
Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2005-07-18 22:31:13
Size: 1912
Editor: h153n3c1o1027
Revision 5 as of 2005-07-19 11:15:29
Size: 1942
Editor: h153n3c1o1027
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||IRC:||nafallo @ freenode||
  • Hi!

My name is Christian Nafallo Bjälevik, and yes that's my real name ;-). I've been using Linux since somewhere about 2000, starting with RedHat to learn the basics. After that I tried Slackware, Root, Leka, LFS, Gentoo, Debian and a couple of others. I got caught be Debian though ;-). I was infact using Gentoo for about a year when I brought my Shuttle (now silverfairy), but got tired on all this power wasted on compilations. The time to get security updates in when you compile them yourself on a budget PC wasn't compelling either. When I saw an e-mail about Ubuntu on debian-user-swedish I ignored it at first, but when the thread grew I actually tried it out on my AMD64 laptop (now named darkelf). At that time it was using the then unofficial amd64-port. I wanted to have an official distro without loosing apt and switched ;-).

4.10 (Warty) was installed when it got released stable. I wanted to become active already in Debian, but the flamewars always made me stale my efforts. In this more friendly distro I felt confident enough to start to help out where I could though. Soon I was running ubuntu on my server aswell and talked my girlfriend into reinstall her KDE Debian machine (silverfairy). Now all my machines run Ubuntu, and we love it :-).

I'm currently active in:

  • IRC-channels (!user-support)
  • Testing and bugfiling
  • Hopefully a future MOTU candidate
  • Universe Security
  • Ubuntu Swedish Translators
  • Monitoring smartmontools SG_IO Smile :-)

I help out where I can. I'm currently wonder if I should take a closer look at the doc-team and/or the artwork-team. I want to be a member so that my blog gets on the planet basically ;-).


NafalloBjälevik (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:45 by localhost)