Discussion Points
- Introductions
- Donations for OLF
- Feisty Party
- Get a headcount on the wiki
- Location?
- What to bring
20:01:08 <Vorian> Hello everyone! 20:01:09 <theidiotthatisme> Hi lyceum! Craig564! 20:01:11 <DM|> ?? 20:01:15 <theidiotthatisme> Hi Vorian! 20:01:15 <DM|> Welcome everyone 20:01:15 <Craig564> hello 20:01:18 <lyceum> hi! 20:01:19 <jacobmp92> hello everyone 20:01:21 <Netboy541> hello vorian 20:01:30 <Craig564> i'm new here....so forgive my ignorance beforehand please 20:01:32 <DM|> jacobmp92 so what do u suggest then 20:01:43 <DM|> Craig564 welcome to Ubuntu-Ohio 20:01:58 <Vorian> welcome Craig564 :) 20:02:04 <Craig564> thanks 20:02:17 <jacobmp92> DM|: the only "good" option would be to pay a $35/yr fee for an actual ohio number... i dont use either, i gots a new cell phone :-p 20:02:23 * jgedeon (n=joe@oh-67-77-123-4.sta.embarqhsd.net) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:02:37 <DM|> i will do the free, just for Ubuntu ohio support 20:02:39 <meatballhat> ahoy jgedeon ! 20:02:46 <jgedeon> Hello meatballhat 20:02:49 <DM|> i cant afford all those minutes on my cellphone 20:02:59 <lyceum> What's the fee for? 20:03:09 <DM|> lyceum a VOIP service 20:03:10 <lyceum> (sorry to butt in) 20:03:18 <jacobmp92> lyceum: the gizmo project to call in to the client from a landline 20:03:19 <lyceum> ah..cool! 20:03:33 <jacobmp92> anywho... offtopic for right now.. what's going on in the meeting world 20:03:37 <lyceum> jacobmp93: right 20:03:44 <lyceum> *92 20:03:47 <DM|> Vorian start it bro :) 20:04:00 <Vorian> just getting past the intros :) 20:04:50 <Vorian> who is here for the first time? (first meeting) 20:04:59 * linuxcolumbus (n=linuxcol@cpe-65-24-125-200.columbus.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:05:12 <Atreus12> Vorian: That would be me. But I'm just listening on this one 20:05:17 <MarcM_> my first official meeting 20:05:18 <Craig564> i am 20:05:24 <Vorian> woah! 20:05:32 <jacobmp92> 3 new victims :-D 20:05:33 <Vorian> and we have 27 people on the channel! 20:05:34 <linuxcolumbus> oh la 20:05:41 <Vorian> hey linuxcolumbus :) 20:05:43 <Netboy541> I'm new 20:05:45 <DM|> yo linuxcolumbus 20:05:51 <jacobmp92> make that 4! 20:05:53 <theidiotthatisme> Atreus12: No need to sit it out. Feel free to join in and discuss your opinions/ideas 20:05:57 <Vorian> hehe 20:06:13 <DM|> atreus12 nice to see u in here for the meeting :) 20:06:15 <linuxcolumbus> I might pwill last night 20:06:26 <jacobmp92> linuxcolumbus: ? 20:06:39 <linuxcolumbus> yop 20:06:46 <Brady_M> here be me 20:06:56 <Vorian> so in a nutshell, what was discussed at the last meeting? 20:07:08 <jacobmp92> uhhh.... 20:07:10 <theidiotthatisme> ... 20:07:15 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: I honestly dont remember 20:07:22 <Vorian> :) 20:07:23 <Vorian> ok then 20:07:24 <theidiotthatisme> It's been a long week.. 20:07:26 <jacobmp92> education team stuff, i think that was it 20:07:31 <DM|> aye 20:07:34 <jgedeon> I think it was too. 20:07:37 <theidiotthatisme> That's sad I dont remember that 20:07:41 <jacobmp92> hehe 20:07:42 * theidiotthatisme is in trouble! 20:07:44 <Vorian> lol 20:07:52 <Vorian> well on the donation front.... 20:07:53 <Brady_M> yea, we talked about knocking out the documentation for the cd insert 20:07:58 <jacobmp92> yeah 20:08:00 <Vorian> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Donations 20:08:02 <theidiotthatisme> Brady_M: Was jus about to say that! 20:08:04 <DM|> Vorian i would donate... but im POOR lo 20:08:14 <Vorian> we are at $160 20:08:24 <Vorian> more than 10% of the way there 20:08:27 * jacobmp92 will be donating in a few weeks once some $ comes in :) 20:08:33 <Netboy541> i plan on giving some of my ohio income tax return once it arrives from columbus. :) 20:08:36 <Brady_M> and 1.10 in the bucket at work :0 20:08:49 <Brady_M> I mean a Buck Fifty 20:08:52 <lyceum> I will be giving each time I get paid 20:09:08 <lyceum> it will be small, but should add up 20:09:15 <theidiotthatisme> Finally got employment, so I'll be donating a small amount each check after necessities :-) 20:09:18 <jgedeon> I will have to check back with my commercial accounts that are using Ubuntu 20:09:31 <jgedeon> congrats theidiotthatisme 20:09:50 <theidiotthatisme> jgedeon: Thankie 20:10:07 <Vorian> where at theidiotthatisme? 