19:30 [ wisd0m] its 7:30 now...
19:30 ::: jamesstansell [n=james@h84.136.91.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-ok
19:30 [ wisd0m] go
19:30 [ Palintheus] wisd0m: since duane sent the email with the agenda it's probably best to wait a few
19:30 [ wisd0m] ok... :)
19:30 [ Palintheus] I was planning on letting him direct the meeting
19:32 ::: duanedesign [n=duanedes@ip68-13-247-115.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-ok
19:32 [ JHalstead] songbird doesn't do MTP devices?  The add on talks of requiring XP :-(  \
19:32 [ wisd0m] MTP?
19:33 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: channel is yours!
19:33 [ duanedesign] hey hey
19:33 [ JHalstead] my ceative zen is a MTP device
19:33 [ wisd0m] ok
19:33 [ JHalstead] Media Transfer Protocol
19:33 [ duanedesign] Well I recon everyone has had a chance to look at the mailing list email i sent
19:34 [ JHalstead] anyhow, meeting
19:34 [ duanedesign] is there anything that sticks out that you think man we gotta do that
19:34 ::: mode/#ubuntu-us-ok [+o Palintheus] by ChanServ
19:34 ::: Palintheus changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ok to: IRC MEETING, Please read this if you haven't https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ok/2008-November/000143.html
19:34 ::: mode/#ubuntu-us-ok [-o Palintheus] by ChanServ
19:35 [ Palintheus] I think starting small with triaging bugs and getting some activity within the group is good before looking to do outside stuff
19:35 [ duanedesign] I agree
19:36 [ duanedesign] stuff that we can do from home
19:36 [ wisd0m] yeah
19:36 [ Palintheus] honestly that is something I've never done, so if we can organize a class of sorts here that would be great
19:36 [ duanedesign] I know if you dont have programming experience you can do things like look for duplicates
19:37 [ jamesstansell] I've been trying to help with java-related bugs and questions; don't think I could do 5 a day though
19:37 [ duanedesign] and attach bug reports to packages
19:37 [ JHalstead] That would be a great start.  Also, I joined to late to help that guy that was asking for a speaker.  And though I would of offered to help I would really like to have something more professional
19:37 [ duanedesign] I wonder if that is 5 a day for the group
19:37 [ duanedesign] :)
19:38 [ duanedesign] I did start a "paper" on Linux
19:38 ::: billie0w [n=billie0w@] has joined #ubuntu-us-ok
19:38 [ duanedesign] It talks about the history and the basics of the OS
19:38 [ billie0w] finally made it
19:38 [ billie0w] evening everyone
19:38 [ Palintheus] heya billie0w
19:38 [ JHalstead] howdie
19:38 [ wisd0m] hi
19:38 [ duanedesign] how
19:40 [ duanedesign]  I think having a paper that someone  could use to give a talk about ubuntu would be good. That way regardless of individual knowledge someone could give a good talk.
19:40 [ duanedesign] I started a paper but it needs to be narrowed down
19:40 [ duanedesign] I kinda geek out on that stuff
19:40 [ Palintheus] yeah and maybe get a OOo presentation together
19:40 [ duanedesign] and include way too much
19:40 [ duanedesign] sorry I type slow
19:41 [ duanedesign] OOo is Open Office
19:41 [ duanedesign] Open Office presentor
19:41 [ JHalstead] exactly, I've been using Ubuntu since 5.10 and linux for longer.  But I'm sure their are others that know more than me.
