



mrooney (freenode)


mrooney (


New York, NY, USA

About Me

I'm a Computer Science graduate from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), and am currently working on

I've been using Ubuntu since 7.04 and have been a member of the BugSquad, BugControl, and QA teams.

I am also the developer of wxBanker (, an open-source lightweight personal finance management application. Check it out!

Contributions to Ubuntu

MOTU Adventures


Author of EeeBotu, the bug announcing bot in #ubuntu-bugs-announce, which has been announcing bugs since 5/27/2008. There was previously a bot which did this, but the maintainer and bot left, and it was gone for weeks. This caused the number of people in the channel to slump, which I imagine also reduced overall triaging since myself and others used this bug announcement channel as our main source of bugs to work on. I decided to write a bot in Python to replace the old one, and it is now operating in full capacity.

Ubuntu Open Week

During the Intrepid Open Week I gave a presentation on the whole process of translation: making applications translatable, getting the templates into Launchpad, and integrating the translations back into your project. The log is available at .

Bug Triage

BugSquad member since 9/2007 and BugControl member since 3/2008. As of 04/2009 there are 1,231 total bugs related to me.

Reviewing Bug Control Applications

In order to become a member of BugControl, one must submit an application and be approved by several current BugControl members. It can be challenging to get enough responses to become a member and some applications fall through the cracks, so I have resolved to spend time reviewing these applications so that we can have more (greatly needed) BugControl members and triagers.

Alpha/Beta Testing

Tested alpha/beta releases since Hardy, filing bugs and triaging existing ones, notifying the correct people to get the issues addressed. Prominent bugs include:

Jaunty and Karmic



Things I'd (Really) Like to See in Ubuntu

These are bugs which are still open and that I find important in Ubuntu, and other issues that I think are important to improve the overall user experience of Ubuntu.

Desired Launchpad Improvements


Michael has been instrumental in maintaining the automated bug notification system in IRC, and active as both a participant and infrastructure supporter for bugsquad activities. Michael is a consistently responsive and helpful participant in the community. -- EmmetHikory

Michael has been doing good work in the bugsquad for a while, and hosts the bot which many of us find valuable. He is always friendly and helpful on the IRC channel. -- JamesWestby

MikeRooney (last edited 2011-05-12 18:17:48 by rrcs-50-74-4-178)