20:10:07 <DM|> Vorian i will put a collection plate at work, but doubtful i will get anything 20:10:18 <theidiotthatisme> Ianazones :-D 20:10:22 <Vorian> tis ok DM| :) 20:10:29 <theidiotthatisme> My boss is a really nice lady from Japan 20:10:32 <DM|> whats that theidiotthatisme 20:10:43 <Vorian> I was for sure you would say Bed Bath and Beyond 20:10:49 <theidiotthatisme> Once i get my license she's turning me into a sales person lol instead of in the kitchen. She says I'm too outgoing for the kitchen 20:10:51 <jgedeon> LOL 20:10:56 <theidiotthatisme> Ianazones is a pizza place 20:10:58 <Netboy541> nice 20:11:00 <DM|> ah 20:11:02 <Craig564> lanazones...the doctor helped me with that once 20:11:04 <theidiotthatisme> Bed Bath and Beyond? Too much smelly stuff 20:11:04 <Craig564> oops...sorry 20:11:06 <lyceum> What wold you sell? 20:11:10 <lyceum> *would 20:11:24 <theidiotthatisme> lyceum: Pretty much I'd go to events businesses put together 20:11:28 <DM|> how lold are u theidiotthatisme 20:11:33 <lyceum> cool 20:11:34 <theidiotthatisme> 18 20:11:52 <DM|> ah k 20:11:59 <DM|> u live near dublin ? 20:11:59 * Vorian is applying for a really neeto job within my company :) 20:12:04 <theidiotthatisme> lyceum: Whatever they need sold. All food related products, but also will be doing delivery. That's all once I get my license though, til then, it's in the kitchen 20:12:13 <theidiotthatisme> DM|: Boardman 20:12:19 <theidiotthatisme> Anyways, went WAY off topic 20:12:22 * DM| is applying for senior associate at his company, a bit of a raise 20:12:23 <theidiotthatisme> Time to get back to Ubuntu :-) 20:13:08 <lyceum> theidiotthatisme's resumee had been added to the agenda :) 20:13:10 <DM|> I hate working at the same company as my girlfriend 20:13:12 <meatballhat> Feisty Party??? 20:13:14 <meatballhat> :D 20:13:15 <DM|> woot 20:13:16 <DM|> ! 20:13:20 <DM|> FEISTY ! 20:13:23 <theidiotthatisme> lyceum: Hehe O:-) 20:13:32 <DM|> !! lots of !! 20:13:32 <ubot3> Factoid lots of !! not found 20:13:37 <jacobmp92> lol 20:13:40 <meatballhat> HA!! 20:14:01 <meatballhat> the poll dictates we're meeting in the greater Columbus area 20:14:06 <DM|> Easton 20:14:07 <DM|> ! 20:14:11 <jacobmp92> set date yet? 20:14:16 <DM|> 19th right 20:14:17 <lyceum> Good place, but parking is bad 20:14:19 <Vorian> we need a way to get a head count 20:14:25 <Netboy541> please make it navigable via GPS 20:14:26 <Netboy541> :P 20:14:30 <DM|> lol slacker 20:14:31 <meatballhat> Saturday??? Friday?? ... .which were it? 20:14:41 <DM|> saturday night preferred 20:14:46 <DM|> i work fri/sat 20:14:46 <lyceum> I vote for Saturday 20:14:48 <Brady_M> Ditto 20:14:53 <meatballhat> +1 for Sat 20:14:54 <Vorian> I say Saturday at BW3 20:14:54 <Brady_M> +! SAT 20:14:58 <jacobmp92> +1 on Sat 20:14:58 <jgedeon> Saturday vote here too. 20:15:02 <Netboy541> i'm out then 20:15:13 <Netboy541> work fri,sat,sun,mon. 20:15:15 <Netboy541> :( 20:15:23 <DM|> ooh Bw3 is nice 20:15:27 <jgedeon> Netboy541: you are feeling ill, very ill. 20:15:29 <lyceum> sorry Netboy541, I am think of travel time 20:15:30 <jacobmp92> yum... bw3 20:15:47 <DM|> I want to start the night off with tequila shots 20:15:50 <Brady_M> drop adress etc pls in the thread or whereever 20:15:58 <lyceum> there is a nice Irish pub there 20:16:01 <meatballhat> Netboy541, all others unable to make it .... we'll be discussing the Ohio Linux Fest, too ;-) 20:16:03 <Netboy541> ohh lord... dm you're trying to kill me 20:16:14 * linuxcolumbus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:16:19 <DM|> Irish Clauddah pub is a nice place 20:16:20 <Netboy541> i'm planning on taking time off work for the linuxfest 20:16:31 <DM|> Clauddagh ** 20:16:34 <lyceum> DM, that's the one a Polaris 20:16:43 <DM|> netboy541 me too 20:16:45 <lyceum> and yes, it is very nice :) 20:16:46 <Vorian> who has an idea on getting a headcount 20:16:48 <Vorian> ? 20:16:53 <DM|> lyceum or downtown 20:16:56 <jacobmp92> +1's? 20:17:01 <lyceum> +1 20:17:02 <DM|> +1 20:17:04 <Brady_M> +1 20:17:07 <Vorian> that would indicate where we should meet 20:17:12 * _MarcM_ (n=marc@cpe-71-79-16-131.cinci.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:17:13 <jgedeon> +1 possible 2 20:17:13 <lyceum> sorry, I am +2 20:17:16 <meatballhat> Vorian: headcount on Wiki 20:17:17 <meatballhat> ?? 20:17:22 <jacobmp92> meatballhat: good idea 20:17:26 <Vorian> good idea :) 20:17:32 * linuxcolumbus (n=linuxcol@cpe-65-24-125-200.columbus.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:17:35 <Brady_M> yea, for those who don't show up to the meetings want to pop up 20:17:44 <Vorian> It needs to be short 20:17:45 <linuxcolumbus> ยบ/msg NickServ IDENTIFY YC156 20:17:54 <DM|> lo 20:17:59 <_MarcM_> sorry, modem died, back now 20:18:00 * DM| hacks your account 20:18:04 <Vorian> An 20:18:04 <Vorian> RSVP 20:18:06 <Vorian> linuxcolumbus, time to change your password 20:18:10 <linuxcolumbus> stupid thing 20:18:24 <Vorian> I've done that twice 20:18:32 <linuxcolumbus> I testing a macbook and it killed my wireless connection. have fun with my account. 