19:42 [ duanedesign] I can email what I have out over the mailing list tonight
19:42 [ wisd0m] ok
19:42 [ JHalstead] is your current draft public>?  I'd really like to see what you're thinking.  Perhaps help get an outline and go from their
19:42 [ jamesstansell] sorry, I'm going to have to go
19:42 [ duanedesign] I could put it on the wiki perhaps
19:42 [ duanedesign] bye james
19:42 [ duanedesign] thanks for coming
19:43 [ duanedesign] I did good on the history, but the explanation of the parts of the OS needs work
19:43 [ Palintheus] we could use google docs for collaboration on the paper
19:43 [ duanedesign] hey glad you brought thAT UP
19:44 [ duanedesign] I saw a mention of a google docs calendar in the archives
19:44 [ Palintheus] yeah it was talked about in the OKC face to face we had
19:44 [ Palintheus] (I think)
19:44 [ duanedesign] we could set up a google apps account for our Loco
19:45 [ wisd0m] good idea
19:45 [ duanedesign] I know you can upload excel to Google docs, I wonder if you cannd do the same with Open Office
19:46 [ jamesstansell] bye all
19:46 ::: jamesstansell [n=james@h84.136.91.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
19:46 [ wisd0m] Export and Import your documents to and from Google Docs, Zoho and WebDAV servers.
19:46 [ wisd0m] It can export:
19:46 [ wisd0m] yeah
19:46 [ Palintheus] random thought, I really think it would be good to have regional groups maybe to do cd handouts and booth type stuff at local conventions, computer or anything
19:46 [ wisd0m] that was from open office site
19:47 [ duanedesign] I also have some neat visuals thanks to Wikipedia and their Creative Commons licenses illustrating the Unix family tree
19:47 [ wisd0m] I would ove to have a tulsa meetup and CD handout
19:47 [ wisd0m] so, how long is this history doc?
19:47 [ duanedesign] Palintheus: do we have too be approved to get a bulk batch of CD's
19:47 [ Palintheus] yes
19:48 [ Palintheus] but I helped the LA LoCo put on a booth at a ham radio fest and we got cd's printed with custom labels pretty cheap, it just took people pitching in a bit
19:48 [ duanedesign] I know you can buy likeor so off the canonical site for a reasonable price
19:49 [ JHalstead] I personally like google, if you look past privacy I think it would be a great tool.  Are most of you in Tulsa?  I wouldn't mind helping but I'm OKC.  And what's reasonable price?
19:49 [ duanedesign] I am just brainstorming here but we could do a fundraiser to buy them.
19:49 [ Palintheus] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/Projects/MonroeHamFest
19:49 [ Palintheus] JHalstead: I'm in Norman
19:49 [ Palintheus] I'm trying to find what we paid
19:51 [ Palintheus] I'll find out, can't find it at the momen
19:51 [ Palintheus] tt
19:51 [ duanedesign] wellCD's is $149
19:51 [ Palintheus] yeah we gotfor less than that, not sure how much, but we did
19:51 [ duanedesign] off the canonical site
19:51 [ duanedesign] good that is a little high
19:52 [ wisd0m] thats with the box and all?
19:52 [ Palintheus] paper sleeves with a window
19:52 [ duanedesign] I just got my free version in the mail yesterday w/ stickers
19:53 [ Palintheus] but I talked sys76 into a demo laptop, and had several others and scrounged up parts to give away two PCs
19:54 [ Palintheus] we obviously aren't at that level yet, but within 6 mos we coudl be
19:54 [ duanedesign] It took me forever to get the windows, AMD, and NVIDIA stickers off my laptop. They dont want it to be easy. But I replaced them proudly w/ Ubuntu stickers
19:54 [ Palintheus] we just need to organize ourselves first
19:54 [ duanedesign] cool
19:55 [ duanedesign] Ok so we need to put together some info to help us learn triaging.
19:55 [ wisd0m] yeah
19:55 [ duanedesign] I will Email or post my paper
19:55 [ Palintheus] I think that's a good start
19:55 [ duanedesign] so we can edit
19:55 [ wisd0m] i tried to follow the online guide, i'm lost
19:55 [ Palintheus] anyone feel free to post to the wiki, just please comment your edits btw
19:56 [ wisd0m] what wiki?
