer> anything else regarding CFPs?

 16:15 <cpaelzer> ok

 16:15 <cpaelzer> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events

 16:15 <cpaelzer> with jgrimm on vacation there won't be much new events planned, so lets go on

 16:15 <cpaelzer> #topic Open Discussion

 16:15 <cpaelzer> seeing how things went today I guess no - but anything?

 16:16 <powersj> #server best place to ask questions?

 16:16 <cpaelzer> powersj: if you are secretive #server on internal - if you expect anyone else could either benefit or help you #ubuntu-server is surely better

 16:17 <powersj> k thx

 16:17 <cpaelzer> powersj: also if it is rather generic (not server specific) about ubuntu development/packaging #ubuntu-devel is a good place

 16:17 <cpaelzer> powersj: I'd expect the QA people have an own channel as well - at least internally

 16:17 <cpaelzer> in any case starting on #server and being redirected will work for you until you geta feeling where to go with which question

 16:18 <powersj> alright thanks again

 16:18 <cpaelzer> #topic Announce next meeting 12th of July, same time chaired by nacc then

 16:19 <rbasak> powersj: #ubuntu-quality is the public Ubuntu QA channel.

 16:19 <cpaelzer> rbasak: thanks!

 16:19 <cpaelzer> rbasak: are you ready for the bgu talk ?

 16:19 <rbasak> I was called away before this meeting so wasn't able to prepare for bug updates, sorry. So I propose to do it on IRC over the next few days and not all together today. But if you have updates prepared, feel free to give me them now, and I'll log them and update later (I still haven't caught up from last week :-(

 16:19 <cpaelzer> #topic Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)

 16:20 <cpaelzer> rbasak: I'll wait til you ping me to collect mine instead of flooding the channel like last week

 16:20 <cpaelzer> rbasak: give me a ping once you get to digest the log of last week

 16:20 <rbasak> OK, thanks!

 16:20 <cpaelzer> rbasak: same probably true for all others

 16:20 <rbasak> Yes, I'll ping around in #ubuntu-server.

 16:20 <rbasak> (probably tomorrow)

 16:20 <cpaelzer> nice

 16:21 <cpaelzer> with that a quick meeting this week, thank you all

 16:21 <cpaelzer> #endmeeting
 16:00 <coreycb> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team

 16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 19 16:00:20 2016 UTC. The chair is coreycb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

 16:00 <meetingology>

 16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

 16:00 <teward> o/

 16:00 <powersj> o/

 16:00 <coreycb> Just going to hang tight for a few minutes and let people show up

 16:01 <jgrimm> o/

 16:01 <rbasak> o/

 16:02 <smb> o/

 16:02 <nacc> o/

 16:02 <coreycb> alright looks like we have a decent number of folks so let's get started

 16:02 <rharper> o/

 16:02 <coreycb> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting

 16:03 <nacc> sorry, i'm bad and haven't updated the wiki; i think there was just hte one for jgrimm to review the qemu bug(s)

 16:03 <coreycb> nacc, ok jgrimm do you have status on that?

 16:03 * jgrimm goes looking for the bug

 16:04 <jgrimm> coreycb, ask me again during free discussion, i'll have looked up what the bug is by then

 16:04 <coreycb> jgrimm, ok sounds good

 16:05 <coreycb> #topic Yakkety Development

 16:05 <coreycb> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule

 16:05 <nacc> jgrimm: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561019

 16:05 <jgrimm> thanks nacc

 16:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1561019 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "copied cpu flags don't match host cpu" [Medium,New]

 16:05 <coreycb> Alpha 2 is in 9 days

 16:05 <coreycb> And we're about a month away from Feature Freeze

 16:07 <teward> nginx is probably going to get a merge for Yakkety, it'll include the dynamic modules that Debian adds. Test packages are being built on my side now, then in a PPA, and a call for testing install/upgrade will go out

 16:07 <coreycb> keep feature freeze in mind as new features and new packages will need FFEs after that point

 16:07 <teward> assuming I don't get another case of the lazies :)

 16:07 <teward> that should land for Yakkety then before FeatureFreeze

 16:07 <teward> ('tis all for me today)

 16:07 <coreycb> thanks teward

 16:08 <coreycb> anything else for yakkety development?