20:18:41 <meatballhat> Vorian: Head Count section already exists here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/FeistyParty 20:18:42 <DM|> lol im JK 20:18:52 <meatballhat> everyone go lock the page! 20:18:56 <linuxcolumbus> now I have to dig out my irc documentation 20:19:06 <Netboy541> and what's bad is it's logged too 20:19:10 <Netboy541> lol 20:19:30 <Vorian> is anyone editing now? 20:19:46 <jacobmp92> not here 20:19:59 <Vorian> if so get rid of the forum link. 20:20:15 <Craig564> i am lost 20:20:34 <theidiotthatisme> Craig564: They're talking about a Fiesty release party next month ;) 20:20:57 <Vorian> Craig564, thats not on till 10pm now :) 20:21:04 <jacobmp92> lol 20:21:10 <meatballhat> har har 20:21:12 <Vorian> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/FeistyParty 20:21:13 <DM|> So what are we planning on doing at the party 20:21:15 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: .... *sigh* 20:21:15 <Vorian> been updated 20:21:17 <DM|> just BSing ? 20:21:34 <jgedeon> If we get an approimate head count we might be able to get some deals on rooms in the area. 20:21:37 <jacobmp92> DM|: food, laptops, more food, goofing off... yeah 20:21:51 <meatballhat> jacobmp92: don't forget the food 20:21:55 <jacobmp92> food?!? 20:21:58 <Vorian> wings!!!! 20:22:01 <Netboy541> wireless! 20:22:07 <jacobmp92> yay 20:22:10 <meatballhat> wait ... we're forgetting tho food! 20:22:13 * meatballhat runs 20:22:14 <Vorian> is there a bw3 at Polaris? 20:22:27 <DM|> i think s 20:22:28 <DM|> so 20:22:34 <Vorian> meatballhat reminds me of jenda just now, for some reason :) 20:22:35 <jacobmp92> there are too many bw3's here in Delaware 20:22:52 <Vorian> there is not one at Easton 20:23:00 <Vorian> weird ~~~ 20:23:01 <jacobmp92> there isn't? i thought there was 20:23:01 <DM|> there is one in dublin 20:23:02 <Craig564> i just went to bw3 20:23:09 <jacobmp92> google maps! yay 20:23:13 <DM|> lol 20:23:26 <Vorian> how bout taco bell? 20:23:35 <jacobmp92> lol 20:23:36 <jacobmp92> yum 20:23:41 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: The 1AM Drunk food store ;) 20:23:43 <DM|> lol ... would be cheap on the pocket book, but no alcohol 20:23:46 <Netboy541> if i eat any more taco bell, i will kill myself 20:23:47 <Netboy541> :P 20:24:08 <jgedeon> Better have plenty of bathrooms available. 20:24:16 <Vorian> DM|, there will be a lot of minors at this party 20:24:17 <jgedeon> with wireless. LOL 20:24:20 <Netboy541> nice 20:24:20 <linuxcolumbus> there is a steak and shake 20:24:25 <DM|> Spicy chicken crunch wrap supreme 20:24:32 <DM|> linuxcolumbus seating would be horrible 20:24:48 <Netboy541> ohh 20:24:51 <Netboy541> i got an idea 20:24:56 <Netboy541> PANERA! 20:24:58 <linuxcolumbus> there is a taco hell at easton, across morse road near best buy 20:24:58 * Brady_M is drooling STOP! 20:25:04 <DM|> woot panera ! 20:25:05 <jacobmp92> yum 20:25:10 <theidiotthatisme> Yeah, guys, I haven't eaten all day here lol 20:25:11 <lyceum> Maybe we should get a list of places with rooms or okay with groups? 20:25:12 <jacobmp92> DM|: panera is dry :-p 20:25:12 <DM|> Panera DOES have a meeting room 20:25:18 <Vorian> panara = wifi :) 20:25:23 <DM|> + meeting room vorian 20:25:25 <jacobmp92> bw3 has wifi too :-D 20:25:26 <linuxcolumbus> how about game works? 20:25:31 <Vorian> +1 for panera 20:25:33 <jacobmp92> GW does have wifi 20:25:45 <Netboy541> but jacobmp92, bbq sauce and my laptop's keyboard aren't sounding like a good combo 20:25:52 <DM|> +1 for Panera or GW 20:25:53 * MarcM_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:25:54 <jacobmp92> Netboy541: true, :-D 20:26:02 <Netboy541> I vote for panera 20:26:09 <jacobmp92> wait.. GW has meeting room thats what i meant 20:26:09 <_MarcM_> panera or GW for me too 20:26:10 <Netboy541> we have manager meetings there frequently 20:26:12 <Netboy541> i like it. 20:26:12 <jacobmp92> wifi not sure 20:26:25 <DM|> everyone for Panera +1 everyone for GW +2 20:26:31 <Netboy541> whats GW? 20:26:34 <jacobmp92> game works 20:26:37 <DM|> game works 20:26:39 <theidiotthatisme> +1 20:26:41 <Netboy541> oh. 20:26:44 <jacobmp92> goes GW have wifi though? 20:26:45 <DM|> +1 20:26:46 <linuxcolumbus> +2 20:26:47 <Vorian> hold it 1 second! 20:26:48 <Craig564> what's gw 20:26:56 <jacobmp92> gw = game works 20:26:56 <DM|> game works 20:26:58 <Netboy541> IF gw has wifi, i'm for it. 20:26:59 <Vorian> we need to include all team members 20:27:06 <jacobmp92> ^^ right 20:27:08 <DM|> true vorian, my bad 20:27:16 <theidiotthatisme> Poll on forum? 