Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!


Members Present

Proceedings Meeting started at 8:00 by gcleric

Topics Discussed

<dthomasdigital> Oh sure we have a huge agenda and tonight is the night we have a small turn out.
<|mando|> Haha :)
* gen_fool (n=fred@70-58-224-213.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<|mando|> And of course, it's the first meeting I've attended in quite a bit.
<dthomasdigital> Ah here they come I genfool
<gen_fool> Hi guys :)
<gcleric> small turn out mean things will move quickly right?
<gcleric> =P
<dthomasdigital> gcleric good point
<gcleric> howdy gen_fool
<gcleric> let's start?
<protonchris> +1
<dthomasdigital> we have quorum of the council so we can vote.
<gen_fool> +1
<dthomasdigital> +1
<gcleric> +1
<|mando|> +1
<dthomasdigital> dthomasdigital gcleric protonchris quorum in place
<gcleric> item 1:  Lan Party Update
<protonchris> As far as I know, it is still a go.
<dthomasdigital> I will not be there mom is in town she would kill me if I took Doomcat away.
<gcleric> when is it again?
* kenneth__ (n=kenneth@c-69-254-140-79.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<gen_fool> damn, Doomcat is the ace in the hole :)
<gcleric> aloha kenneth__ welcome to the island of paradise. =P
<kenneth__> hi there
<protonchris> gcleric: April 11th at 1pm
<gcleric> going to be in the NYC..otherwise i'd be there.
<protonchris> gcleric: :(
<protonchris> gcleric: I'll be in NYC the week after :)
<gen_fool> gcleric,  bring green chili
<dthomasdigital> gcleric we know it was because you feared Doomcat's kung fu
<gcleric> protonchris: I'll keep the seat warm for you
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: no doubt!
<gcleric> I still have chess...
<protonchris> should we move on?  We can come back to this if deinerson shows up.
<gcleric> Item 2: Release Party Update
<dthomasdigital> I'll have flyer's by this weekend ready to go.
<gcleric> nice.
<protonchris> IIRC, jimrz has the flying star booked.
<dthomasdigital> we are the venu reserved as well
<dthomasdigital> beat me to it protonchris
<gcleric> what's the date for the party?
<protonchris> Party will be on May 2nd from 6:00pm till 9:00pm In the Corrales, NM Flying Star hospitality room
<gen_fool> dthomasdigital,  How can I pick up flyers to distribute, or down load and print?
<|mando|> +1 to gen_fool's question, I would like to print some out to hand out at school
* fwopah (n=fwopah@75-173-21-76.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<dthomasdigital> I will have them available both to print and pick up....I send a email on the mailing list when I'm done.
<fwopah> Ouch.
<fwopah> Oh, thanks.
<gen_fool> +1
<gcleric> +1
<gen_fool> Hello fwopah
<fwopah> Hi, my net flipped around again.
* fwopah <-- |mando| 
<gcleric> shall we move on?
<gcleric> Item3: LinuxFest Update
<dthomasdigital> Well we are moving right along
<gcleric> see...ye of little faith.. =P
<gen_fool> I have 1 question about the release party
<gcleric> gen_fool: now has the floor..
<gcleric> always wanted to say that...
<gen_fool> Have never atended one , what to expect as what is needed
<dthomasdigital> 49 registered on the website and 40 have official registered http://nmlinuxfest.ning.com/page/register-1 this form is how we will create the badges.
<dthomasdigital> Just bring yourself we normally take a collection to pay for the room.
<dthomasdigital> This year I have some door prizes supper hush hush......
<gcleric> gen_fool: bring yourself, your laptop and a hardy appetite.
<gen_fool> Probably be thirsty :)
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: very cool.
<dthomasdigital> The room we rent includes tea and soft drinks it's pretty cool, oh and don;t forget we need a VGA cable for this room.
<gen_fool> how long?
<dthomasdigital> Oh 6 feet or so on the VGA cable. Continue with the LinuxFest?
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: ya looking at me?
<gcleric> +1
<dthomasdigital> gcleric, we all know you have the cables.
<gen_fool> +1
<dthomasdigital> Will be working extra hard for sponsors, it looks like we will have no problem getting 250 to 350 to attend....now we got to pay for it.
<gcleric> I see that fedora is one of the sponsors what about Canonical?
<gcleric> have we talked to them at all?
<dthomasdigital> Yes I have talked to Jono and have the contacts, they are next on the list
<gcleric> nice!
<dthomasdigital> fedora, is pledging money they have to wait till next quarter to see what they will be able to give.
<gen_fool> Can we create a flyer or sorts to pass around to help get support, or something with info that I can use to ry to help with getting supporters?
<dthomasdigital> We will have coffee and tea service thanks to Aromacup and Green mountain coffee
* |mando| has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
* fwopah is now known as |mando|
<dthomasdigital> gen_fool I'm working on those and will have flyer's and web banners you can use soon
<gen_fool> Cool
<dthomasdigital> That's about it for now.
<gcleric> awesome dthomasdigital! thanks!  =)
<|mando|> +1 to that!
<dthomasdigital> Just if you have not signed up please do it helps me keep track and gives me numbers ro give to sponsors
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: great job.
<dthomasdigital> thanks folks, but trust I'll be asking favors soon.
<gcleric> move on? I'll 4,5, 6 till Dave is in the channel.
<gen_fool> count me in
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: ditto.
<dthomasdigital> I concur on 4,5, and 6
<gcleric> Item 7: J ?AustinBardo (ausimage) has asked for some assistance in helping organize the New York LoCo.
<gcleric> Ok,  so the other day I logged into #ubuntu-us-ny to see if anyone wanted to meet up while I was in the NYC.
<protonchris> gcleric: good idea.
* fwopah (n=fwopah@75-173-20-63.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<gcleric> I started chatting with ausimage who is the defacto team lead of the NY LoCo.
