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Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)



If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

12 people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:00 by tritium

Topics Discussed

--- Log opened Tue May 25 20:05:51 2010
20:05 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-05-25.txt opened
20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinchm=layla
20:08 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Hi, deinerson1.
20:08 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> tritium: good evening :)
20:08 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> so how did the gun show go ?
20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> gun show went very well: gove out over 100 9.10 cd's, talked with around 1000 people about FOSS ideas
20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> oops, gave out...
20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> and the TUX penguin cutouts were very popular - I think we went through about 50
20:11 -!- kenneth [~quassel@c-174-50-72-184.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> kenneth_ and rlopez12 are excellent FOSS advocates
20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < woowoo> hi guys.  mnep is cooking dinner but asked me to tell you that Friday, June 4 for the release party is good with us.
20:16 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Thanks, woowoo!
20:17 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I'm guessing protonchris is with his in-laws this evening.  Unless anyone objects, we'll go with the 6/4 date.
20:18 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> Good for me.
20:19 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Excellent.  Well, I can't stay late tonight.  I'm sorry.  I believe that covers teh agenda items.  I'll be in touch soon.
20:19 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm]
20:19 [@ChanServ    ] [ deinerson1] [ locobot_4] [ nick125    ] [ tritium] 
20:19 [ bfinch      ] [ kenneth   ] [ lubotu1  ] [ protonchris] [ woowoo ] 
20:19 [ ColonelPanik] [ layla     ] [ mneptok  ] [ smooge_afk ] 
20:19 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 14 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 13 normal]
20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Good night!
20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> good night tritium
20:21 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> i made up a usb stick
20:21 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> cds are cheaper to give out
20:21 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> Here's next weeks agenda - feel free to add items: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/June_1_2010
20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> What do we need for the PARTY?
20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> And here's the release party page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Lucid_Release_Party_2010
20:29 -!- bfinch [~bfinch@c-174-50-77-142.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:29 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinch is tsill here
20:29 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> (me)
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> what is the agenda at the party ?
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> well, not to speak for the crowd, but likely food, fun, sharing about life and ubuntu
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> time to go//// thanks for all the help guys.....
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> good night layla
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> and thnxs for the info on the party
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinch !!
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinch is stl here
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinch is still here
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> bfinch=layla
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> anyways.... ttfn
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < layla> . .
20:34 -!- layla [~layla@c-174-50-77-142.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:41 -!- You have been marked as being away
20:52 -!- You are no longer marked as being away
20:52 -!- Irssi: No new messages in awaylog
21:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> good night all
--- Log closed Tue May 25 21:01:35 2010

NewMexicoTeam/May_25_2010 (last edited 2010-05-26 03:02:43 by c-76-18-65-160)