20:27:19 <Vorian> poll on launchpad 20:27:21 <Craig564> is this group based in columbus? 20:27:23 <DM|> aye and post it on wiki 20:27:26 <Brady_M> forum 20:27:34 <Vorian> Craig564, i'm not :) 20:27:39 <jacobmp92> Craig564: all across ohio, although a bunch of us are near central ogio 20:27:44 <jacobmp92> s/ogio/ohio 20:27:46 <Vorian> its split 3 ways really 20:27:58 <Netboy541> i'm down near cincinnati 20:27:59 <jacobmp92> north/central/south 20:28:00 <jgedeon> Craig564: I'm not either. I'm all the way up here between Akron and Youngstown. 20:28:02 <linuxcolumbus> which day are we talking about 20:28:08 <Craig564> i'm just outside of akron 20:28:13 <Craig564> cuyahoga falls 20:28:13 <DM|> april 19th iinm 20:28:22 <DM|> iinm = if im not mistaken 20:28:29 <theidiotthatisme> Craig564: JB plays there a lot 20:28:29 <_MarcM_> near cinci 20:28:30 <Brady_M> IWe can hook upvia conference call on any voip setup 20:28:40 <Craig564> who's jb 20:28:43 <jacobmp92> should we pick a saturday though? 19th is thurs 20:28:45 <theidiotthatisme> Jimmy Buffett 20:28:49 <theidiotthatisme> O:-) 20:28:50 <Craig564> at blossom 20:28:54 <DM|> jacobmp92 aye 20:29:10 <Craig564> they have a new restaurant in canton called "cheeseburger in paradise" 20:29:22 <Netboy541> i've ate at the one down here 20:29:24 <DM|> thats a pretty good place, we have one in columbus 20:29:25 <Netboy541> freakin' awesome 20:29:28 <jacobmp92> Craig564: there is one of those in polaris too, it is cool 20:29:34 <DM|> live music 20:29:39 <Craig564> i've been by polaris tons of times 20:29:39 <lyceum> I love cheeseburgers 20:29:39 <linuxcolumbus> I like the place outside of kent with the star wars fighter outside 20:29:50 <jgedeon> Mikes place 20:30:21 <linuxcolumbus> one meal is big enough for 4 20:30:40 <jgedeon> And place mats that you have to read. 20:31:12 <DM|> i dont thinki i need more food 20:31:13 <theidiotthatisme> brb potty break 20:31:17 <DM|> im trying to slim down 20:31:17 <jacobmp92> :-p 20:31:29 <Vorian> ok, lets do it on the forum 20:31:40 <Vorian> I'm to tired to figure it out on launchpad 20:31:51 <jacobmp92> LP polls are kinda weird.. 20:31:58 <DM|> got a new GF, and i want to impress her with my Muscles, that are underneath all this beauty, :) 20:32:05 <jacobmp92> lol 20:32:13 <Brady_M> lol 20:32:26 <linuxcolumbus> he's in luv give him a break 20:32:26 <DM|> lol 20:32:27 <DM|> :) 20:32:36 <DM|> hell yes, i think this is the one 20:32:51 <DM|> she's smarter than me, which is awesome 20:32:57 <jacobmp92> nice 20:32:59 <jgedeon> Oh no he's going to let her use his keyboard. 20:33:02 <DM|> most girls i feel like im talking to a brick wall 20:33:08 <meatballhat> DM|: they're ALL smarter than us ;-) 20:33:11 <DM|> aye.. jged, gotta clean it forst 20:33:15 <linuxcolumbus> haha 20:33:16 <jgedeon> LOL 20:33:18 <theidiotthatisme> back 20:33:25 * meatballhat prods Seekker 20:33:32 <jacobmp92> wb theidiotthatisme, you missed DM's gf 20:33:33 <DM|> meatballhat aye.. sadly. but most have the personality of a brick 20:33:38 * jgedeon agrees with meatballhat for reasons that can't be said in here. 20:33:46 * arustyspork (n=rustyspo@oh-205-240-39-176.sta.embarqhsd.net) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:33:56 <theidiotthatisme> :-( 20:33:58 <meatballhat> :) 20:34:02 <jacobmp92> :-| 20:34:04 <theidiotthatisme> I hate missing gf's 20:34:18 <DM|> She's in the masters program for library sciences, so when she is finished, and working in a library, i can put my evil plan into action to spread Linux through libraries. 20:34:27 <Netboy541> nice DM 20:34:34 <jacobmp92> woot 20:34:41 <Netboy541> excellent way to spread your evil ways 20:34:43 <lyceum> Does she use Ubuntu? 20:35:03 <jgedeon> Now it seems to have gotten quiet in there. 20:35:06 <jgedeon> LOL 20:35:09 <DM|> no , has to use windows for all her classes, she said wait to convert her till she graduates 20:35:22 <jacobmp92> hmm 20:35:22 <DM|> and it WILL happen 20:35:24 <lyceum> sigh... that's what the ALL say ;) 20:35:32 <lyceum> WINE 20:35:40 <Netboy541> if i had a dollar for that saying 20:35:50 <Netboy541> we'd be well over our goal for linux-fest 20:35:52 * bordy (n=chris@153-161.