19:56 [ duanedesign] Ok,  I think I only commented the last one I did
19:56 [ Palintheus] I also recommend people set up a wiki for yourself even if it's mostly blank, it help signing pages, making lists on the wiki, etc easier
19:56 [ Palintheus] wisd0m: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OklahomaTeam
19:56 [ duanedesign] yeah everyone needs to add themselves to the members list
19:57 [ wisd0m] thanks
19:57 [ Palintheus] I designed it so feel free to ask me if you have any questions about layout, where stuff is, etc
19:57 [ Palintheus] or to tell me it's bad and you are going to re do it, >_>
19:57 [ Palintheus] ;)
19:57 [ wisd0m] ok
19:58 [ Palintheus] Also I want ot bring up...
19:58 [ duanedesign] anyone familiar with setting up a google docs account
19:59 [ Palintheus] I'm currently the team owner on launchpad, the channel contact here on freenode, and active admin on the mailing list, I honestly don't have the time to watch for applications, or look for m oderated posts on the ML so anyone that would be willing ot spend some time day to day if needed on this  would be great
19:59 [ JHalstead] I've done personal account.  but that's no problem.  I have no clue about a "team" account. But if want I can look into it
19:59 [ Palintheus] I don't like members being pending more than a day, but can't find the time a lot of days
20:00 [ wisd0m] i have a docs account
20:00 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: it would probably be just a personal acct with an acct name like  okloco or ubuntuoklahoma
20:01 [ JHalstead] If you'll explain what exactly needs to be done I'll talk over some of that.  I have a little extra time most days
20:01 [ duanedesign] If you go to google apps you can sign up for a business account. but it wants a domain to attach to the account
20:01 [ duanedesign] uhh what is our website
20:01 [ Palintheus] sec
20:02 [ Palintheus] http://www.ubuntuoklahoma.org/
20:02 [ duanedesign] here is what i was thinking we set this up at my work once.  http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/editions.html
20:02 [ duanedesign] Of course we would use standard (free)
20:04 [ duanedesign] there is an option to get a premier edition free for non profits, schools
20:04 [ duanedesign] I dont know if we come close to qualifying for thaT
20:04 [ Palintheus] probably have to be a 501c
20:05 [ wisd0m] yeah
586 20:06 ::: jamesstansell [n=hansel@h84.136.91.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-ok
20:06 [ duanedesign] number of users? 50
20:06 [ Palintheus] lemme see what the launchpad numbers are
20:06 [ duanedesign] is that optimistic
20:07 [ duanedesign] I think we had 44?
20:07 [ jamesstansell] launchpad was close to 50 last I saw
20:07 [ Palintheus] 45
20:07 [ duanedesign] ill do 100, leave room for growth
20:07 [ Palintheus] yeah
20:07 [ duanedesign] :)
20:09 [ duanedesign] hey under organization name?
20:09 [ duanedesign] Oklahoma LoCo
20:09 [ Palintheus] Oklahoma Ubuntu LoCo
20:09 [ wisd0m] OkLoCo
20:09 [ wisd0m] OkLoLoCo?
20:09 [ duanedesign] lol
20:09 [ wisd0m] OkLa...
20:10 [ wisd0m] sorry, forgot our 'song'
20:10 [ billie0w] OKoLoCo
20:10 [ duanedesign] where the wind comes sweeping down the plains
20:11 [ duanedesign] what do you guys use for email primarily , evolution
20:11 [ wisd0m] that sone nearly ruing my life.
20:11 [ wisd0m] Thunderbird
20:11 [ Palintheus] I use gmails web interface
20:11 [ wisd0m] evolution is crap
20:11 [ billie0w] T-Bird
20:12 [ JHalstead] FastMail, webmail
20:12 [ wisd0m] and my new Peek
20:13 [ duanedesign] getting close on the goole thing
20:13 [ duanedesign] one step though
20:13 [ duanedesign] Create a HTML verification file named googlehostedservice.html , copy the text specified below into it, and upload it to http://ubuntuoklahoma.org/ .
20:13 [ duanedesign] google774993092928b120
20:13 [ Palintheus] ah yeah forgot about that
20:13 [ Palintheus] would have to contact Steve
20:14 [ duanedesign] ok
621 20:14 [ duanedesign] Palintheus: wnat the same user name
20:15 [ Palintheus] ?
