Mohana Kumar |
Mohi and IAmNotThatGuy on |
About Me
As of now, I finished my CS degree and working in an IT company as a full time worker. My nick (Mohi) originated from my friends. My pal rrajbe introduced me to Ubuntu. I started out on 8.10 and sticked to it till the release of Lucid Lynx. from the days I used 8.10, I got to know a lot about the linux and It made me feel good whenever I sit before my machine. I also have Windows installed because some friends don't want to shift from it(Now gone for Maverick testing :D).
Moving my college mates over to Ubuntu has been successful. Over 150 people enlightened thus far I help them when they are struggling with difficulties, but generally it is just fine.
First Step in Ubuntu
When I was in my early days of Ubuntu, I just used it for Internet purposes. Later I got into IRC where i found a vast exposure to Ubuntu.As a beginner, I just walked into the room and found people helping the new comers with a lots of personal interest and that impressed me in a way that added some more liking over Ubuntu.
Views about Ubuntu Community
My first entry into Ubuntu Community is at Ubuntu Beginners and later I started to know about various Focus Groups of the community like Development, Marketing, Release team, Bug Squad, Help and support, Documentation and for Real grouping of the Teams. I work much with Ubuntu Beginners team and I help people coming with issues and if someone having issues with their Wiki as I belong to BT Wiki FG. I believe more is marketting, help and support which I do wherever I advocate.(Actual fact is, All Teams are important and all are doing great). I do not think that it is Ubuntu Community. It is a Family to be true. I love being a part of the family
My activities
For the first three months as a normal user, it went ordinary. Then I thought of helping the guys who comes with some problems and I am satisfied with the work I do now. Ubuntu Beginners team is the place where I learned a lot about Our community and Support. To learn new stuff in ubuntu, then #ubuntu-beginners at IRC is the best place to do that.
I am a part of BT Wiki FG and I helped in Summer Of Documentation 2010. Wiki FG made me learn about how important the documentation is and it is awesome to work with updating community pages.
On 13/07/2010, I became Ubuntu Beginners Team member. I will continue my participation in the IRC. I am helping people at my level best and I will continue the same in the Future :).
On 14/09/2010, I went to my ex-college and Installed Ubuntu in 60 Machines of the college laboratory.I advocate with lots of people about Ubuntu and made a huge number to install Ubuntu as a dual boot at the beginning and made them use Ubuntu as their main Operating system.
I became an Ubuntu member on September 28, 2010, Under Asia/Oceania Council and now I can get more chances to visit colleges.
I am good with Dual boot and hardware issues. I am guiding people of my ex-college to learn about bugs and triaging them.I took many sessions on Ubuntu and its environment to my college and neighboring colleges. I am planning to take sessions regarding kernels as I am learning about Kernels and Bash scripting now.
Currently working in bringing life to Indian Team.
10/25/2011 - Currectly planning the re-structuring of Ubuntu Beginners team along with Bodhi, Duane and Unit193. Going to Update the plans here.
07/06/2012 - Elected as a Ubuntu-Youth Council member and currently working on bringing life and action back to the UY.
BT mentoring
I love mentoring peeps and helping. Currently I am mentoring JoeMaverickSett and frittexxx (Fredrik Andersson). I am focussing on making them explore every corners of Ubuntu and decide where they want to shine with. For any applicants in Ubuntu Beginners Team membership, I always want them to remember this, "Show us what you did and we will know what you can"
Mentee Checklist
Checklist 1
Mentee: JoeMaverickSett
Last Contact Date: 26/9/11
Currently, He is busy with his uni works. Will be back in Jan/Feb 2012.
Step |
Status |
Date Completed |
Wiki Page Created |
31/07/10 |
Knowledge of BT IRC Channels |
19/09/10 |
Identified Focus Group(s) |
Support(IRC) , Development |
Launchpad Registered |
29/04/10 |
Ubuntu Forums Registered |
29/04/10 |
Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct |
27/07/10 |
Test |
Pending |
Checklist 2
Mentee: Hakim Sheriff
Last Contact Date: 12/2/11
Became a DJ Sheriff and not finding time. He will come back ASAP.
Step |
Status |
Date Completed |
Wiki Page Created |
31/07/10 |
Knowledge of BT IRC Channels |
19/09/10 |
Identified Focus Group(s) |
Support(IRC) , Development |
Launchpad Registered |
29/04/10 |
Ubuntu Forums Registered |
14/05/10 |
Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct |
31/05/10 |
Test |
Pending |
Other Activities
I love taking sessions regrading Ubuntu and the community and along with that, I take aptitude sessions and soft skills which I am really having a greater interest. And I also motivate others who comes and shares their issues.
