This is the 3rd 2011 meeting of the Wisconsin Team, starting at 20:01 CDT, 20111005 (01:01 UTC, 20111006) and finishing at 21:20 CDT (02:20 UTC, 20111006)


h00k, Cheesehead, mikeputnam, exigraff, crog, shayonj, emeitner, bigbash




IRC Log source

[01:00] <Cheesehead> h00k: Are you available for #startmeeting?
[01:01] <Cheesehead> Would anyone like to chair ?
[01:01]  * mikeputnam is sitting on a folding chair
[01:01] <Cheesehead> #startmeeting
[01:02] <Cheesehead> Could everyone active please give a hands-up? (o/)
[01:02] <Cheesehead> (Taking attendance)
[01:02] <Cheesehead> (It counts for your grade)
[01:02] <crog> hiya
[01:03] <Cheesehead> (There's a quiz later)
[01:04]  * exigraff stumbles in
[01:05] <Cheesehead> #topic: Admin announcements:
[01:05] <Cheesehead> Please help yourselves to the refreshments in the atrium

# TOPIC: Upcoming Events

[01:05] <Cheesehead> #topic: Upcoming Events
[01:05] <Cheesehead> Let's see...
[01:05] <Cheesehead> Ubuntu Hour Friday in MKE
[01:06] <Cheesehead> Ubuntu Hour next week in MSN
[01:06] <Cheesehead> Anybody ready to start another Ubuntu Hour elsewhere?
[01:06] <Cheesehead> Anybody planning to attend either Ubuntu Hour? (If so, which?)

# TOPIC: ReleaseParties

[01:07] <Cheesehead> We currently have no Release Parties (Oct 13 or so) on the calendar. Anybody planning any?
[01:08]  * Cheesehead taps the microphone
[01:08] <Cheesehead> Is this thing on?
[01:09] <Cheesehead> Okay, everybody shut up now. Let's move on to the next topic.
[01:09] <Cheesehead> #topic: Release Parties
[01:09] <crog> hear hear!
[01:09] <Cheesehead> Oh. Well.
[01:10] <Cheesehead> Have we covered Release Parties?
[01:10]  * Cheesehead scrolls back 8 lines
[01:10] <Cheesehead> #topic: Ubuntu Hour Reminders
[01:11]  * Cheesehead scrolls back 15 lines
[01:11] <h00k> I hi friends!
[01:11] <h00k> Current status: On the phone with Frontier
[01:11] <h00k> in and out
[01:12] <Cheesehead> We were just discussing Release parties
[01:12] <h00k> Has anyone planned anything in their area?
[01:12] <h00k> brb.
[01:12] <Cheesehead> Seems not.

# TOPIC: September Wrap-Up

[01:12] <Cheesehead> #Topic: September Wrap-Up
[01:13] <Cheesehead> Sept was a really amazing month
[01:13] <Cheesehead> We did the first MKE Ubuntu Hour
[01:13] <Cheesehead> We did two events for Global Jam
[01:13] <Cheesehead> Rick did the Radio Interview
[01:13] <Cheesehead> And more
[01:14] <Cheesehead> So it seems we *can* do events.
[01:14]  * Cheesehead mops his brow
[01:14]  * Cheesehead adjusts his tie
[01:14] <Cheesehead> Tough crowd
[01:15]  * crog makes ready with some tomatos...

