- We met at 7pm on IRC channel #ubuntu-us-nc
To join the meeting without setting up an IRC client click here
- BugeyeD
- _marx_
- jcg
- internalkernel
- akgraner
- jfrorie1
- alinuxfan
- JFo
- holstein
- magedragon25
- Welcome and attendance
- Ubuntu Advocacy
- The month in review:
- individual advocacy - What are you doing to get the word out?
- Team advocacy - What is the team doing to get the word out?
- Upcoming opportunities
- The month in review:
- Governance and leadership
- LoCo/Community Governance requirements for Leadership of Loco teams
- Review the leadership wiki (to be updated with a link once that is created)
- Roles and responsibilities (adjust and edit as necessary)
- Nominations for 4 overall positions
- Review feedback on mailing list and forums regarding this motion
- Projects
Outreach to rural areas see MD Tour
- New projects begun since last meeting
- New project ideas
Update on the status of remaining items keeping us from being an "official" LoCo team.
See Getting Approved for details
- Status of action items in progress to meet the requirements
- Next Meeting Information
- Selection of Chair and meeting date
- Amber to report on meeting time and date poll
- Ubuntu Advocacy
Action Items
19:27:11 ACTION _marx_ marx to propose new meeting day and time to mailing list
1 Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-us-nc
2 [18:00:56] <BugeyeD> def in a rut
3 [18:01:14] <_marx_> Hi Folks
4 [18:01:24] <BugeyeD> o/
5 [18:01:43] <BugeyeD> o>
6 [18:01:43] <jcg> p/
7 [18:01:49] <jcg> o/
8 [18:02:07] <_marx_> yep a quick roll call, who all is here for the team meeting?
9 [18:02:22] * BugeyeD is present and accounted for
10 [18:02:32] <internalkernel> o/
11 [18:02:37] <jcg> present for mtg
12 [18:03:14] <_marx_> akgraner, do you have another meeting at 8?
13 [18:03:31] <akgraner> yep
14 [18:03:35] <akgraner> and at 9
15 [18:03:46] <akgraner> 0/
16 [18:03:52] <_marx_> ok i'm reboot the agenda then
17 [18:04:16] <_marx_> [topic] akgraner poll on meeting date and time
18 [18:04:42] <akgraner> Tuesdays 7pm 80%
19 [18:05:06] <akgraner> but that just means 8 out of 10 :-)
20 [18:05:16] <jcg> bummer
21 [18:06:29] <_marx_> [vote]Keep meeting day and time the same for 6 months
22 [18:06:53] <_marx_> +1
23 [18:06:56] <jcg> -1
24 [18:06:59] <akgraner> +1
25 [18:07:03] <BugeyeD> -1
26 [18:07:04] <internalkernel> +1
27 [18:07:19] <BugeyeD> wow, real math :)
28 [18:07:42] * akgraner huggles mootbot
29 [18:07:43] <internalkernel> ha I was the deciding vote...
30 [18:07:45] <internalkernel> lol
31 [18:08:09] <_marx_> well i'll hold the vote open for awhile yet for late arrivers
32 [18:10:07] <_marx_> [topic] advocacy reports
33 [18:10:43] <_marx_> hum well that was interesting i didn't close the vote changing the topic must have
34 [18:10:46] <akgraner> Speaking at SCaLE - WIOS event and Ubucon this month
35 [18:11:08] <akgraner> ooh I didn't know mootbot would do that
36 [18:11:18] <internalkernel> nother lug event on Saturday
37 [18:11:20] <akgraner> concur that is interesting
38 [18:11:47] * BugeyeD talked to another business owner about recycling old hardware, replacing "that other os" with 'nix
39 [18:11:52] <_marx_> another ubuntuhour in winston on the 13th
40 [18:12:03] <BugeyeD> friday?
41 [18:12:21] <_marx_> lol @ BugeyeD no Saturday
42 [18:12:37] <BugeyeD> good, not as scary. same place
43 [18:12:39] <BugeyeD> ?
44 [18:12:45] <_marx_> yes same place
45 [18:12:59] * BugeyeD marks that on his calendar ...
46 [18:13:28] <_marx_> BugeyeD, i'll twist helen's arm to attend
47 [18:13:58] <BugeyeD> i'll hit her up too
48 [18:14:35] <_marx_> jcg, how's the 13th look for you?