20:15 [ duanedesign] wisd0?m:  and you
20:15 [ duanedesign] to sign into google apps
20:15 [ wisd0m] what?
20:15 [ wisd0m] what was the Q
20:16 [ Palintheus] trey.brown
20:16 [ wisd0m] google name?
20:16 [ duanedesign] I have n account for ubuntu oklahoma.org on google apps and i am trying to get everyone a login and password
20:17 [ wisd0m] yeah, wisd0m will work
20:19 [ duanedesign] wisd0m: what name can i use
20:20 [ duanedesign] 3 fields namlast and usernamee, first
20:20 [ Palintheus] we will have to use the temporary url until Steve can set up the DNS to mail.ubuntuoklahoma.org or however that will work
20:20 [ duanedesign] first, last, username
20:20 [ wisd0m] luke, wisdom, wisd0m
20:21 [ duanedesign] yeah i think at work we never actually used the email function
20:21 [ duanedesign] we will still be able to use the calendar and docs
20:21 [ Palintheus] well we could do docs.ubuntu... as well
20:22 [ duanedesign] wisdom with a 0 instead of O that is zero not capital O
20:24 [ wisd0m] wisd [zero] m
20:26 [ duanedesign] https://www.google.com/a/ubuntuoklahoma.org/ServiceLogin?service=CPanel&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%3A443%2Fa%2Fcpanel%2Fubuntuoklahoma.org%2FDashboard&passive=true
20:26 [ duanedesign] that is were I signed in
20:26 [ duanedesign] long enough
20:27 [ Palintheus] hmm cpanel..
20:27 [ duanedesign] what that be
20:28 [ Palintheus] site configuration/management
20:28 [ Palintheus] saw it in the url, figured google would homebrew what they use
20:28 [ jamesstansell] https://www.google.com/a/ubuntuoklahoma.org seems to redirect there
20:29 ::: Irssi: #ubuntu-us-ok: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]
20:29 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: can you set up jamesstansell and billie0w as well, and others if active or when they are active
20:30 [ duanedesign] absoloutely, I will try and set it up where others can invite, I think that setting is in there somewhere
652 20:31 [ wisd0m] works for me
20:32 [ duanedesign] got james. billie, what shoul I use for a last name
20:32 [ Palintheus] well I have t oget everyone, I will post the log tomorrow on the wiki, glad we organized a bit, I really hope it picks up
20:32 [ duanedesign] ok cool
20:33 [ Palintheus] JHalstead: email me with what you are willing to help out with , launchpad, mailing list, irc, forum moderator and we can go from there, others who want to help out, just /msg me here I'm ne arly always connected
20:34 [ duanedesign] cool I am going to try and connect everynight when i get home
20:34 [ Palintheus] JHalstead: you can /msg me as well if that's easier
20:34 [ billie0w] Billie Walsh billie0w (billie"zero"w)
20:34 [ wisd0m] love the zero...
20:35 [ duanedesign] I feel left out
20:35 [ wisd0m] everyone else takes the 'O'
20:35 [ duanedesign] any one watching the B ball game
20:35 [ wisd0m] duane0?
20:35 [ wisd0m] what game?
20:35 [ duanedesign] there was a garbage pail kid clogged DuaneO
20:36 [ duanedesign] OU and SCU
20:36 [ wisd0m] no
20:36 [ wisd0m] i am going to the TU football game on SAt
20:36 [ jamesstansell] just call me jam0s
20:36 [ wisd0m] ok
20:37 [ wisd0m] that sounds like a new distro
20:37 [ wisd0m] who is in Tulsa and wants to have an informal meetup?
20:37 [ duanedesign] I am
20:38 [ jamesstansell] I am
20:38 [ duanedesign] cool
20:38 [ duanedesign] The Tulsa LUG meets every month at the Hardesty library
20:38 [ duanedesign] just FYI
20:39 [ duanedesign] We can meet at borders or the trendy Starbucks
20:40 [ duanedesign] somewhere that is a hotspot would be cool
20:40 [ wisd0m] any one want to go to the 2600 meeting tomorrow?