 16:08 <jgrimm> otherwise, generally... merges and bugs have been making good forward progress

 16:08 <coreycb> jgrimm, great

 16:09 <coreycb> #subtopic Release Bugs

 16:09 <coreycb> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

 16:09 <coreycb> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-y-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

 16:09 <jgrimm> coreycb, i'll jump in here with status on bug 1561019 action item

 16:09 <ubottu> bug 1561019 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "copied cpu flags don't match host cpu" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561019

 16:10 <jgrimm> hallyn and smb seems to be making progress on that atm. my action was to find someone to work on it.. so done. :)

 16:10 <coreycb> jgrimm, :)

 16:11 <smb> yeah... ugly

 16:11 <smb> jgrimm, thought that was actually worked around

 16:12 <jgrimm> smb, fair enough

 16:13 <jgrimm> smb, my response was about action item i took last week, to make sure someone took a look at it.

 16:13 <smb> jgrimm, guess at some point I'd have to check whether this was actually pused anywhere

 16:13 <jgrimm> smb, ack!

 16:13 <coreycb> as for other bugs, based on a quick scan, it looks like all the high importance bugs have someone from the server team who's been working on them or communicating at least

 16:14 <coreycb> and some triage is needed for others

 16:14 <coreycb> does anyone have anything else for bugs?

 16:15 <coreycb> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

 16:15 <coreycb> hey caribou

 16:15 <jgrimm> coreycb, unable to attend today

 16:15 <rbasak> caribou sends his apologies

 16:15 <coreycb> apology accepted

 16:15 <coreycb> :)

 16:15 <coreycb> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team

 16:16 <jgrimm> powersj, ^^

 16:16 <powersj> Working with IS to get Jenkins updated to latest LTS version due to a known Jenkins defect, cpaelzer and I are meeting re: 390, and pinged IS on getting torkoal (baremetal system) added and up to Jenkins.

 16:16 <powersj> Turning focus back to Jenkins CI and integration jobs for cloud-init while waiting on Jenkins fix and slave additions.

 16:17 <coreycb> powersj, thanks for the update. any questions for powersj?

 16:18 <coreycb> alrighty, on we go

 16:18 <coreycb> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)

 16:18 <smb> No news, sorry (at least no bad news).

 16:19 <coreycb> smb, ok thanks

 16:19 <coreycb> smb, same story for the other kernel folks?

 16:19 <smb> likely

 16:19 <arges> yup

 16:20 <coreycb> alright thanks guys

 16:20 <coreycb> #topic Upcoming Call For Papers

 16:20 <coreycb> jumped the gun. any questions for kernel folks?

 16:20 <rharper> well, not now

 16:20 <rharper> =)

 16:20 <coreycb> lol

 16:20 <jgrimm> all good

 16:21 <coreycb> any conferences coming up that have a call for papers?

 16:21 <coreycb> I know openstack summit deadline was last week

 16:22 <coreycb> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events

 16:23 <coreycb> any events coming up?

 16:24 <rharper> http://containersummit.io/city-series/2016/austin

 16:24 <rharper> tonight

 16:24 <rharper> if you're in Austin

 16:25 <coreycb> rharper, nice, and look at that mug shot!

 16:25 <rharper> lol

 16:25 <coreycb> rharper, what's your talk on?

 16:25 <rharper> fire-side chatting about containers and lxd

 16:26 <coreycb> rharper, awesome

 16:26 <coreycb> #topic Open Discussion

 16:27 <coreycb> jgrimm, did you want to discuss that libvirt bug?

 16:27 <coreycb> or was it qemu bugs

 16:28 <jgrimm> coreycb, we already covered it during release bugs

 16:28 <jgrimm> alll good

 16:28 <coreycb> jgrimm, ah, that was it. good so no actions to carry over as far as I can tell.

 16:29 <jgrimm> agreed!

 16:29 <coreycb> jgrimm, I still owe you a reply on your email about subscriptions to openstack packages

 16:30 <coreycb> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair

 16:30 <coreycb> the next meeting will be the same time next week

 16:30 <jgrimm> coreycb: james took care of it

 16:31 <coreycb> jgrimm, oh, great, thanks jamespage!

 16:31 <coreycb> gaughen is up next week to chair

 16:31 <jgrimm> coreycb, indeed.. i owe him (yet another) beer for his kindly assistance. :)

 16:31 <gaughen> coreycb, I will be at the sprint

 16:31 <coreycb> gaughen, ok

 16:32 <coreycb> next in line is arosales, smoser, rbasak. any of you not at the sprint next week?

 16:32 <jgrimm> smoser or rbasak should be around

 16:32 <coreycb> jgrimm, alright, it'll be one of them

 16:32 <coreycb> #topic Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)

 16:32 <rbasak> o/

 16:32 <coreycb> o/

 16:33 <rbasak> I've been doing some catching up

 16:33 <rbasak> I've mainly been focusing on unblocking existing assignments right now.

