Here are some plans for bring back the life to Our Indian LoCo.

The TODO list is created on the purpose of getting various ideas to bring Our LoCo a great success.

This page can be edited by anyone who has a view over what are all the works that has to be done to bring back the life.

Mohi's Views

(Please add your suggestions below each bullet points by mentioning your name too)

Ubuntu Make up a council for our LoCo and have frequent monitoring over the works that are going to be assigned to different people.

talking about the works,

===Works to do===

Ubuntu Combine all small LoCo formed in India. We have six added LoCos in the official page.

Ubuntu The Official channel of Ubuntu Indian Team pages are not maintained now-a-days and we need people to volunteer for this work.

Ubuntu Have to create awareness to the people about our community and we should make some events in colleges.

Ubuntu We have to take steps to spread Ubuntu and we can have some "One work a day" for the community. This may be like

1) helping One with his issue

2) bug triaging

3) Documentation

4) Taking sessions

5) Making people 'give a try to Ubuntu' (will be having much much credit points if you make them stay on it)

6) Posting articles regarding various applications in our official website

7) Giving back the life to the mailings list and bring more people to IRC for active contribution and help

8) Mentoring regarding Ubuntu

9) making some sessions in various colleges and make people enjoy their time with a machine with Ubuntu

10) Should arrange Nation-wide events twice an year or can be planned in future

11) arranging packaging sessions to people who are interested in packaging and make them get involved with interest throwing light on the various processes of ubuntu development and the community in general --bhavi

12) Monthly or Quarterly meets on Internet Relay Chat to discuss steps required to get the Indian LoCo approved. --rahuldevan

13) Before thinking of getting the LoCos approved, we need to be active. manishsinha

If anyone has any views apart from these, you can add it as I did and if you have suggestions to the above points, feel free to paste it right below the point.

"" If we can't, then who can?? "" Wink ;)


* Make a registry to count number or Indian Ubuntu users to plan about teaching and involving in development

* Wiki team to update website with useful data for the beginners and developers

* Form a technical team to conduct sessions to the current members

* Maintaining a separate wiki(or a category in the existing page) to note all the events happening regarding Ubuntu in India

* Mailings list and a new forum moderators team

* A team to plan events regarding the awareness of Ubuntu around various parts of India

* contribute to the community by development, bug triaging, help and distribute

Mohan_chml/IndianLoCo (last edited 2010-12-15 03:23:26 by 117)