Differences between revisions 577 and 633 (spanning 56 versions)
Revision 577 as of 2011-09-02 15:05:41
Size: 3431
Editor: cpe-65-189-194-117
Revision 633 as of 2012-06-02 18:37:38
Size: 162
Editor: lyz
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On this page you can apply to be considered for Ubuntu membership by the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-membership-board-emea|Europe, Middle East and African regional approval board]]. Edit this page to apply. If the meetings do not match your schedule, you can apply for consideration with one of the other [[Membership/RegionalBoards|regional approval boards]].

Before applying for membership, please read and carefully follow the [[Membership|membership guidelines]]. Your personal wiki page should be prepared '''before''' you add your application to the agenda, so that it can be read beforehand. Come well prepared, otherwise the meetings will take too much time.

''NOTE: Please add your wiki page to the meeting agenda at least '''24 hours''' ahead of the meeting schedule so that there is time to review your application.''

The EMEA membership board meets every first Tuesday of the month at 20:00 UTC.

The next meeting is scheduled for [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110906T20|2011-09-06, 20:00 UTC]] and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net.

'''NOTE:''' you have to participate in the IRC meeting if you want to become a member

== Agenda ==

## Add new candidates at the bottom of this table. Please read
## https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto before adding yourself.
## Only add yourself when you're sure you can make it to the next
## meeting. The date at the end is the date you add yourself to
## the list, not the date of a meeting. Don't add people to this
## on the day of a meeting.

=== Member candidates for next meeting ===
||<rowstyle="background:#d9bb7a; font-weight:bold">Name||IRC nick||Wiki Page||Launchpad Profile||Date added||
## || Mark Shuttleworth || sabdfl || [[MarkShuttleworth]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~sabdfl | sabdfl]] || May 21st ||
|| Lewis Cawte || Lcawte || [[lewiscawte]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~lewiscawte]] || July 8th ||
|| Andrea Azzarone || andyrock || [[AndreaAzzarone]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~andyrock|andyrock]] || August 9th ||
|| Tony Whitmore || tonytiger || [[tonywhitmore]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~tonywhitmore|tonywhitmore]] || Sep 1st ||
|| Cheri Francis || cheri703 || [[cheri703]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~cheri703|cheri703]] || Sept 2nd ||

If you have questions or wish to give private testimonials email [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-membership-boards|ubuntu-membership-boards@lists.ubuntu.com]] (your message may initially be held for moderation)

Guidelines for Ubuntu Membership Request.

Please read Ubuntu Membership before applying for membership consideration.

New candidates may be added to the bottom of the above table.
Only add yourself when you're sure you can make it to the next meeting.
The date at the end of the above table is the date you have added yourself to the membership candidate list, not the date of a meeting.
Don't add people to this list 48 hours before meeting.
If you have questions or wish to give private testimonials email ubuntu-membership-boards@lists.ubuntu.com (your message may initially be held for moderation)

Candidates will NOT be considered if they have not Digitally Signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.

=== Meeting Wrap-up ===

 * Next meeting date and chair
 * Posting of results to relevant lists
 * Add relevant new members to the LP group.
The Regional Membership Boards have been replaced in favor of time-based boards. Please see: [[Membership/Boards]]

Ubuntu Official Ubuntu Membership means recognition of significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu or the Ubuntu community.

The Regional Membership Boards have been replaced in favor of time-based boards. Please see: Membership/Boards

Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA (last edited 2012-06-02 18:37:38 by lyz)