 16:33 <rbasak> cpaelzer isn't here, but AFAICT he's mainly blocked on me reviewing his ntp and dovecot merges, so I'll get on with those ASAP.

 16:33 <arosales> coreycb: I am at sprint next weeek

 16:34 <rbasak> (I sponsored a ton of uploads today, more tomorrow)

 16:34 <arosales> rbasak: or smoser could I trade with you?

 16:34 <rbasak> jgrimm and rharper, I think you should be unblocked?

 16:34 <jgrimm> rbasak, i am! thank you

 16:34 <coreycb> arosales, yep it's going to be one of them. I'll nag them.

 16:34 <rharper> rbasak: yes, just need to work the bugs you've assigned

 16:34 <rbasak> nacc, your only assignment right now is the bacula thing according to my sheet. I think I'm waiting on you to tell me when you're ready for upload. Is that right?

 16:34 <arosales> coreycb: smoser rbasak thanks :-)

 16:34 <nacc> rbasak: yep, i think we're pretty close

 16:35 <nacc> rbasak: i need to verify the yakkety changes are good again (some stuff got sent to debian)

 16:35 <rbasak> magicalChicken: around? I've been catching up on your bugs, I think some probably need unassigning perhaps.

 16:35 <nacc> rbasak: did you get a chance to look at hte puppet bug?

 16:35 <rbasak> nacc: OK, I'll wait for you, thanks.

 16:35 <nacc> rbasak: LP: #1570472

 16:35 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Yeah

 16:35 <rbasak> nacc: not in detail, sorry I didn't reply to the puppet bug yet. I'm reluctant though. I don't understand why we can't invert the logic using existing functionality.

 16:35 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1570472 in puppet (Ubuntu) "Set systemd as default service provider" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1570472

 16:36 <rbasak> magicalChicken: where are we with bug 1394403 right now please?

 16:36 <ubottu> bug 1394403 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "RewriteRule of "^$" is broken" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1394403

 16:36 <nacc> rbasak: oh we could; but upstream has already taken that change; it won't affect the SRU -- and upstream may chagne the logic altogether (they're working on adding a new extension that may allow for calling arbitrary conditional functions

 16:36 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Still unable to reproduce with the first patch that went in

 16:37 <nacc> rbasak: but if we change first, then we're diverging from upstream's change, which seems less than ideal

 16:37 <nacc> rbasak: i agree with you for 16.10

 16:37 <nacc> rbasak: i disagree with you for 16.04 :)

 16:37 <nacc> rbasak: if that makes sense :)

 16:37 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I did LP: #1534538, but I need to redo it because a security update went into repos first

 16:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1534538 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) " AliasMatch directive does not accept long URI" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1534538

 16:37 <rbasak> nacc: right, but we need to fix 16.10 first for the SRU. And I don't want to upload a change I know will be broken in three months.

 16:38 <nacc> rbasak: ok, i'll work on upstream then

 16:38 <rbasak> nacc: I'd be happy for us to fix Yakkety with a temporary delta that we know is right, even if that isn't upstream.

 16:38 <rbasak> nacc: unless that's particularly awkward? Then that would unblock the SRU.

 16:38 <nacc> rbasak: right, i was thinking the opposite direction, but the same result

 16:38 <rbasak> nacc: otherwise we're defeating the object of fixing development rist.

 16:38 <rbasak> first

 16:39 <nacc> rbasak: in that, yakkety gets the current fix, and then i fix upstream and yakkety

 16:39 <nacc> rbasak: fix the fix, i guess

 16:39 <nacc> rbasak: either way, one delays the sru more :)

 16:39 <nacc> rbasak: and takes more of my time :-P

 16:39 <rbasak> I'm not sure I follow.

 16:39 <nacc> rbasak: i have to learn ruby :)

 16:39 <rbasak> What I'm asking for is to fix Yakkety and then to fix Xenial. The Xenial fix can be minimal.

 16:39 <nacc> well, enough ruby :)

 16:40 <rbasak> I'm sayingi that the Yakkety fix must not be known broken, but it can be a delta.

 16:40 <rbasak> Is that OK?

 16:41 <rbasak> If upstream are planning a big picture fix, then the Yakkety delta can also be minimal I think.

 16:41 <rbasak> As long as it's not autombroken.

 16:42 <nacc> rbasak: well, given that i'm the one who will probably have to fix upstream; that's what i was trying to say. I will work on fixing upstream and yakkety. But the fix we have now, which is minimal, works for both, right now. The future fix will just be future-proof (which doesn't matter for the current releases). But I will just work on it instead of yammering furhter

 16:42 <rbasak> magicalChicken: for 4403, it's not clear to me that you can't reproduce from reading the bug.

