About Me
I am a Japanese Ubuntu user, and I'm involved in JapaneseTeam.
Launchpad: |
Country / City: |
Japan / Kawasaki |
IRC: |
shibata on irc.ubuntu.com |
GPG: |
My Works
2005 - 2011
- My first contact with Ubuntu on Oct 2005.
I joined JapaneseTeam on Sep 2007.
I became moderator for Japanese LoCo Team Forum on 2007.
I wrote "Ubuntu Weekly Topics" from Jan 2008 to Dec 2008. This article aim to report Ubuntu community's action for Japanese users.
- I have written about Ubuntu comunity in Nikkei Linux Aug - Sep issues, which is local magazine.
- I'm translating several documents in wiki, ubuntu-docs, other applications.
In oneiric
Report and research bugs
Couldn't display preedit text in Dash: http://pad.lv/663776
- sent patch, and merged.
- but remain some inconvinience behavior, needs more investigation.
Samba service is not installable: http://pad.lv/840292
- proposed two option, use apturl or sessioninstaller.
- adopted apturl way in oneiric, but its just only warkaround, because there is not apturl in debian.
- branch to use sessioninstaller is not matured yet.
- for debian and precise, we needs more improvement for samba installer.
Ghostscript cannot recognize CJK CID fonts: http://pad.lv/853768
- there is a pathname problem in debian/rules.
- fixed in debian too.
Unity lens button label is too narrow: http://pad.lv/856277
- sent patch, but doesn't fixed yet.
Sync request for gatling: http://pad.lv/831139
Rebuild request for geotranz: http://pad.lv/831153
Fix multiarch header file problem for policycoreutils: http://pad.lv/832802
Fix linkage problem for zsh: http://pad.lv/841489
Fix multiarch library problem for scenic: http://pad.lv/852540
Fix ld --as-needed for gnarwl: http://pad.lv/771112
Write articles
The lecture of Ubuntu for newcomers: http://gihyo.jp/admin/serial/01/ubuntu-recipe/0166
Let's make GUI application easily with Quickly: http://gihyo.jp/admin/serial/01/ubuntu-recipe/0193
In precise
Write articles
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe:
UWR 198: "Xen finally came to Ubuntu"
UWR 201: "Arkose - Enjoy Application Sandbox Life -"
UWR 204: "The Unity Lenses: poweres of ten"
UWR 208: "The Ubuntu TV Show"
UWR 209: "Search NicoNico Videos by Unity Lens"
UWR 210: "Setup Storage Service by SparkleShare"
UWR 211: "Encrypt mail with GPG"
UWR 212: "List of Git/Bazaar clients"
UWR 215: "Gandalf gone, Beta2 will come"
In quantal
Report and research bugs
- Sync request:
texlive-extra: http://pad.lv/1051276
lmodern: http://pad.lv/1051318
tipa: http://pad.lv/1051328
scalable-cyrfonts: http://pad.lv/1051341
Failed piuparts at purge because does not remove pyversions.pyc: http://pad.lv/1054442
- sent patch, fixed, and applied in debian's python-minimal
Please remove morisawa package from quantal: http://pad.lv/1058238
- removed.
Please remove okumura-clsfiles package from quantal: http://pad.lv/1058234
- removed.
Adding file to archive, file-roller doesn't load location correctly and then crash: http://pad.lv/1056261
- sent patch, fixed and applied in upstream.
file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in g_strdup(): http://pad.lv/1058475
- sent patch, fixed and applied in upstream.
FTBFS avarice 2.10-3ubuntu1 in quantal: http://pad.lv/1058667
- sent patch, fixed.
Write articles
- Ubuntu Magazine:
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe:
UWR 226: "LXC: Light weight virtual machine"
UWR 227: "Collect trophies by Ubuntu Accomplishments"
UWR 229: "Use Skype 4.0"
UWR 231: "ownCloud for my cloud life"
UWR 232: "Ubuntu App Showdown"
UWR 236: "Try WebApps and Fogger"
UWR 242: "Maintain server by Zentyal"
- Talked at Open Source Conference Tokyo/Fall 2012
In raring
Report and research bugs
- Marege from debian:
avarice: http://pad.lv/1093297
failed to import snack: http://pad.lv/1092117
- sent patch to fix python3 problem
Write articles
- Ubuntu Magazine:
- "Perfect guide to install and setup Ubuntu"
- "New knowledges you need to know"
- Ubuntu Weekly Topics:
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe:
UWR 252: "How to use Ubuntu with convertible PC"
UWR 257: "Let's instant UI test by Autopilot"
UWR 260: "Awesome tablet life with Ubuntu on Nexus 7"
UWR 261: "Please tap the Ubuntu on Nexus 7"
UWR 265: "How to deploy Ubuntu server casually"
UWR 266: "Google Reader alternatives"
UWR 269: "How to use Unity Next on Desktop"
In saucy
Report and research bugs
- Bug fix in debian and sync it:
- Sync request:
Write articles
- Ubuntu Magazine:
- Featured "Ubuntu Touch"
- "Ubuntu for newbies"
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe:
UWR 273: "New features of Unity 7"
UWR 275: "Searcher Life with Smart Scopes"
UWR 278: "Ubuntu Kernel with You"
UWR 280: "How to try Mir and XMir"
UWR 282: "Let's discuss with Discourse"
UWR 288: "Let's become a wizard of Juju"
UWR 294: "LXC with Juju"
- Talked about Ubuntu Touch at "Open Source Conference 2013 Kansai@Kyoto".
In trusty
Organized event
- Happy 300th Issue of Ubuntu Weekly Recipe and Topics
- Ubuntu Japanese Team held event to celebrate 300th issue of Ubuntu Weekly
- Recipe and Topics (it's japanese online column and news letter).
- Ubuntu Japanese Team held event to celebrate 300th issue of Ubuntu Weekly
Write articles
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe:
UWR 307: "How to use Juju GUI"