One Hundred Papercuts

Revision 51 as of 2012-12-30 16:37:20

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What is the One Hundred Paper Cuts project?

The goal of the One Hundred Paper Cuts project is to target the little annoyances in Ubuntu. These bugs are normally considered too low priority for the developers of the apps in question, who already have more than enough to work on, and so the One Hundred Paper Cuts project comes along and picks them up. In each release cycle, we aim to fix 100 of these little bugs and in doing so, Ubuntu is given a layer of polish that is not typically found in other Linux distros.

Frequently asked questions

Paper Cut Cycles

Fixing a paper cut

You can find paper cuts ready to work on by looking at the milestones, or going through bug reports that have the 'Triaged' status.

  • Assign yourself to the bug of the paper cut you selected and set its status to 'In Progress';
  • Work on a solution and commit it in a branch to Launchpad, or generate a patch;
  • Attach the branch or patch to the bug report;
  • You can choose to either make sure your solution gets added to Ubuntu and forwarded upstream yourself, or you can wait for the Papercutters to help you with that. Be prepared to process feedback about your solution.

Once the bug is fixed leave the papercut task assigned to yourself. Members who have helped fix papercuts are listed in the Hall Of Fame.

For more information about how to fix bugs, also see: Helping with bug fixing.

Triaging paper cuts

People who would like to help with managing the flow of incoming paper cuts can contribute by triaging the bug reports on the One Hundred Paper Cuts project at Launchpad.

  • Verify the bug is a valid paper cut;
  • Verify the paper cut can be reproduced in the development release of Ubuntu;
  • Verify the paper cut report contains all necessary information;

    • If not, ask the reporter to provide the information that is lacking;

If you checked all points above, the paper cut is sufficiently triaged and can be marked as such. If the bug is ready to be worked on, assign it to the Papercuts Ninja team—papercuts-ninja on Launchpad—so they will receive a message.

When you are an active contributor to papercut triaging, you can be asked or ask to join the Papercutters team.

If you are looking for more information about bug triaging, a good source of information is: Helping with bugs.

Contact and help

If you want to ask a question or need help, please feel free to contact us via the following communication channels: