Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!


Members Present


Topics Discussed

<dthomasdigital> ready to start
<jimrz> +1
<doomcat> +1
<dthomasdigital> going to be a fast meeting
* doomcat rings bell to start meeting
<jimrz> ok
<dthomasdigital> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/June_23_2009
<dthomasdigital> agenda page nick125 you around?
<dthomasdigital> Well nick125 was going to work on the new member section
<protonchris> sounds good
<dthomasdigital> So he would be the one to fill us in on that.
<dthomasdigital> In the process of nick125 working on that our menu changed on the wiki
<dthomasdigital> he is in the process of adding in the features that went away
<protonchris> looks good
<jimrz> +1
<dthomasdigital> I'd like to suggest  that before any major changes are made to a page , the person making thee changes checks with the last person who edit the page so nothing is over written.
<jimrz> sounds good
<dthomasdigital> that being said nick125's used much better icons I'd sure like to keep those.
<dthomasdigital> As we grow I can see more and more people involved in editing the wiki and the webpage so we just need some kind of procedure.
<dthomasdigital> any other ideas?
<jimrz> maybe keep an archive of pages for backup
<jay4rest> maybe create a draft page first before making final edits
<dthomasdigital> I thought it was but I can't seem to locate it.
<dthomasdigital> great idea jay4rest
<protonchris> ok.  I say "adding" content should be fine, but it seems like a nice courtesy to talk to the previous editor before major changes.
* smooge has quit ("-ENOCAFFEINE")
<jimrz> +1
<jay4rest> just add the word draft at the end
<protonchris> I like the idea of a draft.
<dthomasdigital> drafts are always FTW
<jay4rest> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Meetings would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/MeetingsDRAFT
<jay4rest> Then have only one person move it from draft to final
<jay4rest> that will control mistakes and over writes
<jimrz> agreed
<dthomasdigital> Ok, now all we got to do is make sure people know, then just pass it to me to publish? Does that sound OK as far as the wiki goes, the website I'll keep my mits off of
<protonchris> Sure for "major" changes, but I don't think we need approval for small stuff.
<jay4rest> agreed
<jimrz> +1
<dthomasdigital> +1
<protonchris> The wiki does keep a revision history.  So it isn't a big deal to revert.
<dthomasdigital> protonchris I've been looking I can't find it
<jay4rest> It also specifies trivial changes
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: it is under info
<dthomasdigital> Ok well never mind duh!
<gen_fool> not at all, wiki should be updated as needed. prefer it to be done by the original poster... not always possible.
<protonchris> Here is an example diff of the members page:  ve been looking I can't find it
<protonchris> Here is an example diff of the members page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Members?action=diff&rev2=48&rev1=45
<jay4rest> No I think just rewrites should go through the DRAFT stage
<jay4rest> minor changes help keep spelling errors out
<dthomasdigital> well I think we have a good idea brewing here, I'll make some notes and get it posted. 
<jay4rest> thanks
<dthomasdigital> folks that's about all I had.
<jimrz> got some stuff I gotta catch up on...ttyl...have a great evening
<doomcat> well g2g guys oh by the way i got i miniature stuffed bunney his name is gorden freeman
* doomcat has quit ("ubuntu energize send doomcat to the doomlair dun dun duuun come on gorden freeman")
<protonchris> Nothing from me.
* jimrz has quit ("Leaving.")
<jay4rest> have a great evening all
* jay4rest has quit ("Ex-Chat")
<dthomasdigital> talk at you all soon, and yes New Mexico GNU/Linuxfest has been moved to DEC 19, but for a good reason, stay tuned
<protonchris> Have a good one.
<dthomasdigital> good night all
<gen_fool> dthomasdigital,  is that all you will give us? stay tuned as to why the date was changed?
<dthomasdigital> lets just say the keynote is going to be a huge surprise, and this was the only date he could come.
<dthomasdigital> such a huge surprise we are going to have to get a bigger venue.

NewMexicoTeam/June_23_2009 (last edited 2009-06-24 03:05:48 by 67-61-60-11)