Ubuntu Open Week - Intro to the Ubuntu Server Team - Mathias Gug - Tue, Apr 29, 2008

[21:03] <mathiaz> so after the last two rather technical sessions about packaging, we'll step back a little bit and I'll take some time to introduce the Ubuntu Server Team.

[21:03] <cprov> very good set of question :) you are all stars.

[21:04]  * cprov stops stealing mathiaz time :)

[21:04] <mathiaz> so that you can use all your knowledge about merging and PPA to improve server software in Ubuntu :)

[21:05] <mathiaz> I'll talk about who we are, what we're doing, and how you can get involved with the Server Team.

[21:06] <mathiaz> Ask your question in u-c-c and I'll answer them at the end of the session

[21:06] <mathiaz> so who is the Ubuntu Server Team ?

=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk

[21:07] <mathiaz> you can find most of the information on our wiki pages : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam

[21:08] <mathiaz> Most of the people involved in the server team share a common interest in server related software, 
such as http servers, mail servers or other services

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[21:09] <mathiaz> As an extension we tend also to deal with setups found in corporate environments, such as directtory 
services (ldap, AD), web services or network authentication

[21:10] <mathiaz> Some of us are working for Canonical in the Server team, lead by Rick Clark

[21:10] <mathiaz> (dendrobates on IRC). Others have services running on Ubuntu and are interested

[21:10] <mathiaz> in fixing bugs.

[21:10] <mathiaz> Regular contributors takes on important tasks and lead them to completion - som of them include 
(listed in alphabetical order):

[21:11] <mathiaz> Adam Sommer - sommer - our documentation guru. He's taken the task to review and update the Server 
Guide. Thus he is in contact with the Documentation team.

[21:11] <mathiaz> Ante Karamatić - ivoks - another long time contributor to the Server Team. Also a member of MOTU, he 
has looked over the apache package, improved the bacula package and worked on SASL integration during the Hardy 
release Cycle.

[21:11] <mathiaz> Neal McBurnett - nealmcb - he has multiple interest: documentation, virtualization. He started to 
contribute to the Ubuntu JeOS project and ubuntu-vm-builder project.

[21:12] <mathiaz> Nicolas Valcárcel - nxvl - lots of work in bug triagging and packaging. He is also involved in the 
Security team.

[21:12] <mathiaz> Scott Kitterman - ScottK - main interest in mail services - if you're interested in postfix or 
clamav he is the man to talk to. He is also involved in the MOTU team.

[21:12] <mathiaz> So you can see that we  are a diverse group that have different interests.

[21:12] <mathiaz> We're also involved in other teams from the Ubuntu project. This is one of the caracteristic of the 
Server team:

[21:13] <mathiaz> we all share a common interest in server technologies, but have differents skills. Thus being part 
of the team often means representing the Server Team in other areas of the Ubuntu project.

[21:13] <mathiaz> Being a contributor to the server team can be taken under different roles:

[21:13] <mathiaz> The helper answers questions on the ubuntu-server mailing list and the #ubuntu-server irc channel.

[21:14] <mathiaz> Triagers dig into bugs the ubuntu-server LP team is subscribed to.  Our LP team is a bug contact for 
a list packages, such as samba, openldap, mysql or apache2.

[21:14] <mathiaz> The current list of packages can be found here: 

[21:15] <mathiaz>  A mailing list has been created to gather all the bugs related to the ubuntu-server team: 

[21:15] <mathiaz> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server-bugs

[21:15] <mathiaz> Usually we decide to target our efforts for bug triagging to one or two package for a week and 
discuss the outcome of our triagging effort during our weekly meeting.

[21:16] <mathiaz> This is a great way to start with the LP bug tracker and doesn't require any knowledge of 
programming languages.

[21:16] <mathiaz> We're working closely with the BugSquad team - triaggers participate on the bugsquad mailint lists.

[21:16] <mathiaz> And once in a while with have the honor of having our own HugDay where the whole bug triagger 
community helps us!

[21:17] <mathiaz> The BugSquad Team has its own wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/

[21:17] <mathiaz> Once bugs have been triagged, it's time to fix them. This is when the packagers come into the game. 
This role requires an interest in packaging.

[21:17] <mathiaz>  We maintain a list of bugs that are easy too fix:

[21:17] <mathiaz> https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+mentoring

[21:18] <mathiaz> These fixes can make their way easily into the ubuntu repositories via the sponsorship process

[21:18] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess

[21:19] <mathiaz> As we're at the beginning of a release cycle, we're focusing on Merging packages from Debian 
unstable into ubuntu intrepid repositories.

[21:19] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging for an overview

[21:19] <mathiaz> I think that nxvl covered this process in-depth two sessions ago

[21:20] <mathiaz> Now is probably to best time to get started in packaging.