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 20:36:44 <jacobmp92> where we goin in terms of a day? 21st? other sat.? 20:36:53 <DM|> 21st is good for me 20:36:56 <theidiotthatisme> I think 21st is good 20:36:58 <lyceum> 21st works 20:37:02 <Netboy541> 21st of what? 20:37:04 <Netboy541> i missed that part 20:37:05 <theidiotthatisme> Cant promise I can make it but Saturdays are good 20:37:06 <theidiotthatisme> April 20:37:06 <DM|> april 20:37:16 <Netboy541> bah, i'm feeling sick 20:37:19 <Netboy541> yup. i am. 20:37:21 <linuxcolumbus> should be good. 20:37:32 <DM|> theidiotthatisme i sent you an invite to last fm, and u WILL be there 20:37:45 <theidiotthatisme> DM|: Up to bossy, not me ;) 20:37:46 <meatballhat> April 21, 2007, at $location at $time ?? 20:38:00 <DM|> theidiotthatisme, what is her email address... ill get u off work 20:38:08 <DM|> id say 7pm ish 20:38:11 <jgedeon> Time I think is going to be an issue. 20:38:14 <DM|> location is TBD 20:38:15 <Brady_M> DM|: You got allergies... you do now. :) 20:38:16 <jacobmp92> +1 7pm or 6pm 20:38:30 <DM|> Brady_M lol 20:38:33 <lyceum> 7 or 6 sounds good 20:38:35 <Netboy541> oooh 20:38:38 <Netboy541> then i can make it 20:38:42 <Netboy541> i get off work at 8 20:38:43 <jgedeon> If you have minors that aren't coming with parents and aren't from the Columbus area you have to give them time to get back don't you? 20:38:43 <jacobmp92> :) 20:38:44 <DM|> Brady_M my work is cool with it, i dont work that night nor sun/mon after 20:38:45 <Netboy541> i can split early 20:38:46 <Brady_M> +1 ^PM sooner the better trip back 20:39:05 <DM|> whoa, well i work till 3:30pm sat 20:39:45 <bordy> You guys should have the meeting in Florida, so I can come. 20:39:50 <DM|> lol 20:39:51 <jacobmp92> lol 20:39:51 <Vorian> hey everyone! 20:39:54 <Vorian> guess what? 20:39:56 <jacobmp92> ? 20:39:59 <DM|> buy us tickeys bordy.. and im there 20:40:01 <Vorian> http://vorian.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/100_0250.JPG 20:40:04 <bordy> florida > Ohio? 20:40:05 <DM|> Vorian chickenbutt? 20:40:20 <DM|> bordy judging by that last game, aye... 20:40:28 <jacobmp92> ! 20:40:29 <linuxcolumbus> cool 20:40:31 <Netboy541> HOLY COW 20:40:36 <bordy> hey I was pullin for the buckeyes for the first time in my life, DMJ. (I am from Michigan) 20:40:38 <lyceum> !!!!!!!!!!!!! 20:40:44 <jgedeon> No edubuntu's? 20:40:49 <DM|> omg vorian ! 20:40:53 <bordy> Vorian: How long did those take? I ordered prolly 10 of each flavor, which is the most I saw I could order at once 20:40:57 <jacobmp92> massive CD loads 20:41:00 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: May I have a box? O:-) 20:41:07 <Vorian> jgedeon, yes, i have edubuntu cd's 20:41:16 <jgedeon> Ok KEWL! 20:41:19 <DM|> jgedeon there are edus in tehre 20:41:27 <Netboy541> dang 20:41:35 <jacobmp92> those from LoCo shipit? 20:41:39 <DM|> dang vorian howd u get them to send u that many 20:41:42 <Netboy541> be passing those around like coasters! 20:41:53 <jgedeon> I just seen that they labeled the Kubuntu's differently. 20:41:59 <DM|> Vorian u need to bring those with you at the party 20:47:46 <DM|> Panera is closing soon ack 20:47:46 <Vorian> lets hammer this CD business out on the mailing list. 20:47:53 <DM|> kk will do vorian 20:47:56 <meatballhat> linuxcolumbus: but you got the smoke, right? .... 20:47:57 <Craig564> i plugged a wc fields radio shack battery tester right into the wall when i was a kid 20:47:58 <Vorian> and translate to the wiki 20:48:00 <Craig564> don't ever do that 20:48:07 <meatballhat> Vorian: w00t for Mailing List :D 20:48:11 <Vorian> :) 20:48:16 <Vorian> I'll kick it off 20:48:22 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: Sounds great 20:48:24 <bordy> vorian: before I forget, I got Crane started last night with wiki and launchpad 20:48:25 <Netboy541> voiran -- is this regarding the cd case thing? 20:48:31 <Vorian> Netboy541, yep 20:48:44 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: I think he means the CD's from ShipIt 20:48:44 <Netboy541> oh, then i prolly should get on the message list eh? 20:48:51 <Craig564> can i help someone with the documentation brochure thing 20:49:02 <Vorian> I want to be fair, make sure people get what they *need* and that we have some for our library project. 20:49:02 <Netboy541> i said i'd help print off stuff 20:49:15 <Netboy541> but i am not 100% clear on what it is 20:49:28 <theidiotthatisme> Everyone should be on the mailing list 20:49:37 <theidiotthatisme> We hold a lot of discussions on there, especially relating to sub-teams ;) 20:49:43 <jacobmp92> keyword, /should/ 20:49:50 <Netboy541> mkay 20:49:54 <theidiotthatisme> Craig564: We'd be glad to have your help on the brochure 20:50:00 <meatballhat> Craig564: about the brochure! yes!! 20:50:10 <theidiotthatisme> Talk to meatballhat about it, ;) 20:50:12 <Craig564> just let me know what you need me to do 20:50:25 <Brady_M> shoot linkies 20:50:34 <Netboy541> so which one is the one with the dvd cases? 