49 [18:15:15] <jcg> I think it will work, but there is a chance the trip I was supposed to be on today could get rescheduled
50 [18:16:38] <_marx_> anything else on advocacy?
51 [18:17:31] <_marx_> [topic]Governance and leadership
52 [18:17:52] <_marx_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/council
53 [18:18:28] <_marx_> in particular the advocacy section
54 [18:18:56] <internalkernel> yeah, we need to find volunteers/nominees for advocacy and team lead
55 [18:19:05] <_marx_> to me this could or should include the advocacy we were just talking about
56 [18:19:46] <internalkernel> agreed, do we have any ideas for nomination?
57 [18:19:52] <jcg> I'd like to be involved in the advocacy thing but not sure I'm knowledgeable enough with Ubuntu to lead
58 [18:20:11] <internalkernel> I think it's more about motivation to organize. :)
59 [18:20:30] <BugeyeD> i was under the impression that bueller had that job
60 [18:20:45] <akgraner> yeah where is bueller
61 [18:20:53] <internalkernel> he does... bueller is filling in a lot of roles...
62 [18:21:04] <internalkernel> he's like our duct tape
63 [18:21:07] <_marx_> i think he has the day off
64 [18:21:15] <BugeyeD> heh
65 [18:22:02] <_marx_> jcg, i agree w/what internalkernel said a lot is motivation and learning as you go
66 [18:22:08] * BugeyeD definitely doesn't have the time for the advocacy lead role
67 [18:22:34] <BugeyeD> i like team lead because it's basically defined as fill-in
68 [18:22:44] <internalkernel> lmao
69 [18:23:11] <BugeyeD> you're gonna need that to sit down later ...
70 [18:23:16] <jcg> Since I'm not really sure of what would be demanded, I can't assure success. But, if you think you want to take a chance on me, I'm game
71 [18:23:22] <akgraner> Ok so I can help - but
72 [18:23:31] <BugeyeD> the definition of team lead is basically fill-in, according to the afore-mentioned page
73 [18:23:35] <akgraner> the next 5 months are going to be crazy for me
74 [18:23:45] <internalkernel> as far as advocacy goes, Im sure akgraner would help anyone stepping into the position
75 [18:23:53] * _marx_ can help on advocacy too
76 [18:23:56] <internalkernel> my typing is slow
77 [18:24:08] <_marx_> hi jfrorie1
78 [18:24:14] <BugeyeD> internalkernel: is that all?
79 [18:24:18] <BugeyeD> jfrorie1: sup
80 [18:24:19] <jfrorie1> sup
81 [18:24:19] <internalkernel> Im just not local enough to take it on... I spend to much time on the road
82 [18:24:41] <jcg> I'd like to be on the road
83 [18:24:49] <internalkernel> no... no... its not that fun
84 [18:24:54] <BugeyeD> internalkernel: so your car is slow too?
85 [18:25:01] <jcg> better than being in a ditch!
86 [18:25:17] <internalkernel> BugeyeD: everything seems to run a little slower around you...
87 [18:25:35] <_marx_> so jcg you're willing to be team lead on advocacy w/helpers?
88 [18:25:36] <BugeyeD> akgraner is a go-getter. i probably *could be* if my work schedule permitted, which it does not at this time.
89 [18:25:49] <BugeyeD> advocacy interests me, just doesn't fit right now.
90 [18:25:58] <jcg> help and guidance, yes
91 [18:26:13] <akgraner> jcg, how about this - I shawdow you for a few months
92 [18:26:21] <internalkernel> shawdow
93 [18:26:26] <_marx_> ok, very good, i think we can supply help and guidance
94 [18:26:28] <jcg> Works for me, akgraner
95 [18:26:31] <internalkernel> yes he needs a shawdow
96 [18:26:36] <BugeyeD> :)
97 [18:27:16] <internalkernel> ok... so we have an advocacy person...
98 [18:27:23] <internalkernel> what about documentation... team lead?
99 [18:27:36] <internalkernel> I know BugeyeD wants team lead, because he gets to fill in...
100 [18:27:47] <internalkernel> apparently there's a fascination there...
101 [18:28:26] <BugeyeD> but team lead is probably exclusive to the other positions ... and i'm really holding out for the cynic role.
102 [18:29:07] * akgraner looks for namier
103 [18:29:15] <internalkernel> cynic/sarcasm... yeah that's one that we need to fill still
104 [18:29:29] <internalkernel> I go for aggressive shaming... that's kinda my bread and butter
105 [18:29:31] <BugeyeD> yeah, it's like a vacuum in here
106 [18:29:33] <_marx_> unofficial positions
107 [18:30:03] * _marx_ will add himself to doc team
108 [18:30:06] <BugeyeD> well if nobody else wants it, i'll go for the documentation lead. still not exactly sure what that will entail.
109 [18:30:22] <BugeyeD> or _marx_ can have it. :)
110 [18:30:41] <internalkernel> Ill back you up on it, I think mostly. the wikis are in need of a major overhaul
111 [18:30:47] * _marx_ likes moderator as it seems the easiest
112 [18:31:00] * BugeyeD thinks _marx_ has done a good job as moderator
113 [18:31:02] <internalkernel> just mostly organization and restructuring of content
114 [18:31:17] <internalkernel> hey BugeyeD, you got something on your nose...
115 [18:31:22] <akgraner> There are some teams with some awesome wikis
116 [18:32:49] <BugeyeD> i write documentation daily on moinmoin, but some folks have wikis that look more like paid designed sites
117 [18:33:06] <jcg> All the ubuntu wikis I've read seem to be difficult to follow and understand. So far, I'm not so impressed with the documentation I've seen
118 [18:33:15] <BugeyeD> i think they use embedded html/css stuff, but haven't looked into it because it doesn't help my documentation
119 [18:33:51] <akgraner> check out this one http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/
120 [18:33:55] <BugeyeD> akgraner: specific links? suggestions for outlining our own?
121 [18:34:06] <_marx_> well doc team lead should just make sure the work conforms to some standard
122 [18:34:09] <BugeyeD> well of course you'd bring *that* one up
123 [18:34:09] <jcg> will do, akgraner
124 [18:34:28] <akgraner> oh FL has awesome ones
125 [18:34:33] <BugeyeD> oh my, nice new ubuntu logo
126 [18:34:52] <_marx_> jcg, i'd like to see some examples of what you mentioned after the meeting
127 [18:34:53] <akgraner> Of course
128 [18:34:55] <internalkernel> _marx_: yes that as well, there are ubuntu style guides that we need to follow...
129 [18:35:07] <internalkernel> and making it all intuitive as far as finding information for newbies
130 [18:35:19] <BugeyeD> ick, the uw page is one ugly (from a markup standpoint) table
131 [18:35:28] <akgraner> the headers are what most teams are using
132 [18:35:36] <akgraner> makes it easier to navigate
133 [18:36:20] <jcg> header as in across the top or as in html header?
134 [18:36:31] <akgraner> across the top
135 [18:37:08] <akgraner> here's FL LoCo teams https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam
136 [18:37:24] <akgraner> so you can always get back to where you were
137 [18:37:39] <akgraner> wiki's aren't know for being the easiest things to navigate
138 [18:37:40] <_marx_> summation on this topic...
139 [18:38:37] <_marx_> hey alinuxfan
140 [18:38:38] * alinuxfan is here
141 [18:38:44] <alinuxfan> hey _marx_
142 [18:39:05] <BugeyeD> wikis are great for navigation; you just have to create smart content.
143 [18:39:19] <BugeyeD> lots of disconnected pages are hard to navigate in any system
144 [18:39:23] <_marx_> jcg, advocacy lead w/shadow by akgraner help by /me
145 [18:40:03] <_marx_> BugeyeD, documentation lead w/helpers
146 [18:40:35] * _marx_ moderator
147 [18:40:42] <_marx_> team lead open
148 [18:41:10] <internalkernel> you can add me to the documentation helpers
149 [18:41:29] <_marx_> internalkernel, noted
150 [18:41:48] <alinuxfan> documentation involve the wikis and keeping pages up to do, or what?
151 [18:41:56] <internalkernel> yes
152 [18:42:08] <internalkernel> Ill nominate akgraner for team lead...
153 [18:42:10] <internalkernel> :)
154 [18:42:25] <internalkernel> she is the contact for the loco as it is..
155 [18:42:37] <alinuxfan> i've never done much with wikis but I would be willing to help
156 [18:42:42] <jfrorie1> seconded
157 [18:42:47] <jcg> seems like a good fit to me
158 [18:43:44] <akgraner> any objections?
159 [18:44:25] <akgraner> as long as you all are the supporting structure
160 [18:44:35] <akgraner> then I don't mind
161 [18:44:47] <BugeyeD> i object to anyone who objects
162 [18:44:48] <internalkernel> yes... works for me...
163 [18:44:56] <_marx_> sounds good
164 [18:45:00] <internalkernel> I object to your non-objection
165 [18:45:08] <internalkernel> bring it... sissy girl
166 [18:45:21] <BugeyeD> w0w
167 [18:45:30] * _marx_ ducks
168 [18:45:48] * jcg is lost
169 [18:45:49] <akgraner> so do we have these positions defines somewhere?
170 [18:46:05] <BugeyeD> i think akgraner has proven worthy of team lead long ago
171 [18:46:23] <internalkernel> totally... and yes on the council page of the wiki...
172 [18:46:28] <_marx_> akgraner, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/council
173 [18:46:34] <internalkernel> we just need to fill out the new positions and then call for a vote eventually...
174 [18:46:34] <BugeyeD> jcg: don't worry, most if not all of what you don't understand is probably just a few of us goofing off, etc.
175 [18:46:38] <akgraner> :-)
176 [18:46:54] <akgraner> there is nameiner
177 [18:47:00] <akgraner> after we talk about wiki's
178 [18:47:00] <BugeyeD> ah-hah!
179 [18:47:42] <_marx_> yeah and time for a topic change as I'd like to get these into an hour instead of 1.5
180 [18:47:58] <akgraner> +1 _marx_
181 [18:48:17] <_marx_> [topic]Projects
182 [18:48:26] <BugeyeD> +1 _marx_
183 [18:49:52] <_marx_> under new project ideas global jam events across the state
184 [18:50:21] <jcg> give me a link to global jams, pls
185 [18:50:24] <akgraner> woot woot
186 [18:50:35] <jcg> what are they, etc?
187 [18:50:48] <akgraner> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
188 [18:50:54] <jcg> thanks
189 [18:51:01] <akgraner> jcg, anything you can think related to ubuntu
190 [18:51:13] <akgraner> doc jams
191 [18:51:15] <_marx_> ah you beat me to it!
192 [18:51:20] <akgraner> bug jams
193 [18:51:38] <akgraner> saves links in tomboy :-)
194 [18:51:38] <JFo> +1 for bug jams
195 [18:51:38] <_marx_> jcg, location for our area has been a problem for me in the past
196 [18:51:54] <akgraner> JFo, figures you would say that
197 [18:52:00] <JFo> :-)
198 [18:52:07] * JFo goes back to work
199 [18:52:23] <akgraner> jcg, where in NC are located?
200 [18:52:58] <jcg> Walkertown, 9 mi NE of Winston
201 [18:53:25] <_marx_> jcg, SE no?
202 [18:53:44] <jcg> Come to Durham about once a month, akgraner
203 [18:53:55] <akgraner> ahh so you, _marx_ and BugeyeD are all in the same area
204 [18:54:05] <jcg> _marx_, no, I think it's NE
205 [18:54:36] <jcg> cannot recall where BugeyeD is
206 [18:54:45] * _marx_ needs maps
207 [18:55:04] * jcg agrees with _marx_
208 [18:55:14] <BugeyeD> jcg: i live in welcome, work in winston during the day.
209 [18:55:39] <jcg> OK, Welcome is SE of Winston, right?
210 [18:55:46] <alinuxfan> I am not opposed to traveling to W-S...but that is about my limit...the Triangle is much better for me
211 [18:55:58] <BugeyeD> seems during the first winston ubuntu hour, everyone came to winston and jfo sat by himself squashing bugs.
212 [18:56:19] <BugeyeD> while the rest of us played with penguin stickers and drank coffee.
213 [18:56:26] <JFo> hah, yeah sorry about that
214 [18:56:28] <BugeyeD> jcg: yup
215 [18:56:31] <JFo> <-antisocial
216 [18:56:41] <JFo> :)
217 [18:56:48] * jcg wants a tux sticker
218 [18:56:52] <BugeyeD> JFo: no worries, i liked you better on the other side of the room anyway :)
219 [18:56:57] <JFo> hahahahaha
220 [18:57:12] <akgraner> BugeyeD, we all like him better on the other side of the room ;-/
221 [18:57:28] <alinuxfan> JFo and I had a long convo...sorry bout that
222 [18:57:33] <akgraner> JFo, just sayin'
223 [18:57:36] <JFo> heh
224 [18:57:44] <JFo> yeah, I know
225 [18:57:49] <JFo> payback akgraner
226 [18:57:53] <JFo> s'all I'm sayin
227 [18:57:56] <JFo> :)
228 [18:58:03] <jcg> _marx_ are we doing/planning anything like the MD Tour?
229 [18:58:26] <BugeyeD> i drove to carrboro for my first bug jam awhile back. it was cool to meet so many folks. i'm up for the tour if i can make it fit my schedule.
230 [18:58:33] <_marx_> jcg, we talked about it a little in the last meeting
231 [18:58:58] <jcg> I read the meeting log ...
232 [18:59:10] <BugeyeD> i even got to meet bac
233 [18:59:17] <jcg> wondering if anything was planned or in concrete
234 [18:59:19] <_marx_> jcg, one thing on that is getting in somewhere in one of the more rural areas
235 [18:59:38] <BugeyeD> i still don't have a clue how to promote that kind of thing
236 [18:59:42] <_marx_> jcg, not for anything like the MD tour
237 [19:00:05] <holstein> anybody dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu?
238 [19:00:10] <_marx_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/BrainstormIdeas
239 [19:00:11] <jcg> Understand... but working with public libraries or schools might be a start
240 [19:00:54] <_marx_> holstein, i have a presentation on that from another team member who is not here tonight
241 [19:01:08] <holstein> cool
242 [19:01:10] <jcg> Schools in NC usually have a Career & Technical Ed dept that we might be able to coordinate with
243 [19:01:19] <_marx_> holstein, sorry not on dual booting on the diffs though
244 [19:01:35] * holstein just realized i walked in on a meeting :)
245 [19:01:51] <akgraner> _marx_, who is the co-presenter?
246 [19:01:56] <holstein> we dont have internet at the house yet, and im soaking it up while im out
247 [19:03:47] <_marx_> akgraner, the presentation i referred to just now was sent to me from magedragon25
248 [19:04:02] <akgraner> ahh
249 [19:04:11] <magedragon25> sorry i am late
250 [19:04:57] <_marx_> you're good i'll post logs to the mailing list in the am
251 [19:05:03] <magedragon25> ok
252 [19:05:26] <jcg> maybe we should move on down the agenda?
253 [19:06:13] <_marx_> projects...find locations of global jams continue looking at a rural tour plan
254 [19:06:30] <_marx_> [topic] team approval
255 [19:06:50] <_marx_> much progress on this tonight
256 [19:07:18] <akgraner> any objections to me inviting a LoCo council person to review things so they can see what gaps we still have?
257 [19:07:29] <akgraner> oh nm dantalizing is in here
258 [19:07:32] <_marx_> with positions filled as per internalkernel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/council wiki post
259 [19:07:38] <jcg> think that would be a great idea
260 [19:07:49] <magedragon25> i agree
261 [19:07:57] <internalkernel> yes
262 [19:07:59] <_marx_> me too
263 [19:08:17] <_marx_> wiki work is likely one, but i'm guessing
264 [19:09:53] <_marx_> okay we now have more people paying attention so a re-vote on meeting day and time?
265 [19:10:04] <jcg> but wikis should resolve fairly quickly now with a doc lead and helpers identified, right?
266 [19:10:19] <internalkernel> +1
267 [19:10:20] <_marx_> jcg, i hope so
268 [19:10:42] <alinuxfan> akgraner, did you get any results from your poll of times and days?
269 [19:10:51] <akgraner> dantalizing, is our fearless mentor - I'll pelt on him later :-)
270 [19:11:23] <_marx_> Tuesdays 7pm 80%
271 [19:11:23] <_marx_> but that just means 8 out of 10 :-)
272 [19:12:09] <alinuxfan> haha, i was one of the other two :p
273 [19:12:19] <BugeyeD> me too
274 [19:12:27] <jcg> I was the other one
275 [19:12:37] <BugeyeD> uh-oh
276 [19:12:41] <_marx_> so my earlier vote was to keep the meeting date and time the same for six months
277 [19:12:55] <jcg> if we three voted no to Tue then why only two?
