
Revision 6 as of 2005-11-07 03:28:06

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Og Maciel

Email: MailTo(og DOT maciel SPAMFREE AT gmail DOT com)

Blog: http://www.ogmaciel.com

IRC: GnuKemist on Freenode

  • Member of Ubuntu's Brazil LoCoTeam

  • Member of Ububtu's Brazilian Portuguese Translators Team
  • Member of PHPlanet project
  • Member of Norther New Jersey MySQL User Group
  • Organizer of Nothern New Jersey Linux User Group (2004 - 2005)


"It was not long ago, during one of my recent rants about open source not always being open to non-contributors, that I first heard of Stephan Hermann. He had written something that really clicked with my way of thinking, and shortly after exchanging some emails/posts replies I was convinced that it was about time I got more involved with the community. I didn’t want to be one of those individuals who talk a lot but doesn’t do anything about it. It was thanks to Stephan that I finally joined the Ubuntu Brazilian (Portuguese) Translation Team in Launchpad and started translating documents and applications for the upcoming release of Ubuntu. Granted I couldn’t spent much time every day on it, neither could I hang out in #ubuntu for my company blocks all ports, I still managed to squeeze a few minutes here and there… and it was a great feeling knowing that my work will benefit hundreds of Portuguese speaking people to use Ubuntu in their native language! And every time I couldn’t work on it, I wished I had more free time to contribute more!"

Ever since I wrote the above post, my involvement with Ubuntu and the Linux Community has increased both in volume and intensity. I've spent more time lending a hand to my fellow Ubuntites at #ubuntu-br and our mailing list, trying my best to not only help them solve their issues but also spreading the word about the "Ubuntu way" of doing things. I also proposed the creation of a blog aggregator (planet) for Brazilian Ubuntu users/supporters, so that we could have a place to post helpfull information for new users. The idea was gladly accepted and within a few days, with the awsome effort of several Brazilian users the web site was launched. Every now and then I initiate "translation crusades" to get more people to help out with the translation process... and... and... I'm just glad to be able to help out my fellow Linux user!



Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "abiword" in AbiWord ABI-2-2-0-STABLE

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "xscreensaver" in Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog package "xscreensaver"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gnome-applets-2.0" in Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog package "gnome-applets"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "nano" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "nano"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "lftp" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "lftp"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gftp" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gftp"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "elinks" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "elinks"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "aspell" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "aspell"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "debian-tasks" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "tasksel"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gqview" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gqview"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gpsdrive" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gpsdrive"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "kcheckgmail" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "kcheckgmail"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "review-breezy-wesnoth-3" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "wesnoth"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "totem" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "totem"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gnupg" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gnupg"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "nautilus" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "nautilus"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "libcapplet" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "libcapplet"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "evince" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "evince"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "nautilus-cd-burner" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "nautilus-cd-burner"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "nautilus-sendto" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "nautilus-sendto"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "beagle" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "beagle"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "fast-user-switch-applet" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "fast-user-switch-applet"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "language-selector" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "language-selector"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "faqguide" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "ubuntu-docs"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gajim" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gajim"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "apt" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "apt"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "gpe-contacts" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gpe-contacts"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "review-breezy-gcompris-1" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "gcompris"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "update-manager" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "update-manager"

Portuguese (Brazil)

Template "kshutdown" in Ubuntu Breezy Badger package "kshutdown"

Web Sites

Together with fellow Brazilian Ubuntu users, spearheaded the creation and launch of Planeta Ubuntu Brasil http://planeta.ubuntubrasil.org.

Contributor to Ubuntu Brasil http://www.ubuntubrasil.org.


Constant presence in #ubuntu-br @ Freenode