
Revision 21 as of 2009-02-26 01:04:22

Clear message

How to use libnotify (and be a good citizen)

To use libnotify correctly - first and foremost - means to stick to the f.d.o specification and query for notification-daemon capabilities before using them. Don't just assume they are there. Also checking a notifications-daemon's name is a good way to branch off to dedicated code-paths catering for one or the other. Complete self-contained sourcecode for C, Python and C# you find further down the page.

  • C code-fragments for querying capabilities

gboolean g_capabilities[CAP_MAX] = {FALSE, /* actions         */
                                    FALSE, /* body            */
                                    FALSE, /* body-hyperlinks */
                                    FALSE, /* body-imges      */
                                    FALSE, /* body-markup     */
                                    FALSE, /* icon-multi      */
                                    FALSE, /* icon-static     */
                                    FALSE, /* sound           */
                                    FALSE, /* image/svg+xml   */
                                    FALSE  /* append-hint     */};


set_cap (gpointer data,
         gpointer user_data)
        /* test for "actions" */
        if (!g_strcmp0 ("actions", (gchar*) data))
                g_capabilities[CAP_ACTIONS] = TRUE;

        /* test for "body" */
        if (!g_strcmp0 ("body", (gchar*) data))
                g_capabilities[CAP_BODY] = TRUE;


        /* test for "append" */
        if (!g_strcmp0 ("append", (gchar*) data))
                g_capabilities[CAP_APPEND] = TRUE;


walk_caps_list ()
        GList* caps_list;

        caps_list = notify_get_server_caps ();
        if (caps_list)
                g_list_foreach (caps_list, set_cap, NULL);
                g_list_foreach (caps_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
                g_list_free (caps_list);


main (int    argc,
      char** argv)


        walk_caps_list ();


        if (g_capabilities[CAP_APPEND])
                /* you're save to make use of the append hint */
                /* do _not_ use the append hint */


  • C code-fragments for checking name of daemon

gchar* name;
gchar* vendor;
gchar* version;
gchar* spec_version;

notify_get_server_info (&name, &vendor, &version, &spec_version);


if (!g_strcmp0 ("notify-osd", name))
        g_print ("You're very likely running Ubuntu 9.04.\n");

if (!g_strcmp0 ("notification-daemon", name))
        g_print ("Perhaps you're running Fedora or an earlier version of Ubuntu.");


g_free ((gpointer) name);
g_free ((gpointer) vendor);
g_free ((gpointer) version);
g_free ((gpointer) spec_version);
  • Python code-fragments for querying capabilities

  • Python code-fragments for checking name of daemon

  • C# code-fragments for querying capabilities

  • C# code-fragments for checking name of daemon

Target developer-audience

  • C

Example code from VLC (broken):

notify_notification_add_action(notification, "previous",
                               _("Previous"), Prev,
                               (gpointer*) p_intf, NULL);
notify_notification_add_action(notification, "next",
                               _("Next"), Next,
                               (gpointer*) p_intf, NULL );

Example code (fixed):

caps = notify_get_server_caps();
if(caps != NULL) {
  for(c = caps; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
    if(strcmp((char*)c->data, "actions") == 0 ) {
      supports_actions = TRUE;

  g_list_foreach(caps, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);

/* Adds previous and next buttons in the notification if actions are supported. */
if(supports_actions) {
  notify_notification_add_action(notification, "previous",
                                 _("Previous"), Prev,
                                 (gpointer*) p_intf, NULL);
  notify_notification_add_action(notification, "next",
                                 _("Next"), Next,
                                 (gpointer*) p_intf, NULL);
  • Python
  • C#:

In C# you should check the existence of "actions" in Notifications.Global.Capabilities. This is easy with Array.IndexOf such as:

bool actions_supported = Notifications.Global.Capabilities != null &&
                    Array.IndexOf(Notifications.Global.Capabilities, "actions") > -1

Example code from Banshee:

Notification nf = new Notification (Catalog.GetString("Now Playing"),
                                    message, image, notif_area.Widget);
if (interface_action_service.PlaybackActions["NextAction"].Sensitive) {
  nf.AddAction("skip-song", Catalog.GetString("Skip this item"), OnSongSkipped);