On 07/06/2010, I attended a 5 days workshop on Ubuntu and I got to know a lot about the package maintenance and creation. I am thinking of starting a Linux Users Group in the college I studied and I am planning to join hands with Tamil Nadu Free Software Foundation and am fully fledged in spreading Ubuntu and free software in the forthcoming years.
On 17/07/2010, along with FSFTN,I conducted a two days workshop about Linux in Velalar Engineering College. About 300+ students and staffs attended that workshop and we gave Ubuntu Lucid Lynx CDs to all who made their presence to that workshop.The sessions like python, Tamil computing, SQL and free software movement was made clear to the people gathered.
We FSFTN people conducted a workshop in Kovilpatti and we got good response from the remote areas too :). I updated it in my old blog. We gave Ubuntu CDs there too.
I created a group in launchpad for our college students and started a mailings list for posting their doubts. We are going organize classes on every Sundays and We got about 250 people interested in those classes.We Inaugurated Nandha Linux Users Group on 22/08/2010 and 50 People came there for that meeting.I am going to take sessions about Open source alternatives and Ubuntu Developers soon as the session is postponed from 19th September.
My Future
I visit all colleges near my locality and I am making awareness to all common people and will bring people to work in Ubuntu and then to contribute for our community.
Thinking of doing an open source project regarding the monitoring of downloaded bytes by each web page or a an application. My basic Ideas are in link but there are lots of applications already available. So re-thinking of some other development.
Moving forward to become an Entrepreneur. Debates happening in mind and among me and my friends. Hope will start working on it.
Internet Relay Chat Basic Learning
I am using IRC mainly to learn more about Ubuntu. Mainly I participate in:
Firstly, I learned a lot from UBT about working as a team. Secondly, everyone on the channel is quite nice and promptly helps whoever may need.
My Hobbies
I like to play games in my machine(past and currently not that much interested), roam with friends and debug code. I enjoyed my college life, although it is rather busy and still now I am making frequent visits to my college and We started a LUG in my college at August 22nd.
I like being alone and planning what I have to do next
Working on some F(L)OSS based self employment along with my friends.
"Mohan is a cool guy I have ever seen , we both were inspired by Raj Kumar and Mohan seemed to pick up his lessons on open source sooner than me with the help of IRC , he is a fast learner , public speaker and he has initiated a new user group in our college called as NLUG - Nandha Linux User Group , I guess in years this NLUG will grow and expand dramatically" - Gopinathan Ramasamy , B.Tech Information Technology (Final year)
Ubuntu Beginners Team Membership
As a good friend of Mohi's I've been very impressed with his work. Whether it's in the BeginnersTeam or the BT Wiki FG, or just about anywhere, it's always awesome. That being said, I completely support his application for BeginnersTeam membership. zkriesse 07-10-2010
I support mohi 100%. It's about time he went for UBT membership, and I endorse his application fully. He does great work, and has an outstanding sense of humor that really makes his application shine. -- paultag 2010-07-14 16:40:53
It is a pleasure to work with mohi. Our projects of classes have turned out quite well, and I expect many more to come. He surely has the helping spirit we all care for. pedro3005
In all my interactions with mohi he is always eager to learn and pass that knowledge on, he would be a valuable asset to the UBT and any area he should choose to join. phillw
Ubuntu Membership
Having an advocate of Ubuntu with over 150 people converted and offering them support is surely what Ubuntu membership is all about. His assistance on the support area as per the above testimonials show quite clearly his commitment to Ubuntu. I fully support his application for Ubuntu membership phillw.
Mohi Mohi Mohi....what can I say? There's so much that he's done it's just awesome. His work with the Ubuntu Beginners Team has been outstanding and he's now getting involved with the Ubuntu Youth Team as well. I'm very please to have him with us in Ubuntu Youth Team and I know that he'll be there whenever he's needed. He's always available for whatever, be it a kind word, a helping hand, or just some fun chit chat... He is extremely committed to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu Community and the multiple teams of which he is a part. He's got my full 100% support for his application to Ubuntu Membership. Please look upon his application favorably. zkriesse 2010-09-14 16:15:58
Wow! Spreading Ubuntu like this is what is going to help us fix bug #1 ! Giving the beginners a good user experience is also very much appreciated. His work in the Ubuntu Youth team is also exceptional. +1 All the way! -- Bilal Akhtar.