20:50:41 <Netboy541> the library gig? 20:50:52 * DM| is offtopic - TURIN BRAKES IS AN AWESOME BAND 20:51:04 <meatballhat> Netboy541: correct, sir :D 20:51:09 <DM|> that would be cool 20:51:10 <Netboy541> cause to make the carboard ones, that's gonna cost an arm and a leg unless it's a big production 20:51:13 <Netboy541> ok. 20:51:14 <Netboy541> so, 20:51:21 <Netboy541> order bizillions of cds from AOL 20:51:25 <meatballhat> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/CDdistribution 20:51:26 <Netboy541> we take their cases 20:51:26 <DM|> Netboy541 lol 20:51:30 <Netboy541> and recycle them. :P 20:51:34 <meatballhat> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/CDdistribution/Workbench 20:51:44 <meatballhat> http://ohionet.org/ 20:51:46 <jgedeon> "What AOL should have sent you!" 20:51:47 <DM|> theidiotthatisme OLF? 20:51:52 <meatballhat> http://oplin.org/ 20:52:03 * meatballhat runs out of linkies 20:52:08 <Netboy541> DVD cases are like 20 bucks for 100 off ebay 20:52:18 <Netboy541> i'm sure i can find them cheaper, but i didn't look all that hard 20:52:34 <theidiotthatisme> DM|: Ohio Linux Fest 20:52:54 <meatballhat> Netboy541: anyone who wants to get DVD cases, go for it --- I'll be getting a run of between 250-500 covers and booklets printed 20:52:55 <DM|> theidiotthatisme ah, i offered to bring music, not guarnteed that they will let us play it 20:53:11 <meatballhat> ...and I only have 30 red cases for starters 20:53:37 <theidiotthatisme> meatballhat: I'll keep an eye out 20:53:45 <meatballhat> theidiotthatisme: schweet 20:53:49 <Netboy541> i'll see what i can find too 20:54:32 <Craig564> brb 20:54:45 <Netboy541> meatballhat, are these paper inserts you're having printed? 20:54:57 <DM|> i found 100 for 23 bucks 20:54:59 <meatballhat> paper, yup 20:55:07 <DM|> http://www.shop4tech.com/item1853.html DVD cases 20:55:16 <meatballhat> the cases must have a plastic outer sleeve 20:55:21 <Netboy541> yeah 20:55:27 <Netboy541> like your regular DVD cases 20:55:34 <meatballhat> precisely 20:55:34 <Netboy541> with the clear overlay? 20:55:35 <meatballhat> :D 20:55:37 <meatballhat> yup 20:55:45 <Netboy541> gotcha... same thing i was thinking 20:55:52 <DM|> ah 20:56:05 * bordy (n=chris@153-161.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com) has left #ubuntu-ohio ("Konversation terminated!") 20:56:21 * meatballhat and theidiotthatisme also have lightscribe drives ... for Xubuntu, PPC builds, etc 20:56:25 <DM|> with clear plastic sleaves http://www.discmakers.com/shop/ItemDetails.aspx?ItemID=DVD020-00001 20:56:31 <DM|> sleeves 20:56:34 <theidiotthatisme> Correct 20:56:41 <theidiotthatisme> I have an external lightscribe drive in fact lol 20:56:57 <Netboy541> dang 20:57:03 <Netboy541> i don't make enough a year for that 20:57:05 <Netboy541> lol 20:57:13 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: It was 120 20:57:29 <DM|> eek 20:57:41 <DM|> i have... nothing :P 20:57:44 <Netboy541> dang 20:57:47 <Netboy541> you stole that 20:57:50 <theidiotthatisme> I got it back when still in college and working though lol 20:57:55 <jgedeon> The Shop4Tech prices are nice. 20:58:03 <DM|> thought u were 18 theiditothatisme 20:58:08 <Brady_M> Uhm I can get lightscribes now for 39 bucks prices on stuffs keepss dropping not allot of computers sold this year. marketsoverloaded. companies are trying to dump it off 20:58:33 <theidiotthatisme> DM|: I am 18 20:58:38 <Netboy541> well jeeze 20:58:42 <theidiotthatisme> That was end of last semester 20:58:45 <Netboy541> maybe i should get in on the bandwagon 20:58:47 <DM|> theidiotthatisme college at 18 ? man i wish i coulda dont that 20:59:00 <lyceum> Brady_M: yeah, i got mine for $30 and it burns dual layer DVDs 20:59:25 <theidiotthatisme> DM|: I went to college right after HS, but left at the end of the first semester. Going to a different one in Fall, I'll be 19 20:59:29 <Craig564> back 20:59:48 <theidiotthatisme> WB Craig564 20:59:56 <Craig564> thanks 20:59:57 <lyceum> nice chatting with all of you, gotta run 21:00:00 * lyceum (n=david@adsl-68-77-176-43.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net) has left #ubuntu-ohio 21:00:44 <linuxcolumbus> same here, have fun (gosh ya'll are young I'm 40). 21:00:54 <Vorian> so anything else? 21:00:58 <meatballhat> linuxcolumbus: we're all over the map :) 21:01:09 <jgedeon> linuxcolumbus: don't feel bad there are other in the same boat as you. LOL 21:01:12 <Brady_M> I'm 32 the 22nd 21:01:12 <Vorian> <----- 63 21:01:18 <meatballhat> Vorian: I like compoooters .... anyone else here like compoooters? 21:01:21 <Craig564> 40 here 21:01:21 <DM|> Vorian u really are 63? 