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An update on the EPC update we did on the 15th - posted by dthomasdigital
A thank you to those that have contributed to the SFD fund - posted by dthomasdigital
As you can see some changes made to the wiki if you would like to help on the wiki please let me know so we can coordinate - posted by dthomasdigital
Also a thanks to Jimrz for maintaining the google calendar thanks! - posted by dthomasdigital
If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!
Members Present
- beanie77
- doomcat
- dthomasdigital
- gcleric
- genfool
- jay4rest
- jimrz
- kenneth_
- nick125
- protonchris
- syvainrb
- tritium
- wolffu
- |mando|
- Meeting started at 8:00pm by dthomasdigital
Topics Discussed
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: guilt is a wonderful tool...ask my mother.. =P <gcleric> +1 <jimrz> or any mother <tritium> Yes, let's start. <sylvainrb> yes * jay4rest (n=jay@c-76-113-52-31.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm <jimrz> +1 <nick125> +1 <nick125> jay4rest: Just in time! <doomcat> +1 <jay4rest> Hey there <gcleric> welcome jay4rest <jay4rest> thank you <gcleric> come on just one more... for 20.. <gcleric> someone log in twice... =P <dthomasdigital> gcleric want to give the update to the epc stuff <gcleric> Sure. * nick125_ (n=nick@ has joined #ubuntu-us-nm <gcleric> thank you nick125! <gcleric> =) <nick125> gcleric: Yee ask and yee shall receive! <gcleric> the EPC lab upgrade to Jaunty went pretty smooth...apart from the new floor. <protonchris> ubot3, locobot_4, and ChanServ don't count. <ubot3> protonchris: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) <dthomasdigital> Oh we did not expect the new floor <gcleric> !count <ubot3> Factoid count not found <nick125> gcleric: The new floor was pretty smooth, though :p <gcleric> darn... * genfool_ (n=genfool@70-57-254-29.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-nm <dthomasdigital> The wall looked nice too <gcleric> nick125 yea,, I liked the little slippers.. <jimrz> thye lab is looking good now <nick125> We still need to knock that SMC box off the wall <gcleric> So EPC is now fully upgraded to Jaunty. David E has not reported any issues post upgrade. <dthomasdigital> pictures in the news section of the front page of the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam <nick125> gcleric: Great. <gcleric> I plan on stopping by this week to double check things.. <tritium> Awesome. <ColonelPanik> gcleric, put in for overtime. <jimrz> and we even got tritium's Sony done without major issues <gcleric> As mentioned earlier Dr. Slishman is now switching to Linux. <gcleric> He's ordered an EeePC. <jimrz> :) <dthomasdigital> tritium your sony did manage to give us a few issues ;) <gcleric> Oh... we saved the sony for tritium... <tritium> Why am I not surprised? <gcleric> =) <tritium> My favorite machine... <nick125> I have a feeling that a nasty "accident" will happen to that Sony machine :P <gcleric> It was mentioned that the Sony is the favorite machine for most users of the lab. =) <gcleric> seriously,,, <protonchris> Yeah, it has speakers in the monitor <tritium> That's hilarious. <jimrz> true <gcleric> =) <gcleric> oh... there is a minor DNS issue that David E is having but we thing it is in relation to Comcast switching IP's on the cable modem. <protonchris> What is the issue? <nick125> What's the issue? <gcleric> we removed the SMC mini switch out of the mix, <nick125> protonchris: Eek! Get away from my braaaain! :P <gcleric> protonchris: nick125 they seem to have DNS resolution issues every so often. <protonchris> Hmmm. Comcast did make some dns changes recently. <nick125> I thought EPC wasn't using Comcast's DNS. <dthomasdigital> Oh how I hate the cable companies <gcleric> nick125: they are not... but they have an OpenDNS account that is bound to an IP. <protonchris> Ah. <gcleric> they use this for filtering ...porn and such. <nick125> gcleric: Well, if the IP changes...it should still resolve. It might not be associated to the account, but it should work. <nick125> gcleric: Do they have a static IP? <dthomasdigital> Oh nick125, DNS is evil oh so evil. <nick125> dthomasdigital: Yes, I know. <gcleric> nick125 I have asked David E to track ip changes and if the DNS issue crops up check to see what DNS the DHCP is offering...may be a device on the network. <nick125> gcleric: What, you're