Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

  1. Suggestion : Calling Into 770kkob Jim Villanucci during the Call In Advertising Hour On Friday May 1 about the Release Party.
  2. dthomasdigital will be speaking at Ignite Santa Fe Talking about Non-profits, LinuxFest, and other stuff.

  3. LinuxFest Update


Members Present


meeting called to order at 8:05pm

Topics Discussed

<dthomasdigital> agenda page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/April_28_2009
* nick125 reviews
* gcleric (n=gcleric@ubuntu/member/gcleric) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<dthomasdigital> see we waited on ya
* doomcat waves and says its the g man!
<jimrz> hi gcleric
<gcleric> howdy all!
<dthomasdigital> ready to start
<doomcat> +1
<jimrz> +1
<nick125> +1
<genfool_> +1
<kenneth> ++1
<dthomasdigital> Not sure who added the first item but great idea
<kenneth> I did
<jimrz> nice thought
<nick125> sounds good to me
<dthomasdigital> great idea kenneth, want to call?
<doomcat> thats a great idea!
<kenneth> Will try to, it about the same time i get off work
<doomcat> kenneth that is a cool idea!
<jimrz> what time is that?
<dthomasdigital> I think it's the 4:00 to 5:00pm time slot
<genfool_> I like to listen to that show, everyday. Such a fool
<dthomasdigital> Hey gcleric I found out if I use the shine theme in Gwibber I can see my DM's in the reply tab.
<kenneth> i would hurt to have more than one call in
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: nice!
<dthomasdigital> So I say we make the call we just need to come up with who.
<genfool_> kenneth,
<dthomasdigital> I would do it but I never know when I get out of work on friday
<genfool_> I will, suggest all that can, do
<jimrz> that should work
<dthomasdigital> works for me
<dthomasdigital> anyone have the number
<dthomasdigital> Ok, if some get's the number post it to the mailing list
<dthomasdigital> Nest item?
<dthomasdigital> next item?
<gcleric> +1
<jimrz> +1
<doomcat> +1
<dthomasdigital> http://ignitesantafe.com I'll be speaking tomorrow night it's a flash presentation 20 slides 15 seconds per slide 
<dthomasdigital> Talking about how we set up The New  Mexico Linux Corp
<dthomasdigital> Handing out disk and stuff
<gcleric> vry cool!
<jimrz> nice
<doomcat> beyond the stars its so cool
<nick125> I hope it helps to ramp up the interest a little bit for Linuxfest..
<genfool_> LISTENER HOTLINE: 243-3333
<dthomasdigital> thanks genfool
<jimrz> thank you
<dthomasdigital> I'll be handing out LinuxFest flyers as well
<dthomasdigital> so that's all I got on that.
<dthomasdigital> Ready for the next item?
<gcleric> +1
<jimrz> +1
<doomcat> +1
<dthomasdigital> I've got lots of updates to do on the website
<dthomasdigital> We have had steady registrations and I predict attendance to be well over 100 not counting sponsors, volunteers, and speakers.
<jimrz> looking a bit better all the time
<dthomasdigital> We still need quality speakers and of course donations.
<gcleric> agreed looking awesome.
<dthomasdigital> Your right jim slow steady growth I like it that way
<jimrz> :)
<dthomasdigital> if we had to much at once it would be hard to organize 
<genfool_> looking great
<doomcat> 53 members thats great
<jimrz> :)
<dthomasdigital> stay tuned as a meeting of the NMLC will be coming up and a staff meeting as well
<gcleric> is there a NMLC meeting coming up?
<dthomasdigital> Yes I'm thinking second week in may
<jimrz> ok
<gcleric> ok.
<doomcat> ok
<dthomasdigital> Well that's all we got tonight, a slow night
<gcleric> just not the 8th....star trek.
<dthomasdigital> Might have to fib and say that is meeting night so doomcat and I can sneak out
<genfool_> +1
<jimrz> +1
<gcleric> +1
<kenneth> +1
<dthomasdigital> Adding google analytics to the linuxfest webpages 

NewMexicoTeam/April_28_2009 (last edited 2009-04-29 02:31:16 by 67-61-60-11)