 16:42 <rbasak> magicalChicken: am I missing something, or else could you please update the bug?

 16:42 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Sure, I'll redo the verification and post logs

 16:43 <magicalChicken> I had been able to reproduce before the first patch I submitted, but after that patch the duplicate rewrite message isn't present in apache's log

 16:43 <rbasak> magicalChicken: sorry, I don't follow. What do we need to do to resolve the bug?

 16:44 <rbasak> Are we stuck because unreproducible?

 16:44 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Yes. I had submitted a patch earlier that fixed it for me, but the user said that it did not fix it for them

 16:44 <rbasak> magicalChicken: but the user has since provided a reproducer, right?

 16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I posted logs of me running the test case they provided with the patch in place, and the bug doesn't show up in them

 16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I haven't heard from the user since then

 16:45 <rbasak> Sorry, I know I'm confused here.

 16:45 <rbasak> Ah, OK.

 16:45 <rbasak> I think I follow. I didn't read your comment as there being a problem.

 16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Right yeah, I need to rewrite that to clarify

 16:45 <rbasak> OK, thanks.

 16:45 <magicalChicken> I'll go ahead and try to reproduce 1 more time too

 16:46 <rbasak> I saw the security team trump your progress in 538.

 16:46 <rbasak> Can I leave that to you to redo, please?

 16:46 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Sure, it shouldn't take long, it was a simple patch

 16:47 <rbasak> OK, thanks!

 16:47 <rbasak> magicalChicken: next, in bug 1511222, it looks like the reporter hasn't replied.

 16:47 <ubottu> bug 1511222 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Incorrect trusted proxy match test in mod_remoteip" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511222

 16:47 <rbasak> magicalChicken: would you prefer to drive it anyway and SRU verify yourself, or drop it?

 16:48 <rbasak> It looks like only one person has reported affected since October.

 16:48 <rbasak> So I don't mind which you prefer - depends on your confidence in the fix and your view on the impact of the bug on other users.

 16:48 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I had tested out the patch and it worked okay for me. I can go ahead and rerun that test and post the logs. I don't think the user is going to reply

 16:48 <rbasak> magicalChicken: OK, so would you like to continue with landing the fix, or forget about it until someone replies?

 16:49 <magicalChicken> rbasak: It might be good to wait for someone to reply, since I may have been wrong about a patch working on the RewriteRule bug earlier

 16:50 <magicalChicken> rbasak: If anyone else reports they're affected, I can ask them to test out the patched version and see if it fixes it for them

 16:50 <rbasak> OK, that's fine. Please could you note this in a comment on the bug, and then I'll treat it as unassigned? If you could stay subscribed in case the user does reply, that would be helpful.

 16:50 <magicalChicken> Sure, thanks

 16:50 <magicalChicken> Yeah, I'll pick it up again if anyone replies to it

 16:51 <rbasak> magicalChicken: OK great! Next, bug 1296835 needs SRU verification. Are you planning on doing that, or is the bug stalled because you're waiting on a reporter to do it?

 16:51 <ubottu> bug 1296835 in pptpd (Ubuntu Trusty) "status_of_proc lacks a "-p" in /etc/init.d/pptpd" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1296835

 16:52 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I can go ahead and do the verifiction for that

 16:52 <rbasak> OK great. Thanks!

 16:52 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Thanks

 16:53 <rbasak> Almost there :)

 16:53 <magicalChicken> haha

 16:53 <rbasak> Just one more - any progress on the logwatch bugs please?

 16:53 <rbasak> I realise this is quite a few bugs you have on at once, so no worries if not. Just trying to update my spreadsheet :)

 16:54 <magicalChicken> I hadn't been aware of a logwatch bug

 16:54 <magicalChicken> I can handle that this week, it just had slipped my mind, sorry

 16:55 <rbasak> No worries. It's a whole collection of bugs - various messages. Looks like mostly regexp updates needed, each small individually.

 16:55 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Cool, shouldn't be too hard to get fixed then

 16:55 <rbasak> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logwatch is the list - I mean the "unmatched" and "not being reported" type bugs.

 16:55 <rbasak> Great. Thank you!

 16:55 <magicalChicken> Thanks

 16:56 <rbasak> magicalChicken: and thank you for your patience. I'm focusing on getting rid of the bugs from my spreadsheet - it's fine if they aren't making progress because of reporter silence - as long as we communicate what they need to do, I'm happy to drop them from my tracking. As long as I can forget about them :)

 16:57 <magicalChicken> rbasak: No problem, I'll stay subscribed to the ones we're waiting on so that I can pick them up again when the reporter replies

 16:57 <rbasak> I'm done for today, thanks all. I think everyone has something to get on with, possibly with the exception of cpaelzer until I unblock him.