thinking its some kind of rogue device on the network? <gcleric> David E says it has not happened for a few weeks, <dthomasdigital> On to the next item ? <gcleric> nick125: yes... <gcleric> sure.. <nick125> gcleric: Hmm...I wonder if that has anything to do with the DHCP issues we were having....likely not, but...mm <gcleric> +1 <jay4rest> +1 <sylvainrb> +1 <kenneth_> +1 + $25.00 <gcleric> nick125 still something to track and collect more info. <jimrz> +1 <nick125> Yeah, we've beat the EPC topic enough for tonight. +1 <dthomasdigital> She must have hidden the prawns in the escape pod. Send a detachment down to retrieve them... I'm hungry! <dthomasdigital> oh wrong topic <dthomasdigital> Big thanks to ColonelPanik, gcleric, jimrz for helping make sure SFD can happen feel free to donate if you wish as we can find ways of making SFD really something this year. <dthomasdigital> that's better <gcleric> dthomasdigital: darth vader on twitter.. <dthomasdigital> gcleric I'm hooked on that guy <kenneth_> I just donated $25.00 for the SFD <gcleric> dthomasdigital: did you see my tweet back to him? asking if he was refering to D9. <dthomasdigital> So the guy in charge of events for cottonwood mall is well not very helpful <dthomasdigital> kenneth_ thanks, I'm making displays for SFD and that will help big time <gcleric> dthomasdigital: uh oh... <nick125> dthomasdigital: You need to go down there and whack them with the cluebat. <dthomasdigital> we will still be doing it a cottonwood mall I just feel I've been doing his job <nick125> dthomasdigital: Do you think we're going to get a response before the day of? <jay4rest> you should get his pay <jimrz> nick125: or a 2 iron <gcleric> I know this guy named andre is a master with a knife and a god at hiding a body. =) <dthomasdigital> I actually am going down tomarrow and getting all the paper work done <protonchris> dthomasdigital: thanks <dthomasdigital> But it really has been a chore, should be just very simple but damn he never returns a call, email nothing <jay4rest> gcleric: lol <gcleric> dthomasdigital: do we have enough $$$? <gcleric> jay4rest: =) <dthomasdigital> I'll have all the details by the end of the week, yes we are covered for SFD and the insurance. We still might have a few more expenses but not much <nick125> dthomasdigital: What size of display/booth/whatnot are we going to have? <dthomasdigital> I have a six foot table and will have standard tri-fold displays plus all kinds of disc. <dthomasdigital> I have not got SFD confirmation on SFD stuff, but that's never stopped us before <gcleric> dthomasdigital: I'm trying to see if I can grab one of our verizon wireless cards at work and pick up a Wireless-G Router for Verizon Wireless Broadband WRT54G3G Wireless Router <dthomasdigital> as always gcleric rules <nick125> I'd still like to see us have an LCD running some kind of demo video....Compiz, etc. <dthomasdigital> I'll have my laptop, but SFD is really about just getting the disc in peoples hands, should have about 400 handouts as well <beanie77> Do we know where in the mall and what hours? <nick125> I think a good demo could help to get them to pick up that CD. <dthomasdigital> Not yet beanie77 I'll know more tomorrow and will get it out on the mailing list ASAP <jay4rest> Maybe download some youtube video demos <jay4rest> linux foundation has some too <dthomasdigital> On SFD we hand out Windows Open Source as well, for those that have never taken part in a SFD, it helps with the conversion process. <dthomasdigital> That sounded kind of evil...... <nick125> haha <doomcat> yeah but we have no choice <nick125> WE MUST CONTINUE WITH THE MASTER PLAN! <jay4rest> it is a contradiction <gcleric> or and oxymoron <jay4rest> it helps in transitioning them to Linux <jimrz> do we have enough copies of the open cd and open education? <dthomasdigital> Ready for next item? <jay4rest> +1 <doomcat> +1 <sylvainrb> +1 <jimrz> +1 <gcleric> +1 <nick125> +1 <dthomasdigital> As you can see the menu and table of contents have changed, thanks to the Florida LoCo, I basically stole all their code. <nick125> Looking good. <jay4rest> always best not to reinvent the wheel <jimrz> love that open approach <dthomasdigital> Just of changes are made in the future make sure you check with the person who last edited and coordinate those changes with that person. <nick125> I like putting the meeting bar below