Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!


Members Present


Meeting called to order at 8:05 by tritium

Topics Discussed

<tritium> dthomasdigital: I only posted the agenda.
<tritium> There's ubot3 ;)
<tritium> !upgrade > ColonelPanik
<ColonelPanik> I'll be a General?
<tritium> heh, he's supposed to /msg you with the info above
<tritium> Looks like he's not behaving
<jimrz> ooops
<tritium> Shall we start?
<dthomasdigital> +1
<genfool_> +1
<gcleric> +1
<jimrz> +1
<beanie77> +1
<tritium> Who wants to facilitate today?
<genfool_> -1
* kenneth_ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<tritium> gcleric, jimrz: one of you care to?
<weazzle> +1
<tritium> weazzle: go for it
<weazzle> uh-oh
<weazzle> one sec
<tritium> Agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/April_21_2009
<genfool_> weazzle,  you can doooo it! :)
<weazzle> waiting for it to load :(
<weazzle> wohoo
<weazzle> New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting
<weazzle> First agenda item
<gcleric> agreed we need schedule a meeting.
<weazzle> Ok, gotta help me out
<dthomasdigital> I like to have a meeting of the loco Council
<weazzle> since this one was carried over from last meeting
<weazzle> Is this a face-to-face?
<dthomasdigital> mainly just to talk about what should be listed on the wiki
<tritium> Yep, we do need a council meeting.
<jimrz> face to face or on line?
<gcleric> I could go either way irc or face to face.
<dthomasdigital> council members are tritium,gcleric,jimrx,dthomasdigitsal am I missing anyone?
<dthomasdigital> jimrz
<gcleric> face to face could mean food though... =)
<tritium> I've missed the past two meetings.  What are the topics?
<jimrz> :)
<jimrz> \+1 for food
<tritium> dthomasdigital: protonchris
<dthomasdigital> How could I forget him
<tritium> I have no preference either.
<jimrz> ditto
<weazzle> dthomasdigital: don't you follow him on Twitter too?
<weazzle> ;)
<tritium> We have a few options if we choose IRC: #ubuntu-us-nm, #ubuntu-meeting, or I could create another channel for the council.
<dthomasdigital> yes I do
<gcleric> those in favor of F2F?
<gcleric> +1
<dthomasdigital> +1
<tritium> +1
<jimrz> +1
<dthomasdigital> looks like the +1's have it
<gcleric> now where Flyingstar? or somewhere new?
<dthomasdigital> I'll go anywhere
<jimrz> +1
<kenneth_> popeye's now have free wifi  ;p
<tritium> heh, that's a new one ;)
<genfool_> check out flying star, make sure it is up to snuff
<gcleric> kenneth_: no way...really??
<jimrz> kenneth:all of 'em or just a particular one?
<kenneth_> the one on Coors NW has a sign advertizing free wifi
<dthomasdigital> we can figure out a time and place later if we want, what ya think?
<weazzle> Do you guys want to pick the location now, or do you vote to move on to the next item?
<dthomasdigital> +1 next item
<gcleric> kenneth_: that kills me in NY everywhere wanted a $2 or more per hour of wifi.
<jimrz> +1
<weazzle> arg, lost connection again
<gcleric> +1
<weazzle> sorry
<weazzle> c'mon wi-fi
<dthomasdigital> Are we on the next item?
<tritium> dthomasdigital: yes, weazzle was re-loading the agenda
<tritium> Perhaps in the interest of time, he won't mind if I paste it:
<tritium> Setting up a booth at Solar Fiesta ColonelPanik update
<tritium> Fire away, Colonel.
* weazzle has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
* weazzle (n=weazzle@71-222-215-215.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<dthomasdigital> check out the cool info ColonelPanik found on there web site: 
<dthomasdigital> This web site is powered by Debian Gnu/Linux, Apache web server and other Free software. 
<dthomasdigital> NMSEA would like to thank the New Mexico Gnu/Linux users group for their work in setting up, configuring and maintaining our server.
<weazzle> hello
<tritium> Hi, weazzle.
<weazzle> grrrr wi-fi
<ColonelPanik>   They are not taking apps yet.
