ContentsBRTableOfContents |
The goal of the Michigan Team is to promote the use of Ubuntu in all contexts. By ALL contexts we mean personal use, education, government, and corporate situations. Everywhere a desktop OS is needed.
IRC: #ubuntu-us-mi on irc.freenode.net (Main Hangout)
Launchpad: [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-michigan Ubuntu-Michigan] (Official Membership list)
Mailing-list: [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-us-mi Ubuntu-us-mi] (Main means of contact)
Forum: http://michigan.ubuntuforums.org (Secondary Hangout)
Team Contact: GregGrossmeier
Personnel List: See the [:/Members:Members Page]
[http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=femf0etg1ffji3rh1tevl7ck08%40group.calendar.google.com&pvttk=5d233bf2d00bfc1489702f49db8a92f1 View the calendar here]. And for more information see our [:/Meetings:meetings] page.
Upcoming Meetings |
On IRC |
[:MichiganTeam/Meetings/IRC-20080127:2008-01-27 @ 7pm] General Meeting |
In Person |
[:MichiganTeam/Meetings/20080208:2008-02-08 TBD] Packaging Jam #2 |
Projects & Resources
See what our experience can do for you! Check out our [:/Projects:Projects & Resources] page.
New To Ubuntu/Linux?
Check out our [:MichiganTeam/NewUsers:New Users] page. It has a lot of resources for you to ask for help or seek out helpful information.
Launchpad Membership Policy
Very simple, request to join [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-michigan here] and you will be approved.
When you apply for membership for the team on Launchpad, please join the [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-us-mi mailing list]. Otherwise there really isn't a way to communicate.