20:40 [ wisd0m] cherry street coffey house?
20:41 [ duanedesign] what is the 2600 meeting
20:41 [ wisd0m] http://www.2600.com
20:41 [ wisd0m] hackers...
20:41 [ wisd0m] ubuntu users
20:42 [ wisd0m] its very small, at promanade mall at 5pm tomorrow
20:42 [ wisd0m] food court
20:43 [ duanedesign] cherry street coffee would be good for our meeting it is close too me I live by TU
20:45 [ wisd0m] i live less than two block from there, a selfish choice
20:45 [ jamesstansell] Errorfrom sites.google.com for me
20:46 [ jamesstansell] I'm not sure where cherry st coffee is, but sounds like it wouldn't be too far from my office 15th & sheridan
20:46 [ duanedesign] ok we need to upload something to our site to get all the features. however i thin i got the google docs going for our google apps account
20:46 [ duanedesign] http://docs.google.com/a/ubuntuoklahoma.org
20:46 [ wisd0m] its on 15
20:47 [ wisd0m] 15th between utica and peroia
20:47 [ wisd0m] across from subway
20:47 [ duanedesign] jamesstansell:  https://www.google.com/a/ubuntuoklahoma.org  that does not work
20:48 [ billie0w] worked for me
20:49 [ wisd0m] works
20:49 [ jamesstansell] that last one is the main page
20:49 ::: mode/#ubuntu-us-ok [+o Palintheus] by ChanServ
20:49 ::: Palintheus changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ok to: Bringing Ubuntu to Oklahoma! || IRC Meeting: TBA || Wiki: http://is.gd/4L9U || Forums: http://is.gd/4L9V || Intrepid Torrent: http://is.gd/5dZ2 || Als o check out #oklinux and #tulsalug ||
20:49 ::: mode/#ubuntu-us-ok [-o Palintheus] by ChanServ
20:49 [ jamesstansell] the prev gave "This service is not enabled for ubuntuoklahoma.org. If you believe this is an error, please contact your domain administrator or try again with the following link."
20:49 [ jamesstansell] and the link gave the same err msg
20:50 [ wisd0m] you have AT&T?
20:51 [ wisd0m] james, duane: what is a good time to meetup. day/time?
20:51 [ duanedesign] scratch the docs thing on our Google account not working yet
20:51 [ duanedesign] I work weekdays till 6
20:52 [ jamesstansell] hey - the email worked :)
20:52 [ jamesstansell] been a very long time since I saw an empty gmail box
20:52 [ duanedesign] anyone know how to get ahold of Steve
714 20:52 [ duanedesign] so we can upload the verification to our website
20:52 [ Palintheus] duanedesign: let me get the email I have
20:53 [ duanedesign] and get access to the rest of the features
20:53 [ Palintheus] steve@friservices.com
20:53 [ duanedesign] thank You
20:53 [ Palintheus] he may take a few days, but he usually responds
20:53 [ duanedesign] ok
21:00 [ wisd0m] ok, well: james, duane. if you ever want to meet up. feel free to email me or chat here. i'm kinda free after 5pm most days and weekends. luke@lukewisdom.com. good night
21:02 [ duanedesign] cya
21:02 [ jamesstansell] good night
21:04 [ duanedesign] I have been messing around with Gnome screen
21:05 [ duanedesign] I noticed alot of peoplle use irssi and Gnome Screenn
21:06 ::: wisd0m [n=luke@ip70-189-79-7.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
21:26 ::: JHalstead [n=jhalstea@ip68-97-200-190.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:29 [ jamesstansell] good night
21:30 ::: jamesstansell [n=hansel@h84.136.91.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
21:49 ::: billie0w [n=billie0w@] has left #ubuntu-us-ok ["Konversation terminated!"]
22:38 ::: duanedesign [n=duanedes@ip68-13-247-115.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit [""screw you guys I am going home." :)"]

OklahomaTeam/Meeting/2008Dec04 (last edited 2008-12-12 02:31:04 by ip72-200-197-155)