
Revision 2 as of 2007-06-27 06:34:26

Clear message

The MissouriTeam is in the process of locking down an exact time for holding meetings. The initial meeting planned for this session is to be held June 27th 8:00PM CST on in #ubuntu-missouri. Everyone interested in the MissouriTeam LoCo is welcome to attend.

Agenda for next meeting

  • Meeting times and frequency
  • UbuntuForums setup

  • Wiki Updates
  • Mailing List
  • Beyond Ubuntu and LUGs
  • First Official Meeting

Past meetings

Take a minute to go through the latest meeting notes. If you have anything you would like brought up, please notify MatthewCopple and we will be sure to include any questions or issues on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting.

Regional / IRC Sessions

Local Area Minutes

Sub Pages: Navigation(children,1)

CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryCategory