
Revision 8 as of 2007-08-16 05:34:51

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Oklahoma Team Information


This is the eventual page for the Oklahoma local community team.

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-oklahoma

The Oklahoma Team is just starting. If you have even the slightest interest in it please contact us. More information, including the mailing list, is on the launchpad page.

Also, if you agree with the CodeOfConduct, you can indicate so by signing it. Your launchpad page will then show that you are an ubuntero.

Please look on the ["USTeams"] page for a transcript of #ubuntu-us meeting that was held on 20-Jan-2007.

possible goals

provide support. find ways to spread ubuntu, linux and open source. Let people know there are options worth considering, and long-term computing dangers of following the crowd. that sort of thing.

Some other possibilities are currently shown on the launchpad page (copied from the UtahTeam - thanks!) Let us know what ideas you have!

Please join in!

We're obviously still looking for ideas and people to help make them happen. I'd love to see a well-balanced group where geeks are outnumbered by "normal" computer users. Is Oklahoma is anywhere near ready for that?

General Resources

Here are some general linux resources in Oklahoma. Please help expand this list!

CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams