IRC logs from the meeting on October 06, 2009

Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-us-nc
[18:01:11] <_marx_> Hi anybody out there...?
[18:01:59] <BugeyeD> o/
[18:02:11] <gchick> 'lo
[18:05:56] <_marx_> beautiful day here
[18:06:27] <_marx_> i wonder if we'll get anyone from the webchat link
[18:09:05] <BugeyeD> _marx_: got ahold of a (big) handful of 400-800Mhz machines, 256-512MB ram, 4GB hdd. wondering how useful they could be. planning qimo on a few. not sure about the rest.
[18:10:43] <_marx_> thin client candidates
[18:11:20] <_marx_> might be suitable for a basic training class?
[18:15:03] <_marx_> okay 4
[18:15:23] * BugeyeD just saw an ad for 'V' on abc ... is this the same thing i remember from the 80's?
[18:15:23] <_marx_> [TOPIC]release party reports
[18:16:20] <_marx_> we didn't have one in winston
[18:16:27] <_marx_> not sure BugeyeD
[18:17:26] <BugeyeD> the wife was out of town, i had the kids. i put them to bed and had a "party of one" ...
[18:18:16] <BugeyeD> i installed nbr onto my pre-netbook-era netbook (tiny sony vaio). the install went fine and it looks nice, but the mouse does not operate the launcher. the keyboard does, but the keyboard mapping is screwed.
[18:18:24] <BugeyeD> not a very fun party.
[18:18:37] <BugeyeD> i heard others here in this channel have pictures from their parties on facebook
[18:19:13] <_marx_> i upgraded on the 26th
[18:19:58] <akgraner> sorry I am late...internet issues
[18:20:10] <_marx_> gchick: where are you? i'm in winston
[18:20:39] <gchick> I'm in Durham (oh, and I failed to say hello properly earlier, as it's my first meeting here)
[18:20:51] <akgraner> nameiner, has his the Raleigh party pics on FB
[18:21:10] * _marx_ can't add FB to qwibber
[18:21:25] <akgraner> and I haven't uploaded the London ones yet...
[18:21:49] <_marx_> so how was London?!
[18:22:13] <_marx_> i hear they talk funny over there :))
[18:22:15] <akgraner> was a great, energetic, and awesome release
[18:22:37] <akgraner> people from all over Europe showed up
[18:22:59] <akgraner> not sure how many people showed up but there was standing room only
[18:23:03] <Nivex> gchick: Greetings from Carrboro
[18:23:26] <BugeyeD> gchick: greetings from winston-salem
[18:23:45] <akgraner> gchick, glad to have you in the channel and the meeting tonight...
[18:24:03] <gchick> thanks all! And good to meet you.
[18:24:33] <akgraner> Nivex, you and lovelace were at the Raleigh party right how was it?
[18:24:48] <akgraner> sorry I missed it...
[18:26:22] <Nivex> akgraner: aye. 'Twas fun.
[18:28:54] <_marx_> moving on...
[18:29:20] <_marx_> [TOPIC]steps to officialdom
[18:30:42] <_marx_> +2 to anyone who can find a pyle to sarge shame, shame, shame clip
[18:30:47] <_marx_> sorry off topic
[18:31:22] <akgraner> we need to document what we are doing..
[18:31:30] <_marx_> i believe all we lack is a better roadmap
[18:31:36] <_marx_> ah,
[18:31:41] * _marx_ typing slow
[18:32:00] <akgraner> I would suggest taking a look at the approved Loco teams roadmaps
[18:32:31] <akgraner> also, sorry I have been a bit lax on the monthy reports
[18:33:03] <akgraner> they are due the 22nd of each month.. and I haven't been checking up with people throughout the month
[18:33:28] * _marx_ caught jono's session in ubuntu-classroom
[18:33:38] * akgraner notes to create a checklist for things todo throughout the month
[18:34:06] <akgraner> Jono always has great sessions on how to get involved with you LoCo Team
[18:34:11] <akgraner> the logs should be up soon
[18:34:35] <akgraner> _marx_, what ideas did you take away from it
[18:35:47] <_marx_> need for projects with roadmaps
[18:36:09] <gchick> logs are here, for reference:
[18:36:13] <_marx_> more than that but that's one shorty
[18:37:40] <_marx_> also using launchpad to host a roadmap
[18:37:45] <akgraner> I can add a wiki for us to Brainstorm projects
[18:38:01] <akgraner> yeah they just added all that to LP..
[18:38:11] <akgraner> if I recall correctly
[18:38:20] <akgraner> Grantbow, ping
[18:38:43] <akgraner> There will be some sessions at UDS about LoCo teams and Using LP
[18:38:53] <_marx_> blueprints, not roadmaps
[18:39:22] <_marx_>
[18:39:23] <akgraner> gotcha
[18:40:13] <akgraner> yeppers I am learning how blueprints work and how to create them
[18:40:58] <_marx_> 66 LP members, 70 FB group members
[18:40:58] <akgraner> but anyone who wants to learn how to do them is good
[18:41:46] <akgraner> but we have to remember to keep things simple..
[18:43:03] <akgraner> and easy for everyone to participate in..
[18:43:04] <akgraner> any thoughts
[18:43:11] <akgraner> on where to begin
[18:43:32] <akgraner> and what things to tackle 1st
[18:44:19] <akgraner> and reach out to people on FB,, twitter, blogs, mailing lists, forums. and IRC...
[18:44:47] <akgraner> not everyone who uses Ubuntu Likes IRC, Mailing lists and forums.... so we have to capture people through all forms of social media and stuff
[18:48:21] <_marx_> right i was thing roadmap/blueprint steps to officialdom
[18:49:24] <akgraner>
[18:49:32] <akgraner> I set that up a while ago
[18:49:40] <akgraner> we just need to add to it
[18:49:49] <_marx_> yeah i was just looking at that page
[18:52:21] <akgraner> do we want a brainstorm wiki for ideas
[18:52:42] <_marx_> yeah maybe so
[18:52:57] <jfrorie> hola, compadres
[18:52:59] <jfrorie> :)
[18:53:10] <akgraner> I can add one tonight and mail it to the list
[18:53:15] <akgraner> forums
[18:53:17] <akgraner> facebook
[18:53:32] <akgraner> oh and do we have an and twitter group for our team
[18:54:05] <_marx_> yes
[18:55:09] <_marx_> no sorry it's orkut
[18:55:57] <_marx_> sinbot date
[18:56:19] <_marx_> hum thought he'd give the time
[18:56:21] <akgraner> want me to get those set up as well or does someone else want to set them up?
[18:56:38] <_marx_> have at it
[18:56:46] <_marx_> i'll get on FB in a bit
[18:57:22] <_marx_> can't get gwibber setup for FB...something to do tomorrow
[18:57:40] <_marx_> howdy dsmithnc_
[18:58:01] <dsmithnc_> hello, sorry to be so late
[18:58:28] <nameiner> sorry for being late, got sucked into making ice cream
[18:58:32] <_marx_> dsmithnc_: i think you are the first to join a meeting via the webchat link
[18:59:15] <dsmithnc_> that's 'cuz I couldn't remember my id on the irc client. It's upstairs and I'm on laptop in living room
[19:00:37] <akgraner> so brainstorm wiki, and twitter groups...
[19:00:58] <akgraner> anyone wanna learn how to do the monthly reports.. just in case I get hit by a bus
[19:01:03] <akgraner> it's just a wiki
[19:01:10] <_marx_> [ACTION]akgraner setup brainstorm wiki
[19:01:33] * _marx_ lol
[19:02:16] <akgraner> I can teach people next week (this week is open week) just let me know who wants to know..and I can see if -classroom is available or we can do have it in here
[19:02:33] <dsmithnc_> I'd be willing to learn
[19:03:04] <_marx_> [TOPIC]open
[19:03:16] <akgraner> I will send a doodle poll to the list and see what times are good for people..