Mohi is a very enthusiastic ubuntu user who often chats in the BT channels and seeks to find out what is new, what is happening with the team members. His involvement in this distribution shows that he is interested in learning and passing along knowledge. I hope to interact with Mohi much more in the future. Keep up the good work. komputes
I have been very impressed with mohi's commitment and enthusiasm. An example of this has been his identifying educational needs in the community, finding someone knowledgeable in that area, and organizing classes. He identified that I work heavily on Ubuntu One and has been after me to do a class on Ubuntu One for awhile now. I think his friendliness, drive, dedication, and 'just get it done' attitude make him a good candidate for Ubuntu membership. I fully support his application. -- duanedesign 2010-09-18 10:09:02
I would like to voice Bilal's opinion here having seen mohan on the BT channels +1 from me too and I strongly endorse this application -- bhavi 18th September 2010
Mohi is someone with whom I have spent a lot of time on IRC. He is very polite, friendly and helpful all the time. He is a regular at the BT channels. Also he has that quality which all Ubuntu or opensource users should be having-"sharing the knowledge" and "helping others to join in". So, I feel that he is ready to be a member, so that he can officialy advocate for Ubuntu. -- saji89
Hi! Mohan is a good friend of mine since I discoverd the channel #ubuntu-beginners-wiki. I found his ubuntu wiki very impressive. I supports his ubuntu membership! abhijit
I have known mohi since before i became a ubuntu member and from the first day i met him he has always had a positive attitude and willing to help anyone who needed it. He is one of the most hardcore ubuntu advocates i have ever had the pleasure of knowing. His work in spreading the awareness of ubuntu and open source as a whole is unmatched. I strongly endorse his application for ubuntu membership! stlsaint
forestpiskie mohi is one of those people that finds it hard not to help. His wiki and the work and advocacy it shows is probably the tip of the iceberg. He in my opinion is one of the unsung heroes of Ubuntu - I cannot stress strongly enough how much I endorse his application for Ubuntu membership.
Mohi is no doubt dedicated to Ubuntu community and it definitely needs more people like him. He has amazing leadership skills, he is friendly, a complete community guy, helps everyone, gets along with them very well - anyone who has ever visited UB channel, knows him. He quickly finds out things needed/required in the community. As duanedesign has already mentioned his organizing classrooms for beginners. He has indeed made some valuable contributions, I fully support his application for membership.shredder12
I would like to endorse Mohi in this Ubuntu Membership process, since I been knowing him, he is one of the most energetic guys I have met around, his enthusiasm is huge, helping people or running activities in order to promote Ubuntu, he is a great example for new people around, I think he will be a great Ubuntu Member. Pablo Rubianes
Mohi - I have stored his name as free software mohan in my mobile . Thats the level of enthusism he shows while dealing with free s/w .Just as ink blots on a tissue paper , he has spread the words of free software in his college. He is more interested in the philosophy behind it and its impact on common public , especially students. I personally endorse Mohi the Ubuntu Membership process as he could work out wonders for the community as a whole .- Sibi
phillw was delegated with the day to running of #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic well over a year ago
phillw +votsriRfAF (founder) [modified 1 year, 13 weeks, 5 days, 18:36:31 ago]).
As a part of that it was left to my discretion to appoint OPs as and when I felt they were ready. as nhandler was my mentor for a while on UBT and instilled into me the role of freenode-catalyst and also the higher Code-of Conduct Higher Code of Conduct as it pertains to both forum dealings, IRC dealings etc. Each and everyone of the current OPs on lubuntu not only follow the letter of the rules, but also the spirit. They are our ambassadors, and I am privalidged to count them also as good friends. I have no hesitation in recommendeding Mohan_chml who was appointed as a lubuntu OP Mohan-chml +votriA (OP) [modified 12 weeks, 5 days, 06:23:19 ago] for full core OP's adoption, he is also the author of the room Bot for admin work. phillw 7th Jan 2012
Mohana Kumar has been involved with the Ubuntu community for an extended period of time and has shown the ability to be calm and fair in dealings with others. The other key personality trait that I feel Mohana exihibits is the ability to really listen to others. I feel Mohana will make an excellent IRC OP. cprofitt 10 January 2012
Mohan_chml (last edited 2014-08-19 09:03:57 by 65-208-210-98)