21:01:32 * Crane (n=jason@24-196-4-216.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com) has joined #ubuntu-ohio 21:02:04 <Vorian> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StephenStalcup 21:02:05 <Vorian> no 21:02:05 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: We got more info from Shafetech 21:02:08 <jgedeon> <-- old enough to know better and young enough to still try and get away with it 21:02:10 <Brady_M> Vorian: was going to say, dude.. you age well LOL 21:02:38 * linuxcolumbus has quit ("all") 21:03:05 <DM|> <-- 21 years old 21:03:06 <Netboy541> 26 21:03:44 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: We're getting three computers for OLF 21:03:45 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: Lent by Shafetech 21:03:51 <Netboy541> hey i'm coming to linuxfest 21:03:55 <Netboy541> i am bringing my laptops 21:04:01 <Netboy541> all running kubuntu 21:04:07 <Netboy541> and i can provide a desktop for use 21:04:14 <Vorian> kewl theidiotthatisme :) 21:04:18 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: Add it to the Wiki 21:04:24 <meatballhat> our booth is going to be overflowing with compooters :P 21:04:32 <Netboy541> <coughs> i dunno how to do that meatballhat 21:04:33 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: One desktop and two laptops. One laptop is not yet released ;) 21:04:33 <Netboy541> :) 21:04:34 <Vorian> I'll see if carl will raise that :) 21:04:36 <Brady_M> I could bring a system built wityh a bit of flare.. blue LED's Dualie Monitors.. tell me. 21:04:42 <jgedeon> Fine I'll just bring my good looks then! 21:04:53 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OLF#preview 21:04:54 <DM|> i will bring my laptop for personal use :) 21:04:57 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: Carl? 21:05:02 <Vorian> s76 21:05:13 <theidiotthatisme> Sweet! I tried contacting them with no success 21:05:13 <DM|> gotta go guys, they are closing panerea 21:05:20 <Netboy541> my toshiba is mine... no one touches it unless they are fixing something tho! :) 21:05:29 <Netboy541> evo's i'm not so worried with 21:05:30 <theidiotthatisme> Shafetech jumped at the chance 21:05:33 <DM|> Later guys ! 21:05:38 <Netboy541> later dm 21:05:38 <theidiotthatisme> Vorian: I will forward you the last email from Shafetech 21:05:43 <theidiotthatisme> Bye DM| 21:05:44 <Vorian> theidiotthatisme, I have a line :) 21:06:00 <Netboy541> vorian, the company i own buys computers by the skid 21:06:08 <Netboy541> coming up with PCs shouldn't be an issue. :) 21:06:10 * meatballhat is still planning to bring a 4MB stick of memory and a watch battery 21:06:16 <jgedeon> L8rs DM| 21:06:26 <Craig564> gotta run...cya everyone 21:06:28 <Vorian> Netboy541, are you hiring? 21:06:30 * DM| has quit ("I LIKE TOAST *poof* *puff of smoke*") 21:06:34 <meatballhat> goodnight, Craig564! 21:06:35 <Vorian> :) 21:06:39 <Netboy541> we are internet based. :) 21:06:47 <theidiotthatisme> Goodnight Craig564! 21:06:50 * Craig564 (n=craig@adsl-70-228-107-244.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net) has left #ubuntu-ohio 21:06:51 <Netboy541> no store or anything just yet 21:07:01 <Vorian> well! 21:07:05 <Netboy541> but, that can change with enough help 21:07:09 <Vorian> I'm your man for store operations! 21:07:14 <Netboy541> sweeeeeeeeeet 21:07:29 <Netboy541> we're working on raising more capitor 21:07:30 <Netboy541> l 21:07:35 <meatballhat> Vorian == Tractor King 21:07:36 <Netboy541> and making room for storage 21:07:45 <Netboy541> once we got those issues hammered out, it's on 21:07:48 <jgedeon> LOL @ meatballhat 21:07:50 <Netboy541> buy buy buy 21:07:51 <Vorian> meatballhat, I have some pick you have to see 21:07:53 <Netboy541> sell sell sell 21:08:05 <Vorian> I have 150 Cub Cadets right now :) 21:08:05 <meatballhat> Netboy541: I'm raising capitor in my clone bath 21:08:08 <Brady_M> Just a small mom & pop shop in a little town :( 21:08:21 <meatballhat> Brady_M's shop is the bee's knees!!! 21:08:54 <Netboy541> i need help with getting money such as grants 21:08:54 <Vorian> meatballhat, did jenda get with you on posters today? 21:09:15 <meatballhat> Vorian: I received 10 from him by mail ... 