278 [19:13:22] <magedragon25> i like anything but m-w b/c of college in the evening
279 [19:13:23] <BugeyeD> someone needs to update their math library
280 [19:14:17] <jcg> almost every mtg I have is on Tue
281 [19:14:35] <akgraner> yeah I am in 3 right now
282 [19:14:36] <_marx_> ah so a day issue for jcg
283 [19:15:09] <magedragon25> me too.....the time is fine
284 [19:15:23] <jcg> time is no prob for me ... just dow
285 [19:15:34] <_marx_> BugeyeD, day as well or time?
286 [19:15:45] <jfrorie1> tues is fine for me
287 [19:15:47] <alinuxfan> the time is bad for me, but I can be in and out until 7:30ish like i was tonight (only i fogot i wasnt signed into xchat tonight)
288 [19:16:42] <BugeyeD> 1st/3rd tuesdays are scout nights, i'm better those nights after 8pm.
289 [19:17:24] <akgraner> I like lovelace and Nivex mentioned needing later times as well
290 [19:17:37] <akgraner> s/like/think
291 [19:17:38] <sinBot> I think lovelace and Nivex mentioned needing later times as well
292 [19:17:54] <_marx_> well now i'm remembering i didn't change the topic and maybe we need to re-poll
293 [19:19:06] <_marx_> [vote] status quo on meeting time and date for one month
294 [19:19:12] <_marx_> +1
295 [19:19:26] <BugeyeD> -1
296 [19:19:35] <jcg> -1
297 [19:19:44] <internalkernel> +0
298 [19:19:56] <jfrorie1> +1
299 [19:20:19] <magedragon25> -1
300 [19:20:39] <alinuxfan> -1
301 [19:22:09] <_marx_> last call
302 [19:22:21] <_marx_> [endvote]
303 [19:22:36] <internalkernel> meeting time is totally irrelevant for me - just tell me when...
304 [19:22:45] <internalkernel> I have to say goodnight to the little one... brb
305 [19:22:53] <_marx_> same here but earlier is better for me
306 [19:23:13] <_marx_> but may not be for others
307 [19:23:18] <jcg> late on Tue or anytime on Thur, possibly?
308 [19:23:37] <alinuxfan> how late jcg ?
309 [19:23:40] <alinuxfan> 8>
310 [19:23:55] <_marx_> Thursdays used to be PLUG but I seldom go to those anymore
311 [19:24:02] <magedragon25> anything but mon-wed for me....if not, I'll just read the logs
312 [19:24:10] <jcg> usually out of other mtgs by 9 .. could stop off at coffee shop to get on net
313 [19:24:47] <_marx_> t -6
314 [19:25:09] <jcg> ?
315 [19:25:17] <jfrorie1> not wednesday
316 [19:25:23] <_marx_> [idea] post to mailing list to change to Thursdays at 7
317 [19:25:38] <jcg> Works for me
318 [19:25:42] <magedragon25> me too
319 [19:26:31] <alinuxfan> still 1st and 3rd though? I thinkg trilug meets second thurs so it would work for me
320 [19:26:33] <BugeyeD> 8> is better for me but i can deal with 7
321 [19:26:58] <alinuxfan> same here BugeyeD , i can read the channel til 7:30ish when I can get on here
322 [19:27:07] <BugeyeD> does plug meet on 1st thurs?
323 [19:27:11] <_marx_> [action] marx to propose new meeting day and time to mailing list
324 [19:27:16] <BugeyeD> _marx_: ^
325 [19:27:22] <_marx_> BugeyeD, 3rd thursday
326 [19:27:46] <_marx_> BugeyeD, i seldom attend
327 [19:27:56] <BugeyeD> you're there more than i am
328 [19:28:14] <_marx_> met magedragon251 at the last one i attended
329 [19:28:25] <jcg> I've attended only one PLUG mtg and missed that one
330 [19:28:32] <BugeyeD> excellent
331 [19:28:37] <BugeyeD> jcg: you missed the one you attended?
332 [19:28:39] <BugeyeD> :)
333 [19:28:44] <jcg> yep
334 [19:28:45] <magedragon251> i have been trying to go to more and to make the ubuntu hour on saturdays, but to no avail
335 [19:29:42] <jcg> I was there, BugeyeD, with four other visitors, but we couldn't locate the meeting
336 [19:30:08] <_marx_> #endmeeting
337 Meeting ended.