
Several members of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Ubuntu Local Communities are organising a bulk purchases of items from the Canonical Store to reduce individual shipping costs. We invite you to join us and share in the reduced costs by following the plan laid out below.

The Plan

Go to the Canonical Shop and login using your Launchpad account (this changes the prices to reflect the 15% discount we'll receive). Add the items you want to your cart. When you're done, view your cart and copy the contents of into the bottom of this wiki page. Add your name and email address to the page. You may obfuscate your email address against spam harvesting; just make sure real people can figure it out. See the example below for how your order should look.

Within 36 hours, you'll receive a confirmation from Dave Harding (see contact info below) that he has your order. If you change anything, you'll receive another confirmation. Please DO NOT edit anyone else's list or change your order after the order submission deadline (see Deadlines table below).

Once the order-placing deadline has past (see deadline table below), Harding will enter the combined order, calculate your share of the shipping charges, and send you a bill. Shipping charges will be distributed based on the dollar value of your order. An example is below.

There will be a small surcharge to cover the cost of people who fail to pay (which increases the relative shipping charges for everyone else), to cover changes in the exchange rate between when the order is entered and when its placed, and to cover Harding's PayPal fees. The unused part of the surcharge will either be given back to you when you pick up your stuff or, with your consent, it will be given to your State LoCo team.

Information on whom to pay is stored on the official New Jersey Ubuntu LoCo website. For expediency's sake, we ask you pay your bill using PayPal. If that's not acceptable, Harding will accept personal checks or U.S. Postal Service money orders, but you must email Harding in advance (see Contact Information table below).

FOR SECURITY, please only send money to the accounts listed on the New Jersey Ubuntu LoCo website. Anyone can edit this wiki or forge email headers, and any information you receive from the wiki or email is suspect. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct email to your LoCo's leaders; they'll be able to provide you with the correct information.

Once your payment is received, Harding will send you a confirmation notice. The order will be placed on the date in the deadline table below.

Shortly after the shipment arrives at Harding's house, you will receive an email notifying you of the dates and times you can pick up your stuff. The locations are described in the Pick Up Locations table below. Please respond to the email and tell Harding at which date and location you'll pick up your stuff. You may also arrange with Harding a time to pick up the stuff at his house, but be aware, he lives far from civilisation in a place believed to be the inspiration for certain scenes from the movie Deliverance. If you go, beware of dueling banjos.

Unless you're absolutely sure Harding knows who you are, please bring state-issued identification to the pick-up location.

If you don't pick up the stuff within three months, it will automatically be transferred to the possession of your state LoCo team to be distributed as give-aways. Harding must approve, in writing or email, any exceptions to this rule.

Ancillary Information

Contact Information

Please address questions and concerns to one or more of the following people. If your question is about, or concerns, security, don't trust the email addresses below (find the correct email address in your email archives or on a trusted non-wiki page).

Dave Harding

Lyz Bevilacqua

Jim Fisher

Joe Terranova

Retrieval Agents

You may designate someone else pick your stuff up for you. Please email Harding (see email address above) with your agent's name and what location they'll be at at least one day in advance of pick up.

PA LoCo Shipping Agent

Jim Fisher has offered to ship orders to PA LoCo members outside of the Philadelphia area. Please follow his instructions.

Deadlines & Anticipated Dates

Place your Order by

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Receive Bill on

Monday, 19 November 2007

Pay Bill by

Monday at Noon, 26 November 2007

Order Placed

Monday afternoon, 26 November 2007

Anticipated Arrival Date

Middle or Late December; possibly early January

Pick Up Locations

Contract Terms

The bill Harding sends you is a contract that will include the following two CONDITIONS:

  1. You will not hold David A. Harding, Elizabeth Bevilacqua, Jim Fisher, Joe Terranova, or the New Jersey or Pennsylvania Local Communities responsible for the lose of, or damage to, your property or money resulting from their good faith efforts in fulfilling this order.
  2. You must retrieve your property from Harding within three months after he notifies you its available. If you fail to do so, possession of the property will be automatically transfered to a representative of the Ubuntu Local Community in your State.


  1. You can, of course, still hold me responsible if I act in bad faith. I just don't want to be, for example, sued if Canonical fails to deliver and refuses to refund the money.
  2. I have enough junk in my house without having to hold on to your stuff forever. Smile :-)

Shipping Costs

Over a certain weight, which we'll probably exceed, the only available shipping choices are UPS Express and UPS Expedited. The cheaper option, UPS Express, is hideously expensive for small orders, but is cheaper (as a percentage of total price) for large orders. For example, an $85 order pays $24 (22% shipping costs) for Registered Surface Mail, but a $650 order pays $110 (14% shipping costs) for UPS Express, and we get the order much quicker.

My guarantee: before billing you, I'll investigate whether splitting the order into pieces will result in lower shipping charges.


Place your orders here.

David A. Harding --
2       Ubuntu Lanyard
                $ 4.30

Sub-total: $ 4.30

Jim Fisher --

1       Mens T-Shirt (White) - XX Large
                $ 12.95
1       Mens T-Shirt (Black) - XX Large
                $ 17.27
10      Ballpoint Pen
                $ 13.80
1       Rucksack (Black/Red)
                $ 25.92
2       Ubuntu Lanyard
                $ 4.30
2       Metal Key Fob
                $ 8.65
1       Sweatshirt - XX Large
                $ 29.37

Sub-Total: $ 112.25

Elizabeth Bevilacqua --

1       Ladies T-Shirt (Black) - M/L
                $ 16.42

Sub-Total: $ 16.42

 Jerry Neale --
1       Stickers
                $ 3.45
1       Drinking Mug
                $ 5.18
6       Ballpoint Pen
                $ 8.28
1       Ubuntu Lanyard
                $ 2.15
1       Hoody - Large
                $ 32.82

Sub-Total: $ 51.88

Joe Terranova --

1       Baseball Cap
                $ 8.65
1       Gutsy Gibbon Mens T-shirt - XLarge
                $ 20.72
1       Mens T-Shirt (Black) - Extra Large
                $ 17.27
1       Mens T-Shirt (Black) - Small
                $ 17.27
5       Ballpoint Pen
                $ 6.90
2       Drinking Mug
                $ 10.35

Sub-Total: $ 81.16

NewJerseyTeam/GroupOrders (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:06 by localhost)