
Differences between revisions 13 and 14
Revision 13 as of 2007-09-27 05:25:07
Size: 4753
Editor: c-71-56-103-64
Revision 14 as of 2007-09-27 05:42:29
Size: 4243
Editor: c-71-56-103-64
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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The bulk of my work has been the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. I tend to write big portions of the "In The News" and "In The Blogosphere" sections and whatever else Corey Burger and Martin Albisetti need done. I am an Ubuntu member.
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As for the future, I plan on continuing to work on the UWN and advocating the use of Ubuntu through the Georgia US Team and getting it approved. Recently, I've joined the Lo``Co Webhosting team and hopefully Lo``Cos will have their hosting needs met quicker. The bulk of my work has been the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. I tend to write big portions of the "In The News" and "In The Blogosphere" sections and whatever else Corey Burger and Martin Albisetti need done. I am also part of the Lo``Co Webhosting team.

As for the future, I plan on continuing to work on the UWN and advocating the use of Ubuntu through the Georgia US Team and getting it approved.

== Contributions To The Ubuntu Community ==

 {*} Ubuntu member

 {*} Member of [ Ubuntu Marketing Team]

 {*} Member of [ LoCo Hosting Admin]

 {*} Member of [ Launchpad Beta Testers]

 {*} Member of [ Ubuntu LoCo Enthusiasts]
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 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue33]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue34]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue35]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue36]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue37]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue38]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue39]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue40]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue42]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue43]

 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue44]
 {*} [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32] present.
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== Contributions To The Ubuntu Community ==

 {*} Member of [ Ubuntu Marketing Team]

 {*} Member of [ LoCo Hosting Admin]

 {*} Member of [ Launchpad Beta Testers]

 {*} Member of [ Ubuntu LoCo Enthusiasts]

My Contact Info

About Me

I'm a software developer living in Atlanta, Georgia. I've been using Linux on and off for about 10 years. My first attempt was in college with Red Hat 4.2. Since then, I've installed and used Slackware, Gentoo, Debian, tried a couple of the BSDs (FreeBSD and OpenBSD), as well as Solaris on x86. As of recent, I've been using Ubuntu full-time since Breezy.

I started getting active in the Ubuntu community at the beginning of this year. I was officially the second person to join up with the [:GeorgiaUSTeam:Georgia US Team] and am helping it grow and working to make it an approved LoCo.

I am an Ubuntu member.

The bulk of my work has been the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. I tend to write big portions of the "In The News" and "In The Blogosphere" sections and whatever else Corey Burger and Martin Albisetti need done. I am also part of the LoCo Webhosting team.

As for the future, I plan on continuing to work on the UWN and advocating the use of Ubuntu through the Georgia US Team and getting it approved.

Contributions To The Ubuntu Community

Marketing Team Contributions

  • Ubuntu [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32] present.

Other Wiki Contributions

Georgia Team stuff

  • Ubuntu Coordinator for everything related to [:GeorgiaUSTeam:Georgia LoCo Team] and helping it get off the ground.

    Ubuntu Run most of the weekly IRC [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings:meetings] and post summaries and logs.

    Ubuntu Moderator for the [ Georgia Team Sub-Forum].

Some of my Georgia Team Wiki Contributions

  • Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007March25]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007April01]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007April08]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007April15]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007April22]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007April29]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007May06]

    Ubuntu [:GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/2007May13]

Goals For The Georgia LoCo Team In 2007

  • Ubuntu Help the team grow in technical ability and size.

    Ubuntu Become an Approved LoCo team.

    Ubuntu Get to a point as a team were we will be able to mentor other LoCo teams.

Bugs Submitted


  • MartinAlbisetti: Nick has been a key contributor in UWN for months, and worked very hard and consistently. He has my full support!


NickAli (last edited 2013-03-09 09:07:16 by c-71-56-97-39)