# TOPIC: Brainstorm of activity, participation, interests

[01:15] <Cheesehead> #topic: Brainstorm of activity, participation, interests
[01:15] <Cheesehead> What can we do to generate more activity for members?
[01:15] <Cheesehead> More chat in the channel?
[01:15] <Cheesehead> More cool stuff on the mailing list?
[01:16] <Cheesehead> More interaction with other cool Ubuntu people?
[01:16]  * Cheesehead holds out the microphone to the audience
[01:16]  * crog gets ready to jump in...
[01:17] <crog> so being relatively new...
[01:17] <crog> I feel like I don't really know who folks are - cept for maybe one or two
[01:17] <crog> One impression was with IRC
[01:18] <crog> Since I didn't realize folks logged on, and kept a presence even when away
[01:18] <crog> I was like... hmmm... quiet place
[01:18] <crog> but the forum seemed to say, "all of the activity is in the channel"
[01:19] <crog> Then... joined a couple of the bug jam sessions - completely different experience
[01:20] <crog> Cheesehead, I think your initial questions are good - all of those would be good things
[01:21] <crog> would be best if those things happened on their own, as a result of more activity
[01:21]  * Cheesehead holds the microphone oput to anyone else
[01:21] <Cheesehead> ...oops, sorry crog, didn;t mean to step on your toes
[01:21] <crog> nope...
[01:22]  * crog steps back to listen...
[01:23] <Cheesehead> Well, if anyone's interested, I'm hosting IRC sessions this month TUE & THU at 20:00 - 21:00 CDT
[01:24] <Cheesehead> Bring an issue or project you want to teach us or lear from one of ours.
[01:24]  * shayonj is back
[01:24] <Cheesehead> We had a good time last night...virtual pizza-and-beer
[01:24] <Cheesehead> Sort of an IRC version of the Ubuntu Hour. Get to know new people, find out what they are interested in.
[01:25] <Cheesehead> One new fellow was packaging, and another happened to be experienced with it, so they talked shop in the corner.
[01:26] <Cheesehead> If anyone wants to host sessions on your favorite topic, go right ahead and announce it on the mailing list and here. Don;t need to wait for a meeting.
[01:27]  * Cheesehead offers the floor once more to anyone who wants to talk about how we can make the team more fun and interesting and active
[01:28] <shayonj> maybe the time is not suitable for everyone to be at the meeting..maybe we should take care of that first..
[01:28] <h00k> Hi!
[01:29]  * crog likes the idea of regular "drop-in" and work on something sessions
[01:29] <Cheesehead> h00k: Are you back for real?
[01:29] <h00k> Apparently
[01:29] <shayonj> we have only have a few members in the meeting
[01:29] <h00k> I see that, reading the backlog no
[01:29] <h00k> w
[01:30] <Cheesehead> shayonj: I suspect no time will be good for everyone. We have tried polls in the past, and still had few show up
[01:30] <shayonj> Cheesehead, i see
[01:30] <h00k> ^ this is true
[01:30] <Cheesehead> My opinion is not to wait for a larger consensus - if there is interest in shifting the time later, then we can shift it.
[01:31] <h00k> So. A bit about involvement - Rick Schwai was an excellent speaker to see in RHinelander.
[01:31] <shayonj> Cheesehead, do we have a list or a place where , it shows what the members are good at or are willing to do for ubutu ?
[01:31] <crog> That will always be a challenge I suspect - so pick what works for most, and post the minutes...
[01:31] <shayonj> ubuntu *
[01:31] <h00k> shayonj: we do, in fact!
[01:31] <h00k>
[01:31] <h00k> oh. Not what you asked.
[01:31] <shayonj> h00k, then we should look into it and plan events accoridng to that. which interests everybody
[01:32] <crog> shayonj: thats a great idea
[01:32] <h00k> shayonj: I mis-read your question, apologies.
[01:32]  * Cheesehead yields the chair to h00k 
[01:32] <shayonj> h00k, no worries ;)
[01:32] <shayonj> crog, thanks
[01:32] <h00k> shayonj: we have done interest surveys in the past, with a small spattering of actual responses
[01:32] <h00k> let me pull it up
[01:33] <shayonj> h00k, sure and did we do anything with that ?
[01:33] <shayonj> as in used it in any way ?
[01:33] <h00k> shayonj: we tried to get involvement using those interests, in which didn't have much of a response.
[01:33] <shayonj> i see
[01:35] <Cheesehead> Well, the most recent survey led directly to the Sept Bug Jam
[01:35] <crog> for interests and current projects, it seems folks could self-publish on launchpad profile, or if we had a more "local" version (member profile on the loco team?)
