
Differences between revisions 39 and 40
Revision 39 as of 2007-10-27 04:32:41
Size: 2527
Editor: adsl-69-212-37-41
Comment: minor edit
Revision 40 as of 2007-10-27 21:23:35
Size: 2225
Editor: adsl-69-212-37-41
Comment: clean up
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * First IRC meeting was on Sunday September 9th.  * Next IRC meeting is on Sunday November 4th.
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= How to Contribute =
Right now the basic way to contribute to this team is to help us with the critical mass of getting it off the ground. Please join the Launchpad group and sign up for the mailing list. After the first meeting we will have an idea of where everybody wants this team to go.



The goal of the Michigan Team is to promote the use of Ubuntu in all contexts. By ALL contexts we mean personal use, education, government, and corporate situations. Everywhere a desktop OS is needed.


IRC: #ubuntu-michigan on irc.freenode.net (Main Hangout)

Launchpad: [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-michigan Ubuntu-Michigan] (Official Membership list)

Mailing-list: [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-us-mi Ubuntu-us-mi] (Main means of contact)

Forum: http://michigan.ubuntuforums.org (Secondary Hangout)

Team Contact: GregGrossmeier

Personnel List: See the [:/Members:Members Page]


  • See also the [:/Meetings:Meetings] page.

IRC Meetings

  • Next IRC meeting is on Sunday November 4th.

IRL Meetings

More Information

  • Meeting agendas, logs, etc can be found on the [:/Meetings:meetings] page.


  • See the [:/Projects:Projects] page.

Launchpad Membership Policy

Very simple, request to join and you will be approved.

When you apply for membership for the team on Launchpad, please join the [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-us-mi mailing list]. Otherwise there really isn't a way to communicate.

Other Local Groups

Here is a list of other Linux/OSS related groups in Michigan:

CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams

MichiganTeam (last edited 2024-08-26 00:58:05 by arraybolt3)