<dthomasdigital> Sounds like our kind pf people
<dthomasdigital> of people
<tritium> URL?
<dthomasdigital> ColonelPanik do you know when the date will be?
<ColonelPanik> No, I go to the NMSEA site twice a day.
<tritium> ColonelPanik: what's the URL for the Solar Fiesta?
<ColonelPanik> Sept 9/26-27  http://nmsea.org/index.php
<dthomasdigital> dthomasdigital is having a quote to convert his house next month, to solar at the very least his cooling and computer room done.
<tritium> Pretty cool stuff.
<dthomasdigital> Cool thanks ColonelPanik for running with this.
<gcleric> very cool.
<ColonelPanik> dthomasdigital, wait until you go to the Solar Fiesta before you do anything expensive
<dthomasdigital> Oh it's going to cost big time, I'm thinking about 800 Kilowatt hour system
<ColonelPanik> ouch
<dthomasdigital> The Thomas house is gadget full we suck up the juice.
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: I'm saving up for mine.  I'm looking to split solar/wind
<dthomasdigital> cool....next item?
<gcleric> +1
<tritium> Yes, I did get the CDs ordered.
<tritium> I got a response back today:
<tritium> Hi,
<tritium> Your Cd's have been requested.
<tritium> Many Thanks Rachael
<dthomasdigital> Thank's to tritium for ordering, with out him I'd have nothing for my presentations.
<beanie77> I heard a solar guy say that is is 10x cheaper to buy low power appliances than for a solar system. The data point is about 5 years old.
<tritium> So, now it's just a waiting game.
<dthomasdigital> Rachael Tripp? She rocks 
<tritium> She's a trip ;)
<gcleric> tritium: that's bad...
<tritium> gcleric: hehe, I know.
<gcleric> like something I'd say.. =)
<tritium> =)
<tritium> So, I'll need all of your help in distributing the CDs.
<dthomasdigital> I have small update about LinuxFest if any one want to hear?
<gcleric> yes.
<tritium> I don't want any leftovers in my house.  Let's get them out into the community.
<tritium> dthomasdigital: sure
<weazzle> +1
<genfool_> +1
<jimrz> +1
<dthomasdigital> Last weekend the floodgates opened and 20 people registered
<tritium> sweet
<jimrz> :)
<gcleric> nice!
<genfool_> sked for it
<dthomasdigital> we are over the 75 mark on official registered attendees.
<dthomasdigital> not counting presenters
<gcleric> sweet.
<ColonelPanik> tritium, I could use a few, priming the pump for the Portales Lindependence
<genfool_> you asked for it, genfool needs new keyboard
<dthomasdigital> also 2 other presentations where turned in and I just need to get them on the site
<tritium> ColonelPanik: sure thing.  We'll get you some.
<dthomasdigital> fedora will let me know next quarter how much money they can donate.
<gcleric> speaking of which when is the next meeting for the NMLC?
<ColonelPanik> I need something to pass out about the Fest.  Fliers
<dthomasdigital> I have other sponsors  getting them lined up too
<dthomasdigital> gcleric NMLC meeting coming up soon I'll let you knwo ASAP
<dthomasdigital> also April 16, 2009 Las Cruces, NM - Southwest Regional Technology Symposium was a blast
<dthomasdigital> met some folks from the MVLUG handed out lots of disk
<dthomasdigital> My next presentation is April 29, 2009 Santa Fe, NM - Ignite Santa Fe
<dthomasdigital> OK I'm done
<kenneth_> On the topic of CD's I'll created Ubuntu 9.04 cd labels
<kenneth_> http://sites.google.com/site/nmlocoparty/
<kenneth_> I'm using google sites to post a first draft
<dthomasdigital> kenneth_ rocks
<tritium> Nice, kenneth_ !
<gcleric> kenneth_: 5 point for Gryffindor!
<beanie77> Very nice, how did you do it and how do you get them printed?
<dthomasdigital> Oh the wife is going to kill me as I'll be printing them on her nice color printer
<kenneth_> I used gLabel and I printed them through print to file (pdf)
<beanie77> What's you favorite flower for your funeral? 8)

NewMexicoTeam/April_21_2009 (last edited 2009-04-22 02:40:32 by 67-61-60-11)