21:09:25 <Vorian> hehe 21:09:26 <meatballhat> I'm meeting with a local printer tomorrow 21:09:27 <Brady_M> Yea1 I'm still wanting to put a poster in the store window 21:09:29 <Netboy541> we should get some of those powered by ubuntu stickers 21:09:37 <Netboy541> and maybe get some kubuntu stickers made too 21:09:46 <Vorian> meatballhat, Brady_M is needing a poster 21:09:46 <meatballhat> we'll be getting more printed here in Bedford that I can distribute in Ohio 21:09:47 * Crane is now known as Crane_ 21:09:51 <Netboy541> that way when you rip off the windoze stickers, they don't look so bad 21:09:58 <Vorian> lol Netboy541 21:10:18 <meatballhat> Netboy541: stickers, too, of course ... I want to make it worth the printer's while 21:10:20 <Netboy541> whenever we get some kubuntu stickers run, i want to know about that! :) 21:10:28 <Vorian> pfft! 21:10:30 <Brady_M> People are coming in the store now saying they downloaded it and need help. ... seriously.. I have Ubunizing an entire town 21:10:49 <theidiotthatisme> Brady_M: Good for business ;) 21:10:53 <Netboy541> oh 21:10:55 * Crane_ is now known as Crane 21:10:55 <Netboy541> BTW -- 21:10:57 <meatballhat> Brady_M: go! dominate!! 21:11:07 <Netboy541> G4L is the greatest tool ever to have in your cd book 21:11:11 <Netboy541> ghost for linux 21:11:20 <Netboy541> if you don't have it, GET IT. you'll thank me later 21:11:38 <Brady_M> Yea, had a couple come in and they installed it and wanted me to help confirgure a few things. They heard about it from one of my donations 21:12:02 <Netboy541> I wonder if 21:12:04 <meatballhat> Brady_M: that is ****awesome**** 21:12:15 <Netboy541> I can spread the ubuntu-way here in butler county 21:12:16 <Netboy541> hmmm 21:12:23 * meatballhat prods Seekker via the logbot 21:12:56 <meatballhat> FreeGeek Akron in 2008!! 21:13:31 <Brady_M> Netboy541: You can signup for an affiliate program. You just need to have installed it enough times etc and eventually what will happen is you can plug their logos etc on your site etc 21:13:44 <Brady_M> no cost for affilate program. 21:13:50 <meatballhat> alright, y'alls ... I'm out .... /me need shower 21:13:55 <meatballhat> Brady_M: noted ;-) 21:13:59 <meatballhat> thank you :) 21:14:03 <Vorian> later meatballhat 21:14:04 <jgedeon> meatballhat: you stink! LOL 21:14:08 <jgedeon> L8rs meatballhat 21:14:13 <theidiotthatisme> Bye meatballhat! 21:14:15 <Netboy541> hm... 21:14:17 <theidiotthatisme> I'll keep you updated 21:14:19 <theidiotthatisme> On Shafetech 21:14:19 <meatballhat> jgedeon: you don't know the half of it :) 21:14:26 <meatballhat> laters!! 21:14:31 * meatballhat (n=dbuch@ubuntu/member/meatballhat) has left #ubuntu-ohio ("I'll be late for that") 21:15:00 <Brady_M> Netboy541: http://www.ubuntu.com/partner 21:15:08 <Netboy541> sweet 21:15:27 <Netboy541> how about that 21:15:30 <Netboy541> a 404! 21:15:34 <Brady_M> uhg. 21:15:40 <Brady_M> one sec 21:16:08 <Brady_M> Netboy541: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners 21:17:00 <Brady_M> affiliates free, just meet the criteria 21:17:33 <theidiotthatisme> :-) 21:17:36 <theidiotthatisme> Sweetness 21:17:41 <Netboy541> oooh 21:18:04 <Netboy541> well 21:18:06 <theidiotthatisme> Alrighty 21:18:07 <Brady_M> Still awaiting a responce though... been 30 days 21:18:12 <theidiotthatisme> Just wanted to make one last note before heading off 21:18:18 <Netboy541> sounds to me like i need to get goin on getting some captiol and stuff 21:18:53 <Vorian> theidiotthatisme, what is it then? :) 21:18:55 <Netboy541> whats up theidiotthatisme 21:19:52 <theidiotthatisme> IF YOU'D LIKE TO attend OLF or bring some stuff (like computers, etc.) please add it to the Wiki 21:19:58 <theidiotthatisme> oopsie sorry for the caps lol 21:20:15 <Netboy541> i'm deaf 21:20:16 <Netboy541> lol 21:20:23 <theidiotthatisme> It will help for planning and provides a central place for knowing what we're bringing 21:20:32 <Netboy541> ok, i have never ever modified a wiki 21:20:39 <Netboy541> <now i feel dumb> 21:20:52 <Netboy541> so, if one of you feels so inclined 21:20:58 <Netboy541> i will bring my two laptops 21:21:04 <theidiotthatisme> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OLF Wiki page 21:21:09 <Brady_M> Netboy541: took me roughly 20 min to figure it out. the details on commands are listed below once you hit edit 21:21:17 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: Help on editing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OLF 21:21:19 <Netboy541> ok 21:21:20 <theidiotthatisme> oopsie 21:21:35 <theidiotthatisme> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnFormatting 21:21:36 <theidiotthatisme> There 21:21:37 <theidiotthatisme> lol 21:21:58 <theidiotthatisme> If you've ever used HTML it's similar... kinda... lol but more simple. 21:22:22 <Netboy541> ok trying now 21:22:42 <theidiotthatisme> Netboy541: It's actually very simple to learn and get used to. Dont worry about errors, we'll fix them ;) A lot of our work and planning is done via Wiki