[01:35] <crog> I wasn't around for the survey, but joined the bug jam...
[01:36] <h00k> The wiki would be a nice place, I think, for this. Or, we started a member aggregation integration with Launchpad but it was never really finished
[01:36] <Cheesehead> There are different elements here to balance: Technical, Schedule, Social. I try different combinations to see what gets a superior response. This season I'm working social.
[01:36] <shayonj> +1
[01:37] <h00k>
[01:38] <h00k> Three of the respondants I haven't seen in a while
[01:39] <Cheesehead> Huh, I'm not even on there.
[01:39] <h00k> What tends to happen: We get an interest in a particular area, we try to plan or do something about this to incorporate it, and people either don't show up, or can't
[01:39] <crog> It's pretty interesting to read through
[01:39] <h00k> it's mostly a 'dont' type
[01:39] <h00k> It is, yeah.
[01:39] <h00k> Actually.
[01:40] <h00k> Let me save that copy, and I can re-send.
[01:40] <h00k> Now we have a trinned down launchpad presence with people that manually re-upped their membership
[01:40] <crog> I think it probably starts with figuring out why people join in the first place
[01:40] <h00k> I still don't have access to the mailing list (the password for administration was forlorn before I became the contact)
[01:40] <h00k> so, I have no idea who is actually on the mailing list
[01:40] <shayonj> crog, +1
[01:40] <crog> And as I read through this - there are a few common themes
[01:41] <h00k> yes
[01:41] <crog> as well as a few where, I know my reasons are different.
[01:42] <Cheesehead> Well, the reasons on papaer may also not be the real reasons.
[01:42] <Cheesehead> People are very good at self-deception sometimes.
[01:43] <crog> so whatever the reason - if we find things we *enjoy* doing
[01:43] <shayonj>  just curious is there a goal/target/motive setup for our loco ?
[01:43] <crog> and there are a few folks that also enjoy it
[01:43] <crog> it'd be great to work together.
[01:43] <h00k> shayonj: indeed, ther eis
[01:43]  * h00k waits for intrnet to load...
[01:43] <h00k> This team is a collection of Ubuntu users in the state of Wisconsin, working collaboratively to support each other, encourage others to get involved, and promote Ubuntu, open source, open standards, and freedom of thought and information in technology across the state.
[01:44] <crog> h00k: mission statement?
[01:44] <shayonj> h00k, thanks
[01:44] <h00k> it can be found on
[01:45]  * h00k checks autorenew status on the domain
[01:45] <h00k> Good.
[01:45] <h00k> Let me update this and re-send it.
[01:45] <Cheesehead> Perhaps we need to improve the orientation to the LoCo on the website or wiki page?
[01:46] <shayonj> both i would say
[01:46] <shayonj> you never know which one the user visits often or at first
[01:46] <h00k> ^ as in, what do you mean?
[01:47] <Cheesehead> h00k: Perhaps shayonj could draft a few recommnedations offline for you to review.
[01:47] <h00k> Absolutely
[01:47] <h00k> r for us to review
[01:47] <h00k> *r. This lag eats keystrokes.
[01:47] <h00k> **OR
[01:47] <shayonj> lol
[01:48] <shayonj> Cheesehead, recommendations on ?
[01:48] <shayonj> h00k, that happens ;)
[01:48] <Cheesehead> Same for everyone new? Remember your questions, and suggest a better way to orient new members?
[01:48] <Cheesehead> (Good topic to move to the mailing list?)
[01:49] <shayonj> oh okay
[01:49] <shayonj> sure
[01:49] <shayonj> and deadlines ?
[01:49] <shayonj> s/and/any
[01:50]  * crog has enough of those at work...
[01:50] <Cheesehead> Well, if you delay too long, we might use somebody else's idea.
[01:50] <h00k> I updated the interest form. I can re-send out.
[01:50] <shayonj> how about before this weekend ?
[01:50] <Cheesehead> Or synthesize an improvement from multiple discussions
[01:50] <shayonj> or by saturday evening ?
[01:51] <shayonj> Cheesehead, +1
[01:51] <h00k> An idea would be...on, as a "Are you new here? Here's how to get started."
[01:52] <h00k> 1) Join us on Launchpad! (here's why...blablabla)
[01:52] <h00k> 2) Join the mailing list (here's where important things happen!)
[01:52] <h00k> 3) Drop an email to the mailing list introducing ourself (if you want!)
[01:52] <h00k> etc, etc.
[01:52] <h00k> Hello, emeitner
[01:52] <shayonj> 3/4) introduce or shoot an annoucement on mailing list
[01:52] <emeitner> Hi