 16:57 <rbasak> I intend to triage more this week and get a backlog of assignments again.

 16:57 <rbasak> Any other comments or questions?

 16:58 <nacc> rbasak: feel free to put more on my plate again, i'm mostly caught up now that you've sponsored stuff

 16:58 <rbasak> nacc: thanks. And thank you for all the uploads! I need to do that endorsement :)

 16:58 <rbasak> coreycb: #endmeeting please

 16:58 <coreycb> #endmeeting

Meeting summary

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:02.

Yakkety Development

The discussion about "Yakkety Development" started at 16:05.

Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:15.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team" started at 16:15.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:18.

Upcoming Call For Papers

The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:20.

Ubuntu Server Team Events

The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:22.

Open Discussion

The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:26.

Announce next meeting date, time and chair

The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair" started at 16:30.

Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)

The discussion about "Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)" started at 16:32.

Vote results

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • coreycb (58)
  • rbasak (56)
  • magicalChicken (24)
  • nacc (22)
  • jgrimm (20)
  • rharper (9)
  • ubottu (7)
  • smb (6)
  • teward (5)
  • powersj (3)
  • arosales (3)
  • meetingology (3)
  • arges (1)
  • gaughen (1)

Full Log

  • 16:00 <coreycb> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team

    16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 19 16:00:20 2016 UTC. The chair is coreycb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    16:00 <meetingology>

    16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

    16:00 <teward> o/

    16:00 <powersj> o/

    16:00 <coreycb> Just going to hang tight for a few minutes and let people show up

    16:01 <jgrimm> o/

    16:01 <rbasak> o/

    16:02 <smb> o/

    16:02 <nacc> o/

    16:02 <coreycb> alright looks like we have a decent number of folks so let's get started

    16:02 <rharper> o/

    16:02 <coreycb> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting

    16:03 <nacc> sorry, i'm bad and haven't updated the wiki; i think there was just hte one for jgrimm to review the qemu bug(s)

    16:03 <coreycb> nacc, ok jgrimm do you have status on that? 16:03 * jgrimm goes looking for the bug

    16:04 <jgrimm> coreycb, ask me again during free discussion, i'll have looked up what the bug is by then

    16:04 <coreycb> jgrimm, ok sounds good

    16:05 <coreycb> #topic Yakkety Development

    16:05 <coreycb> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule

    16:05 <nacc> jgrimm: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561019

    16:05 <jgrimm> thanks nacc

    16:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1561019 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "copied cpu flags don't match host cpu" [Medium,New]

    16:05 <coreycb> Alpha 2 is in 9 days

    16:05 <coreycb> And we're about a month away from Feature Freeze

    16:07 <teward> nginx is probably going to get a merge for Yakkety, it'll include the dynamic modules that Debian adds. Test packages are being built on my side now, then in a PPA, and a call for testing install/upgrade will go out

    16:07 <coreycb> keep feature freeze in mind as new features and new packages will need FFEs after that point

    16:07 <teward> assuming I don't get another case of the lazies Smile :)

    16:07 <teward> that should land for Yakkety then before FeatureFreeze

    16:07 <teward> ('tis all for me today)

    16:07 <coreycb> thanks teward

    16:08 <coreycb> anything else for yakkety development?

    16:08 <jgrimm> otherwise, generally... merges and bugs have been making good forward progress

    16:08 <coreycb> jgrimm, great

    16:09 <coreycb> #subtopic Release Bugs

    16:09 <coreycb> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

    16:09 <coreycb> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-y-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server

    16:09 <jgrimm> coreycb, i'll jump in here with status on bug 1561019 action item

    16:09 <ubottu> bug 1561019 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "copied cpu flags don't match host cpu" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561019

    16:10 <jgrimm> hallyn and smb seems to be making progress on that atm. my action was to find someone to work on it.. so done. Smile :)

    16:10 <coreycb> jgrimm, Smile :)

    16:11 <smb> yeah... ugly

    16:11 <smb> jgrimm, thought that was actually worked around

    16:12 <jgrimm> smb, fair enough

    16:13 <jgrimm> smb, my response was about action item i took last week, to make sure someone took a look at it.

    16:13 <smb> jgrimm, guess at some point I'd have to check whether this was actually pused anywhere

    16:13 <jgrimm> smb, ack!

    16:13 <coreycb> as for other bugs, based on a quick scan, it looks like all the high importance bugs have someone from the server team who's been working on them or communicating at least

    16:14 <coreycb> and some triage is needed for others

    16:14 <coreycb> does anyone have anything else for bugs?