* fwopah is now known as [mando]
<gcleric> he stated that he's having problems organizing the NY LoCo and asked us for a little help/ideas if we can...
<gcleric> they have 100+ members but no cohesion.
<[mando]> Wow, large group.
<gcleric> actually,  no one shows up to their IRC meetings... at all.  Ouch.
<[mando]> Not surprising, but I can imagine the trouble there.
<[mando]> Ouch indeed
<gcleric> anyone have any ideas?
<gcleric> I was hopping that he'd be here but it is late-ish there in EST
<protonchris> We are lucky enough to have a good core group.
<dthomasdigital> Well I guess we need to get some details
<dthomasdigital> We also really need to document some of our policies and procedures.
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: yea.
<dthomasdigital> Anything that might help other teams
<dthomasdigital> Like how we set up our council and how we vote.
<dthomasdigital> see last agenda item.
<gcleric> table?
<dthomasdigital> +1
<protonchris> +1 until we can get more info
<gcleric> ok..
<dthomasdigital> I'd like the council to meet and talk about these things.
<gcleric> Item 8: Partnering with Computer ReRuns or CybernetworkNM?
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: great idea!
<dthomasdigital> I saw where they did windows too
<gcleric> This item kinda relates to item 5.
<gcleric> There are several org. around NM that specialize in re-provisioning old pcs.
<protonchris> Are these places the kind of places where you donate time and earn a computer.
<gcleric> not really.
<protonchris> ok
<dthomasdigital> I just want to stay away from any windows shops, kind of defeats our purpose.
<gcleric> they accept donated PC and get them working and then give them to 501c's
<gcleric> thought it might be  good idea to contact them.
<gcleric> this way we don't have to look around our group for PC's and parts for EPC.
<dthomasdigital> Well of EPC could get the computers they need it might be good of us to at least introduce them.
<gcleric> yes.
<gcleric> I'll mention it to Sam or Dave.
<gcleric> move on?
<dthomasdigital> again I guess we need dave
* ausimage1 (n=ausimage@ubuntu/member/ausimage) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<gcleric> howdy ausimage1
<ausimage1> hey gcleric
<protonchris> ausimage1: good evening
* ausimage1 remembered
<gcleric> =)
* |mando| has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
* ausimage1 had an interesting evening :)
<gcleric> ausimage1: hope all is Ok.
<ausimage1> tracking bug with my mini9
<ausimage1> good good.. just can't believe things fall through so easy :/
<gcleric> everyone ausimage1 is with the NY LoCo tema
<gcleric> grr team
<ausimage1> gcleric: you on a tiny keyboard?
<dthomasdigital> A big New Mexico howdy to ausimage1
<ausimage1> thanks...
<gcleric> ausimage1: yes a mactel 5,1
<ausimage1> ah
<ausimage1> I have typing issues on my Mini9 too
<gen_fool> gen_fool,  sends ausi
<gcleric> ausimage1:  =)
<ausimage1> gcleric: you like the pamphlet I put out?
<gcleric> have not seen it do you have a url?
<gcleric> move one to next item?
<ausimage1> yeah.... ausimage.us/Ubuntu/Promotions I believe
<ausimage1> It was blogged to the planet the other day
<dthomasdigital> ColonelOanik suggested a booth I think it would be a great idea http://nmsea.org/Solar_Fiesta/Solar_Fiesta_2009/index.php I'll gather info
<gcleric> ausimage1: nice
<dthomasdigital> ColonelPanik that is
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: sounds sweet.  count me in.  i'll man the booth if need or provide $$ to fees
<dthomasdigital> gcleric as always you rock
<dthomasdigital> Will be a great place to promote the LoCo and LinuxFest it will be in Sept.
<protonchris> I can't commit now, but I let you know when we get closer.
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: think we can get some banners from Canonical
<dthomasdigital> Thats about al lthe last agenda item is more a council thing
<dthomasdigital> gcleric working on Banners as I type
<gcleric> sweet.
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: was that the last item?
<protonchris> Sound we talk about setting a nm loco council irc meeting time?
<dthomasdigital> Well we need Jim and mike
<gcleric> I'm for setting a time.  but have tritium's input would be welcome...as he has a baby arriving soon.
<protonchris> Good point
<dthomasdigital> well sooner is better than later
<gcleric> idea's for a date?
<dthomasdigital> I'll make sure it's added to next weeks agenda, have ti a little before the next meeting?
<protonchris> sounds good.
<gcleric> just a heads up the month of may is going to be a full one for me...more datacenter upgrades at work.  New HVAC's are getting installed and connected to the back power systems.
<dthomasdigital> that reminds me got my new servers in the migration to VM has begun.....
<gcleric> means several days taking the datacenter offline.
<protonchris> gcleric: ouch
<dthomasdigital> gcleric has all the fun
<gcleric> protonchris: but we are running vmware so I'll also be testing our DR site. =)
<gcleric> bringing all our replicated servers up.
<dthomasdigital> Looks like we made it through the agenda, I'll be sending out the meeting notes ASAP
<dthomasdigital> plus the new agenda page for next week meeting
<gcleric> ausimage1:  we passed the NY loco item to our council for discussion.
<ausimage1> ahh
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: as always, thanks for being so thorough
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: protonchris would it be appropriate to invite ausimage1 to the council meeting?
<dthomasdigital> Again how did the guy with the least writing skills get this job.
<dthomasdigital> I think so, might get an idea of how we govern.
<protonchris> gcleric: Sounds good to me.
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: you raised your hand?
<ausimage1> cool

NewMexicoTeam/April_7_2009 (last edited 2009-04-08 03:23:38 by 67-61-60-11)