[01:53] <shayonj> hah.. :P
[01:53] <shayonj> emeitner, hi
[01:53] <h00k> emeitner: welcome welcome!
[01:53] <emeitner> Hey shayonj
[01:53] <h00k> emeitner: we're just going over some ideas to help out new additions to the LoCo to get started
[01:53] <Cheesehead> emeitner: We're just discussing how to better orient new people
[01:54] <Cheesehead> to the LoCo
[01:54] <bigbash> oh good meeting is still going on, just got home from vball
[01:54] <h00k> blindfolding them and spinning people in a circle doesn't work well, apparently.
[01:54] <h00k> bigbash: welcome!
[01:55] <bigbash> thanks
[01:55] <Cheesehead> Perhaps 21:00 is a better meeting time?
[01:55] <h00k> emeitner: do you care to introduce yourself?
[01:55] <h00k> sure, we can try that
[01:56]  * Cheesehead remembers emeitner from yesterday
[01:56] <Cheesehead> 20:11 < emeitner> I am the systems administrator for a natural foods cooperative in Madison.
[01:57] <h00k> emeitner: I'll start.  My name is Anthony, I'm the Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Contact. I try to help get us to do fun things all around the state, as well as online.
[01:57] <h00k> OH, I missed that.
[01:57] <h00k> Once again, I blame Frontier.
[01:57]  * h00k sighs
[01:57] <h00k> emeitner: I make my own Kombucha!
[01:57] <emeitner> Hi all. Just lurking to see whats going on tonight. My use of Ubuntu is primarily as a cheesehead points out. :)
[01:57] <Cheesehead> Let's *all* blame Frontier. It's more fun that way.
[01:57] <h00k> ^ thisplease
[01:58] <emeitner> We have 65 Ubuntu 10.04 workstations in out organization.
[01:58] <h00k> My ticket is in some 'Presidental Escillation Team' or something that sounded corporate-y.
[01:58]  * emeitner begins lurking
[01:58] <h00k> emeitner: excellent. welcome.
[01:59] <Cheesehead> Don't let that lurking fool you. He's a great fellow, broad knowledge base, and very funny
[02:00] <h00k> emeitner: I'm up in Rhinelander. I work in IT for a local company that provides technology to small, medium, and large businesses in the area, public schools, and Tribal organizations and government.
[02:00] <h00k> Mostly Windows, but everyone in my organizations knows my loyalties are with Ubuntu and Linux.
[02:01] <h00k> emeitner: out of curiosity, do you use Landscape at all?
[02:02] <emeitner> No. Too costly. I use a few open-source tools to manage pushing out changes to machines.
[02:02] <h00k> Cool. Puppet??
[02:04] <h00k> shayonj: Care to draft something like the 1,2,3 steps? We can use this both on the domain ( as well as the wiki
[02:05] <shayonj> h00k, sure..but is it fine if i have it by saturday. i will have it by evening ?
[02:05] <h00k> shayonj: sure!
[02:06] <shayonj> cool
[02:06] <h00k> I'll get out this interest form, we can also add it to a list of thigs to do
[02:06] <h00k> *things
[02:06] <shayonj> sounds good
[02:06] <h00k> Cheesehead: did I forget/miss anything that needs to be taken care of?
[02:07] <h00k> Ubuntu Hours, they're fun. Attend if ou can!
[02:07] <Cheesehead> No.
[02:07] <h00k> *you
[02:07] <Cheesehead> Wait, I have two announcements before you close.
[02:07] <h00k> hmmm, nobody got around to planning release parties (I would have loved to, but I didn't have time :()
[02:07] <h00k> Oh I did too, but let me remember what it was.
[02:07] <Cheesehead> Thursday (tomorrow) at 20:00 I'll be hosting a session in this channel. Bring a topic! If nobody has a topic, my fallback will be my classic conspiracy theory: "Coverup: The 1898 Martian Invasion of London was REAL!"
[02:08] <Cheesehead> Friday the MKE Ubuntu Hour:
[02:08] <Cheesehead> (EOF)
[02:08] <h00k> Madison on October 15
[02:08] <h00k>
[02:08] <h00k> Oh. Hey. I remember.
[02:09] <h00k> I think I'm going to start preparing for the application process to become an officially recognized LoCo.
[02:09] <h00k> forget the "I think" part. I will.
[02:09] <emeitner> h00k: no, not puppet. slaughter( simple. Extensible with basic perl code.
[02:09]  * Cheesehead nudges h00k for an October Meeting date, in that case
[02:10] <h00k> emeitner: ah, cool, I haven't used this previously.
[02:11] <h00k> Cheesehead: It *IS* October!
[02:11] <h00k> oh, another one.
[02:11] <h00k> ;)
[02:11] <h00k> How about...3 weeks
[02:11] <h00k> ALSO
[02:11] <h00k> Online Release Party sometime.
[02:11] <h00k> I'll send an email out coordinating that.
[02:12] <Cheesehead> + 1 3 weeks
[02:12] <Cheesehead> +1 Online release party