    16:15 <coreycb> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

    16:15 <coreycb> hey caribou

    16:15 <jgrimm> coreycb, unable to attend today

    16:15 <rbasak> caribou sends his apologies

    16:15 <coreycb> apology accepted

    16:15 <coreycb> Smile :)

    16:15 <coreycb> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team

    16:16 <jgrimm> powersj,

    16:16 <powersj> Working with IS to get Jenkins updated to latest LTS version due to a known Jenkins defect, cpaelzer and I are meeting re: 390, and pinged IS on getting torkoal (baremetal system) added and up to Jenkins.

    16:16 <powersj> Turning focus back to Jenkins CI and integration jobs for cloud-init while waiting on Jenkins fix and slave additions.

    16:17 <coreycb> powersj, thanks for the update. any questions for powersj?

    16:18 <coreycb> alrighty, on we go

    16:18 <coreycb> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)

    16:18 <smb> No news, sorry (at least no bad news).

    16:19 <coreycb> smb, ok thanks

    16:19 <coreycb> smb, same story for the other kernel folks?

    16:19 <smb> likely

    16:19 <arges> yup

    16:20 <coreycb> alright thanks guys

    16:20 <coreycb> #topic Upcoming Call For Papers

    16:20 <coreycb> jumped the gun. any questions for kernel folks?

    16:20 <rharper> well, not now

    16:20 <rharper> =)

    16:20 <coreycb> lol

    16:20 <jgrimm> all good

    16:21 <coreycb> any conferences coming up that have a call for papers?

    16:21 <coreycb> I know openstack summit deadline was last week

    16:22 <coreycb> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events

    16:23 <coreycb> any events coming up?

    16:24 <rharper> http://containersummit.io/city-series/2016/austin

    16:24 <rharper> tonight

    16:24 <rharper> if you're in Austin

    16:25 <coreycb> rharper, nice, and look at that mug shot!

    16:25 <rharper> lol

    16:25 <coreycb> rharper, what's your talk on?

    16:25 <rharper> fire-side chatting about containers and lxd

    16:26 <coreycb> rharper, awesome

    16:26 <coreycb> #topic Open Discussion

    16:27 <coreycb> jgrimm, did you want to discuss that libvirt bug?

    16:27 <coreycb> or was it qemu bugs

    16:28 <jgrimm> coreycb, we already covered it during release bugs

    16:28 <jgrimm> alll good

    16:28 <coreycb> jgrimm, ah, that was it. good so no actions to carry over as far as I can tell.

    16:29 <jgrimm> agreed!

    16:29 <coreycb> jgrimm, I still owe you a reply on your email about subscriptions to openstack packages

    16:30 <coreycb> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair

    16:30 <coreycb> the next meeting will be the same time next week

    16:30 <jgrimm> coreycb: james took care of it

    16:31 <coreycb> jgrimm, oh, great, thanks jamespage!

    16:31 <coreycb> gaughen is up next week to chair

    16:31 <jgrimm> coreycb, indeed.. i owe him (yet another) beer for his kindly assistance. Smile :)

    16:31 <gaughen> coreycb, I will be at the sprint

    16:31 <coreycb> gaughen, ok

    16:32 <coreycb> next in line is arosales, smoser, rbasak. any of you not at the sprint next week?

    16:32 <jgrimm> smoser or rbasak should be around

    16:32 <coreycb> jgrimm, alright, it'll be one of them

    16:32 <coreycb> #topic Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)

    16:32 <rbasak> o/

    16:32 <coreycb> o/

    16:33 <rbasak> I've been doing some catching up

    16:33 <rbasak> I've mainly been focusing on unblocking existing assignments right now.

    16:33 <rbasak> cpaelzer isn't here, but AFAICT he's mainly blocked on me reviewing his ntp and dovecot merges, so I'll get on with those ASAP.

    16:33 <arosales> coreycb: I am at sprint next weeek

    16:34 <rbasak> (I sponsored a ton of uploads today, more tomorrow)

    16:34 <arosales> rbasak: or smoser could I trade with you?

    16:34 <rbasak> jgrimm and rharper, I think you should be unblocked?

    16:34 <jgrimm> rbasak, i am! thank you

    16:34 <coreycb> arosales, yep it's going to be one of them. I'll nag them.

    16:34 <rharper> rbasak: yes, just need to work the bugs you've assigned

    16:34 <rbasak> nacc, your only assignment right now is the bacula thing according to my sheet. I think I'm waiting on you to tell me when you're ready for upload. Is that right?

