
Differences between revisions 12 and 19 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2010-03-13 22:02:26
Size: 3138
Editor: eth0
Revision 19 as of 2017-10-17 23:22:07
Size: 3321
Editor: hloeung
Comment: Add --safe-links per
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 32: Line 32:
Line 42: Line 42:
rsync --recursive --times --links --hard-links \ rsync --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
Line 45: Line 45:
  --exclude "Release*" \   --exclude "Release*" --exclude "InRelease" \
Line 48: Line 48:
rsync --recursive --times --links --hard-links \ rsync --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
Line 51: Line 51:

date -u > ${BASEDIR}/project/trace/$(hostname -f)
Line 74: Line 76:
Line 84: Line 86:
rsync --verbose --recursive --times --links --hard-links \
  --stats \
rsync --verbose --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
  --stats --delete-after \
Line 88: Line 90:
date -u > ${BASEDIR}/.trace/$(hostname -f)

To be able to create a mirror people can rely on, you need to have all the files and you need them at the right moment. 'File not found'-errors cause a lot of issues and annoyances for users. This page provides you with scripts to sync from other mirrors and prevent 404's.


One can use the scripts from the ubumirror project to keep their mirror in sync, or use the scripts provided below.

This project has been packaged since Lucid onwards, please file any bug reports you find against it.

Archive mirrors

For archive mirrors, it is very important not to delete packages before the Packages.gz-files (which hold information about the packages available) are updated. Therefor, you need a 'Two stage sync'. This means that you download new packages first, and new Packages.gz after that. After you've downloaded the Packages.gz files, it's safe to delete old packages.

The script


fatal() {
  echo "$1"
  exit 1

warn() {
  echo "$1"

# Find a source mirror near you which supports rsync on
# rsync://<iso-country-code> should always work

# Define where you want the mirror-data to be on your mirror

if [ ! -d ${BASEDIR} ]; then
  warn "${BASEDIR} does not exist yet, trying to create it..."
  mkdir -p ${BASEDIR} || fatal "Creation of ${BASEDIR} failed."

rsync --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
  --stats \
  --exclude "Packages*" --exclude "Sources*" \
  --exclude "Release*" --exclude "InRelease" \
  ${RSYNCSOURCE} ${BASEDIR} || fatal "First stage of sync failed."

rsync --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
  --stats --delete --delete-after \
  ${RSYNCSOURCE} ${BASEDIR} || fatal "Second stage of sync failed."

date -u > ${BASEDIR}/project/trace/$(hostname -f)

Releases mirrors

For Releases mirrors, stuff is a little less complicated. There are no dependencies between files, so you can just rsync away.

The script


fatal() {
  echo "$1"
  exit 1

warn() {
  echo "$1"

# Find a source mirror near you which supports rsync on
# rsync://<iso-country-code> should always work

# Define where you want the mirror-data to be on your mirror

if [ ! -d ${BASEDIR} ]; then
  warn "${BASEDIR} does not exist yet, trying to create it..."
  mkdir -p ${BASEDIR} || fatal "Creation of ${BASEDIR} failed."

rsync --verbose --recursive --times --links --safe-links --hard-links \
  --stats --delete-after \
  ${RSYNCSOURCE} ${BASEDIR} || fatal "Failed to rsync from ${RSYNCSOURCE}."

date -u > ${BASEDIR}/.trace/$(hostname -f)

Mirrors/Scripts (last edited 2017-10-17 23:22:07 by hloeung)