the menu. <gcleric> ditto. <dthomasdigital> Like I said those Florida guys can code some MoinMoin <tritium> Looks good, dthomasdigital. <gcleric> dthomasdigital: and make a mean mojito <jay4rest> nice job <dthomasdigital> On that note the last item thanks to jimrz for keep up with the calendar it's a major help thank you sir. <gcleric> jimrz: thanks! <doomcat> thanks jimrz <dthomasdigital> Another thanks to jay4rest the podcast is really good, thanks for doing it. <tritium> Thank you, jimrz. :) <jimrz> no prob <jimrz> thanks <jay4rest> thanks jimrz <jay4rest> thanks dthomas <dthomasdigital> The Calendar feeds should be working please let me know if they are not. <gcleric> and thanks jay4rest...enjoying the podcasts. <jay4rest> thanks gcleric <gcleric> GROUP HUG!!!! <jimrz> :) <doomcat> ill check out the pod casts tomorrow <jay4rest> OOO <dthomasdigital> doomcat has been at quake live today, looks great in Linux. <nick125> Go LoCo GO! <dthomasdigital> That's all I got the floor is open. <nick125> dthomasdigital: What is it using now? Some mozilla plugin? <dthomasdigital> Not sure but it's native in Linux <nick125> Neat. <gcleric> nice! * tritium got his nephew using scratch on linux <nick125> I'll have to check it out some time. <doomcat> awsome <tritium> The linux version has a few issues, but isn't bad at all. <dthomasdigital> Any news in New Mexico Linux Land? <doomcat> quake live all you need is to sign up and get a Mozilla plugin witch will be automatically installed during them process <doomcat> *the <ColonelPanik> Socorro (?) where ever that is will be doing SFD also. <jay4rest> Larry Bushey from the Going Linux Podcast stopped by the website and left a comment <doomcat> well good night yal <doomcat> cya <tritium> Good night, doomcat. <jimrz> nite doomcat * doomcat has quit ("you made kittens angry and some sad by using windows. Bill gates why did you do this i love kittens. bill gates my cat tater i") <jay4rest> noght doomcat <gcleric> jay4rest: very cool! <jay4rest> I listen to Larry Bushey, so it was very cool <tritium> This is exciting: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/08/new-dell-arm-combo-poised-to-take-on-wintel-netbooks.ars <dthomasdigital> jay4rest we go together, if only my clone would act better in public <nick125> lol <jay4rest> dthomasdigital you need to call me when you have a Saturday off <dthomasdigital> jay4rest you got a deal. <beanie77> good night all <gcleric> they let Dave out? <jay4rest> very cool * beanie77 has quit (Remote closed the connection) <jay4rest> thinking about reporting of SFD <jay4rest> doing some on site recording <dthomasdigital> kenneth_ I got your donation..... again thanks to all that help we really do have on of the best LoCo's around <gcleric> jay4rest: that would be great! <dthomasdigital> Oh just s oyou guys know gcleric has all ready paid half of the booth sponsorship for the NMGLF <jay4rest> I think it would help people understand what SFD is all about <dthomasdigital> jay4rest a little on location reporting would rock at SFD <gcleric> dthomasdigital: I have know idea how much the paper money stuff is worth... it may have well been monopoly money.. =) <gcleric> dthomasdigital: fyi.. jimrz gave too... <dthomasdigital> You are right he sure did! <dthomasdigital> I still say the LoCo rocks, and I'm glad to be associated with you all.....and that's not the booze talking either. <jimrz> +1 <dthomasdigital> Am I hearing a NEW Pearl Jam song? <jay4rest> +1 <gcleric> +1 <gcleric> for both .. <dthomasdigital> Cool <dthomasdigital> for both .. <protonchris> I am going to take off. Have a good night. <jay4rest> gotta run all... <gcleric> ditto... <jay4rest> night <jimrz> nite jay <jay4rest> http://www.linuxuserpodcast.com/ <tritium> Good night, all. <jimrz> yep...me, too <jimrz> good night all <gcleric> g'night! <jay4rest> listen and let me know what you all think... <dthomasdigital> I'm out to, stay tuned for SFD information I'll post on the wiki and send it out via the mailing list * jay4rest has quit ("Ex-Chat") <ColonelPanik> March 20, 2010 SFD part II Portales NM * jimrz (n=jriordan@c-68-54-8-56.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) has left #ubuntu-us-nm <gcleric> excellent ColonelPanik! * gcleric has quit ("Ex-Chat") <dthomasdigital> ColonelPanik if and when I get official SFD stuff I'll send some your way ASAP <ColonelPanik> Great and thanks again.