
Revision 2 as of 2005-10-15 12:13:52

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Enabling users to easily setup a computer pool (cluster) with ubuntu installations.


We already have fully automated installation with d-i using preseeding (and/or kickstart). We plan to have a CentralAuthentication facility. Let's put all parts together so they work out-of-the-box

Use cases

The obvious ones:

  • Internet cafe clusters, where anonymous users can surf
  • Educational clusters at universities and/or schools

The less obvious ones:

  • Offices, when all workstations needs to be able to install in a timely manner, but are still customizable enough for the local admin.


To allow the admin to use both ltsp setups as well as cluster setups, we need some interface to dhcp config. We define therefore netboot modes:

  • computer netboots in ltsp mode. This is what we already have
  • computer netboots in installer mode. This time, the computer gets fully automatically installed using d-i preseeding and/or kickstart
  • The default netboot mode is user/admin definable.

After that automated installation, a post-install script hooks up with the ConfigurationInfrastructure. This is then responsible for integration with CentralAuthentication and handling software updates.


  • Define interface to dhcpd config to define netboot actions
  • Define interface to create/update/edit preseed configs
  • Implement a GUI Tool using these interfaces, so that a local admin can register machines and defines the netboot method. Takes kickstart or preseed files form the admin and enables fully (or semi) automated installs.


Data preservation and migration

Outstanding issues

Needs integration with:

BoF agenda and discussion