
Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2008-08-06 16:16:51
Size: 650
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Revision 3 as of 2009-05-20 08:10:33
Size: 561
Editor: melho0
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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I am 26 and live in Melbourne, Australia. I am 28 and live in Melbourne, Australia.
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I work as a software developer and system administrator.

I am in my final year of Computer Science at Monash University.
I work as a systems administrator.

Mikel Ward

About Me

I am 28 and live in Melbourne, Australia.

I work as a systems administrator.


I can do C, C++, Perl, PHP, and Shell.

I want to learn Python, Java, Ruby, C#, and Lisp.

I run Ubuntu on my desktop system and have run Debian servers for a number of years.

I also have experience with other variants of UNIX and Windows.

Contact Me

Mail: <mikel+ubuntu AT SPAMFREE mikelward DOT com>

Web: Home Page



MikelWard (last edited 2009-05-20 08:10:33 by melho0)