[21:20] <mathiaz> Doing work on the packaging front leads to a close a collaboration with the MOTU team and is a great 
way to gain experience to become a MOTU.

[21:20] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU

[21:21] <mathiaz> Another role that kicks in on a regular schedule are the testers.

[21:21] <mathiaz> This is what we've been doing most of the last weeks, preparing for the release

[21:21] <mathiaz> New features and new packages needs to be tested before released for wide spread consumption.

[21:21] <mathiaz> So we organize test plans.

[21:22] <mathiaz> For example likewise-open is available in hardy to help AD integration.

[21:23] <mathiaz> however there are multiple AD setups out there. So we'll setup a test plan to keep track of the 

[21:23] <mathiaz> If you have access to an AD domain, installing ubuntu and testing you can join the domain with 
likewise-open is an easy way to contribute to the Server Team right now.

[21:23] <mathiaz> All of this work is coordinated with the Ubuntu QA Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam

[21:24] <mathiaz> Testers are taking an important role when we're about to ship a new milestone or release.

[21:24] <mathiaz>  We're responsible for ensuring that the ubuntu-server isos are working correctly, which involves 
performing a dozen of tests for two isos.

[21:25] <mathiaz> We use the isotesting tracker from the QA team to track the results. The more testers we have, the 
less tests each of us has to do and results are posted faster.

[21:25] <mathiaz> Server hardware support is another area where testing is welcome.

[21:25] <mathiaz> We're trying to make sure that ubuntu can used on the main server hardware, so if you have access to 
such hardware, popping a cd into the machine, installing a standard ubuntu server and reporting that whether it has 
successfully installed or failed is an easy way to contribute to the server team.

[21:26] <mathiaz> Beside testing a new feature, documenting it is also needed.

[21:26] <mathiaz> That's the role of the Documentors.

[21:27] <mathiaz> Browsing the ubuntu-server mailing list archive, lurking in the #ubuntu-server irc channel or going 
through the forum posts shows patterns in user's questions.

[21:27] <mathiaz> Recurring themes are identified and turned into documentation.

[21:27] <mathiaz> A wiki page in the community section of help.ubuntu.com is first created.

[21:28] <mathiaz>  Once the quality has improved, a new section is added to the server guide.

[21:28] <mathiaz> All this work is undertaken by the Documentors of the Server Team.

[21:28] <mathiaz>  Collaboration with the Documentation team is done on a daily basis to achieve consistency with 
other help resources.

[21:28] <mathiaz> Adam Sommer leads the update and review of the Ubuntu Server guide.

[21:29] <mathiaz> All of the documentation is maintained in a bzr tree - helping Adam will introduce you to docbook 
and distributed versioning with bazaar.

[21:29] <mathiaz> There is also the option to go over server related wiki pages on the community help pages. A good 
starting point is the Server page that has pointers to lots of howtos.

[21:29] <mathiaz> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers

[21:30] <mathiaz> The last role in the Server Team as the Developpers

[21:30] <mathiaz> they develop new features, usually specified during the Ubuntu Developer Summit that takes place at 
the begining of each release cycle.

[21:30] <mathiaz> Tracked by a blueprint we have around 3 months to get a new feature into Ubuntu.

[21:31] <mathiaz> For hardy, virtualization, iscsi and windows integration have been some of the features integrated.

[21:31] <mathiaz> Now that the release cycle for Intrepid is opened, we've started to gather requirements to develop 
new features for the next version of Ubuntu released in October this year.

[21:31] <mathiaz> So if you want something integrated or improved in Ubuntu, now is the best time to make your voice 

[21:32] <mathiaz> The ServerTeam idea pool is a wiki page where we track what we could work on.

[21:33] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool

[21:33] <mathiaz> As you can see, contributing to the Server Team can be undertaken in more than one way. It usually 
involves a lot of interaction with other teams from the Ubuntu project.

[21:33] <mathiaz> It's also a good way to show your contribution to Ubuntu and helps in getting Ubuntu membership.

[21:34] <mathiaz> The GettingInvolved page gives an overview of the roles I've talked about above

[21:34] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved

[21:34] <mathiaz> So - how do we work ?

[21:34] <mathiaz> We track our progress on the Roadmap and meet once a week to discuss outstanding issues.

[21:35] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap

[21:35] <mathiaz> We use the ubuntu-server mailing and #ubuntu-server to coordinate our activities, discuss policy 
change in the team.

[21:35] <mathiaz> How to join the Server Team and start contributing ?

[21:36] <mathiaz> Joining the ubuntu-server team on LP is simple as subscribing to the ubuntu-server mailing list and 
applying for membership on LP.

[21:36] <mathiaz> The ubuntu-server team is one of the easiest way to start getting involved in Ubuntu development.