After notification fixes:

Notification nf = new Notification (Catalog.GetString ("Now Playing"),
                                    message, image, notif_area.Widget);
bool actions_supported = Notifications.Global.Capabilities != null &&
                     Array.IndexOf (Notifications.Global.Capabilities, "actions") > -1;
if (interface_action_service.PlaybackActions["NextAction"].Sensitive &&
    actions_supported) {
  nf.AddAction ("skip-song", Catalog.GetString("Skip this item"), OnSongSkipped);

nf.Show ();

Layout cases (with examples in C, Python and C#)

Everything not listed as a valid layout will lead to a "no-layout"-case (results in an empty notification-bubble). Also using non-existing (stock-)icon-names results in empty notification-bubbles. Common caues for the latter could be that the user has not set "Human" as the icon-theme and a notification is trying to use one of the new icon-name (see icons). The comment header of each sourcecode example contains compilation and run instructions. NOTE: The C#-examples don't format and display in thie MoinMoin wiki. You can only download them directly to your harddisk. Sorry for the inconvenience!


example: IM-message


example: Wifi connection lost


example: a very simple notification-bubble


This layout-case works, but is strongly discouraged. Avoid it if you can.

How to use the append-hint

Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file append-hint-example.ogg because of its mimetype audio/ogg.: append-hint-example.ogg
(Gee, I cannot get this ogg/theora-screencast correctly embedded. So much for supporting open standards.)
For IM-clients (like pidgin) you can use the append-hint ("append").

How to update an existing notification-bubble


How do I get these slick icons

The user has to be using the Human icon-theme. Have a look at the icon-matrix. Or if a different icon-theme is selected, default icons satisfying the new icon-names are used. These will look different of course. The available icon-names are...

  • notification-audio-next
  • notification-audio-play
  • notification-audio-previous
  • notification-audio-volume-high
  • notification-audio-volume-low
  • notification-audio-volume-medium
  • notification-audio-volume-muted
  • notification-audio-volume-off
  • notification-battery-low
  • notification-device-eject
  • notification-device-firewire
  • notification-display-brightness-full
  • notification-display-brightness-high
  • notification-display-brightness-low
  • notification-display-brightness-medium
  • notification-display-brightness-off
  • notification-GSM-3G-full
  • notification-GSM-3G-high
  • notification-GSM-3G-low
  • notification-GSM-3G-medium
  • notification-GSM-3G-none
  • notification-GSM-disconnected
  • notification-GSM-EDGE-full
  • notification-GSM-EDGE-high
  • notification-GSM-EDGE-low
  • notification-GSM-EDGE-medium
  • notification-GSM-EDGE-none
  • notification-GSM-full
  • notification-GSM-H-full
  • notification-GSM-H-high
  • notification-GSM-high
  • notification-GSM-H-low
  • notification-GSM-H-medium
  • notification-GSM-H-none
  • notification-GSM-low
  • notification-GSM-medium
  • notification-GSM-none
  • notification-keyboard-brightness-full
  • notification-keyboard-brightness-high
  • notification-keyboard-brightness-low
  • notification-keyboard-brightness-medium
  • notification-keyboard-brightness-off
  • notification-message-email
  • notification-message-IM
  • notification-network-ethernet-connected
  • notification-network-ethernet-disconnected
  • notification-network-wireless-disconnected
  • notification-network-wireless-full
  • notification-network-wireless-high
  • notification-network-wireless-low
  • notification-network-wireless-medium
  • notification-network-wireless-none
  • notification-power-disconnected

... and are located under /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/status. Until symlinks or updated icons for other icon-themes are installed (provided by updated packages) using these without the icon-theme being set to Human will fail to display the intended icon. The result is an empty notification-bubble. You can still of course use full file paths to .svg/.png/.jpg icons.

What will get you burnt

Do not use any of these...

  • expire-timeout
  • actions
  • html-markup (read: URL) in you summary- or body-text

If you do you'll either get a fallback GTK+-dialog or notification-bubble with no contents at all.