[19:03:23] <_marx_> akgraner: teach what?
[19:03:43] <akgraner> how to do monthly reports and basic LoCo wiki needs
[19:04:07] <akgraner> so we have a bunch of people that can cover for each other
[19:05:18] <_marx_> xclnt
[19:07:20] <_marx_> i've been talking with a small group of people about beginner level computer classes based on linux
[19:07:36] <akgraner> oh that sounds fun!
[19:07:44] <gchick> classes=school, or something informal/community based? either way, kewl!
[19:07:47] <_marx_> modeled after the free classes available at local libraries
[19:08:52] <_marx_> one of the people in that small group works for the w-s/fc library and has taught the ms based beginner classes
[19:09:06] <_marx_> so finally a good contact in that area at least
[19:09:16] <dsmithnc_> where are the classes going to take place, if you do it/
[19:10:06] <_marx_> dsmithnc_: that is problem #1, library pc's would need to use live cd's and usb drives
[19:10:41] <_marx_> adding a complication that beginners don't really need
[19:10:43] <dsmithnc_> Yep, I don't feature them wanted to put in dual-boot pc's.
[19:11:09] <dsmithnc_> getting my fingers tangled tonite....wanted/wanting
[19:12:23] <_marx_> another possibility is a server, have the library clients livecd boot to a thin client server
[19:12:50] <_marx_> or usb boot if the hardware is capable
[19:13:44] <dsmithnc_> any possiblity of a community college buying in? Usually they are always on the lookout for new programs to offer, especially in continuing ed.
[19:14:48] <_marx_> dsmithnc_: it's a leap; they don't offer many free classes
[19:15:14] <_marx_> well maybe not such a leap but i've not been able to find the right person at fctcc
[19:15:18] <_marx_> or ftcc
[19:15:23] <dsmithnc_> no, that's true. my experience was generally with "older" adults!! :)
[19:16:39] <_marx_> wake forest was a good host to piedmont linux users group for years
[19:17:35] <dsmithnc_> unca used to have a pretty active linux group...but I lost track of them
[19:18:01] <_marx_> dsmithnc_: where are you, or did you say and i missed it?
[19:18:30] <dsmithnc_> Nope, I didn't say...15 miles south of Asheville in Fletcher, NC
[19:18:40] <_marx_> oh geez
[19:18:48] <_marx_> holstein: ping
[19:18:58] <_marx_> he's in swananoa
[19:19:09] * _marx_ used to live in h'ville
[19:19:27] <dsmithnc_> we're about the same miles from Hooterville, right in the middle
[19:19:38] <dsmithnc_> about a mile or so from the airport
[19:20:14] <_marx_> dammitman, Hooterville, we called it that when i lived there
[19:20:24] <dsmithnc_> still true!
[19:24:06] <akgraner_> oh this connection tonight...just stinks
[19:24:25] <_marx_> akgraner: the joys of country living?
[19:26:08] <_marx_> next meeting in two weeks
[19:26:17] <akgraner_> I will try to make it..
[19:26:28] <akgraner_> but not looking to good atm
[19:26:57] <akgraner_> UDS is that week..
[19:27:08] <_marx_> check out open week on ubuntu-classroom and seeks url
[19:27:30] <_marx_>
[19:27:56] <_marx_> there's been some good stuff in there
[19:28:07] <akgraner_> the "Ask Mark" Session has been moved to Friday just an FYI
[19:28:40] <akgraner_> it was supposed to be tomorrow morning but some last minute stuff came up so it had to be moved to Friday at 1700 UTC
[19:28:41] <_marx_> 17:00 utc
[19:29:06] * _marx_ continues to lag :)
[19:29:47] <BugeyeD> but you can ask _marx_ just about any time, no need to wait
[19:29:51] <akgraner_> _marx_, :-) you are fine.. I just need to put the caffeine down
[19:30:32] <_marx_> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.

NorthCarolinaTeam/Meeting/2009-10-06/Log (last edited 2009-11-18 19:20:21 by cpe-066-026-085-020)