[21:36] <mathiaz> If you already know which role you'd like to contribute as, you can find a list of tasks in the 
Roadmap. Don't hesitate to ask one of the team members involved in your area of interest.

[21:37] <mathiaz> Most of the information related to the ServerTeam can be found in the ServerTeam wiki pages - 

[21:37] <mathiaz> If you're overwhelmed by all the available information and you're lost, come talk to me. I'll help 
get out of the mist and we'll find a way you can get involved in the Server Team.

[21:38] <mathiaz> I'll answer the questions from u-c-c now

[21:39] <mathiaz> 16:09 < rZr> QUESTION: can all server's packages be installed on desktop and vice versa ? (i am 
thinking about virtualisation ones)

[21:40] <mathiaz> Yes - server is a sub set of the desktop packages

[21:40] <mathiaz> the difference between server and desktop is one the isos mainly

[21:40] <mathiaz> the packages are coming from the same archive

[21:40] <mathiaz> -server isos install the ubuntu-standard preseed, and -desktop isos install the ubuntu-desktop 

[21:41] <mathiaz> 16:15 < melter> QUESTION: when i'm configuring the network during installation, what hostname do i 
enter if it's dynamically assigned by the dhcp server?

[21:42] <mathiaz> you can choose whatever you want - it should be overriden at boot time.

[21:42] <mathiaz> I'd add that #ubuntu-server is a great place to ask these kind of questions - you can find valuable 
people in there.

[21:43] <mathiaz> 16:35 < maanskyn> QUESTION: Do you see certification (of ISV offerings and by ISVs) as critical to 
enterprise adoption? Red Hat and Novell seem to focus on this a lot/

[21:43] <mathiaz> Canonical offers ways for ISV to certify their application on Ubuntu

[21:44] <mathiaz> Canonical also has a hardware certification program for OEMs.

[21:44] <mathiaz> There is also the Ubuntu Certified Engineer available from LPI.

[21:45] <mathiaz> So certifications are available in a number of forms and are important for businesses.

[21:45] <mathiaz> 16:35 < rlaager> QUESTION: Why is the at package deprecated? Does the cron package provide an at 

[21:46] <mathiaz> I'm not sure that the at package is deprecated - it may have been replaced by another package.

[21:47] <mathiaz> cron doesn't provide an at command though - these two programs have different purposes.

[21:47] <mathiaz> 16:37 < Syntux> QUESTION: Any plans for Ubuntu Server Admin Cert? something like the UCP

[21:48] <mathiaz> I'm not sure what you refer to Ubuntu Server Admin Cert - if it's a web interface to remotely 
administer a server, e-box is available in universe

[21:48] <mathiaz> 16:38 < furicle> QUESTION:  Any plans for a 'sucess stories' page - real people showing off real 
server installs?

[21:49] <mathiaz> the server edition section of ubuntu.com has been revamped during the hardy release cycle - there 
may be use cases there now.

[21:51] <mathiaz> 16:39 < King_Creole> QUESTION: Any chance we will see Oracle (DB, App server) running on Ubuntu in 
the near future with official certification from Oracle?

[21:51] <mathiaz> That would be great - but it's more up to Oracle to do it.

[21:52] <mathiaz> 16:40 < KevinS> QUESTION: Any suggested guides on how to best make use of the new install options 
(Mail, DNS etc.)?

[21:52] <mathiaz> I'd point out the Ubuntu Server Guide

[21:52] <mathiaz> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html

[21:53] <mathiaz> 16:40 < rZr> QUESTION: Any idea on how to get support from software vendors (openor closedsource) 
who only support one version of linux distro (let say deadrat)

[21:53] <mathiaz> Bug them - and ask them to support ubuntu

[21:54] <mathiaz> 16:40 < rlaager> QUESTION: Regarding RubyOnRails, is there a plan to deal with packaging things that 
are currently distributed as gems?

[21:54] <mathiaz> There was some discussion during last UDS about ruby and rails - however there wasn't enough 
knowledge about this area with the attendees

[21:54] <mathiaz> A spec was written up - but it didn't make it in time for hardy

[21:54] <mathiaz> any help in that area is welcome !

[21:56] <mathiaz> A link to case studies: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/

[21:57] <mathiaz> the Ruby on Rails specification: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RubyOnRailsStack

[21:58] <mathiaz> 16:54 < RoAkSoAx> QUESTION: Is there going to be a Ubuntu Server Course (Like the recently launched 
Desktop course on shop.canonical.com)

[21:59] <mathiaz> Not that I know of. May be worth mentionning on the ubuntu-training mailing list.

[21:59] <mathiaz> So I think I'm running out of time

[21:59] <mathiaz> I haven't answered all the questions posted in u-c-c

[21:59] <mathiaz> Stop by #ubuntu-server and I'm glad to give you answers there

[21:59] <jcastro> thanks mathiaz!

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