    16:34 <arosales> coreycb: smoser rbasak thanks Smile :-)

    16:34 <nacc> rbasak: yep, i think we're pretty close

    16:35 <nacc> rbasak: i need to verify the yakkety changes are good again (some stuff got sent to debian)

    16:35 <rbasak> magicalChicken: around? I've been catching up on your bugs, I think some probably need unassigning perhaps.

    16:35 <nacc> rbasak: did you get a chance to look at hte puppet bug?

    16:35 <rbasak> nacc: OK, I'll wait for you, thanks.

    16:35 <nacc> rbasak: LP: #1570472

    16:35 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Yeah

    16:35 <rbasak> nacc: not in detail, sorry I didn't reply to the puppet bug yet. I'm reluctant though. I don't understand why we can't invert the logic using existing functionality.

    16:35 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1570472 in puppet (Ubuntu) "Set systemd as default service provider" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1570472

    16:36 <rbasak> magicalChicken: where are we with bug 1394403 right now please?

    16:36 <ubottu> bug 1394403 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "RewriteRule of "^$" is broken" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1394403

    16:36 <nacc> rbasak: oh we could; but upstream has already taken that change; it won't affect the SRU -- and upstream may chagne the logic altogether (they're working on adding a new extension that may allow for calling arbitrary conditional functions

    16:36 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Still unable to reproduce with the first patch that went in

    16:37 <nacc> rbasak: but if we change first, then we're diverging from upstream's change, which seems less than ideal

    16:37 <nacc> rbasak: i agree with you for 16.10

    16:37 <nacc> rbasak: i disagree with you for 16.04 Smile :)

    16:37 <nacc> rbasak: if that makes sense Smile :)

    16:37 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I did LP: #1534538, but I need to redo it because a security update went into repos first

    16:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1534538 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) " AliasMatch directive does not accept long URI" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1534538

    16:37 <rbasak> nacc: right, but we need to fix 16.10 first for the SRU. And I don't want to upload a change I know will be broken in three months.

    16:38 <nacc> rbasak: ok, i'll work on upstream then

    16:38 <rbasak> nacc: I'd be happy for us to fix Yakkety with a temporary delta that we know is right, even if that isn't upstream.

    16:38 <rbasak> nacc: unless that's particularly awkward? Then that would unblock the SRU.

    16:38 <nacc> rbasak: right, i was thinking the opposite direction, but the same result

    16:38 <rbasak> nacc: otherwise we're defeating the object of fixing development rist.

    16:38 <rbasak> first

    16:39 <nacc> rbasak: in that, yakkety gets the current fix, and then i fix upstream and yakkety

    16:39 <nacc> rbasak: fix the fix, i guess

    16:39 <nacc> rbasak: either way, one delays the sru more Smile :)

    16:39 <nacc> rbasak: and takes more of my time :-P

    16:39 <rbasak> I'm not sure I follow.

    16:39 <nacc> rbasak: i have to learn ruby Smile :)

    16:39 <rbasak> What I'm asking for is to fix Yakkety and then to fix Xenial. The Xenial fix can be minimal.

    16:39 <nacc> well, enough ruby Smile :)

    16:40 <rbasak> I'm sayingi that the Yakkety fix must not be known broken, but it can be a delta.

    16:40 <rbasak> Is that OK?

    16:41 <rbasak> If upstream are planning a big picture fix, then the Yakkety delta can also be minimal I think.

    16:41 <rbasak> As long as it's not autombroken.

    16:42 <nacc> rbasak: well, given that i'm the one who will probably have to fix upstream; that's what i was trying to say. I will work on fixing upstream and yakkety. But the fix we have now, which is minimal, works for both, right now. The future fix will just be future-proof (which doesn't matter for the current releases). But I will just work on it instead of yammering furhter

    16:42 <rbasak> magicalChicken: for 4403, it's not clear to me that you can't reproduce from reading the bug.

    16:42 <rbasak> magicalChicken: am I missing something, or else could you please update the bug?

    16:42 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Sure, I'll redo the verification and post logs

    16:43 <magicalChicken> I had been able to reproduce before the first patch I submitted, but after that patch the duplicate rewrite message isn't present in apache's log

    16:43 <rbasak> magicalChicken: sorry, I don't follow. What do we need to do to resolve the bug?

    16:44 <rbasak> Are we stuck because unreproducible?

    16:44 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Yes. I had submitted a patch earlier that fixed it for me, but the user said that it did not fix it for them

    16:44 <rbasak> magicalChicken: but the user has since provided a reproducer, right?

    16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I posted logs of me running the test case they provided with the patch in place, and the bug doesn't show up in them

    16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I haven't heard from the user since then

    16:45 <rbasak> Sorry, I know I'm confused here.

