Project Goals

A community mobile distribution which brings the latest updates from the Ubuntu and KDE worlds to mobile devices.

The principal objective is to bring to mobile devices the latest updates available in the Ubuntu world. Associated aims are to build a community around the release and for the release to be as 'light' as possible.

It will be built using the Ubuntu infrastructure for creating a distribution. To help out with the development please join the Liquid Hackers team



Seed is created within the standard Kubuntu seed set. The initial set is a mirror of the current Kubuntu Netbook seed and can be evolved from there. It will likely be necessary to migrate some items from kubuntu-common to kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-netbook to trim kubuntu-mobile down to size. Note: Currently the seed is only built from Main and Restricted. It's not obvious how to get Germinate to build seeds from different components, so this will have to do for a start.

Liquid seed

What needs improvement

Release Name

After the politics of the release are sorted out and we get round to actually releasing something, it will be called 'Original Liquid Vibe'


Maverick UDS Discussion

Wiki Pages


Lucid Roadmap (needs updating)

MobileTeam/UbuntuLiquid (last edited 2010-09-28 17:54:32 by 189)