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NH LoCo meeting for August 16, 2008


Business Center @ 1 Waterford Way, Manchester NH


Facilitator: Nikki Henninger

Note Taker: Arc Riley

Present: Nikki Henninger, Broderick Lang, Kyle Batley, Jeremy MacKinney, and Arc Riley

Results from Ubuntu Community Council decision

We briefly discussed Nikki replacing Matthew Craig as our launchpad admin. She's since opened membership and approved all pending members as we decided at our last meeting.

As a result, our membership has risen >10% in 3 days. We discussed ways to outreach to more Ubuntu users/developers. Broderick commented on the number of new mailing list subscriptions.

Arc and Broderick previously got our mailing list approved and setup, which had more subscribers than LoCo members. An email needs to be sent to our list inviting everyone to join on launchpad.

Contact person

Arc nominated Nikki, Broderick seconded, consensus was had.

Software Freedom Day

We're co-hosting Software Freedom Day in Concord, NH with GNHLUG. We're getting a permit for the park in front of the State House and are working out a location for an Ubuntu workshop that night. We may be able to host this at the Concord Food Coop.

We'll have an pre-SFD meeting next month instead of a LoCo monthly meeting next month.

Ubuntu SIG

We talked at length about the proposed GNHLUG Ubuntu SIG. Nikki, Matt H, and Arc brought this to the GNHLUG board of directors last month. Broderick suggested alternative names and we led into a discussion as to the need for a SIG.

We resolved that now that the LoCo isn't limited to only FOSS activists, we can host the proposed SIG functions ourselves and "Desktop workshops" at GNHLUG chapters. Kyle talked about hosting a Linux Audio workshop and could show off Ubuntu Studio.

We closed the meeting and walked back to Nikki's for pizza and beer.