    16:45 <rbasak> Ah, OK.

    16:45 <rbasak> I think I follow. I didn't read your comment as there being a problem.

    16:45 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Right yeah, I need to rewrite that to clarify

    16:45 <rbasak> OK, thanks.

    16:45 <magicalChicken> I'll go ahead and try to reproduce 1 more time too

    16:46 <rbasak> I saw the security team trump your progress in 538.

    16:46 <rbasak> Can I leave that to you to redo, please?

    16:46 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Sure, it shouldn't take long, it was a simple patch

    16:47 <rbasak> OK, thanks!

    16:47 <rbasak> magicalChicken: next, in bug 1511222, it looks like the reporter hasn't replied.

    16:47 <ubottu> bug 1511222 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Incorrect trusted proxy match test in mod_remoteip" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511222

    16:47 <rbasak> magicalChicken: would you prefer to drive it anyway and SRU verify yourself, or drop it?

    16:48 <rbasak> It looks like only one person has reported affected since October.

    16:48 <rbasak> So I don't mind which you prefer - depends on your confidence in the fix and your view on the impact of the bug on other users.

    16:48 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I had tested out the patch and it worked okay for me. I can go ahead and rerun that test and post the logs. I don't think the user is going to reply

    16:48 <rbasak> magicalChicken: OK, so would you like to continue with landing the fix, or forget about it until someone replies?

    16:49 <magicalChicken> rbasak: It might be good to wait for someone to reply, since I may have been wrong about a patch working on the RewriteRule bug earlier

    16:50 <magicalChicken> rbasak: If anyone else reports they're affected, I can ask them to test out the patched version and see if it fixes it for them

    16:50 <rbasak> OK, that's fine. Please could you note this in a comment on the bug, and then I'll treat it as unassigned? If you could stay subscribed in case the user does reply, that would be helpful.

    16:50 <magicalChicken> Sure, thanks

    16:50 <magicalChicken> Yeah, I'll pick it up again if anyone replies to it

    16:51 <rbasak> magicalChicken: OK great! Next, bug 1296835 needs SRU verification. Are you planning on doing that, or is the bug stalled because you're waiting on a reporter to do it?

    16:51 <ubottu> bug 1296835 in pptpd (Ubuntu Trusty) "status_of_proc lacks a "-p" in /etc/init.d/pptpd" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1296835

    16:52 <magicalChicken> rbasak: I can go ahead and do the verifiction for that

    16:52 <rbasak> OK great. Thanks!

    16:52 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Thanks

    16:53 <rbasak> Almost there Smile :)

    16:53 <magicalChicken> haha

    16:53 <rbasak> Just one more - any progress on the logwatch bugs please?

    16:53 <rbasak> I realise this is quite a few bugs you have on at once, so no worries if not. Just trying to update my spreadsheet Smile :)

    16:54 <magicalChicken> I hadn't been aware of a logwatch bug

    16:54 <magicalChicken> I can handle that this week, it just had slipped my mind, sorry

    16:55 <rbasak> No worries. It's a whole collection of bugs - various messages. Looks like mostly regexp updates needed, each small individually.

    16:55 <magicalChicken> rbasak: Cool, shouldn't be too hard to get fixed then

    16:55 <rbasak> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logwatch is the list - I mean the "unmatched" and "not being reported" type bugs.

    16:55 <rbasak> Great. Thank you!

    16:55 <magicalChicken> Thanks

    16:56 <rbasak> magicalChicken: and thank you for your patience. I'm focusing on getting rid of the bugs from my spreadsheet - it's fine if they aren't making progress because of reporter silence - as long as we communicate what they need to do, I'm happy to drop them from my tracking. As long as I can forget about them Smile :)

    16:57 <magicalChicken> rbasak: No problem, I'll stay subscribed to the ones we're waiting on so that I can pick them up again when the reporter replies

    16:57 <rbasak> I'm done for today, thanks all. I think everyone has something to get on with, possibly with the exception of cpaelzer until I unblock him.

    16:57 <rbasak> I intend to triage more this week and get a backlog of assignments again.

    16:57 <rbasak> Any other comments or questions?

    16:58 <nacc> rbasak: feel free to put more on my plate again, i'm mostly caught up now that you've sponsored stuff

    16:58 <rbasak> nacc: thanks. And thank you for all the uploads! I need to do that endorsement Smile :)

    16:58 <rbasak> coreycb: #endmeeting please

    16:58 <coreycb> #endmeeting

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MeetingLogs/Server/20160719 (last edited 2016-07-19 17:01:56 by corey.bryant)