# TOPIC: Additional Points

[02:12] <h00k> at 21:00pm. Wednesday. 3 weeks from Today.
[02:12] <h00k> As usual, I'm always connected to the channel if anyone wants to drop me a line. I'm easy to find on Google, mailing list, etc, etc.
[02:13] <h00k> Anything else anybody else wants to add?
[02:13] <shayonj> nope
[02:13]  * Cheesehead sits on his hands
[02:14] <h00k> Cheesehead: they'll fall asleep :(
[02:15] <h00k> And with that, I think we're set. Sorry for the late arrival.
[02:15] <h00k> Corporate knows my woes.
[02:15] <h00k> also, that I'm not terribly excited.
[02:15] <bigbash> Set the online release party to this:
[02:15] <h00k> bigbash: Yes
[02:16] <h00k> also, #ubuntu-release-party for crazy shenanigans
[02:16] <h00k> but we should have one here.
[02:16] <Cheesehead> unlimited virtual pizza
[02:16] <h00k> Also, $beverage.
[02:17] <h00k> Also, I want Tshirts someday.
[02:17] <bigbash> i<3 virtual pizza, it's so low in calories
[02:17]  * crog tried the virtual beverage last night... briefly.  Will have to go with the real thing next time.
[02:18] <Cheesehead> I was talking to YoBoY from ubuntu-fr about how they do T-shirts. 150 every 6 months.
[02:18] <h00k> O.O
[02:18] <h00k> That's a lot.
[02:18] <h00k> Awesome.
[02:18] <Cheesehead> THey hold in-person release parties with 5000-6000 attendees
[02:18] <bigbash> i am choosing to read that as 1.50
[02:20] <h00k> Cool.
[02:20] <h00k> Well, I think the meeting is done


MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20111005 (last edited 2011-10-07 02:11:27 by adsl-76-230-250-137)